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General => General Alien-Predator Discussion => Topic started by: MrSpaceJockey on Feb 16, 2013, 07:42:13 PM

Question: So...?
Option 1: Prometheus votes: 24
Option 2: Aliens: Colonial Marines votes: 53
Title: What was a bigger disappointment: Prometheus, or Aliens: Colonial Marines?
Post by: MrSpaceJockey on Feb 16, 2013, 07:42:13 PM
It might be a silly question, but there was a poll regarding which people were looking forward to more, so I suppose this one was bound to be asked sometime.

This isn't solely regarding the quality of each product; Anticipation, expectations, and the reaction to the result should be factored in as well.

Title: Re: What was a bigger disappointment: Prometheus, or Aliens: Colonial Marines?
Post by: Elicas on Feb 16, 2013, 08:06:29 PM
Prometheus. Directed by Ridley Scott as the Alien prequel, I really expected Alien2. Then it wasn't actually a direct prequel. Then it was "Set in the same universe". Then it "shared the same DNA as Alien". Then it was released.

What a load of utter f**king wank that film was.

It's still the only film where I've ever walked out of the cinema part way through.
Title: Re: What was a bigger disappointment: Prometheus, or A...
Post by: Valaquen on Feb 16, 2013, 09:30:56 PM
Prometheus. Ridley Scott, great opportunity to use the Space Jockey and Giger, etc.
Colonial Marines is something I can ignore easier. Even with all the canon talk from GBX, it'll never be regarded on the same level as the films, even if it were good. People would rather watch a movie than crowd around someone playing a computer game.
Title: Re: What was a bigger disappointment: Prometheus, or Aliens: Colonial Marines?
Post by: MrSpaceJockey on Feb 16, 2013, 09:36:16 PM
Hm, I thought Prometheus, since it got relatively ok  reviews, would actually fare better so far in this vote than A:CM.  I guess I'm not alone as I thought.

An excellent point about film vs game.
Title: Re: What was a bigger disappointment: Prometheus, or Aliens: Colonial Marines?
Post by: OmegaZilla on Feb 16, 2013, 09:46:52 PM
I'm not much of a videogamer, but I was eagerly awaiting for Aliens: Colonial Marines. Was kind of disappointed by what I heard.

That said, the sheer size of the disappointment is definitely much more massive in the case of Prometheus. Easily.
Title: Re: What was a bigger disappointment: Prometheus, or A...
Post by: Xenomrph on Feb 17, 2013, 12:05:52 AM
Definitely A:CM. Prometheus at least had quality behind it, even if what it did wasn't always my cup of tea. Colonial Marines flat-out failed to deliver on the ideas it promised us. Prometheus didn't promise us anything.
Title: Re: What was a bigger disappointment: Prometheus, or Aliens: Colonial Marines?
Post by: whiterabbit on Feb 17, 2013, 12:23:02 AM
Prometheus ended up being a science-fiction movie that only takes place inside of the alien universe. It is a good movie but just not the move most of us wanted. ACM on the other hand seems to be a major mess.
Title: Re: What was a bigger disappointment: Prometheus, or Aliens: Colonial Marines?
Post by: chupacabras acheronsis on Feb 17, 2013, 12:58:27 AM
i actually had expectations for Prometheus.

A:CM was landing without gear(pun not intended)
Title: Re: What was a bigger disappointment: Prometheus, or Aliens: Colonial Marines?
Post by: Cal427eb on Feb 17, 2013, 01:07:49 AM
A:CM f**king easily.... Its a disgrace in every regard. I can't believe people are voting for Prometheus.
Title: Re: What was a bigger disappointment: Prometheus, or A...
Post by: ScardyFox on Feb 17, 2013, 08:05:06 AM
Prometheus, easily for me.
Title: Odp: What was a bigger disappointment: Prometheus, or Aliens: Colonial Marines?
Post by: Salt The Fries on Feb 17, 2013, 09:25:32 AM
Aliens: Colonial Marines, no contest. Worst game ever.
Title: Re: What was a bigger disappointment: Prometheus, or Aliens: Colonial Marines?
Post by: SiL on Feb 17, 2013, 12:00:06 PM
No it isn't.

