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Archive => Archive => Prometheus Speculation => Topic started by: Qwertify on May 26, 2012, 04:07:52 PM

Title: Keeping in Mind the Big Questions
Post by: Qwertify on May 26, 2012, 04:07:52 PM
I was originally going to post this as a part of my blog. However, seeing as how anyone actually interested in reading it would probably be limited to this forum anyway, and the fact that it would be too long for anyone to really enjoy/understand outside of people like you, I decided to just post this straight to here.

This is a list of the most interesting and most important questions to keep in mind while watching the film. I feel that this way you can enter and leave the theater with a better idea of what to look for and what was actually going on. Consider this a discussion that can enrich and enlighten your Prometheus experience.

First and foremost - please provide your own best answers to these questions now if you can, and we can look back here and solve them together later.

My own answers are in spoilers. Don't read them if you don't want to. Please, only provide your answers to any part of the questions.

What is Meredith Vickers' Alternate Agenda?
1) She is a spy for Yutani who would like to see out the failure of the mission in order to bring about a collapse of the company.
2) She is Weyland's daughter under the orders to retrieve technology that could prolong her dying father's life indefinitely. Her hidden agenda is to try to sabotage any effort to find such technology so that she may inherit full control of the company.
Symn) Special link to the ship and Family. She is on the mission only for the sake of responsibility to her family. She is like a mother to the ship and shares a very special bond with it, but hates the origin of the mission and is distasteful of the fact that she must oblige them.

Who is the second Andriod?

It is not Vickers as that doesn't play along with the rules of what androids are capable of. Other major characters can be eliminated as well on the same grounds.
1) There is another David robot.
2) Peter Weyland, by being more than 50% robotic, can be considered the second android.
Symn) Vickers - sister Android to David

What are in the ampoules? What role do they play?
1) Black ooze which is the essence of creating alien species.
2) Storage containers for different species at varying stages.
Symn) The genomes of the deadliest organisms in the Universe

What were the murals changing into?
1) They were likely showing the ritual for producing their alien creature.
2) Live instruction guide for creating xenomorphs.
Symn) Their history within the temple/on other planets

What happened to the Engineers? Why are they all dead within the temple?

1) Their production of some other species or weapon went haywire while in cryosleep and devastated their group.
2) Some rogue Engineer from elsewhere, or a member of the group, sabotaged the procedure.
Symn) Civil War

Scott says the mission can be described best as a "challenge" to the Gods. If the Engineers are the gods, how do we challenge them?
1) We take their stuff and skedaddle.
2) We take their stuff and try to beat them at their own game.

Why is the Juggernaut going to Earth? Who are 'they'?

1) Earthlings were created long ago to complete theEngineer's next step of developing their 'alien.'
2) Pissed off about the mischief they've caused and going there to eradicate the humans.
3) The Engineer and his new made friend? I am guessing that is a combination of David, Peter Weyland, and a burned Holloway, who suits up Jockey style to save his life after getting torched by Vickers.
Symn) Use humans to proliferate their race

Is Peter Weyland on board?
They say Peirce only has a minute role in the beginning of the film. However, in earlier interviews they refused to answer the question because they would have to get into the plot. If that was all there was – then why would they hesitate saying this info? This means that yes, 100%, he is on board.
This has been made ever more obvious with new clips and various other sources i.e. that one character on set gets a considerable aging makeup.

How does Holloway die? Vickers?
These characters are pretty big in themselves, and come behind only David and Shaw. So how do they die if at all?
1) They don't.
2) Holloway gains biomech powers by putting on a Jockey suit. His infection drives him to go insane and is eventually fodder for Cuddles.
3) Vickers becomes Shaw's teammate and they help each other survive. Vickers might not make it anyway though. Also fodder for Cuddles.
Symn) Holloway is torched

What is the purpose of the giant face/head?
1) It has been reported that he is a super engineer who is worshipped as a God – a super-being whose knowledge and power reaches far beyond that of an ordinary Engineer, even though he may look like them.

Three Engineers – Last, Ghost, and Sacrifice – who are they and what is their purpose?
Sacrifice has already been answered. He is the one in the beginning who drinks a concoction whereby his body disintegrates into the water to create life.
The 'Ghost' Engineer is likely an interactive log of what was going on with the temple. He is like a holographic android that uses a dead Engineers memories to interact with anyone who might activate him. Though the Engineer is dead, the hologram sort of brings him to life by making his memories and thoughts intelligible. It is like a computer that uses your memory to answer other peoples' questions in the form of a holograph of your face/body.
The 'Last' Engineer is likely the one who is woken up from Cryosleep and the one who retaliates against the humans, as well as the one who tries to take the Juggernaut to Earth.

What can we expect from the xenomorphs? What will be the connection in the last 8 minutes?

