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Films/TV => Predator Films => Topic started by: Corporal Hicks on Feb 02, 2007, 12:41:24 AM

Title: Honor?
Post by: Corporal Hicks on Feb 02, 2007, 12:41:24 AM
This is more of a question for those of you who don't really know much about the comics or that sort of stuff, but from the first 2 movies do you guys get the impression of honor or of challenge when you think about the Predators?

Now, obviously in Predator 2 we see they can respect us but what do you guys think?
Title: Re: Honor?
Post by: SM on Feb 02, 2007, 12:55:52 AM
As I've said on the other thread I don't think it's especially honourable to set off a nuke when you lose - especially when said nuke can kill the people you wouldn't ordinarily target during a hunt.

Obviously they some sort of code - they don't just slaughter Danny Glover and they appear to avoid the targets mentioned above.  But I wouldn't call it it 'honour'.

Setting off a nuke to destroy an out-of-control Alien infestation though would be acceptable if the infestation threatened their 'game park', though not honourable as such.  More like pest control.
Title: Re: Honor?
Post by: Eidotemit on Feb 02, 2007, 12:59:32 AM
I used to have the idea of honor, but thats just because it was the general opinion out there that they had it. However, after your thread about the HIsh, I deffinatly dont see it. They are hunters, and there is little 'honor' in their actions. Not being in the mind of a pred we cant really say if they leave the pregnant, or the old and sick or unarmed alone because of an honor code, or because they arent worth the hunt.

Untill you consider the self-destruct. They have been defeated, yet they will not accept it with the samurai code of honor they are often branded with and take their own life, but they destroy and kil their prey and anyone else thats within the blast radius, with no concern about the condition of the people in it.

The show respect to some degree. In P2 they let Harrigan go. This too could have just been because he was tired and injured and outnumbered, at this point they wouldnt be hunting him fo rht egame, just killing him. They let him go and left it to him to get out of the way of the fire from their ship as they took off.

To a small degree, Id say they have a sort of honor and respect, but more as a result of their practice as hunters and only wanting to hunt 'whats worth it' rather than an actual binding code they have.
Title: Re: Honor?
Post by: Corporal Hicks on Feb 02, 2007, 01:09:37 AM
Oh, thank God! You're negative view on everything has finally been good for me. As you'll have noticed, I'm somewhat keen on the Hish POV in the new novels and it's like fighting a one man battle on those other forums.

I never thought honor was implied in these films. I always got the thrill of the hunt vibe.
Title: Re: Honor?
Post by: BrokenTusk on Feb 02, 2007, 01:40:18 AM
then again I notice while watching Predator again during the faceoff, the Pred took off his shoulder cannon(even though it working properly to have a hand to hand fight) and also had a chance to kill Dutch when he was resting a bit by the stump but didn't, he extended the width of the blades to fit Arnold's neck. So I think they're looking for a challenge rather then just eradicating their opponent.  Plus I think we have yet to see a Predator going feral yet on the silver screen, so perhaps it's the Yautja we have been seeing in the movies so far.
Title: Re: Honor?
Post by: Dekapitator on Feb 02, 2007, 09:10:34 AM
I always imaged the Predators as being "extraterrestrial hunters", not "extraterrestrial samurai-hunters" like in the comics. I think it's the challenge that they want, the thrill of the hunt.
Title: Re: Honor?
Post by: Eidotemit on Feb 02, 2007, 03:36:46 PM
Well, I think they want an opponent that will givew them a challenge as that makes the hunt so much better.

..I have a negative view on everything???
Title: Re: Honor?
Post by: Corporal Hicks on Feb 02, 2007, 05:27:13 PM
Was talking to SM ^
Title: Re: Honor?
Post by: Eidotemit on Feb 02, 2007, 05:28:56 PM
yeah, I wasnt sure cause i didnt think I had a neg view on everything, but I didn't even see SM posted.
Title: Re: Honor?
Post by: BrokenTusk on Feb 02, 2007, 06:08:49 PM
^ though we have yet to read the Hish's hunting rules, look at FM they were going to kill everyone on Midnight, Man, Woman, and Child..
Title: Re: Honor?
Post by: Fitzley on Feb 02, 2007, 06:32:38 PM
Just going from the movies, I would say they have "rules of the hunt," not necessarily an "honor code." I mean, they hunt only those that are armed and can fight back, but even then, its not like its a fair battle. Cloaked, with a laser cannon...