Big Rigs, man. Big. Rigs.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oaMejARx560# (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oaMejARx560#)
Title: Re: What was a bigger disappointment: Prometheus, or A...
Post by: Salt The Fries on Feb 17, 2013, 07:44:08 PM
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ntEz4o5eq7k#ws (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ntEz4o5eq7k#ws)

I played this in the early 1990s on C64, mind you :D
Title: Re: What was a bigger disappointment: Prometheus, or Aliens: Colonial Marines?
Post by: OmegaZilla on Feb 17, 2013, 08:16:58 PM

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2DTjLG3usQo#noexternalembed (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2DTjLG3usQo#noexternalembed)
Title: Re: What was a bigger disappointment: Prometheus, or Aliens: Colonial Marines?
Post by: DJ Pu$$yface on Feb 17, 2013, 08:47:39 PM
They were  both awesome.
Title: Re: What was a bigger disappointment: Prometheus, or Aliens: Colonial Marines?
Post by: OpenMaw on Mar 02, 2013, 04:22:31 AM
Quote from: molten-rocko on Mar 02, 2013, 01:11:13 AM
Quote from: Elicas on Feb 16, 2013, 08:06:29 PM
Prometheus. Directed by Ridley Scott as the Alien prequel, I really expected Alien2. Then it wasn't actually a direct prequel. Then it was "Set in the same universe". Then it "shared the same DNA as Alien". Then it was released.

What a load of utter f**king wank that film was.

It's still the only film where I've ever walked out of the cinema part way through.

Have not seen a person this weak sinse "Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace", first star wars fans being weak now alien fans?.

Whats this world coming to anyway, so many people are so butthurt about star wars & alien these days.

Yes. How dare he not enjoy the flawed film. How dare he be upset that it wasn't amazing, which is the standard Ridley Scott is known for. How dare he. We should hang him up by the balls and beat the Hell out of him with wiffle bats!  >:(


Title: Re: What was a bigger disappointment: Prometheus, or Aliens: Colonial Marines?
Post by: The PredBen on Mar 03, 2013, 01:34:29 AM
From what I've heard, A:CM seems to be an absolute joke. A really, really bad game. Prometheus didn't disappointment me at all. Although I did hope to see Peter Weyland's character have a larger role.
Title: Re: What was a bigger disappointment: Prometheus, or Aliens: Colonial Marines?
Post by: Terx2 on Mar 03, 2013, 10:32:09 AM
Quote from: The PredBen on Mar 03, 2013, 01:34:29 AM
From what I've heard, A:CM seems to be an absolute joke. A really, really bad game. Prometheus didn't disappointment me at all. Although I did hope to see Peter Weyland's character have a larger role.

Agreed. Yeah Peter Weyland really appeared at the start an near the end it would have been nice if they included the young Peter Weyland memory thing some where in the middle.

Anyway ACM by far. This game failed at giving us the full true marine experience that Aliens gave us, theres bugs everywere (no pun intended), this game would have looked good years ago, lack of emotion in characters, terrible lip sync at times and some of the most unlikable characters ever in video games (I hate Cruz worst marine ever!)

Prometheus has a few problems of its own but none reach as far as how bad ACM turned out.
Title: Re: What was a bigger disappointment: Prometheus, or Aliens: Colonial Marines?
Post by: DontRelaxJustYetMarines on Mar 04, 2013, 01:21:30 PM
Prometheus totally shattered all hope for the future of the Alien franchise in one blow. 

Aliens:  Colonial Marines is just another failed game.  There are already other games coming out, and there will probably be more in the future.
Title: Re: Odp: What was a bigger disappointment: Prometheus, or Aliens: Colonial Marines?
Post by: JokersWarPig on Mar 05, 2013, 02:55:02 AM
Tough decision but I'm going with Prometheus. Nothing salvageable about the film for me. Honestly I found this to be better and a much more faithful prequel
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JLbcZggwVCw#ws (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JLbcZggwVCw#ws)

Quote from: Salt The Fries on Feb 17, 2013, 09:25:32 AM
Aliens: Colonial Marines, no contest. Worst game ever.

Not trying to defend its imperfections, but there's plenty of worse games out there.
Title: Re: What was a bigger disappointment: Prometheus, or Aliens: Colonial Marines?
Post by: JCGAuthor on Mar 05, 2013, 08:55:36 PM
I enjoyed Prometheus. In fact, I reviewed it on my official site (http://jonathancg.net/review-prometheus-2/).

My biggest complaint with the flick -- and I didn't have many -- was that the engineers will never be half as cool as I remember them being from the first Alien flick.

