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Films/TV => Alien Films => Topic started by: LastSurvivor92 on Mar 20, 2014, 11:44:58 AM

Question: Alien Resurrection: Which was the more superior cut of the film? The 1997 Theatrical Cut or 2003 Special Edition
Option 1: 1997 Theatrical Cut votes: 24
Option 2: 2003 Special Edition votes: 18
Title: Alien Resurrection: 1997 Theatrical Cut or 2003 Special Edition
Post by: LastSurvivor92 on Mar 20, 2014, 11:44:58 AM
If its one complaint I hear all to often about Alien Resurrection is that it never does take itself "Seriously" enough. There are a lot of laughable moments in this movie but there's a very big reason for that and that's because the French Director of the film Jean-Pierre Jeunet makes the comic relief aspect a part of the film itself.

Dont forget that this Director was known before Alien Resurrection as a Director that knew how to make "out of this world" visuals and cheeky comic humor like in his comedy film "Amelie". And unlike the previous 3 Alien films Resurrection has "The Best" Comic relief and humor out of all 5 films. It takes dark twisted turns along the way that haunt you like the aborted clone scene but always end it with a dash of humor. Like when Johner (Ron Pearlman's) Character mentions after Ripley burns all the clones with the flamethrower, "Whats the big deal man. F'ing waste of ammo....must be a chick thing."

Alien Resurrection embodies a sense of darkness, awe, comedy, visuals and drama. Its constantly put down for its far removed differences from its predecessors and is highly criticized for "re-birthing" Ripley who was killed off in Alien 3. But taking it as it is, its actually a pretty enjoyable film nonetheless even if we never really knew how the scientists found Ripleys blood on Fury 161.

Out of the two cuts I found the 2003 Special Edition done by Jean-Pierre Jeunet to be the more superior cut. I found the 10 minutes of deleted footage very beneficial for Ripley's character. In the 1997 Theatrical Cut Ripley was merely just a human/alien hybrid that really didn't know anything about herself besides dieing and facing the xenomorphs. In the 2003 Special Edition version Ripley illustrates in some key deleted scenes of remembering Newt from Aliens. Ripley is more interesting in this cut in my opinion.


Unlike many I actually found this alternate intro to be more enjoyable because it fits the cheeky comic humor that Jeunet was trying to achieve in the film and it fits because most of the film itself is a dark comedy. Also I like the intro because I like the slow pull back shot of the USM Augria and the extended score as we see this guy above in a little tiny capsule amongst this colossal vessel. Then out in the distance we see Fury 161 which was a pretty beautiful shot. I know the shot was also in the Theatrical release but It was far more short and never featured the beautiful, long panning shots of the Auriga and the planet Fury 161. I like this intro far more.


Also I found this extended scene with Ripley's surgery quite humorous and funny. As Ripley wakes up from surgery she twists one of the scientists arms nearly breaking it and no offense but the scientist sounds like a little b**tch and it always makes me laugh everytime I watch it.


One of the best deleted scenes from Alien Resurrection was this Medical Examination scene when Ripley discovers a sketch card that resembles Newt. Ripley is seen with the expression of happiness remembering this girl who's name she doesn't remember (Newt) and than sadness as she remembers Newts death. I thought this was super effective for her character and connecting her to the previous films. Its shame it was taken out of the released version.


The deleted Vriess joke was also a nice little scene for the establishment of the humor in the film which was again taken out do to budget constraints. I also like this scene because Johner, Vriess and Call have a slightly extended dialouge in this scene. Such as Call asserting herself and Johner (Ron Pearlman) just "Wooo"'ing her sarcastically. Like Johner was going to take any of Call's shit and I like that.

Another one of my favorite extended scenes in this film is this scene between Elgyn (Michael Wincott) and General Perez (Dan Hedaya). I thought this extended scene added more to Elgyn's character. Made him a little more interesting and devious. The Theatrical version has this cut down so much. Its effective but Elgyn doesn't get enough time to shine in the Theatrical release. I just felt like the pacing was better.


One of the other really good deleted scenes was this scene in The Chapel with Ripley and Call. Here Call goes on to say, "I couldn't watch them do it. I couldn't let them annihilate themselves. Do you understand that?" Ripley thinks about it a little and looks off into the distance, "I did once...I tried to save people...it didn't work out...there was this girl...she had bad dreams...I tried to help her..she died and now I can't even remember her name." Than there's a nice long shot of the chapel in the Special Edition release that I like and than Ripley asks Call, "Do you dream?" Call says, "Yes, we probably have neuro processors but yes we dream." Ripley looks back at her, "When I sleep I dream about them....it....every night...all around me...in me...I used to be afraid to dream but I'm not anymore." "Why?" "Because no matter how bad the dreams get when I wake up its always worse." I thought this scene was REALLY effective for Ripley's character and the memories of herself before she was cloned. It felt like Ripley a little again. This was another scene they should of NEVER took out.

Another one of my favorite characters in the movie is this guy right here, Purvis (Leland Orser) and like Local Trouble said earlier, "Leland Orser isnt Leland Orser if he's not panicking." This guy was the only character in the film that actually made me feel afraid of what was going on in Alien Resurrection. This guy was truly like "what the f**k is going on here?!" We got deformed clones, Aliens and all this F'ed up shit here and look at my crew members beside me all of their chests are burst open. Like I felt like he was a real character with real emotion. besides that I think this little extended scene with him was nice. Johner yells at Call "When were you in Goddamn charge?!" "When you were born without balls!!" lol.


Lastly I thought the alternate ending was way more interesting than the ending in the Theatrical Cut. In this version we actually get to see Earth and the destruction that happend there as Ripley and Call look off into the distance they see Paris left in ruins. I thought this was just really cool and left a lot of things wide open to explore. Like Aliens coming to Earth and all that. Too bad AVP ruined it.
Title: Re: Alien Resurrection: 1997 Theatrical Cut or 2003 Special Edition
Post by: SiL on Mar 20, 2014, 11:51:45 AM
I agree with Jeunette: The '97 version is the proper version, the SE is a novelty. Some extra bits I like, but generally I don't think the SE actually adds anything of real worth to justify watching it over the original cut -- at least, nothing to justify sitting through that woeful alternate opening.
Title: Re: Alien Resurrection: 1997 Theatrical Cut or 2003 Special Edition
Post by: LastSurvivor92 on Mar 20, 2014, 12:51:19 PM
Quote from: SiL on Mar 20, 2014, 11:51:45 AM
I agree with Jeunette: The '97 version is the proper version, the SE is a novelty. Some extra bits I like, but generally I don't think the SE actually adds anything of real worth to justify watching it over the original cut -- at least, nothing to justify sitting through that woeful alternate opening.

There is a lot of truth to that. But the 10 minutes that are added to the film actually add a 'little' something to it that it never had before. Its not dramatically changed or anything but Its still a slightly better cut of the film in my opinion.
Title: Re: Alien Resurrection: 1997 Theatrical Cut or 2003 Special Edition
Post by: PsyKore on Mar 20, 2014, 01:01:21 PM
I really loved the part where the picture of the little girl is held up to Ripley8. The sad thing is that scenes like that show a lot of great potential and you can imagine how good the film could be had they taken a serious tone throughout the whole film. Unfortunately it's ruined by the comedy. The scene where Ripley8 finds the other 7 clones also has this problem. Both terrific emotional scenes unfortunately in a comedy.

