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Games => Alien-Predator Games => AvP Classic => Topic started by: Olde on Feb 13, 2015, 07:26:52 AM

Title: New AVP Classic 2000 Tournament on Steam
Post by: Olde on Feb 13, 2015, 07:26:52 AM
Hey guys, I just wanted to draw your attention to a new AVP Classic 2000 tournament just announced on Steam. It's hosted by BROOD-Malice and sponsored by Aliens versus Predator Classic 2000 Tournaments (http://avpct.com).

malice   [mal-is]        noun 
desire to inflict injury, harm, or suffering on another, either because of a hostile impulse or out of deep-seated meanness:
"the malice and spite of a lifelong enemy."

Law. evil intent on the part of a person who commits a wrongful act injurious to others.

It's time....It's tournament time!!   First of all I want to say thank you to Olde,  Newt-Skalatti, and Grzegorz for giving me a chance to host a different kind of tournament.  We've had some great tournaments lately, and some very deserving champions.   This time we are going to give something new a try, a deathmatch tournament.

We will start with league play on February 27th and end on March 22.  The league matches will take place on every Friday, Saturday, and Sunday during that time.  You can have your matches at any time on those days. However,  I will be on by at least 2pm Central time each of those days, and will be trying to organize matches in the group's chat room at that time.  I do recommend everyone to try to use the group's chat room, I'm sure it will be a good place to get a game going if you are looking for one.

How it works.
On the specified days, each participant can compete in one deathmatch a day with other league players.  There will be a designated map each day of league matches, we will get to that in a bit =).  There will be a MINIMUM limit of players per match, there must be at least 4 league players in the match for that match to count.  When hosting a game, the game needs to be set to private.  Each player can be whatever species he/she so desires. The weapons banned from the game will be the usual: grenade launcher, skeeter launcher, predator disc, predator pistol.  Each match will last 25 minutes, however the host needs to set the game to 27 minutes so all participants have time to get in the game and the game officially starts with 25 minutes left to play.  This time we are going to leave dynamic scoring on.  There will NOT be a score limit. I do request that everyone get a screenshot when time expires of the score.  Your point total from each match (no matter what place you are in the match) will be counted in your overall League score.  However, if you leave a match, you can not rejoin the game and your score will NOT count.  And it goes without saying, cheating will not be tolerated.

What's with the designated maps?
There will be six maps used in league play.  Each day of competition there will be a designated map out of those six.  I think it is best that all the participants have a say in what maps are going to be used.  So,  when you sign up on the registration discussion, I want each person to list the six maps you would like used in the tournament.  Pick your poison =).  The maps you can only be standard maps, though (no customs).  The top six mentioned in registration will be used in the map cycle.

When the League is over, the six players with the highest score move on to the deathmatch final.  The date for the deathmatch final will be announced soon.  The map for the final deathmatch will be one of the six maps used for the league, however, it will up to the audience to decide which map it is!

The good stuff!!!
First Place in score in the Final Match and Champion of the Tournament will receive a Steam game of his/her choice worth up to 60 US dollars. Second place will have a choice between two Steam games, Natural Selection 2 and Reflex. Third place will get the game (NS2 or Reflex) that the second place winner didn't pick.

I hope you all will enjoy this tournament.  This game (and most importantly its community) has been special to me for many years now. 

How to enter
To participate in the tournament, you must be a part of the Aliens versus Predator Classic 2000 Annual Tournaments group (http://steamcommunity.com/groups/avpct) on Steam, you must sign up in this Discussion thread (http://steamcommunity.com/groups/avpct/discussions/0/611698195153806205/), and you must list the six maps you want to play on. That's it! See you on the battlefield!!
Title: Re: New AVP Classic 2000 Tournament on Steam
Post by: Jegeren on Feb 18, 2015, 10:38:33 PM
That's awesome! I was always hoping this game would get a MP jolt. Do you need Steam to play the Multiplayer for Classic 2000? Are the MP games linked with the original retail release or is it separate from the Steam release?
Title: Re: New AVP Classic 2000 Tournament on Steam
Post by: Olde on Feb 19, 2015, 06:02:21 PM
Yeah, you'll need the Steam version to play this game's multiplayer. The netcode was updated in 2010 for multiplayer support and compatibility with modern operating systems (getting the base game AVP99/GE to work on anything past XP is a real pain), and the updated version, called Classic 2000, was released for a relatively low price point considering how awesome it is.
Title: Re: New AVP Classic 2000 Tournament on Steam
Post by: Olde on Mar 31, 2015, 08:52:10 AM
Just wanted to follow up for anyone who cares; we had a pretty good turnout with some awesome videos as a result. Our group hosts tournaments somewhat regularly, so if you're on Steam and you want to participate in one, you can always join our group (http://steamcommunity.com/groups/avpct) to stay in the loop or contact an admin to ask about future plans.

Tournament promo vid here (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rFFOhcclZSk)
Playlist of recorded matches here (https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDv0c8nYY55iBDJXXsnX1D3uuD0eUndMD)