I get why Scott did what he did, but I was really hoping the Engineers would stay these lumbering, elephantine beings. They were so much more intriguing when they were so much more...alien. Now, I'll never again get to wonder what that being in that chair was. That took some of the fun out.
Title: Re: What was a bigger disappointment: Prometheus, or Aliens: Colonial Marines?
Post by: StrangeShape on Mar 05, 2013, 09:03:08 PM
Quote from: JCGAuthor on Mar 05, 2013, 08:55:36 PM
I enjoyed Prometheus. In fact, I reviewed it on my official site (http://jonathancg.net/review-prometheus-2/).

My biggest complaint with the flick -- and I didn't have many -- was that the engineers will never be half as cool as I remember them being from the first Alien flick.

I get why Scott did what he did, but I was really hoping the Engineers would stay these lumbering, elephantine beings. They were so much more intriguing when they were so much more...alien. Now, I'll never again get to wonder what that being in that chair was. That took some of the fun out.

Whenever someone asks me if I liked it, I always say I dislike the ideas for the movie, but thought they were executed well, or rather, the movie was good enough to swallow those ideas. I also think the Jockey was so fascinating because
a) the design was completely surrealistic and artistic, and seemed like it could not work as a live being. A thing that is one with the char, with no legs, mass poured into the chair in their place, and hose connecting his head to his sternum. Just trying to imagine this creature alive brought a body horror imagery and feeling of pain. It looked like those poor creatures from Gigers painting and the failed experiments from The Fly. It brought out a feeling of pity from me. To retcon it into big bald guys in a suit, well, again, the movie did it well, but I still dislike the idea
b) no background
Title: Re: What was a bigger disappointment: Prometheus, or Aliens: Colonial Marines?
Post by: RagingDragon on Mar 05, 2013, 10:06:19 PM
God isn't this the most depressing topic of the year. :laugh:

The two are almost equivalent for me.

Both were:
- promises of a long-awaited glorious return to the roots of their original properties
- hyped to present much more plot-wise than they actually do
- full of potential, such as David and the FX in Prometheus and the multiplayer and sounds in A:CM
- failed to understand the elements that really captured audiences in the first place
- created by companies and individuals with good track records, justifying the faith fans had in the end product

I'm definitely more pissed with Colonial Marines, as the team had much more time and fewer variables involved than a massive movie production. They were also simply making a sequel, and didn't need as many fresh designs and ideas as Prometheus. Prometheus has way more slack from me when it comes to making mistakes, so the most acidic of my hate lands in the A:CM camp, for sure.

All Gearbox had to do was not f**k it up. Their job was much easier; they didn't have to reinvent shit.
Title: Re: What was a bigger disappointment: Prometheus, or Aliens: Colonial Marines?
Post by: TheRaven on Mar 06, 2013, 04:17:16 AM
Both of them in a way.

Yes I did love watching prometheus and I did go into the cinema knowing that it only 'took place in the same universe' but I was still kinda disappointed with how long it dragged in parts, some scenes were quite odd (I.e how did David know which runes/buttons to press?) and it threw up more questions than it answered granted there is a sequel or a part 2 in the works.

A:CM was a disappointment because with all the hype I think I speak for everyone when I say we expected so much more.

And in my opinion other than one or two redeeming aspects it's pretty terrible, I'll still play it but meh.
The multiplayer is okay, and the mission 'the Raven' was really my only favourite part due to the whole 'chase' where I was literally panicking for a few seconds and the creepy boiler xenomorphs in the sewers. Plus I love the 'raven' xenomorph because its unique like Grid from AvP in a way, seemed more like a 'character' than an enemy.
Title: Re: What was a bigger disappointment: Prometheus, or Aliens: Colonial Marines?
Post by: CONKERSBADFURDAY on Mar 10, 2013, 05:23:33 AM
Well, I thought Prometheus was an astounding film, so I'll go with the second option since Aliens: Colonial Marines was a bad game.

I had high expectations for both, and I was really looking forward to both, so I'll just judge em on quality here. I was probably more looking forward to Prometheus I suppose, but a Gearbox Aliens game? Surely nothing could go wrong...:(
Title: Re: What was a bigger disappointment: Prometheus, or Aliens: Colonial Marines?
Post by: PRJ_since1990 on Mar 10, 2013, 06:23:35 AM
Quote from: CONKERSBADFURDAY on Mar 10, 2013, 05:23:33 AM
Well, I thought Prometheus was an astounding film, so I'll go with the second option since Aliens: Colonial Marines was a bad game.