At any rate, that alternate opening to the SE is just beyond all kinds of terrible. I absolutely can't stand it. I go with the theatrical.
Title: Re: Alien Resurrection: 1997 Theatrical Cut or 2003 Special Edition
Post by: Cvalda on Mar 20, 2014, 04:02:19 PM
Pretty much every added scene in the SE is awful. "Disposables, bro" -- ugh. I do really like the alternate end on Earth, but Theatrical cut is the true version.
Title: Re: Alien Resurrection: 1997 Theatrical Cut or 2003 Special Edition
Post by: LastSurvivor92 on Mar 20, 2014, 04:07:02 PM
Quote from: Cvalda on Mar 20, 2014, 04:02:19 PM
Pretty much every added scene in the SE is awful. "Disposables, bro" -- ugh. I do really like the alternate end on Earth, but Theatrical cut is the true version.

I thought that disposables scene was pretty neat. anyways I don't see how "every" added scene in the Special Edition is awful? There's a couple scenes especially applying to Ripley that add a lot to her character that should of never been taken out. The intro sure I understand why thats awful. But pretty much the rest of it worked out just fine...
Title: Re: Alien Resurrection: 1997 Theatrical Cut or 2003 Special Edition
Post by: judge death on Mar 20, 2014, 04:11:08 PM
Horrible movie, don't matter which version I look at, it´s still bad. XD
Title: Re: Alien Resurrection: 1997 Theatrical Cut or 2003 Sp...
Post by: The1PerfectOrganism on Mar 20, 2014, 06:09:00 PM
I think the pacing is better in the SE but that's about it.
Title: Re: Alien Resurrection: 1997 Theatrical Cut or 2003 Sp...
Post by: LastSurvivor92 on Mar 20, 2014, 10:20:30 PM
Quote from: Erik Lehnsherr on Mar 20, 2014, 06:09:00 PM
I think the pacing is better in the SE but that's about it.

yeah the pacing is better, I agree. Do you enjoy the Special Edition more than the Theatrical Cut?
Title: Re: Alien Resurrection: 1997 Theatrical Cut or 2003 Sp...
Post by: The1PerfectOrganism on Mar 20, 2014, 10:22:06 PM
Eh... I guess.
Title: Re: Alien Resurrection: 1997 Theatrical Cut or 2003 Sp...
Post by: LastSurvivor92 on Mar 20, 2014, 10:23:45 PM
Quote from: Erik Lehnsherr on Mar 20, 2014, 10:22:06 PM
Eh... I guess.

Lol, you say it like you mean it  :laugh:
Title: Re: Alien Resurrection: 1997 Theatrical Cut or 2003 Sp...
Post by: The1PerfectOrganism on Mar 20, 2014, 10:27:16 PM
I don't really have a preferance but I hate those stupid intros they made for the Special Editions that you can't just turn off.
Title: Re: Alien Resurrection: 1997 Theatrical Cut or 2003 Sp...
Post by: LastSurvivor92 on Mar 20, 2014, 10:29:09 PM
Quote from: Erik Lehnsherr on Mar 20, 2014, 10:27:16 PM
I don't really have a preferance but I hate those stupid intros they made for the Special Editions that you can't just turn off.

LOL, true to dat! I have the Alien Anthology on Blu-ray so all I do to skip that is just go to 'Scenes' and than click on the beginning from there. That way I don't have to constantly hear the same introduction. So just make sure everytime you watch it to go to scenes first and then press on the beginning scene.
Title: Re: Alien Resurrection: 1997 Theatrical Cut or 2003 Special Edition
Post by: SM on Mar 20, 2014, 10:32:24 PM
The extended chapel scene is Weaver's best work in the film - and possibly any Alien film.

The rest of the stuff is take it or leave it (I do particularly like "Since when were you in Goddamn charge?" "Since you were born without balls!" and Noni slipping into this odd almost Canadian sounding accent).  Both endings work for different reasons.
Title: Re: Alien Resurrection: 1997 Theatrical Cut or 2003 Special Edition
Post by: Elmazalman on Mar 20, 2014, 10:32:47 PM
Title: Re: Alien Resurrection: 1997 Theatrical Cut or 2003 Special Edition
Post by: LastSurvivor92 on Mar 20, 2014, 11:26:42 PM
Quote from: SM on Mar 20, 2014, 10:32:24 PM
The extended chapel scene is Weaver's best work in the film - and possibly any Alien film.

The rest of the stuff is take it or leave it (I do particularly like "Since when were you in Goddamn charge?" "Since you were born without balls!" and Noni slipping into this odd almost Canadian sounding accent).  Both endings work for different reasons.

Good point SM I agree with you. That Chapel scene along with that Medical Examination scene with the Newt Sketch card were pretty critical pieces of film they should of left on the cutting floor. I don't know why they took those out. Dumb decision.

Title: Re: Alien Resurrection: 1997 Theatrical Cut or 2003 Special Edition
Post by: Local Trouble on Mar 20, 2014, 11:42:20 PM
Both are good.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nxhR98awKlE#ws (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nxhR98awKlE#ws)
Title: Re: Alien Resurrection: 1997 Theatrical Cut or 2003 Special Edition
Post by: SM on Mar 20, 2014, 11:43:03 PM
They weren't criticial to the plot, but Weaver just gave such a great performance I'm a bit baffled that it got cut.
Title: Re: Alien Resurrection: 1997 Theatrical Cut or 2003 Special Edition
Post by: Local Trouble on Mar 20, 2014, 11:45:27 PM
The fact SM likes anything about this movie is one of the great mysteries of the cosmos.  I hope Neil deGrasse Tyson mentions it.
Title: Re: Alien Resurrection: 1997 Theatrical Cut or 2003 Special Edition
Post by: LastSurvivor92 on Mar 20, 2014, 11:50:33 PM
Quote from: SM on Mar 20, 2014, 11:43:03 PM
They weren't criticial to the plot, but Weaver just gave such a great performance I'm a bit baffled that it got cut.

She really did though! She did a suprisingly good job at playing a Ripley we never knew before and I like that a ton! I like the fact that Ripley is darker, more cunning and stronger. She isnt the same xeno fighting warrior but she now connects with the xenos and has their dna which I find super interesting.

In a sense I still feel there needs to be some way to conclusively wrap up the Alien series. I feel like there's a small emptiness to the end of Resurrection. Here's Ripley a character that has traveled through years of time and space. Through death, war, heartbreak and confusion. And after being cloned after 200 years a character that has spent centuries in an everliving nightmare. Were gonna end with Ripley getting back to Earth and never truly find out what happens to these 4 characters, the Aliens and the story they live with. Overall I would just love to see the Alien franchise conclusively tied up so that the audience feels they have journeyed with you through 5 movies or more (if there would ever be a sequel) would totally be satisfied that there would be some kind of resolution, some good that came out of the fact that she died and then she was cloned and came back with a certain amount of knowledge and insight and was able to make it all worth our while as an audience to have traveled with it.
Title: Re: Alien Resurrection: 1997 Theatrical Cut or 2003 Special Edition
Post by: SM on Mar 21, 2014, 12:02:42 AM
Quote from: Local Trouble on Mar 20, 2014, 11:45:27 PM
The fact SM likes anything about this movie is one of the great mysteries of the cosmos.  I hope Neil deGrasse Tyson mentions it.

