AvPGalaxy Forums

Films/TV => Predator Films => Topic started by: yautja99 on Feb 02, 2007, 04:57:46 PM

Title: Why are teenage Predators always used in movies?
Post by: yautja99 on Feb 02, 2007, 04:57:46 PM
I wish they can atleast use older Predators that are more experienced like middle aged or Elder Predators besides teenage Predators are overused ???
Title: Re: Why are teenage Predators always used in movies?
Post by: Eidotemit on Feb 02, 2007, 05:27:15 PM
a few things

1) what gives you the impression they are 'teenage' preds?

2) by 'teenage' do you literally only 13-19 years old?

I haven't seen anything to uggest the predators were only 'teenage' preds; with the exception of AvP where PA said they were like 'teenagers'. PA is a dumbass to begin with, and since it wasn't explicetly stated or shown in his movie we are left to infer the meaning. I've said before how I felt the AvP preds weren't teenages literally, but more of in an adolecent stage in pred life (which for all we know could be 100 years, in fact thats a little suggested that it is) and they were the 3 best of their age at that, so hardly inexperianced. I get the impression that the P1 pred is in fact the oldest pred we've seen [fight], but its only the feeling I get and can't reasonably prrove it.

Having said all that, and ignoring all else about your statement, I agree on the notion that seeing 'elder' preds fight would be pretty cool.
Title: Re: Why are teenage Predators always used in movies?
Post by: BrokenTusk on Feb 02, 2007, 06:05:29 PM
the first one we can assume was the most experience out of the 3, by just relying on a plasma caster and his wristblades. the second was refer to being younger I believe by the director and in AVP the unrated editon they're refer to as teens in Pred years( I assume.)

Title: Re: Why are teenage Predators always used in movies?
Post by: yautja99 on Feb 15, 2007, 06:00:15 PM
No one wants to see middle aged Predators in Action ???.
Title: Re: Why are teenage Predators always used in movies?
Post by: Eidotemit on Feb 15, 2007, 10:59:04 PM
did you not read what I said, I said that I didn't think that the preds, especially from P1, were teenagers.

further more I said that seeing an elder pred get into action would be cool.

So in conclusion, we have seen a "middle-aged" pred(s) in battle, unless you can proove that we havent, and that I would like to see an 'elder' pred fight.
Title: Re: Why are teenage Predators always used in movies?
Post by: yautja99 on Feb 16, 2007, 01:39:41 AM
Eidotemit what I mean is Middle aged Predators that are older then the Predators on Predator 1 & 2.
Title: Re: Why are teenage Predators always used in movies?
Post by: Eidotemit on Feb 16, 2007, 02:53:25 AM
again what gives you the impression that the preds were not middle aged? Further more, how would you distinguish a 'middle-aged' pred from the ones we've seen?
Title: Re: Why are teenage Predators always used in movies?
Post by: BrokenTusk on Feb 16, 2007, 03:33:50 AM
well on the elders it's pretty easy cause their skin is wrinkly, their hair has faded out and they have little dread stubbles on the chin.

for middle age, I say the way they hunt is a good indicator of how old they're. since young brash Preds will use brute force, while the ones with more experience will observe and calculate the best time to strike, and what technque to use on their prey.
Title: Re: Why are teenage Predators always used in movies?
Post by: Eidotemit on Feb 16, 2007, 04:08:43 AM
Quote from: BrokenTusk on Feb 16, 2007, 03:33:50 AM
for middle age, I say the way they hunt is a good indicator of how old they're. since young brash Preds will use brute force, while the ones with more experience will observe and calculate the best time to strike, and what technque to use on their prey.

sounds an awful lot like the pred from P1
Title: Re: Why are teenage Predators always used in movies?
Post by: BrokenTusk on Feb 16, 2007, 04:16:46 AM
I always thought the first one was around middle age(less weapons, killed alot of ppl, patience etc),  we haven't seen elders hunt though.
Title: Re: Why are teenage Predators always used in movies?
Post by: Eidotemit on Feb 16, 2007, 04:18:16 AM
almost exactly what I've been saying.
Title: Re: Why are teenage Predators always used in movies?
Post by: BrokenTusk on Feb 16, 2007, 04:25:19 AM
wonder why he had the impression that all of them were teen then  ???s, heck even the P2 Pred must have been a little older then the AVP teens.

though let me ask you this honestly do you think Elders could do much more then the Preds we have seen in the movies ?
Title: Re: Why are teenage Predators always used in movies?
Post by: Eidotemit on Feb 16, 2007, 04:29:49 AM
perhaps, im sure if they were ever used for action in  the movies we'd see some different skills, more strength, diff weapons, w/e. On a large scare, having the elder star the entire move, it wouldn't be all that different from what we've seen.

