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Films/TV => Alien vs Predator Films => Topic started by: Infected on Jan 01, 2017, 03:11:10 PM

Title: Game changer
Post by: Infected on Jan 01, 2017, 03:11:10 PM
I just read the Prometheus thread where they wanted it to change to an AVP movie.

So why not change some other movies and lets talk if they had those things in it would it be a good AVP movie,
and better then the ones we got..

Lets start with Predators, im assuming everybody has seen this movie.
So im giving every new idea a number so lets go!

1) the dropping scene, you have all these characters dropping in like acid rain, what if one of these guys had colonial marine armor and was in fact a colonial marine, armed only with a handgun and no helmet or anything. only later in the movie Royce finds out he is from 2090, so it would suggest or Royce and the humans have been a sleep for a very long time, on their way to that game planet, or different timelines converge as for some beings that are highly intelligent made it possible, thus making the predators not the real game players but just puppets (without knowing themselves) from lets say real space jockeys?
How are your thoughts on this theory?

2) disregarding 1) this just moves on to the original movie and so no timeline stuff, we delete the super predators and go for just elite predators looking like the original ones, with each their own individual look and styles one of them is Wolf from Requiem and one is the one on the totem but his armor has the look of that of Robocop in Robocop2 a little blue metal look but he has much better cloaking.
So the characters are the same, the changes are the cages that holded xenomorphs, and all are different xenos, from the original one to the doglike from Alien 3 and then some more special ones.
Eventually finding an engineer head a half one instead of finding that trophy statue, then when they enter the forest stage they here a big laugh like the one from Billy from Predator 1987, and the grass moves fiercly and things crawl towards them its a bunch of facehuggers that are secretly released by the preds and you have almost the same scene as in Predators the movie, except the Mexican gets jumped by a facehugger and the idf woman sees this and she runs towards him from like 40 meter away he is lying next to a bush and then when she almost on him, out of the bushes comes the original xenomorph with a heavy bass hiss and grabbing his head and the tail wrapping around his stomach and the idf woman scare jumps back because the xeno is pretty big, lets say 1.90cm and not even standing fully but with a big shiny dark black head, and she falls back on her ass trying to get her sniper rifle but it jams at that moment isntantly the laser targeting tri dots are on her and she freezes even more and grabbing her handgun and pointing it at her head, then the predator in cloak deactivates the laser and jumps away and at that point the serial killer guy sees it and yell no etc, then the facehuggers are down and the idf woman tell/yells they need to go after the creature that took the mexican but Royce doesnt believe her and then the russian guy comes walking towards the group with a dead neomorph, as then they understand there are different creatures after them and they believe the woman and go for the mexican they find him and he is cocooned on a tree, but behind the tree and surrounding those bushes are dark areas, as its a border from a beautiful jungle/paradise to dark territory where there is only death for them, so they move and leave the mexican cocooned understanding that they should be happy and lucky to be alive and need to get out of there asap, the african soldier executes the cocooned mexican with a shot through the head, while one of the predators is watching.
out of the dark creeps a xenomorph towards the predator that looked over the humans who walk away, the xeno lunges towards the predator but the predator responds quick and deflects its attack, but the sharp tail hits the chest armor hard but it doesnt penetrate, a firece fight between the two starts, the xeno greatly winning in strength against the predator and hurting him till green blood is visible, the predator launches its lasers and popping the alien skull right off, the camera moves around the predator and Wolf is revealed to almost losing the battle against one xeno, while the mexican gives birth to a xeno another predator watched the whole fight and birth of that xeno, wolf looks up to him and without a mask he growls very hard and mad.
the humans who heard the laser shooting and now hearing the loud mean growl are scared shitless and start running running like when you where a kid and afraid of something and you just ran with superpowers and stopped for nothing that kinda scare run.
Then they eventually run into the camp of the predators but the doctor who is (offcourse) the first runner falls and slips right into a bunch of ampules and a black goo mush is on the ground and the doctor is mostly covered in it, breathing heavily the team stops and look around and sees all these things in the camp, and then they hear a small growl and a cloaked predator comes from behind and stabs the african soldier in the back and lifts him up and his eyes light up and some run some start shooting, the doctor can hardly stand up and slips and falls and manages to get up chaos and laser shooting and gun fire everywhere they run and insert the water scene.
then the scene where they are holding up, Royce tells the doctor to run, he is running and the dog xeno pops up and starts chasing him, the doc runs like hell and the xeno keeps up with him easily but doesnt attack, Royce quitly says: why doesnt it attack him. then says take the shot to the idf woman and she shoots, the front of its head is blow off and sprays the dog with acid blood...yet the dog notices nothing.
Then Fishburn pops up and uncloaks etc he is wearing an engineer suit and a predator helmet, he introduces etc takes thim with him to his place, on the way to his place he asks the dog if he was hit the dog says yeah but only blood from the creature, while Fishburn looks shocked to him and asks him to show it and sees the drops but no damage but there are holes in his vest by the acid burns, Fishburn turns into paranoia mode, Fishburns place is a xeno looking place with corridors that look like that from Aliens.
Fishburn tricks them and thinks they are all infected like the doc etc.
They move through the structure to escape and come across alien and engineer stuff, most likely Fishburn was hiding in a engineer ship thats been there for a few decades.
Moving towards the end, a deacon shows up, the size of a queen, the doctor is now fully infected and is raging like Fifield,
the Japanese guy is finished by the predator but survives, but is pretty hurt and then in the dark there is the mutated doctor heavily breathing and lunges towards the predator who is fighting him off but his powers are too much and his rage just ripping the predator apart piece by piece.
the end is the mutated doctor vs Royce and the idf woman vs the giant deacon vs wolf.

Anyone liking it so far?