Sagan might've been able to tell you.  Tyson isn't up to the task.
Title: Re: Alien Resurrection: 1997 Theatrical Cut or 2003 Special Edition
Post by: SiL on Mar 21, 2014, 12:18:15 AM
Sagan knew what SM saw in it. And why kids love the taste of Cinnamon Toast Crunch.

But he took these secrets to the grave.
Title: Re: Alien Resurrection: 1997 Theatrical Cut or 2003 Special Edition
Post by: Local Trouble on Mar 21, 2014, 01:16:19 AM
What does SiL usually say when asked his opinion of it?
Title: Re: Alien Resurrection: 1997 Theatrical Cut or 2003 Special Edition
Post by: SiL on Mar 21, 2014, 01:17:16 AM
SiL says Sagan is the name of his dog and he's not good at English.
Title: Re: Alien Resurrection: 1997 Theatrical Cut or 2003 Special Edition
Post by: HuDaFuK on Mar 21, 2014, 08:48:51 AM
Special Edition, although I feel much less strongly about this than I do my preferential cuts for the other films in the series.

The longer version doesn't really add much, and the new opening's pretty stupid, but as others have mentioned, some brilliant acting from Weaver was snipped from the theatrical version and it's nice to see it back.
Title: Re: Alien Resurrection: 1997 Theatrical Cut or 2003 Special Edition
Post by: The Necronoir on Mar 21, 2014, 10:58:15 AM
I'm going with the SE, simply on the virtue of the character building scenes already mentioned involving Ripley 8. I'm conflicted though, because the new intro, the added dude-bro scenes, and to a lesser extent the ending are serious a detraction. If you could put those few character scenes into the TE you'd have the best version of an largely superfluous entry in the series.
Title: Re: Alien Resurrection: 1997 Theatrical Cut or 2003 Special Edition
Post by: Local Trouble on Mar 21, 2014, 06:35:12 PM
You forgot Ron Perlman.
Title: Re: Alien Resurrection: 1997 Theatrical Cut or 2003 Special Edition
Post by: LastSurvivor92 on Mar 21, 2014, 09:12:22 PM
Quote from: Local Trouble on Mar 21, 2014, 06:35:12 PM
You forgot Ron Perlman.

For sure! Ron Perlman is one of the most redeeming characters in Resurrection. He was one of the better characters for sure that made the film funny and interesting.
Title: Re: Alien Resurrection: 1997 Theatrical Cut or 2003 Special Edition
Post by: Local Trouble on Mar 21, 2014, 10:25:15 PM
Like Jude?
Title: Re: Alien Resurrection: 1997 Theatrical Cut or 2003 Special Edition
Post by: SM on Mar 21, 2014, 10:48:25 PM
Title: Re: Alien Resurrection: 1997 Theatrical Cut or 2003 Sp...
Post by: Morgoth on Mar 22, 2014, 02:01:32 AM
The special edition. It adds more character development to Ripley. Although I could do without the Wal-mart reference. I know I'll get shunned for saying this but this is my second favorite film in the series.
Title: Re: Alien Resurrection: 1997 Theatrical Cut or 2003 Special Edition
Post by: LastSurvivor92 on Mar 22, 2014, 02:23:02 AM
Quote from: SM on Mar 21, 2014, 10:48:25 PM
Quote from: Local Trouble on Mar 21, 2014, 10:25:15 PM
Like Jude?

:laugh: you guys crack me up

Quote from: nerdy916 on Mar 22, 2014, 02:01:32 AM
The special edition. It adds more character development to Ripley. Although I could do without the Wal-mart reference. I know I'll get shunned for saying this but this is my second favorite film in the series.

I'm not shunning you and I don't think anyone else should especially if their an Alien fan. Some people just can't except the dark humor in the movie and I get that but its like beating a dead horse. "Ok we get you hate the comedy in it....but lets move on." People complain about the Aliens when the Aliens look even better in most shots than the composited Alien in Alien 3. It was time to do something different and it was fun and really refreshing. Not everything makes sense in the film but I forgive those little plot holes because every Alien film has at least one shot where they jumped the shark a little.

Like cutting from fake Ash head to real Ash head in the same shot. I mean even back them I'm sure many noticed that.
Title: Re: Alien Resurrection: 1997 Theatrical Cut or 2003 Special Edition
Post by: Local Trouble on Mar 22, 2014, 03:14:20 AM
Your relentless positivity in the defense of the utterly mediocre is admirable.
Title: Re: Alien Resurrection: 1997 Theatrical Cut or 2003 Special Edition
Post by: The1PerfectOrganism on Mar 22, 2014, 03:16:20 AM
Quote from: Local Trouble on Mar 22, 2014, 03:14:20 AM
Your relentless positivity in the defense of the utterly mediocre is admirable.

Less than mediocre I'd say. It's enjoyable but only a third as good as the rest.
Title: Re: Alien Resurrection: 1997 Theatrical Cut or 2003 Special Edition
Post by: Local Trouble on Mar 22, 2014, 03:18:12 AM
I made an allowance for the possibility that my hatred of this movie isn't shared by all.  Calling it utterly mediocre was an act of generosity on my part.
Title: Re: Alien Resurrection: 1997 Theatrical Cut or 2003 Sp...
Post by: The1PerfectOrganism on Mar 22, 2014, 03:21:43 AM
I don't hate it but I hate the influence it's had on the franchise.
And the film is no-where near as good as the other four IMO.
Title: Re: Alien Resurrection: 1997 Theatrical Cut or 2003 Special Edition
Post by: Local Trouble on Mar 22, 2014, 03:22:23 AM
You should go watch it right now.  It has Ron Perlman in it.
Title: Re: Alien Resurrection: 1997 Theatrical Cut or 2003 Special Edition
Post by: The1PerfectOrganism on Mar 22, 2014, 03:25:49 AM
Quote from: Local Trouble on Mar 22, 2014, 03:22:23 AM
You should go watch it right now.  It has Ron Perlman in it.

It's three in the morn and I just finished watching the theatrical of the first two, I rarely ever watch Resurrection. Lol
I think a lot in it is awful but I can enjoy bits of it every so often.
Title: Re: Alien Resurrection: 1997 Theatrical Cut or 2003 Special Edition
Post by: Local Trouble on Mar 22, 2014, 03:28:29 AM
Like Ron Perlman?
Title: Re: Alien Resurrection: 1997 Theatrical Cut or 2003 Sp...
Post by: The1PerfectOrganism on Mar 22, 2014, 03:29:53 AM
No I don't think he makes it any better.

Brad Dourif is good though.

Shame he's only in it for like five minutes.
Title: Re: Alien Resurrection: 1997 Theatrical Cut or 2003 Special Edition
Post by: Local Trouble on Mar 22, 2014, 03:31:46 AM
I figured you for a Dan Hedaya fan.
Title: Re: Alien Resurrection: 1997 Theatrical Cut or 2003 Sp...
Post by: The1PerfectOrganism on Mar 22, 2014, 03:33:49 AM
I don't even know who that is lol.
Title: Re: Alien Resurrection: 1997 Theatrical Cut or 2003 Special Edition
Post by: Local Trouble on Mar 22, 2014, 03:34:33 AM
General Perez.
Title: Re: Alien Resurrection: 1997 Theatrical Cut or 2003 Special Edition
Post by: HuDaFuK on Mar 23, 2014, 09:55:38 AM
General Martin Allahandro Carlos Perez, to be correct.
Title: Re: Alien Resurrection: 1997 Theatrical Cut or 2003 Special Edition
Post by: LastSurvivor92 on Apr 01, 2014, 07:02:44 AM
Quote from: Local Trouble on Mar 22, 2014, 03:34:33 AM
General Perez.