Lindelof said, "We can present iterations of that stuff in different ways." We are highly likely to see some form of xenomorphs and face huggers, just as iterations of their previous form or a transmogrification into something conceptually more useful or terrifying.
In this sense we will see no xenomorphs or facehuggers – but we will see iterations of these things and something more most likely. That is, hammerhead snakes are like facehuggers – who infect other organisms orally to bring about the next phase of the alien creature.
The connection can be:
1) Physical Resemblance to the Xeno
2) Creation of an Egg
3) Xenomorph itself, coming out of the Last SJ, secretly infected since the beginning
4) 3D facehugger jumping at you after the credits
5) The Juggernaut crashing on LV-426

What is Shaw sorry about?
If you can remember – in one of the early trailers Shaw is heard saying "We were so wrong," and then "I'm so sorry."
1) Shaw has to leave Holloway outside the ship because he is infected.
2) Shaw is leaving a log behind for other humans to find – saying sorry she could not do a better job of figuring things out/saving everyone.
Symn) Guilty about leading her crewmates to their doom.

How do the survivors get back home/off the planet/all die in the end?

1) The lifeboat is able to take them home.
2) An Engineer spacecraft gives them a lift to another planet.
3) They enter cryosleep in the lifeboat, hoping for a rescue team to come to LV-223 in the next 50 years.
4) They all die in the end, but for some greater purpose of course.

What are the stages of the new alien creature? Are there four or more? What are they?


As David says, and quotes Lawrence of Arabia, "Big things have small beginnings," and since both films here are about size, about what matters, and how it comes to matter, I thought it was fitting to name each creature after locations in the film itself, for not only are the ideas, places, and elements grow to epic proportions, but so seemingly, does the creature in tandem with those things.

1) Nefud


Would you like any infectious biomechanic parasites in you drink, sir?


2) Aqaba


Hey Noomi - want to snog with the stud from Devil?


3) Daraa


Hello Mommy, where are you?


4) Damascus

Symn) -Parasite > seed > squidbaby > giant tenticlemonster (essentially the old version from Alien, just new manifestations)

I am really curious to read what you people are thinking about all this. I know many of you have already answered these somewhere before - but for the sake of keeping things tidy - it would be good to keep at least this part of the predicting to one place. Plus, it cuts down the burden of giving a full forecast.
Anyways - I have given you my thoughts. Please now, give me yours.

Please remember to use spoiler tags where they are necessary.
Title: Re: Keeping in Mind the Big Questions
Post by: RustiSwordz on May 26, 2012, 07:17:44 PM
Thats about it really! Pretty cool blog!
Title: Re: Keeping in Mind the Big Questions
Post by: Infected on May 26, 2012, 07:59:39 PM
Maybe the hologram on the Juggernaut u see has to do with the derelict.

The question in Alien is: i wonder what happend to the rest of the crew.

What if the answer is shown in the hologram.
Title: Re: Keeping in Mind the Big Questions
Post by: Spider-pope on May 26, 2012, 09:10:22 PM
I concur with most of your speculations, particularly with those regarding the appearance (or not) of Xenomorphs in the film. I'm still iffy on the whole Wayland's ultimate goal thing though.

How does it end?

Commander Riker decides he should tell Captain Picard about the U.S.S Pegasus and leaves the Holodeck.
Wait no that's a different prequel isn't it?
Title: Re: Keeping in Mind the Big Questions
Post by: szkoki on May 26, 2012, 09:33:22 PM
:D now everyone can see that we dont know anything about this movie....cool topic btw  8)
Title: Re: Keeping in Mind the Big Questions
Post by: Predaker on May 26, 2012, 10:03:58 PM
No seriously, this is a spoiler.
I don't think we will see the juggernaut crash/land on LV-426. It will turn out to be a different derelict ship, probably there since before the events of Prometheus.
Title: Re: Keeping in Mind the Big Questions
Post by: Qwertify on May 27, 2012, 08:52:20 AM
I forgot one big question.

That is - why did the Engineers create us in the first place?

Did the Engineers create us - or did something create the Engineers and we are just another species type of that Engineer?