I had high expectations for both, and I was really looking forward to both, so I'll just judge em on quality here. I was probably more looking forward to Prometheus I suppose, but a Gearbox Aliens game? Surely nothing could go wrong...:(
This ^^^. I loved Prometheus. It's not perfect but I feel it added a lot to the universe in a positive way. Yes it did kind of wreck a few of the high points in Alien, namely the mystery surrounding the Derelict, but overall, my take on Alien isn't shattered or anything. It's interesting now to see the old Aliens comics that feature the Space Jockey as a race and how (taking the film as canon) it's inaccurate now lol.

IMO I had higher hopes for ACM and ultimately was left wanted more. I'm in no way praising the game or hating on Timegate/Gearbox. I just feel like they did such a lackluster job after the hype, and 6 years to boot. Will we ever get another game in either Alien or Predator universe that's actually worth our money and the majority of players give it a good review?
Title: Re: What was a bigger disappointment: Prometheus, or Aliens: Colonial Marines?
Post by: Promethean on Mar 14, 2013, 11:26:24 PM
 Can't tell you how much I hate and am disappointed with a:cm, love prometheus though, great film
Title: Re: What was a bigger disappointment: Prometheus, or A...
Post by: blood. on Mar 15, 2013, 12:45:49 AM
Prometheus wasn't bad at all...

the only way they could possibly get A:CM wrong is if they had too much gunfights, not enough aliens, and didn't finish the game.
Title: Re: What was a bigger disappointment: Prometheus, or Aliens: Colonial Marines?
Post by: demonbane on Mar 15, 2013, 02:55:02 AM
I don't understand all the hate Prometheus has gathered... up to point where people think AVP-R is even tolerable...
The only flaw of the movie for me was the captain just accepting Shaw's words and his crew getting excited about kamikaze attack. That was WTF moment for me. Kinda not smooth enough to take seriously. Other than that, I don't see how that movie even hurts Alien. Riddly said it just has a loose end. Not concrete.
Title: Re: What was a bigger disappointment: Prometheus, or Aliens: Colonial Marines?
Post by: Le Celticant on Mar 15, 2013, 04:27:56 PM
I wasn't expecting anything from A:CM and it still managed to surprise me not in the good sense.
I had a little (but just a little) faith that Prometheus was going to give a bit of fresh air. That was a huge failure and I don't even know what this movie is.
A Prequel? Hard to tell with all the shitty elements that doesn't match the Alien universe.
A Remake? somewhere between Alien & AVP.
A Spin-Off? Would love this but it tries to get so close to Alien. That bothers me a lot, if they would have gone the total "Original" way and not borrow anything from Alien I may have been a bit "more" tolerant even if in the end I think this movie is a piece of cr*p.
Title: Re: What was a bigger disappointment: Prometheus, or Aliens: Colonial Marines?
Post by: JCGAuthor on Mar 15, 2013, 04:28:26 PM
Quote from: demonbane on Mar 15, 2013, 02:55:02 AM
I don't understand all the hate Prometheus has gathered... up to point where people think AVP-R is even tolerable...
The only flaw of the movie for me was the captain just accepting Shaw's words and his crew getting excited about kamikaze attack. That was WTF moment for me. Kinda not smooth enough to take seriously. Other than that, I don't see how that movie even hurts Alien. Riddly said it just has a loose end. Not concrete.

Well, they were watching the juggernaut lift off the ground, and since they had just seen (on remote video feed, we can assume) the Engineer lay down the smack on Weyland and everyone else...I think that steered the characters' decisions. Remember that Janek had talked about this earlier with Shaw, after seeing what had happened to Fifield and Charlie.

Plus, Janek has seen what happens when you let a contagion run amok--in London, once.
Title: Re: What was a bigger disappointment: Prometheus, or Aliens: Colonial Marines?
Post by: Samus007 on Mar 15, 2013, 04:41:49 PM
Aliens: CM by a long shot.
Title: Re: What was a bigger disappointment: Prometheus, or Aliens: Colonial Marines?
Post by: Terx2 on Mar 17, 2013, 12:32:53 AM
Quote from: JCGAuthor on Mar 15, 2013, 04:28:26 PM
Quote from: demonbane on Mar 15, 2013, 02:55:02 AM
I don't understand all the hate Prometheus has gathered... up to point where people think AVP-R is even tolerable...
The only flaw of the movie for me was the captain just accepting Shaw's words and his crew getting excited about kamikaze attack. That was WTF moment for me. Kinda not smooth enough to take seriously. Other than that, I don't see how that movie even hurts Alien. Riddly said it just has a loose end. Not concrete.