I'm just curious Local Trouble but what do you dislike about Resurrection?
Title: Re: Alien Resurrection: 1997 Theatrical Cut or 2003 Special Edition
Post by: Alien³ on Apr 01, 2014, 09:37:50 AM
There's a few visuals I like.

And I like the character Frank despite his relativity short screen time.

Other than than I don't like A:R.
It's only use to me is laughing at it with friends, if we feel like watching some polished crap.
Title: Re: Alien Resurrection: 1997 Theatrical Cut or 2003 Special Edition
Post by: LastSurvivor92 on Apr 01, 2014, 05:38:06 PM
Quote from: Alien³ on Apr 01, 2014, 09:37:50 AM
There's a few visuals I like.

And I like the character Frank despite his relativity short screen time.

Other than than I don't like A:R.
It's only use to me is laughing at it with friends, if we feel like watching some polished crap.

Exactly though. Jean Pierre Jeunet made this film a Dark Comedy man. I would just enjoy it for what it is. I don't see how its neccesarilly not part of the series. Its not bad enough to burn or anything. Yeah I understand why people have thier gripes with it but can you explain why you don't enjoy it as it is?

And the visuals? They were great! The lighting, the sets and all the special effects. All of it looked fantastic to me? I don't know why the visuals don't stand out to you?
Title: Re: Alien Resurrection: 1997 Theatrical Cut or 2003 Special Edition
Post by: HuDaFuK on Apr 01, 2014, 05:42:19 PM
Quote from: Flight Officer Lambert on Apr 01, 2014, 05:38:06 PMAnd the visuals? They were great! The lighting, the sets and all the special effects. All of it looked fantastic to me? I don't know why the visuals don't stand out to you?
The SFX vary wildly from pretty good to pretty terrible.
Title: Re: Alien Resurrection: 1997 Theatrical Cut or 2003 Special Edition
Post by: Alien³ on Apr 01, 2014, 05:55:48 PM
Quote from: Flight Officer Lambert on Apr 01, 2014, 05:38:06 PM
Jean Pierre Jeunet made this film a Dark Comedy man.

Define dark comedy.

Quote from: Flight Officer Lambert on Apr 01, 2014, 05:38:06 PM
but can you explain why you don't enjoy it as it is?

I don't like any of the characters except Frank but he's not that fleshed out. I don't like how Christie is a really good aim with the ceiling. I find the jokes tiresome and the monsters uninteresting.

It doesn't take itself seriously, which is what the previous alien films did extremely well. This can be summed up by the breath door locks...


or this...


To name a few.

Quote from: Flight Officer Lambert on Apr 01, 2014, 05:38:06 PM
I don't know why the visuals don't stand out to you?

Some do, like this...


Some don't like this...

Title: Re: Alien Resurrection: 1997 Theatrical Cut or 2003 Special Edition
Post by: Elmazalman on Apr 01, 2014, 08:25:18 PM
That film was a dogs breakfast in every area of production.Acting,tone,humour,story,SFX,dialogue and visuals,to name a few.
Title: Re: Alien Resurrection: 1997 Theatrical Cut or 2003 Special Edition
Post by: Local Trouble on Apr 01, 2014, 10:05:42 PM
Quote from: Flight Officer Lambert on Apr 01, 2014, 07:02:44 AM
Quote from: Local Trouble on Mar 22, 2014, 03:34:33 AM
General Perez.

I'm just curious Local Trouble but what do you dislike about Resurrection?

The entire premise offended me, but I was able to get past that to at least give it a chance.  Then I was treated to its pervasive goofiness in the form of Dan Hedaya and Ron Perlman.  After that, I bore witness to several over-the top-feats of action movie ass-clownery that sealed its fate for me.  This was even before the Newborn showed up.

I walked out of the theater shaking my head with a funny feeling that I was just punked by a mischievous Frenchman.  Well played, Jean-Pierre.  Well played.
Title: Re: Alien Resurrection: 1997 Theatrical Cut or 2003 Special Edition
Post by: LastSurvivor92 on Apr 11, 2014, 10:28:47 PM
Quote from: Elmazalman on Apr 01, 2014, 08:25:18 PM
That film was a dogs breakfast in every area of production.Acting,tone,humour,story,SFX,dialogue and visuals,to name a few.
Quote from: Local Trouble on Apr 01, 2014, 10:05:42 PM
Quote from: Flight Officer Lambert on Apr 01, 2014, 07:02:44 AM
Quote from: Local Trouble on Mar 22, 2014, 03:34:33 AM
General Perez.

I'm just curious Local Trouble but what do you dislike about Resurrection?

The entire premise offended me, but I was able to get past that to at least give it a chance.  Then I was treated to its pervasive goofiness in the form of Dan Hedaya and Ron Perlman.  After that, I bore witness to several over-the top-feats of action movie ass-clownery that sealed its fate for me.  This was even before the Newborn showed up.

I walked out of the theater shaking my head with a funny feeling that I was just punked by a mischievous Frenchman.  Well played, Jean-Pierre.  Well played.
Quote from: Alien³ on Apr 01, 2014, 05:55:48 PM
Quote from: Flight Officer Lambert on Apr 01, 2014, 05:38:06 PM
Jean Pierre Jeunet made this film a Dark Comedy man.

Define dark comedy.

Quote from: Flight Officer Lambert on Apr 01, 2014, 05:38:06 PM
but can you explain why you don't enjoy it as it is?

I don't like any of the characters except Frank but he's not that fleshed out. I don't like how Christie is a really good aim with the ceiling. I find the jokes tiresome and the monsters uninteresting.

It doesn't take itself seriously, which is what the previous alien films did extremely well. This can be summed up by the breath door locks...


or this...


To name a few.

Quote from: Flight Officer Lambert on Apr 01, 2014, 05:38:06 PM
I don't know why the visuals don't stand out to you?

Some do, like this...


Some don't like this...


Alien³: A black comedy (dark comedy) is a comic work that employs black humor, which, in its most basic definition, is humor that makes light of otherwise serious subject matter. Black humor corresponds to the earlier concept of gallows humor.

I don't understand though. I feel like in Resurrection the goods heavily outweigh the bads. There were plenty of visually defining moments. Like this scene below really symbolizes Ripley's rebirth (resurrection) beautifully and with incredible style. I loved it.


The cinematgraphy and the way the flames and fire were shown in the film when Ripley burns her clones and accepts the outcome of clone 7 was incredible. A very emotional scene with a lot of depth. You could feel the pain of the 7th clone and this scene really just shows you that what the scientists were doing on the USM Auriga was pretty F'ed up! Experimentation, cloning, the military being on the edge of space. Scary stuff!


Another thing I really liked visually was the lighting and color palette used for the film. Just beautiful! And the grain in the blu-ray really add a lot to the authenticity of the film's look. The reds, blues, browns and greens look top notch. Resurrection was incredibly pretty and beautiful to look at. This film probably had the best lighting.


One of the cooler things I liked was the underwater scene. The sets were incredible and I really liked the way Nigel Phelps created this flooded set that was suppose to be the bottom of the USM Auriga. The way the water just overflowed out over the articulated detailed walls of the ship was beautiful and very well done. The underwater scene was always a great scene for building some really good tension and claustrophobia in the film.