I'm only betting we would ever see one for perhaps an AvP movie, aliens have the Queen as their big player, if writters wanted the preds to have one too Im sure they would use an 'elder'
Title: Re: Why are teenage Predators always used in movies?
Post by: BrokenTusk on Feb 16, 2007, 04:45:33 AM
I'm sure the Elders have a much better survial rate, AVP the comic for example. I pictured them as masters of their skills, that you wouldn't hear them or even see them, but you would have a spear gun projectile in your head before you knew it and that's just when they're not using their camo. Hand to hand styles are probably more graceful and faster then say Celtic fight with the human (whatit's name) and I imagine their would kicking as well. also much more jumping and acrobatics,since Predators can jump so high.
Title: Re: Why are teenage Predators always used in movies?
Post by: yautja99 on Feb 16, 2007, 05:49:33 PM
Eidotemit Im sorry if I got you confused but Im talking about older more experienced Predators that are much older then the Predator on the first movie.
Title: Re: Why are teenage Predators always used in movies?
Post by: BrokenTusk on Feb 16, 2007, 11:55:02 PM
^ you mean ones on the verge of becoming elders, or arbiters ?
Title: Re: Why are teenage Predators always used in movies?
Post by: yautja99 on Feb 17, 2007, 04:36:25 AM
I mean Pre-Elder Predators thats a good way to put it.
Title: Re: Why are teenage Predators always used in movies?
Post by: BrokenTusk on Feb 17, 2007, 05:20:00 AM
perhaps we'll see the Pred in AVP2 exactly or similar to this, this one is lean and athelic and has more experience.
Title: Re: Why are teenage Predators always used in movies?
Post by: Pvt. Hicks on Feb 17, 2007, 05:30:57 AM
The topic title makes no sense what so ever. The pred in P1 was a seasoned, grizzled hunter. In P2 the pred was younger, in AvP they were teenagers. In AvP 2, there is only one lone predator because there only needs to be one. It's just as experienced as the P1 pred I presume.
Title: Re: Why are teenage Predators always used in movies?
Post by: Punk19 on Feb 17, 2007, 06:20:57 AM
Agreed, took the words right out of my keyboard
Title: Re: Why are teenage Predators always used in movies?
Post by: BrokenTusk on Feb 17, 2007, 05:12:08 PM
perhaps it's a bit more seasoned then the first, dunno until we get some bio on the "new" guy.
Title: Re: Why are teenage Predators always used in movies?
Post by: yautja99 on Feb 18, 2007, 07:34:40 PM
Ok another thing that bugs me we never see female Predators ???
Title: Re: Why are teenage Predators always used in movies?
Post by: BrokenTusk on Feb 18, 2007, 07:41:05 PM
yeah and the fact we never see any predator younglings.
Title: Re: Why are teenage Predators always used in movies?
Post by: praetorian101 on Feb 18, 2007, 11:13:42 PM
i cant even tell if its a teenage pred or not
Title: Re: Why are teenage Predators always used in movies?
Post by: BrokenTusk on Feb 19, 2007, 12:33:31 AM
the Predator in 1 was supposedly middle age or close to it.

in P2 it was younger then the first one, but older then the ones in AVP.