Please contribute.
Title: Re: Keeping in Mind the Big Questions
Post by: mn2movies on May 27, 2012, 09:17:11 AM
as you said, space jockeys created us so we could complete the final stage of xenomorph, we are just part of the equation biologically stored and spawned on some back water planet, but what the engineers didnt count on was that we advanced over time, these are my thoughts on the subject, and the ampules probably hold many other species, not just 1, as for vickers hidden agenda well, i have no idea, we will see in the movie next week, as for 2nd droid, im hoping its not vickers, im guessing its weyland
Title: Re: Keeping in Mind the Big Questions
Post by: Infected on May 27, 2012, 10:33:53 AM
I think the guys in the ufo are above the jockeys and created life on Earth,
the jockeys are our nemesisters.  ;D
Title: Re: Keeping in Mind the Big Questions
Post by: Ruzena on May 27, 2012, 11:22:42 AM
Another set of speculations that float around since last christmas :D The movie is here in 8 days, and I don't really see importance in these conclusions. Time to say goodbye to this site.
Title: Re: Keeping in Mind the Big Questions
Post by: Qwertify on May 27, 2012, 11:27:14 AM
Quote from: Infected on May 27, 2012, 10:33:53 AM
I think the guys in the ufo are above the jockeys and created life on Earth,
the jockeys are our nemesisters.  ;D

Yeah. I think that the story teller wants us to make the assumption that those who created us in the first place are 1) benign aliens 2) that are the same ones we find on LV-223.

There seems to be something sinister underlying our creation and what happened on LV-223 and its original purpose. I doubt we will find one shread of good from any of the Engineer's motives or actions. That and there does appear to be some disconnect between the Earth saucer and the Juggernaut. I think the last 8 minutes will show us in some sort of revelation that will in someway answer for 1) why we were created, 2) where the cave paintings came from, 3) how LV-223 is connected to all that, 4) who the Engineers really are.
Title: Re: Keeping in Mind the Big Questions
Post by: mn2movies on May 27, 2012, 11:37:24 AM
it will definately be an interesting movie/story, im already looking forward to the sequel
Title: Re: Keeping in Mind the Big Questions
Post by: Symn on May 27, 2012, 12:06:05 PM
What is Meredith Vickers' Alternate Agenda?
1) She's Weylands daughter and cant get hold of the company soon enough
2) Something else. She reminds me of an overprotective mother the way she acts. Maybe she knows the true objectives of the mission but hates them, cooperates only out of family-ties.. But would rather be free of those ties.

Who is the second Andriod?
-Could be Vickers. She could be Weylands daughter as David is Weylands son... Android siblings.

What are in the ampoules? What role do they play?
-genomes of the most deadly species

What were the murals changing into?
-Animation that shows what happened to the engineers/shows ehat they did on planets

What happened to the Engineers? Why are they all dead within the temple?
1) Ultimately their demented religion/cult caused war amongst themselves. I think they slaughtered eachother, in some type of civil war like thing

Why is the Juggernaut going to Earth? Who are 'they'?
-To start a new beginning of his race, after eradicating us.
Im just hoping there will be more engineers...

Is Peter Weyland on board?
-Yeah! But a bigger question: Why cast Guy Pearce to play an old guy? My guess is he will find a cure to his age and will become young again, otherwise they could have saved the trouble of putting makeup on for 10 hours a day and just cast Clint Eastwood or something. And Guy has a much bigger part in this film because hes been at every promotional event with the gang... Idris Elba hasnt even done 1 interview and he's never in the panels at promotional events.

How does Holloway die? Vickers?
These characters are pretty big in themselves, and come behind only David and Shaw. So how do they die if at all?
-If you look careful at the clip, shes torching the guy waving his arms, who looks like David. Since she doesnt give a shit about androids she just lights him up as warning to the others I guess. The guy on the ground getting help is Holloway, and I hope he just dies HORRABLY

What is Shaw sorry about?
If you can remember – in one of the early trailers Shaw is heard saying "We were so wrong," and then "I'm so sorry"
-She just feels guilty that she brought them there. She thought the place would be totally something else.

How do the survivors get back home/off the planet/all die in the end?
-They're stuck there, if anyone survives

What are the stages of the new alien creature? Are there four or more?
-Parasite > seed > squidbaby > giant tenticlemonster
Title: Re: Keeping in Mind the Big Questions
Post by: Qwertify on May 27, 2012, 04:43:05 PM
Quote from: szkoki on May 26, 2012, 09:33:22 PM
:D now everyone can see that we dont know anything about this movie....cool topic btw  8)

Thanks - but you are right. The list of answers to these questions can run very long. Nevertheless looking forward to see how close we were and why Riddles choose the route he did, and how it all fits in.

Quote from: Symn on May 27, 2012, 12:06:05 PM
Is Peter Weyland on board?
-Yeah! But a bigger question: Why cast Guy Pearce to play an old guy? My guess is he will find a cure to his age and will become young again, otherwise they could have saved the trouble of putting makeup on for 10 hours a day and just cast Clint Eastwood or something. And Guy has a much bigger part in this film because hes been at every promotional event with the gang... Idris Elba hasnt even done 1 interview and he's never in the panels at promotional events.

I noticed the same thing about the interviews and what not.