Also Sigourney Weaver stated to Tom Woodruff and Alec Gillis the creators of the Newborn, Clones, Aliens etc. that this scene when Ripley falls down into the viper pit was one of the most defining images in any of the films. It was also very important and symbolically shows her sinking into the world of the aliens.

Title: Re: Alien Resurrection: 1997 Theatrical Cut or 2003 Special Edition
Post by: Local Trouble on Apr 11, 2014, 11:15:33 PM
So...what are you saying?
Title: Re: Alien Resurrection: 1997 Theatrical Cut or 2003 Special Edition
Post by: LastSurvivor92 on Apr 11, 2014, 11:35:48 PM
Quote from: Local Trouble on Apr 11, 2014, 11:15:33 PM
So...what are you saying?

That your taking tiny, tiny, tiny moments of the film and pin pricking them as bad but forgetting about the whole picture, the rest of the movie. There's a lot of good in Resurrection.

Quote from: Flight Officer Lambert on Apr 01, 2014, 07:02:44 AM
I walked out of the theater shaking my head with a funny feeling that I was just punked by a mischievous Frenchman.  Well played, Jean-Pierre.  Well played.


Quote from: Alien³ on Apr 01, 2014, 09:37:50 AM

And I like the character Frank despite his relativity short screen time.

Fist bump on that Alien³. Elgyn is one the most under appreciated characters in the series and the writers/directors made almost as bad as a sinful mistake as killing off Clemens as early as they killed Elgyn off in Resurrection.

Title: Re: Alien Resurrection: 1997 Theatrical Cut or 2003 Special Edition
Post by: Local Trouble on Apr 12, 2014, 12:37:55 AM
Quote from: Purvis on Apr 11, 2014, 11:35:48 PM
That your taking tiny, tiny, tiny moments of the film and pin pricking them as bad but forgetting about the whole picture, the rest of the movie. There's a lot of good in Resurrection.

Interesting theory.  I'd like to see a fan edit that excises the tiny, tiny, tiny bad moments so I can reassess all the good you claim is in the movie.
Title: Re: Alien Resurrection: 1997 Theatrical Cut or 2003 Special Edition
Post by: LastSurvivor92 on Apr 12, 2014, 12:42:18 AM
Quote from: Local Trouble on Apr 12, 2014, 12:37:55 AM
Quote from: Purvis on Apr 11, 2014, 11:35:48 PM
That your taking tiny, tiny, tiny moments of the film and pin pricking them as bad but forgetting about the whole picture, the rest of the movie. There's a lot of good in Resurrection.

Interesting theory.  I'd like to see a fan edit that excises the tiny, tiny, tiny bad moments so I can reassess all the good you claim is in the movie.

The bad moments? You mean the dark humor? Why? Jeunet had intended that.
Title: Re: Alien Resurrection: 1997 Theatrical Cut or 2003 Special Edition
Post by: Local Trouble on Apr 12, 2014, 01:39:08 AM
As I recently said about the Star Wars prequels: "Not disputing that.  I think the prequels represent a lot of bad creative decisions.  The fact that they were intentional makes them no less bad, IMO."

Same goes for Alien Resurrection.
Title: Re: Alien Resurrection: 1997 Theatrical Cut or 2003 Special Edition
Post by: Elmazalman on Apr 12, 2014, 02:10:55 AM
Exorcising all the"tiny,tiny,tiny moments"from AR to make a fan edit wouldn't leave much of a running time.
Title: Re: Alien Resurrection: 1997 Theatrical Cut or 2003 Special Edition
Post by: LastSurvivor92 on Apr 12, 2014, 03:00:06 AM
Quote from: Local Trouble on Apr 12, 2014, 01:39:08 AM
As I recently said about the Star Wars prequels: "Not disputing that.  I think the prequels represent a lot of bad creative decisions.  The fact that they were intentional makes them no less bad, IMO."

Same goes for Alien Resurrection.

How though? I feel like you can't justify bad moments in a film without actually finding ways to justify them and specifically giving examples. Most of the time its just like, "Alien Resurrection is bad...." without any explanation from a lot of fans. Well give specific key points and plot lines that bugged you. Its really not that bad. Better than most sequels anyways. I enjoy it a lot and personally its been one of my favorite Alien films for as long as I can remember man. Always watched it with the other 3 films and never thought that it shouldn't ever be in the series. Its still one of those pros in that string of good films. Its not bad. I'm sure you can find a really bad film Local Trouble. far worse than Resurrection....
Title: Re: Alien Resurrection: 1997 Theatrical Cut or 2003 Special Edition
Post by: HuDaFuK on Apr 12, 2014, 08:06:52 AM
While I'm with you that it's overly criticised sometimes, it's still a bad Alien movie.
Title: Re: Alien Resurrection: 1997 Theatrical Cut or 2003 Special Edition
Post by: LastSurvivor92 on Apr 12, 2014, 08:29:17 AM
Quote from: HuDaFuK on Apr 12, 2014, 08:06:52 AM
While I'm with you that it's overly criticised sometimes, it's still a bad Alien movie.

There's moments that you can criticize in Alien 3 yet people are now starting to praise it. Just like Alien 3, Alien Resurrection has its faults but its great images as well are truly memorable. Like Ripley overcoming the fate of 7 and understanding that Newt isn't around anymore.  Yet no one gives it the time of day. The black comedy is just humor atop of a serious subject matter. Thats how a lot of Jeunet's films are. There cheeky and always at least the tiny bit comical. Dude for what it is, its still a great Alien film. Just like Alien 3.
Title: Re: Alien Resurrection: 1997 Theatrical Cut or 2003 Special Edition
Post by: HuDaFuK on Apr 13, 2014, 03:34:59 PM
I honestly don't think I'd call anything in Resurrection truly memorable, except perhaps the clone scene.
Title: Re: Alien Resurrection: 1997 Theatrical Cut or 2003 Special Edition
Post by: Local Trouble on Apr 13, 2014, 08:58:31 PM
Quote from: Purvis on Apr 12, 2014, 03:00:06 AM
How though? I feel like you can't justify bad moments in a film without actually finding ways to justify them and specifically giving examples.

How many different times do you need to see an itemized list of Alien Resurrection's flaws?  This forum is full of them.
Title: Re: Alien Resurrection: 1997 Theatrical Cut or 2003 Special Edition
Post by: RobThom on Apr 13, 2014, 10:14:58 PM
Quote from: Purvis on Mar 20, 2014, 11:44:58 AM
If its one complaint I hear all to often about Alien Resurrection is that it never does take itself "Seriously" enough.

That wasn't really the feeling I got.
As far as what was "missing" or "wrong".

I didn't find A:R inappropriately whimsical or cartoonish.

Alien has a pulpy comic book premiss and pedigree via O'Bannon.
Hill is generally and rightfully credited with giving it additional "earthy" verisimilitude.
(Although I wouldn't mind seeing a comic adaption of Star Beast, the same way they've done "The Star Wars".)

I dont think A:R is all that bad.
Its bad, but not all that bad measured against all the other bad sequels and spinoffs they've made.

Its hard to put a finger on where exactly I think it misses the mark,
which it does.
Maybe its to stylized over content.

Alien has a somewhat simple premiss,
but its simple like a knife.
Like Road Warrior.
And its edged.

A:R is barely premised and isn't really edged.

Some P apologists say that Alien is just the Alien chasing people down corridors,
but thats not true at all.