and finally in AVP, they're suppose to be teenagers.
Title: Re: Why are teenage Predators always used in movies?
Post by: yautja99 on Feb 19, 2007, 12:35:07 AM
hahaha how about Pre-teen Predators :D
Title: Re: Why are teenage Predators always used in movies?
Post by: gyro on Feb 26, 2007, 12:58:52 AM
it explains it all in the first avp comic it is alll about training for the young ones and fun for the middle age  ones and in retirment the old ones teach so we see young ones screwing up
middle age ones kicking ass and old ones saving the day -- sort of like were i work--
Title: Re: Why are teenage Predators always used in movies?
Post by: Xenomorphine on Feb 28, 2007, 03:23:53 AM
Quote from: BrokenTusk on Feb 02, 2007, 06:05:29 PM
the first one we can assume was the most experience out of the 3, by just relying on a plasma caster and his wristblades. the second was refer to being younger I believe by the director and in AVP the unrated editon they're refer to as teens in Pred years( I assume.)

That logic has never really made much sense to me.

"Ah, veteran warrior! You have survived many battles and triumphed over challenging odds!"
"Thank you, oh wise leader! Tell me, what is my reward?"
"Well, we thought we'd take some of your weapons away from you."
"Um... What?"
"You don't need them!"
"So... I spent all that time in training and the older I get, the less capabilities I'm allowed to have? Like, not even for emergencies?"
"I think I'll just be... Over on this planet... Over here, if you don't mind. Away from you. With all my stuff, so that you won't take it away."


Quote from: yautja99 on Feb 18, 2007, 07:34:40 PM
Ok another thing that bugs me we never see female Predators???

What makes you think the ones we have already seen aren't females? Or that they aren't all hermaphrodites? Or that the only differences between genders could have been what was noted between the firest and second films?

Do you think that females would have breasts? Would any creature in its right mind let something with a mouth configuration like that attach itself to one of the most sensitive areas of a body and feed from there? :)
Title: Re: Why are teenage Predators always used in movies?
Post by: Stalker on Mar 01, 2007, 12:22:14 AM
The original predator seemed like quite an experienced hunter. It calculated its moves, it waited for the right time to strike, etc. It all seemed like the movements of an older & more experienced predator to me. The second hunter seemed a little younger, but was nonetheless a deadly force, able to wipe out entire teams of heavily armed men like child's play. The AVP preds on the other hand were proven to be "teenagers". In Paul Anderson's mind though, they were even older & more experienced than the original hunters, as he stated in the DVD director's commentary. I personally don't buy into that whatsoever, as the AVP preds seemed far more irrational & bull headed when it came to hunt strategies & their tactics, which quickly got the majority of them killed. The lone predator in AVP2 is supposedly a veteran, so hopefully we'll finally get to see what an experienced hunter is capable of doing to an alien in combat.
Title: Re: Why are teenage Predators always used in movies?
Post by: Meathead320 on Mar 01, 2007, 03:46:29 AM
Quote from: Xenomorphine on Feb 28, 2007, 03:23:53 AM
Quote from: BrokenTusk on Feb 02, 2007, 06:05:29 PM
the first one we can assume was the most experience out of the 3, by just relying on a plasma caster and his wristblades. the second was refer to being younger I believe by the director and in AVP the unrated editon they're refer to as teens in Pred years( I assume.)

That logic has never really made much sense to me.

"Ah, veteran warrior! You have survived many battles and triumphed over challenging odds!"
"Thank you, oh wise leader! Tell me, what is my reward?"
"Well, we thought we'd take some of your weapons away from you."
"Um... What?"
"You don't need them!"
"So... I spent all that time in training and the older I get, the less capabilities I'm allowed to have? Like, not even for emergencies?"
"I think I'll just be... Over on this planet... Over here, if you don't mind. Away from you. With all my stuff, so that you won't take it away."


Quote from: yautja99 on Feb 18, 2007, 07:34:40 PM
Ok another thing that bugs me we never see female Predators???

What makes you think the ones we have already seen aren't females? Or that they aren't all hermaphrodites? Or that the only differences between genders could have been what was noted between the firest and second films?

Do you think that females would have breasts? Would any creature in its right mind let something with a mouth configuration like that attach itself to one of the most sensitive areas of a body and feed from there? :)

ALLValid points.

For all we know genders are very different for them than us. As has been mentioned, Hermaphrodites, even being born from eggs is possible.

They may have live birth.

We don't know.

Could they breast feed?