Even hand to hand with Arnie, I see that as more "you have earned my respect." But even that is not a fair battle, Arnie didn't stand a chance against the pred.

All and all, they seem to like to add an element of danger to their hunts, but still maintain an overwhelming advantage over their prey.
Title: Re: Honor?
Post by: uhhhhh on Feb 03, 2007, 04:02:28 AM
While I consider the stuff in the comics to be total nonsense, and agree with a lot of what has been said as far as hunting and maintaing sporting advantage etc.  I still see the creature as an honorable one, as a bull or lion is an honorable creature.

I see a lot of their actions to be honorable, even though they may be brutal.  Also I have a completely different take on almost everything about the preds than everyone else, and these things all fit together.
Title: Re: Honor?
Post by: Eidotemit on Feb 03, 2007, 06:19:30 AM
how are a bull or lion honorable? They aren't even comparable species. A bull is a erritorial but otherwise docile anaimal, and a lion is an opportunistic hunter. Im just a little confussed as to what your trying to say.

Honor entails a whole set of standards, which the preds frankly dont seem to meet.
Title: Re: Honor?
Post by: xenopred66 on Feb 03, 2007, 11:35:40 PM
simple explanation for the self-destruct device............they dont want to be capture in battle so they take out anything that could leave evidence of their exsistence
Title: Re: Honor?
Post by: Eidotemit on Feb 04, 2007, 05:31:19 AM
very well could be, or it could be a last-ditch effort to win. or both.
Title: Re: Honor?
Post by: YautjaWarrior on Feb 04, 2007, 07:06:08 PM
I DO think that Preds have a code of honor, but, being they are aliens, it may seem warped and illogical to humans.

In general, the Preds seem to fight sort of unfairly, with their plasma caster and cloak, in order to flush out a real challenge; they won't go out of their way to kill something defenseless.

The whole self-destruct devise is was it is: a gadget that insures that there is nothing left of the Predator or any of its' weapons and gear.
Title: Re: Honor?
Post by: Eidotemit on Feb 04, 2007, 07:42:54 PM
The self destruct doesnt need to kill everything for blocks or miles to ensure that it is destroyed and all its equip though. It would appear they ignore the injured, sick, elderly, w/e more because they aren't a challange.
Title: Re: Honor?
Post by: SM on Feb 05, 2007, 02:46:04 AM
QuoteYou're negative view on everything has finally been good for me.

Title: Re: Honor?
Post by: YautjaWarrior on Feb 06, 2007, 04:19:32 AM
In the first Predator, in the beginning of the movie, the Predator comes down in a smaller ship from the main ship; I'm thinking the self-destruct in that movie was made to be powerful enough to destroy the Predator and his ship. We never see how powerful the self-detruct devise is in Predator 2; it could have been weaker.
Title: Re: Honor?
Post by: Eidotemit on Feb 06, 2007, 04:39:49 AM
thats true, it could have been weaker, and maybe P1 pred did want to destroy his ship aswell. The P2 preds blast would still have cause some collateral damage if the blast had to be strong enough to completely obliterate every trace of himself, no telling how large exactly, but he was hanging off the side of a building so there certaily is the high possiblilty that it would have been considerable.
Title: Re: Honor?
Post by: YautjaWarrior on Feb 06, 2007, 06:32:52 PM
Very true... but now I'm starting to wonder why the Predator in Predator 2 set off its' self-destruct devise in the first place. It was hanging off a building, but couldn't it have just hauled itself up onto the ledge Harrigan was on? ???
Title: Re: Honor?
Post by: Eidotemit on Feb 06, 2007, 06:37:23 PM
It was pretty messed up, it took several shotgun blasts to the torso, it lost its maks (idk if this has any affect, but it could.) I don't really remember how it was hanging either. I remember Harrigan on a ledge, and the pred over the side, and it was hanging fine by one are for a min when it was setting the device.
Title: Re: Honor?
Post by: YautjaWarrior on Feb 06, 2007, 06:52:34 PM
Quote from: Eidotemit on Feb 06, 2007, 06:37:23 PM
It was pretty messed up, it took several shotgun blasts to the torso, it lost its maks (idk if this has any affect, but it could.) I don't really remember how it was hanging either. I remember Harrigan on a ledge, and the pred over the side, and it was hanging fine by one are for a min when it was setting the device.