That is pretty much true with A:R.
Title: Re: Alien Resurrection: 1997 Theatrical Cut or 2003 Special Edition
Post by: SM on Apr 13, 2014, 10:19:31 PM
Quote from: Alien³ on Apr 01, 2014, 09:37:50 AM
There's a few visuals I like.

And I like the character Frank despite his relativity short screen time.

Other than than I don't like A:R.
It's only use to me is laughing at it with friends, if we feel like watching some polished crap.

Frank's in Alien3.
Title: Re: Alien Resurrection: 1997 Theatrical Cut or 2003 Sp...
Post by: The1PerfectOrganism on Apr 13, 2014, 10:20:42 PM
"P" apologists? Are you f*cking serious?

You're treating people who like it as though they're part of a cult.

And Alien at it's heart is just a slasher in space that doesn't make it any less great.
Title: Re: Alien Resurrection: 1997 Theatrical Cut or 2003 Sp...
Post by: RobThom on Apr 13, 2014, 10:23:17 PM
Quote from: Erik Lehnsherr on Apr 13, 2014, 10:20:42 PM
"P" apologists? Are you f*cking serious?

You're treating people who like it as though they're part of a cult.

And Alien at it's heart is just a slasher in space that doesn't make it any less great.

Calm down sweet and hot.

I wasn't describing everybody who likes the P word.
I describing people so desperate to justify it that they resort to trying to tear down Alien.

Obviously thats not you.
Title: Re: Alien Resurrection: 1997 Theatrical Cut or 2003 Sp...
Post by: The1PerfectOrganism on Apr 13, 2014, 10:26:50 PM
That's someone who's deluded.

Alien is a classic.

Why don't they redefine film while they're at it. :laugh:

Although I've never saw anyone do such a thing.
Title: Re: Alien Resurrection: 1997 Theatrical Cut or 2003 Special Edition
Post by: RobThom on Apr 13, 2014, 10:48:56 PM
In an odd way I admire people with the emotional fortitude to appreciate P's finer points without being distracted or dwelling on its faults.

I am not worthy.
Title: Re: Alien Resurrection: 1997 Theatrical Cut or 2003 Sp...
Post by: The1PerfectOrganism on Apr 13, 2014, 10:54:32 PM
Hey man it's just personal taste at the end of the day, for instance Milburn arrogantly grasping at the Viper creature doesn't irritate me but the fact they re-use footage from earlier in the film in the SE of Aliens irritates me.

And the green hue around the Alien in Alien3 AC more than anything in Prometheus.

Or Call opening the door from the other side in A:R.

It's just me really. Even though I enjoy all versions of all the films to some degree.
Title: Re: Alien Resurrection: 1997 Theatrical Cut or 2003 Special Edition
Post by: SM on Apr 13, 2014, 11:00:14 PM
QuoteAlthough I've never saw anyone do such a thing.

Check the last several pages of this thread. (http://www.avpgalaxy.net/forum/index.php?topic=50260.360)

QuoteAnd the green hue around the Alien in Alien3 AC more than anything in Prometheus.

The 'hue' is in every cut.

QuoteOr Call opening the door from the other side in A:R.

She's a robot.
Title: Re: Alien Resurrection: 1997 Theatrical Cut or 2003 Sp...
Post by: The1PerfectOrganism on Apr 13, 2014, 11:03:42 PM
It's far more prominent in the AC, due to more of the creature being shown.

I know but it's never specificied how she gets behind the door in the film.
Title: Re: Alien Resurrection: 1997 Theatrical Cut or 2003 Special Edition
Post by: SM on Apr 13, 2014, 11:06:59 PM
'She's a robot' is all the specification that's needed.
Title: Re: Alien Resurrection: 1997 Theatrical Cut or 2003 Sp...
Post by: The1PerfectOrganism on Apr 13, 2014, 11:07:32 PM
Not to me.
Title: Re: Alien Resurrection: 1997 Theatrical Cut or 2003 Special Edition
Post by: SM on Apr 13, 2014, 11:09:15 PM
Are you not capable of joining the dots?
Title: Re: Alien Resurrection: 1997 Theatrical Cut or 2003 Sp...
Post by: The1PerfectOrganism on Apr 13, 2014, 11:11:02 PM
She'd have to find somewhere she could go the others couldn't, but we're never told what or where. Not good enough IMO
Title: Re: Alien Resurrection: 1997 Theatrical Cut or 2003 Sp...
Post by: RobThom on Apr 13, 2014, 11:12:34 PM
Quote from: Erik Lehnsherr on Apr 13, 2014, 10:54:32 PM
...but the fact they re-use footage from earlier in the film in the SE of Aliens irritates me.

I'm not sure that I've seen the SE edition.
I barely watch the extended franchise as is.

I suppose I should give it a try.

I do own the quadrilogy,
I've just only ever watched the first 2 disks.
Title: Re: Alien Resurrection: 1997 Theatrical Cut or 2003 Sp...
Post by: The1PerfectOrganism on Apr 13, 2014, 11:15:30 PM
There is a lot in the SE's worth seeing at least once Rob, even if they are all novelties only.

Although you could argue both cuts of A3 stand on equal ground due to Fincher's option to disown the film.
Title: Re: Alien Resurrection: 1997 Theatrical Cut or 2003 Sp...
Post by: RobThom on Apr 13, 2014, 11:49:32 PM
Quote from: Erik Lehnsherr on Apr 13, 2014, 11:15:30 PM
There is a lot in the SE's worth seeing at least once Rob, even if they are all novelties only.
Although you could argue both cuts of A3 stand on equal ground due to Fincher's option to disown the film.

Well I did go out of my way to see the SE of A3.
Even though I dont really care much about A3, but because I heard it was so different.
(And I need to stay vaguelly adroit of such things as an Alien fan.)

I prefer the rough cut of that one.
I dont know the whole story of HOW much fincher had nothing to do with it.

You would think that with the level of magic CGI can do these days,
and his alleged love for Alien that he could apply his finchery magic to right what was wrong.

Or maybe fincher is a little over-rated.

But I never heard that the SE of A:R was all that different from the A:R that I saw.
That wasn't great, that was what it was.

But I'm gonna check it out.
Title: Re: Alien Resurrection: 1997 Theatrical Cut or 2003 Sp...
Post by: SM on Apr 14, 2014, 12:16:37 AM
It's not all that different.

Different opening title scene, different ending - neither of which affect the narrative.  Some references to Newt and other bits and pieces in the extra dialogue.

Quote from: Erik Lehnsherr on Apr 13, 2014, 11:11:02 PM
She'd have to find somewhere she could go the others couldn't, but we're never told what or where. Not good enough IMO

She doesn't need to.

I'm sure I've mentioned - she's a robot.

Any confusion is cleared up within a minute of her opening the door.
Title: Re: Alien Resurrection: 1997 Theatrical Cut or 2003 Sp...
Post by: The1PerfectOrganism on Apr 14, 2014, 12:18:33 AM
Okay... SM now I actually don't understand what you're getting at.
Title: Re: Alien Resurrection: 1997 Theatrical Cut or 2003 Special Edition
Post by: SM on Apr 14, 2014, 12:21:11 AM


Title: Re: Alien Resurrection: 1997 Theatrical Cut or 2003 Sp...
Post by: The1PerfectOrganism on Apr 14, 2014, 12:22:50 AM


How did she magically get behind the door?

Why doesn't she explain?