I would say the chances of that are small, as that would be a remarkably small chance of parallel evolution.

So many assumptions people make.

"We have not seen an elder hunt."

What makes us think they still do hunt, or would be better than a middle aged one?

It is possible that by this point they are weaker physically, or have so many nagging injuries that they are retired.
Title: Re: Why are teenage Predators always used in movies?
Post by: DB on Mar 02, 2007, 03:36:05 AM
Quote from: Xenomorphine on Feb 28, 2007, 03:23:53 AMDo you think that females would have breasts? Would any creature in its right mind let something with a mouth configuration like that attach itself to one of the most sensitive areas of a body and feed from there? :)

Why wouldn't it?
Title: Re: Why are teenage Predators always used in movies?
Post by: SiL on Mar 02, 2007, 10:43:06 AM
Actually, he's got a point. Unless the female Predators have REEEEEEAAAAL long nipples, or reeeal pointy breasts, that form of feeding just isn't going to work for the Predators.
Title: Re: Why are teenage Predators always used in movies?
Post by: Avpvet2006 on Mar 02, 2007, 01:57:06 PM
lol we went from teenage preds to breasts and female preds
Title: Re: Why are teenage Predators always used in movies?
Post by: DB on Mar 04, 2007, 10:08:00 PM
Quote from: SiL on Mar 02, 2007, 10:43:06 AM
Actually, he's got a point. Unless the female Predators have REEEEEEAAAAL long nipples, or reeeal pointy breasts, that form of feeding just isn't going to work for the Predators.

Title: Re: Why are teenage Predators always used in movies?
Post by: SiL on Mar 04, 2007, 10:20:07 PM
Because their mouth configuration looks to be ill-suited to suckling. No visible tongue, no real cheeks - Just the back of their throats, not much else. My bet would be on regurgitation.
Title: Re: Why are teenage Predators always used in movies?
Post by: DB on Mar 04, 2007, 11:07:06 PM
Why would these be a problem? As long as they can provide the breast with a stimulus to start releasing milk, gravity, and perhaps muscle contractions provided by other parts of their mouths to ensure the milk goes the right way, would be enough to drink their mother's milk. They don't appear to have a problem eating our food, would their children drinking their mother's milk be such a stretch?
Title: Re: Why are teenage Predators always used in movies?
Post by: SiL on Mar 04, 2007, 11:22:45 PM
We never saw the Predator eat - We have no idea just how they do it.

Don't see the problem with regurgitation. Breast-feeding is so ... mammalian.
Title: Re: Why are teenage Predators always used in movies?
Post by: DB on Mar 05, 2007, 12:28:46 AM
I would personally suspect that they do it with their mouths, but that's a bit biased, seeing as it's coming from an Earthling!

I'm not beyond the concept of regurgitation - after all - some scientists believe that our ancestors developed kissing because we fed our children through that method as well, but I don't think breast feeding should be disregarded.
Title: Re: Why are teenage Predators always used in movies?
Post by: SM on Mar 05, 2007, 12:40:14 AM
No it shouldn't be discounted, but I tend to agree with SiL.  It makes them more mammal and less extraterrestrial.
Title: Re: Why are teenage Predators always used in movies?
Post by: DB on Mar 05, 2007, 12:44:51 AM
I've always seen the Predators as very human-like aliens, so I usually stick with that. Once again, here I am, biased!
Title: Re: Why are teenage Predators always used in movies?
Post by: BrokenTusk on Mar 05, 2007, 02:10:02 AM
from any similarities from earthly creatures they do have some repitilatian attributes, scaly skin, love of the heat. though that's just my IMO.
Title: Re: Why are teenage Predators always used in movies?
Post by: techtor on Mar 07, 2007, 08:08:29 AM
Quote from: yautja99 on Feb 15, 2007, 06:00:15 PM
No one wants to see middle aged Predators in Action ???.

On the contrary, that is what I would like to see. How the Yautja bigshots do it.

Of course, I do expect them to do it better.  ;D
Title: Re: Why are teenage Predators always used in movies?
Post by: SM on Mar 07, 2007, 08:27:59 AM
What happens if they don't though?