Well, they were watching the juggernaut lift off the ground, and since they had just seen (on remote video feed, we can assume) the Engineer lay down the smack on Weyland and everyone else...I think that steered the characters' decisions. Remember that Janek had talked about this earlier with Shaw, after seeing what had happened to Fifield and Charlie.

Plus, Janek has seen what happens when you let a contagion run amok--in London, once.

Well said JCGAuthor :)

Quote from: Samus007 on Mar 15, 2013, 04:41:49 PM
Aliens: CM by a long shot.

About the size of Nabrasca ;)
Title: Re: What was a bigger disappointment: Prometheus, or Aliens: Colonial Marines?
Post by: nerdcricket on Mar 20, 2013, 08:02:04 AM
Colonial Marines because it wasn't fun.

Prometheus had flaws but it was entertaining from beginning to end.
Title: Re: What was a bigger disappointment: Prometheus, or Aliens: Colonial Marines?
Post by: Topgun1983 on Mar 29, 2013, 07:50:53 PM
I think both were good. Prometheus was a stunning film visually and a better film then people state. Let's remind ourselves it wasnt made for just "us" fans.

The film had to get new viewers interested, and in my opinion it worked, i know of people who saw it and wanted to see Alien. Thus creating potential fans.

I hope A:CM does the same and helps make the Alien films fall into new viewers hands.
Title: Re: What was a bigger disappointment: Prometheus, or Aliens: Colonial Marines?
Post by: demonbane on Apr 06, 2013, 06:16:27 AM
Quote from: Topgun1983 on Mar 29, 2013, 07:50:53 PM
I think both were good. Prometheus was a stunning film visually and a better film then people state. Let's remind ourselves it wasnt made for just "us" fans.

The film had to get new viewers interested, and in my opinion it worked, i know of people who saw it and wanted to see Alien. Thus creating potential fans.

I hope A:CM does the same and helps make the Alien films fall into new viewers hands.
Do you seriously try to defend A: CM storyline? I seriously lost half faith in humanity...
Title: Re: What was a bigger disappointment: Prometheus, or A...
Post by: ArmyGuyDan on Apr 13, 2013, 04:49:08 PM
Colonial Marines was a slap in the face, especially with the plot, Hicks didn't die on Fury 161
Title: Re: What was a bigger disappointment: Prometheus, or Aliens: Colonial Marines?
Post by: Gilfryd on Apr 13, 2013, 09:22:39 PM
Whether Colonial Marines was good or not it's still a video game and has nowhere the amount of impact a movie would... people have waited since 1979 to find out what the Alien really is and Prometheus dropped the ball imensely by not deciding what the hell it wanted to be. An Alien prequel or a new sci-fi/horror film.
Title: Re: What was a bigger disappointment: Prometheus, or Aliens: Colonial Marines?
Post by: predxeno on Apr 14, 2013, 02:12:29 AM
I disliked Prometheus the most; A:CM mp actually became addictive for me.
Title: Re: What was a bigger disappointment: Prometheus, or A...
Post by: Dark Blade Hunter on Apr 15, 2013, 01:25:38 AM
As a fan of Alien I didn't find prometheus  a good prequel, as a fan of Aliens I didnt find aliens colonial marines a good sequel, just my opinion.
Title: Re: What was a bigger disappointment: Prometheus, or Aliens: Colonial Marines?
Post by: HappyAlien on Apr 29, 2013, 03:03:37 AM
Many non hard-core Alien people actually liked Prometheus. My two friends who know Alien and Aliens but are not huge fans like me actually enjoyed Prometheus due to not having so many expectations like me. It also got some good reviews.

ACM on the other hand was a terrible glitchy game which i had been waiting for for six years, yet looked like something that had been made in a rush like six months. At least Prometheus was nice to look at (the deacon could have been better). Prometheus had good visuals compared to other films released in 2012 while ACM looked like a 2005 game.