Why do the rest of the survivors not notice?
Title: Re: Alien Resurrection: 1997 Theatrical Cut or 2003 Special Edition
Post by: SM on Apr 14, 2014, 12:27:33 AM
Being a robot - she can go places too hot/ cold/ unpressurised/ flooded for a normal human.

There's A/C ducts in the kitchen, she could've easily gone up one of them, even if it was full of water - which is the likely scenarios since she's dripping wet when she opens the door.
Title: Re: Alien Resurrection: 1997 Theatrical Cut or 2003 Sp...
Post by: The1PerfectOrganism on Apr 14, 2014, 12:31:51 AM
Thank you.
Title: Re: Alien Resurrection: 1997 Theatrical Cut or 2003 Special Edition
Post by: RobThom on Apr 14, 2014, 01:31:09 AM
Quote from: SM on Apr 14, 2014, 12:27:33 AM
Being a robot - she can go places too hot/ cold/ unpressurised/ flooded for a normal human.

When I grow up I want to be a Robot!
I'll be very upset if I'm expected to take any less!
Title: Re: Alien Resurrection: 1997 Theatrical Cut or 2003 Special Edition
Post by: LastSurvivor92 on Apr 16, 2014, 01:17:35 AM
Quote from: Local Trouble on Apr 13, 2014, 08:58:31 PM
Quote from: Purvis on Apr 12, 2014, 03:00:06 AM
How though? I feel like you can't justify bad moments in a film without actually finding ways to justify them and specifically giving examples.

How many different times do you need to see an itemized list of Alien Resurrection's flaws?  This forum is full of them.

Dude I understand why a lot of people hate Resurrection but I was personally asking you Local Trouble. What you thought of the film and why YOU hated it. I was just curious man.
Title: Re: Alien Resurrection: 1997 Theatrical Cut or 2003 Special Edition
Post by: Local Trouble on Apr 16, 2014, 04:33:45 AM
Because of Leland Orser, alright?!  I can't stand Leland Orser!  >:(
Title: Re: Alien Resurrection: 1997 Theatrical Cut or 2003 Special Edition
Post by: SM on Apr 16, 2014, 04:46:43 AM

f**k YOOOOOUUU!!!!
Title: Re: Alien Resurrection: 1997 Theatrical Cut or 2003 Special Edition
Post by: LastSurvivor92 on Apr 19, 2014, 02:07:44 PM
Quote from: Local Trouble on Apr 16, 2014, 04:33:45 AM
Because of Leland Orser, alright?!  I can't stand Leland Orser!  >:(

:laugh: and I can't stand Han Solo and Princess Leia.

Title: Re: Alien Resurrection: 1997 Theatrical Cut or 2003 Special Edition
Post by: Local Trouble on Apr 19, 2014, 05:49:50 PM
You have unusual taste.
Title: Re: Alien Resurrection: 1997 Theatrical Cut or 2003 Special Edition
Post by: LastSurvivor92 on Apr 26, 2014, 01:06:29 AM
Quote from: Local Trouble on Apr 19, 2014, 05:49:50 PM
You have unusual taste.

Thank you for the complement my dearest friend.
Title: Re: Alien Resurrection: 1997 Theatrical Cut or 2003 Special Edition
Post by: dazknight88 on May 16, 2014, 06:28:28 AM
Theatrical Cut mainly because the special edition didn't really add anything to improve the film it was just as good as the theatrical cut but was not better
Title: Re: Alien Resurrection: 1997 Theatrical Cut or 2003 Special Edition
Post by: Corporal Hicks on May 20, 2014, 07:29:06 AM
I think my main problem with the Special Edition was the new opening scene...it was just...bleh. Yes, I understand this one was tonally different in using dark humour but I prefer that "strangeness" feel of the original.
Title: Re: Alien Resurrection: 1997 Theatrical Cut or 2003 Special Edition
Post by: SM on May 20, 2014, 07:33:31 AM
JPJ was fairly pissed when that opening got pulled for lack of funds at the last minute after the massive model had been made.

But later confessed he preferred the new title sequence.
Title: Re: Alien Resurrection: 1997 Theatrical Cut or 2003 Special Edition
Post by: HuDaFuK on May 20, 2014, 07:44:07 AM
Quote from: Corporal Hicks on May 20, 2014, 07:29:06 AMI think my main problem with the Special Edition was the new opening scene...it was just...bleh. Yes, I understand this one was tonally different in using dark humour but I prefer that "strangeness" feel of the original.
I'd agree with that. The theatrical opening is far more disturbing and effective. I do like the extended flypast of the Auriga though. Helps explain why it takes them so long to get to the Betty later on (even if it doesn't explain why the ship needs to be so enormous).
Title: Re: Alien Resurrection: 1997 Theatrical Cut or 2003 Special Edition
Post by: OpenMaw on May 29, 2014, 01:27:00 AM
I can answer that. It's a trope of the Alien series. The huge refinery in Alien, the Sulaco seeming incredibly big for just a small team, etc... There are a few instances in the script that betray the original concept of a vertical space ship design instead of the horizontal one. Lots of vertical movement happens in Resurrection even though the ship is nearly Spaceball One in length. Never really bothered me.

My preferred cut of Resurrection would keep the bits relating to Ripley as a character, her connection with newt, and the rest can just be tossed out. I don't care for the new intro, or the different ending. I'm not a fan of the Vriess joke, the disposals gag, or the Walmart line. I think the final shot in the Theatrical cut was far more interesting, especially with the way the music shifts, going from heroic/triumphant to an almost ominous tone. Having Earth confirmed to be apocalyptic ruins wasn't nearly as fun as being left with a mystery to ponder. Left on the exact same note as Ripley herself was.

If I had to choose one I would choose the theatrical cut. I've recently watched the film again, both versions, and I can safely say I still don't like it very much. For a lot of reasons. I think the film had a lot of potential and it didn't quite meet that potential at the level it could have.

First off. Alien designs: Not a fan. I get what they were trying to do, and I just don't like it. Should have kept the design at least closer to what they had done for Alien 3(With the tubes back, of course.) The Newborn: should have gotten Giger. Should not have made it putrid yellow/green. Should not have ignored the scripts initial concepts.

The finale. Again, the scripted version feels more satisfying. One of my biggest complaints was that the ending just never had a good action beat to it. The trailers all made it feel like this would be a really solid action flick. Aside of the water/ladder scene, there really isn't much action at all. Which would be fine if the ending hadn't been reworked. Especially after they cut out a number of action scenes from earlier in the film. The movie starts to feel a little hollow in the middle, leading into the ending.

One of my other gripes is the way some scenes can rather easily be swapped around without any narrative penalty. Well, not really. There's one in the film right now, where you can see Purvis in the group before they've actually found Purvis, and nobody really notices. Scenes like where Ripley finds her clones, to me, seem to lack a proper pay off. That's a powerful moment potentially, but nothing really happens with Ripley's character as a result of the scene. There are a number of things that could have been done there, that I think would have given the scene more resonance in the movie. Hell, one interesting pay off could have been... Number 9, who's allegiance swings all the way to the xenos. 