And I have to say - why not use an old man to play an old man IS a VERY good point. That means we are likely to see him become younger at some point in the film beyond the introduction video. I am guessing he suits up in a jockey outfit and he almost automatically regenerates to his younger form with a nice youthful Peter Weyland face.
Title: Re: Keeping in Mind the Big Questions
Post by: Lord Freezer on May 27, 2012, 06:07:23 PM
Massacred. By whom?  :o

Title: Re: Keeping in Mind the Big Questions
Post by: RoaryUK on May 28, 2012, 06:45:34 PM
Well, here's what i think could be interesting answers to those questions....

What is Meredith Vickers' Alternate Agenda?

I believe Vickers' real agenda is to gain control of the Company from her father, who she has become less attached to since the creation of David.

Who is the second Andriod?

David 8.  Who I believe we may see several times.

What are in the ampules? What role do they play?

They contain the DNA source of thousands of species across the galaxy, a catalogue of the numerous species the Engineers helped to evolve.

What were the murals changing into?

They are our equivalent of 3D pictograms that change shape in order to communicate a tell.

What happened to the Engineers? Why are they all dead within the temple?

Their latest creation (the Hammerpede) designed to protect the Ampule Room, turned against the Enginneer's causing most to abandon the waystation.

Scott says the mission can be described best as a "challenge" to the Gods. If the Engineers are the gods, how do we challenge them?

Weyland believes this 'invitation' was a challenge the Gods (who we haven't seen yet) had set the Engineers, and is now bestowed upon humans to succeed where they had failed, but it's the rewards he's really after for himself.

Why is the Juggernaut going to Earth? Who are 'they'?

I don't think the Juggernaught is going to Earth, rather the Last Engineer attempts to reach others of his clan, which could lead to invasion because of what we know.

Is Peter Weyland on board? (Prometheus)

Yes definately, other than the Engineer's this story is mostly about him.

How does Holloway & Vickers die?

I think Vickers survives the whole thing.  Hollway becomes a mutant Engineer, killed later on either by the Squid Shaw gives birth to, or (most likely) the woman herself.

What is the purpose of the giant face/head?

I still believe the Giant Head might really be 'alive' and function as part of the Juggernaught. I also find it curious we've never seen the Juggernaught from the front yet.

Three Engineers – Last, Ghost, and Sacrifice – who are they and what is their purpose?

1) Sacrifice is the Engineer we know about
2) Ghost is from the hologram I believe tells their tragic story
3) Last is one of a few left behind (for whatever reason) but survived.

What can we expect from the xenomorphs? What will be the connection in the last 8 minutes?

I don't think we'll see anything from the original film or any direct connection to Alien, but I do believe the last 8 minutes could well feature a face-Hugger variant.

What is Shaw sorry about?

Shaw is a believer who now feels responsible for persuading others to believe in what they were getting involved in resulting in their deaths.

How do the survivors get back home/off the planet/all die in the end?

Shaw and Vickers are rescued by a company vessel, then all hell breaks lose with a final showdown against the Hugger variant who gets on board, only Shaw and Vickers survive the outcome.

What are the stages of the new alien creature? Are there four or more? What are they?


1) Shaw gives birth to a snake-like creature.
2) Later this becomes a giant Squid-like creature with many arms and tentacles.
3) In one last recognisable change it becomes a Hugger variant able to "face rape" multiple hosts.

Why did the Engineers create us in the first place?

I think the Engineers merely accelerated our evolution on Earth, a task they performed on countless worlds as a tribute to their Gods who (perhaps) had sinister intentions, only for an Engineer called Prometheus to emerge as our saviour for reasons we already know about!

(Note: some questions I wasn't sure of and added my own interpretation of and may be wrong)
Title: Re: Keeping in Mind the Big Questions
Post by: Qwertify on May 28, 2012, 06:52:32 PM
Really nice post Roary. I especially like your ideas on the Juggernaut - that it is not heading to Earth but will lead to its destruction nevertheless (makes sense as one ship to take out Earth? maybe), that Peter Weyland will be a central figure (as pointed out before - you don't pick out a young guy to play an old one, unless he turns young again), and I also suspect that the final form of the creature may not just be the tentacle creature we see in that one shot. I will add these tomorrow when I have some time. Anyways - thanks for taking the time to share this.
Title: Re: Keeping in Mind the Big Questions
Post by: harlock on May 29, 2012, 09:22:41 PM
Some opinions on those questions;

-The ampules most likely contain a mutagenic bioweapon, that is most likely from Engineer dna itself. This bioweapon leads to the formation of altered creatures, of which leads to xeno creation. The Engineers were somehow infected and... I am guessing some got egg-morphed. I say this as Holloway's mutation seems quite horrific but doesn't go full-stage. I think eventually he would have egg-morphed, but instead we get the round-about infestation of Shaw leading to the proto-hugger.

Also the challenge of the gods would be to become their equals, with the creation of androids, we are close. However it is through the use of their 'fire', the contents of the ampules, that the equality lies.