Can't believe ACM still has a whole section on this forum dedicated to it. It was really bad there were about 300 games released in the past year that were better, one of the worst shooters ever! We just all bought it cause it was set in the Aliens universe.
Title: Re: What was a bigger disappointment: Prometheus, or Aliens: Colonial Marines?
Post by: predxeno on Apr 29, 2013, 03:46:30 AM
Quote from: HappyAlien on Apr 29, 2013, 03:03:37 AM
Can't believe ACM still has a whole section on this forum dedicated to it. It was really bad there were about 300 games released in the past year that were better, one of the worst shooters ever! We just all bought it cause it was set in the Aliens universe.

This pretty much describes Prometheus as well.
Title: Re: What was a bigger disappointment: Prometheus, or Aliens: Colonial Marines?
Post by: SM on Apr 29, 2013, 04:00:05 AM

Prometheus came in at 18th in worldwide grosses, and got markedly better reviews than A:CM.  Neither was there 'the worst ever' anything Prometheus.
Title: Re: What was a bigger disappointment: Prometheus, or Aliens: Colonial Marines?
Post by: predxeno on Apr 29, 2013, 04:22:15 AM
Well, I was under the impression that most fans on this site saw the movie simply cause it was tied to the Alien universe; personally, I wouldn't have given it a second glance if it wasn't.  Also, I got the distinct impression that this film was designed more for the casual viewer rather than for the hardcore Alien fan; that was why it no longer was a direct Alien prequel, right?
Title: Re: What was a bigger disappointment: Prometheus, or Aliens: Colonial Marines?
Post by: SM on Apr 29, 2013, 04:32:42 AM
It wasn't a direct Alien prequel 'cos that's what Riddles wanted.  Probably freed him up a bit.  If Gearbox hadn't done a direct sequel to Aliens, they might not have f**ked up the story so badly.

And you have to appeal to casual viewers; the Alien fanbase isn't big enough to warrant a film that doesn't.
Title: Re: What was a bigger disappointment: Prometheus, or Aliens: Colonial Marines?
Post by: predxeno on Apr 29, 2013, 04:36:35 AM
Quote from: SM on Apr 29, 2013, 04:32:42 AM
It wasn't a direct Alien prequel 'cos that's what Riddles wanted.  Probably freed him up a bit.

To this day, I still get the nagging feeling that this was just a made up excuse designed just to grab a wider audience.

Quote from: SM on Apr 29, 2013, 04:32:42 AM
And you have to appeal to casual viewers; the Alien fanbase isn't big enough to warrant a film that doesn't.

IMO, that's why Prometheus failed.  I actually saw some of the special features and the ideas they had for the DIRECT Alien prequel were great, that's what made it a shame when so much of it went unused in the end.  When I think of the disappointment of Prometheus, I think more from an Alien fan's point of view rather than the box office's.
Title: Re: What was a bigger disappointment: Prometheus, or Aliens: Colonial Marines?
Post by: SM on Apr 29, 2013, 04:44:10 AM
Whatever disappointment there might have been, overall, people - Alien fans included - liked more of it than disliked.
Title: Re: What was a bigger disappointment: Prometheus, or Aliens: Colonial Marines?
Post by: demonbane on Apr 29, 2013, 06:24:43 PM
Just look around internet. Sure your opinion is bound to differ, but in imdb, the movie sits on 7.2 rating.
And poll about the movie in this site shows overwhelmingly positive note.
A:CM on the other hand, it was downright fraud. It failed to deliver what it promised.
Title: Re: What was a bigger disappointment: Prometheus, or Aliens: Colonial Marines?
Post by: predxeno on Apr 29, 2013, 06:27:11 PM
Then I suppose it's no surprise to anyone that I liked A:CM better than Prometheus; I have a strange taste in films and games.
Title: Re: What was a bigger disappointment: Prometheus, or Aliens: Colonial Marines?
Post by: demonbane on Apr 30, 2013, 03:37:17 AM
Quote from: predxeno on Apr 29, 2013, 06:27:11 PM
Then I suppose it's no surprise to anyone that I liked A:CM better than Prometheus; I have a strange taste in films and games.
Not surprising considering your avatar and sig.
Anyway, I also have tons of popular stuff that I don't like. It is fine to like certain stuff that majority doesn't like, but there is always exception you know.
Just search why people are disappointed with A:CM. You will have your answer. Disappointment can be measured objectively in this case, whether you like it or not.