Though it was injured, it still seemed to have the strength to chase Harrigan around some more and lop Keyes in half with its' disk.

It was hanging on to Harrigan's arm with one hand and had its' disk shoved into the wall; I just don't think it would have had that much trouble in hauling itself up on the ledge. Even if it was really weak, it could have retreated for a moment or to, used its first aid kid and gone back after Harrigan.
Title: Re: Honor?
Post by: Eidotemit on Feb 06, 2007, 06:55:20 PM
Which is hte first thing it did when it got the chance, use the med-kit.

Maybe the pred didn't think Harrigan could take the pred pulling himself back up and would cause the both of them to fall.
Title: Re: Honor?
Post by: YautjaWarrior on Feb 06, 2007, 07:02:41 PM
But couldn't it have let go of its' disk and grabbed the ledge, and then let go of Harrigan's arm, and grab the ledge with its' other?
Title: Re: Honor?
Post by: Dekapitator on Feb 06, 2007, 07:12:01 PM
Quote from: Eidotemit on Feb 06, 2007, 04:39:49 AM
...the blast had to be strong enough to completely obliterate every trace of himself

Speaking about that, didn't the Predator leave behind his mask and part of his left arm (wich Harrigan threw away)?
Who knows what could have happened to those afterwards...
Title: Re: Honor?
Post by: YautjaWarrior on Feb 06, 2007, 07:26:38 PM
He also left behind his spear; when Harrigan attacks the Predator on the roof, the spear goes flying off as well.
Title: Re: Honor?
Post by: Corporal Hicks on Feb 06, 2007, 07:30:28 PM
OMG! Things to go in Predator 3! :P
Title: Re: Honor?
Post by: Eidotemit on Feb 06, 2007, 07:33:17 PM
So with those all around, he would of had to have made a large blas to destroy those.

Maybe the pred didn't think that there was enough room, or it would have been awkward and Harrigan would have caused them both to fall. Idk,  Im grasping for straws here.
Title: Re: Honor?
Post by: Dekapitator on Feb 06, 2007, 07:52:36 PM
Quote from: YautjaWarrior on Feb 06, 2007, 07:26:38 PM
He also left behind his spear; when Harrigan attacks the Predator on the roof, the spear goes flying off as well.

Yeah, and the breathing filter.
Title: Re: Honor?
Post by: YautjaWarrior on Feb 06, 2007, 10:01:21 PM
Quote from: Eidotemit on Feb 06, 2007, 07:33:17 PM
So with those all around, he would of had to have made a large blas to destroy those.

Maybe the pred didn't think that there was enough room, or it would have been awkward and Harrigan would have caused them both to fall. Idk,  Im grasping for straws here.

Maybe, this is just a theory, that was its' last night hunting on Earth (the predators leave after Harrigan kills the Pred), and it would look weak for not being able to kill the one human it had hunted for so long, so it decided to just destroy itself to save face...

But that makes another problem... if the self destruct devise had gone off, could it have destroyed the PREDATOR SHIP that was right underground, with all the other Predators in it?  :o
Title: Re: Honor?
Post by: Eidotemit on Feb 06, 2007, 10:59:43 PM
Unless it was like was said before, the blast could have been made to be smaller, just enough to destroy himself and gear he left behind.
Title: Re: Honor?
Post by: uhhhhh on Feb 08, 2007, 09:57:51 PM
Quote from: Eidotemit on Feb 06, 2007, 10:59:43 PM
Unless it was like was said before, the blast could have been made to be smaller, just enough to destroy himself and gear he left behind.

In both P1 and P2  the predators slide a scroll bar to the far end of a scale on their wrist-comps.  I beleive this sets their power-supply to maximum yeild.  Since this is done in both movies, it would have wiped out "10 city blocks," which may or may not have included the pred ship, depending on shielding and materials, etc.