Two have been done in by humans (though at least one was Arnie), and three have been done in by Aliens - two in quick succession.  If we see supposedly more experienced Predators getting nailed by supposedly inferior prey it's gunna piss the Predator fans right off.

But it will make me giggle and that's the main thing.  ;D
Title: Re: Why are teenage Predators always used in movies?
Post by: techtor on Mar 07, 2007, 10:00:17 AM
I guess that answers the question of this thread. The less experienced preds get better chances at getting killed. I'm pretty sure the elder at the end of AvP could have dispatched most the Aliens and maybe even the queen by himself. But of course, this is the rookies' hunt and not his.
Title: Re: Why are teenage Predators always used in movies?
Post by: Xenomorphine on Jun 01, 2007, 10:53:58 PM
Quote from: DB on Mar 04, 2007, 11:07:06 PM
Why would these be a problem? As long as they can provide the breast with a stimulus to start releasing milk, gravity, and perhaps muscle contractions provided by other parts of their mouths to ensure the milk goes the right way, would be enough to drink their mother's milk. They don't appear to have a problem eating our food, would their children drinking their mother's milk be such a stretch?

But... Look at that mouth. Look at how sharp and long those fangs are. They're vicious. How do you expect a hungering infant Predator to do anything but physically mutilate an organ composed of anything like the soft tissue of a female breast?

If you were a woman, would you let a cross between a crab and tarantula try to 'suckle' from you? Why would you expect to not be ripped apart?
Title: Re: Why are teenage Predators always used in movies?
Post by: AB2K on Jun 19, 2007, 04:19:19 AM
Quote from: yautja99 on Feb 02, 2007, 04:57:46 PM
I wish they can atleast use older Predators that are more experienced like middle aged or Elder Predators besides teenage Predators are overused ???

(Ok This Is Just My Intake On The Topic At Hand So You Don't Have To Agree Or Disagree, I'm Just Saying. )   ;)

It is safe automaticly to decide and/or assume by putting the predators hunting ways and beliefs
very identicle to ours here on earth would have to say that a test like the Predators is a test of
your Knowledge, Wisdom, Currage, Speed Physically and Mentally ( Dextairity and Pychologically Quick! )
and loyalty and anything that may make up the true ideal of a man or woman ( Each Sex Test It's Own. ) In the eyes of families and our peers for honor and respect! Now in respect too tribes here on earth in real life that is just what we do and it's always in most cases the young are  tested in some way to prove
themselves. An elder already proved him or herself to their tribe, family, function and/or gang. The test are
structured to test the skills and how great they grow and to see if you can hold up the bloodline or worthy to do so. Now if they sent an elder to earth it would be only to clean up what the younger messed up and
allowed to grow and get out of control! I mean the elders are the successors of these very test so why send them unless truly needed like A Special Opts. Person ( i.e. F.B.I. / C.I.A / Area 51!!! Dare I Say... )
You know the clean up crew. And clean means cover up everything, make it look like we weren't even here! Let everybody think it was just a shiny new weather balloon way ahead of it's time... That's what elders always do, we clean up the mistakes and then cover them up to save face of family values. Why?!
Because they were smart enough to LIVE through all the trials and tribulations of their TRIALS OF LIFE!

But That's Just Me Noticing How what the writers wanted us as humans to identify with such a creature.

I could say alot, lot more but i won't, But if you want to debate this any further feel free!
Title: Re: Why are teenage Predators always used in movies?
Post by: Uncanny Antman on Jun 20, 2007, 03:22:24 AM
Quote from: Xenomorphine on Jun 01, 2007, 10:53:58 PM
But... Look at that mouth. Look at how sharp and long those fangs are.

  Why are you assuming that infant Predators have teeth?
Title: Re: Why are teenage Predators always used in movies?
Post by: AB2K on Jun 20, 2007, 08:13:47 AM
Quote from: Uncanny Antman on Jun 20, 2007, 03:22:24 AM
Quote from: Xenomorphine on Jun 01, 2007, 10:53:58 PM
But... Look at that mouth. Look at how sharp and long those fangs are.

  Why are you assuming that infant Predators have teeth?
Good Question UA!