So, yeah. 1997 version.  :)
Title: Re: Alien Resurrection: 1997 Theatrical Cut or 2003 Special Edition
Post by: HuDaFuK on May 29, 2014, 07:48:21 AM
Quote from: OpenMaw on May 29, 2014, 01:27:00 AMI can answer that. It's a trope of the Alien series. The huge refinery in Alien, the Sulaco seeming incredibly big for just a small team, etc... There are a few instances in the script that betray the original concept of a vertical space ship design instead of the horizontal one. Lots of vertical movement happens in Resurrection even though the ship is nearly Spaceball One in length. Never really bothered me.
They never go into the refinery in the first film. The Nostromo by comparison is tiny, and was pretty claustrophobic inside. As for the Sulaco, if it's a military ship designed to respond to crises it probably needs huge, very powerful engines to get there quickly. I also assumed it had the capability of carrying more men than it does in the film, but on this mission it happened to have just a small team. And again, the interior we saw was fairly busy, save the cavernous hangar bay.

The Auriga, on the other hand, mostly seemed to be empty corridors. It's not so much that it's huge, it's that there's nothing inside it.
Title: Re: Alien Resurrection: 1997 Theatrical Cut or 2003 Special Edition
Post by: SM on May 29, 2014, 07:58:46 AM
Except a kitchen, mess hall, medlab, clone storage, chapel, Alien cages, waste tanks, docks, holding cells, spare part storage... The Sulaco would've been the same - we just spent most of the time on the planet, and not the Sulaco.
Title: Re: Alien Resurrection: 1997 Theatrical Cut or 2003 Special Edition
Post by: HuDaFuK on May 29, 2014, 08:10:45 AM
Quote from: SM on May 29, 2014, 07:58:46 AMExcept a kitchen, mess hall, medlab, clone storage, chapel, Alien cages, waste tanks, docks, holding cells, spare part storage... The Sulaco would've been the same - we just spent most of the time on the planet, and not the Sulaco.
I was referring to what seems like miles of empty corridors between all those locations. Why is everything so far apart?
Title: Re: Alien Resurrection: 1997 Theatrical Cut or 2003 Special Edition
Post by: SM on May 29, 2014, 08:33:22 AM
They got running time to fill.

That aside, most stuff isn't that far apart.  Well the kitchen and mess hall were inexplicably a long way apart.  It seems to take them a long time to get off the ship because there's breaches in various areas of the ship, forcing them to go the long way.

Ultimately the layout of the Auriga varies between not being properly explained in the context of the film and just having various areas of the ship the way they for the sake of convenience.  Why did they have go through the room where they found Purvis?  They're at the bottom of the ship, but make it to the top they only go up five levels?  Father mentions at least 39 levels on the ship.
Title: Re: Alien Resurrection: 1997 Theatrical Cut or 2003 Special Edition
Post by: Scorpio on Dec 24, 2016, 10:32:27 PM
I watched the theatrical last night (hadn't seen it in ages). 

-Opening with the fleshy goo is alright, but then it just cuts to the Auriga.  Very jarring and annoying cut.
-No explanation why Ripley is in a cell and later has handcuffs.
-The Rhys/Call relationship scene is cut so later lines don't make sense.

There is one line I like though, it goes something like "We saved the Earth" then Call says "You seem disappointed"  :P haha
Title: Re: Alien Resurrection: 1997 Theatrical Cut or 2003 Special Edition
Post by: echobbase79 on Dec 24, 2016, 11:38:08 PM

I hate both versions but if I had to pick I'd say the TC. I do like the opening credit sequence to that version better.
Title: Re: Alien Resurrection: 1997 Theatrical Cut or 2003 Special Edition
Post by: SM on Dec 25, 2016, 08:28:20 PM
Quote-Opening with the fleshy goo is alright, but then it just cuts to the Auriga.  Very jarring and annoying cut.

It fades to black then cuts to the Auriga.

Quote-No explanation why Ripley is in a cell and later has handcuffs.

Do we need an explanation?  They should let Ripley just have the run of the ship?

Quote-The Rhys/Call relationship scene is cut so later lines don't make sense.

Nah, you've lost me there.
Title: Re: Alien Resurrection: 1997 Theatrical Cut or 2003 Special Edition
Post by: Scorpio on Dec 26, 2016, 12:59:59 AM
Quote from: SM on Dec 25, 2016, 08:28:20 PM
Quote-Opening with the fleshy goo is alright, but then it just cuts to the Auriga.  Very jarring and annoying cut.

It fades to black then cuts to the Auriga.

It wasn't as seamless as the special edition opening. 

Quote-No explanation why Ripley is in a cell and later has handcuffs.

Do we need an explanation?  They should let Ripley just have the run of the ship?

I think so, and obviously the makers thought so too.

Quote-The Rhys/Call relationship scene is cut so later lines don't make sense.

Nah, you've lost me there.

"What has two thumbs, one eye, a pink tongue..."  And later:  "I think Rhys has a light in his eye for her" or something like that. 
Title: Re: Alien Resurrection: 1997 Theatrical Cut or 2003 Special Edition
Post by: SM on Dec 26, 2016, 01:19:26 AM
Oh Vriess.  It's obvious from the theatrical cut that Vriess has a thing for Call.  The Special Edition amplifies it - it doesn't add anything new.

QuoteIt wasn't as seamless as the special edition opening.

I dunno if I'd call the Special Edition seamless  The VFX never looked quite right with different elements of the ship pulling back at slightly different speeds that didn't quite match.

QuoteI think so, and obviously the makers thought so too.

Is that why the makers cut it?
Title: Re: Alien Resurrection: 1997 Theatrical Cut or 2003 Special Edition
Post by: Scorpio on Dec 26, 2016, 02:35:31 AM
Quote from: SM on Dec 26, 2016, 01:19:26 AM
Oh Vriess.

My bad.

QuoteIt's obvious from the theatrical cut that Vriess has a thing for Call.  The Special Edition amplifies it - it doesn't add anything new.

Not new but it fleshes it out a bit more.

QuoteIt wasn't as seamless as the special edition opening.

I dunno if I'd call the Special Edition seamless  The VFX never looked quite right with different elements of the ship pulling back at slightly different speeds that didn't quite match.

You mean from what was shot on a set to the model?  It was 20 years ago.  I still think it looks pretty good.

QuoteI think so, and obviously the makers thought so too.

Is that why the makers cut it?

I don't know.  Was probably the studio execs.  Maybe for running time.
Title: Re: Alien Resurrection: 1997 Theatrical Cut or 2003 Special Edition
Post by: SiL on Dec 26, 2016, 03:01:51 AM
Resurrection's studio-enforced cuts were made during production, not in the editing suite. They just prevented scenes being shot, they didn't force removals. Running time only starts being a factor in edits at around the 2hr 15 mark as it starts interfering with the number of sessions the film can be shown in one day.
Title: Re: Alien Resurrection: 1997 Theatrical Cut or 2003 Special Edition
Post by: SM on Dec 26, 2016, 04:22:52 AM
And JPJ was perfectly happy with the theatrical version.

QuoteYou mean from what was shot on a set to the model?  It was 20 years ago.  I still think it looks pretty good

It was never completed.  It got dropped for budgetary reasons before it was finished.  What we have in the Special Edition was finished specifically for the Special Edition.
Title: Re: Alien Resurrection: 1997 Theatrical Cut or 2003 Special Edition
Post by: Rush Hour Rambo on Jan 09, 2017, 12:00:24 AM
It took until 2003 and the quadrilogy to find out this was meant to be humourous. It just didn't work for me.
Title: Re: Alien Resurrection: 1997 Theatrical Cut or 2003 Special Edition
Post by: Corporal Hicks on Jan 10, 2017, 10:28:07 AM
There's one or two moments of deadpan humor that I think work really well in the Resurrection, otherwise the rest of the jokes fell flat for me.

I just love Ripley's "I died..." response.