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General => Fan Section => Fan Fiction => Topic started by: War Wager on Aug 18, 2007, 05:25:06 PM

Title: Alien vs Predator: Into The Demons Lair/Escape From The Demons Lair
Post by: War Wager on Aug 18, 2007, 05:25:06 PM
                               ALIEN VS PREDATOR: INTO THE DEMONS LAIR  

Planet: Narvano
Temperature: 156'C
Date: June 14th, 2065 
Ship Status: Online
Current Crew: Deceased

A Predator scout ship lies nestled in a jungle of flourishing green flora. The ships engines silently roar. The sun beats down its rays onto the picturesque landscape as wildlife scutters between the tress and starnge birds glide majestically in the sky. The place is paradise. A place of peace and serenity. A huge humaniod figure appears from the jungle. It is Stone Heart, Elder of the Dark Blade Clan. He and his clan had traveled to the planet to practise their skills. None of the planets inhabitants were of any real threat and so it was a perfect location. Stone Heart approches the ship, but suddenly stops. He sences something isn't right. Taking off his menacing, scrached mask, he slowly walks into his ship, his long grey dreadlocks flicking from side to side as he turns to the slightest sound.

Walking into his ships trophy room, he see's his fellow clan brothers. The lie dead upon the floor, their blood dripping from their wide gaping mouths. Their ilumanous green blood staines the walls of the trophy room, covering it's pillars and ceiling. Stone Heart kneels down to his four brothers, placing his hand over is chest. Looking at the blood stained floor, he spots what appear to be acid burns. They lead out of the ships entrance and into the dence jungle. Whatever done this was clearly a force to be reckoned with. It must have been extreamly fast and deadly, fast enough to take out four Blooded Predators. Or mabye it wasn't just one. Mabye it was a whole hoard of the beasts, that savagely ripped apart his clan. No matter what they were, Stone Heart wouldn't let them live beyond the day. He would hunt down the creatures, brutally dispatching of them as he carried out his cold revenge. Stone Heart was already prepared. He had gone hunting, but hadn't found anything of any real sport. Huge blades shot out of his wrist, two swords, a spear and a plasma forged mace hung from his back. Two deadly shurikans, plasma bombs and his all important healing device ringed his metal belt. He was ready to go hunting.

Stone Heart proweled through the undergrowth. Branches gently snapped under his metal sandalles. Though they weren't visable to the naked eye, with his mask, Stone Heart could see the trail of acid that continues through the jungle. He came to the entrance of a large tunnel network, one which the acid trail went inside. The entrance was as black as night, not a sound could be heard from inside. Stone Heart changed his masks vision, but still nothing could be seen. But, blinded by revenge, Stone Heart charged into the dark. He would either be entering the road to honour or his tomb. 

An hour past as Stone continued to navigate the tunnels. A wet dripping sound was starting to be heard, but what it was was unknown. Turning an invisable corner, Stone was blinded with sunlight. The tunnels had opened out into an enormous roofless cave, ones which walls were covered in a horrible wet substance. Hundereds of small animals lined the wall and they're chests looked as if they had been bent straight out. In an instant Stone knew what he was up against. He knew what had slaughtered his fellow warriors. And he knew what he had to do. These creatures weren't new to him however. He had fought them before many years ago on Earth, in the small town of Gunnison. He had bearly survived, having fought many of the beasts, a hybrid and a Queen. The manaces had evolved since then, and so would now be more deadly than ever.

Two tunnels led off the huge chamber, one which was so small that one would have to crawl to get inside. Choosing the smaller one, Stone began to crawl through the pitch black. Stone was an Elder, an expert of thousends of years of hunting, but he had one weakness. One which took it's toll now. Stone took panicked deep breaths as he continued through the dark. Something sticky was felt as Stone placed his hands on the ground. Coccon-like bags lay scattered along the tunnel floor, a sign that this Alien Hive was a very big one. Chestbursters useally caccon themselves as close to the hive as they can. Seeing them here meant that the Hive was running out of room.

The tunnel finally led to another chamber. Stone could see the monstrous Queen sleeping as her egg sack continued to lay large leathery pods. Many Warriors lay asleep on the walls and ceiling as others others dragged eggs to different areas of the chamber. Then Stone spotted something that he hadn't seen before. Tales told of a huge Alien, with ram-like tusks and monstrous long hands. No Predator to face this beast was ever seen alive again. This was it. Stone watched on as the King drooled a gooey substance onto the eggs. What the substance was doing to the eggs was unknown, but Stone didn't want to fnd out. The Aliens responsable for the clan brothers deaths were clearly visable as green blood still dripped from their mouths. They lay pressed against the wall, hissing as they slept. This was it. Stone had located the Hive and the creatures who he seeked revenge on, but he wouldn't go straight in for the kill. He would study the Hive, looking for escapes, looking for the chambers weaknesses.

The thought was cut short though as a loud screech was heard through the small tunnel. The Queen awakes. The Warriors awake. Paniking, Stone jumps upon a high ledge out of sight. The King lets out a deafning roar as the Warriors jump from the Hive walls and begin scrabling over each other to get into the tunnel. The Queen breaks free from her egg sack as she and the King begin to bash at a chamber wall, scraching at it with their mechanical arms. The screeching from through the tunnel gets louder. The chamber quickly emptys as the Warriors disappear into the tunnel and the King and Queen make their own. Then more screeches are heard, but now sharper and hightend. The Aliens are fighting with their own kind. There must be two Hives, both living in the same cave system, both at war. This was Stones chance to make the Hive an Alien death trap.

Two hours pass and Stone returns to his place upon the ledge. There were still no sign of the Aliens. Knowing them they would have all killed each other. Suddenly more screeches were heard, but more silent this time. A few Aliens had returned, injured. Stones heart raced with exitment as they appeared out of the tunnel. They would be in for a cruel welcome home. The Aliens got to the centre of the chamber and Stone shot a small spear from his wrist, snapping a thin rope that hung from the ceiiling. This caused the ground beneath the Aliens to drop into a spiked chamber. They screamed in pain as the three metre long spikes shot through their heads and necks, sparying acid blood everywhere.

Spotting Stone, more Aliens run out of the tunnel, mouths ajar. Tripping on another rope, huge spiked logs shoot out from the chamber wall, impaling them with poisened tips. More Aliens emerge from the tunnel and Stone throws a plasma bomb at a stone pillar, sending it crashing upon them. Stone throws a shurikan at awaiting spears on the ceiling, sending them slicing through heads. Stone jumps at the Aliens, spear in hand. Swinging it madly, heads decapitate and arms severe. An inner jaw shots out at Stones face. Grabbing it, Stone detaches the jaw and launches it at another charging Alien, slamming into its glicining head. He grabs his mace and swings at at the beasts. The chamber fills with horrible screams that echo throughout the whole system. Aliens continue to charge at Stone as he takes of his mask and roars proudly, just as something hard slams against his face.
Title: Re: Aliens vs Predator: Into The Demons Lair
Post by: Alien Freak on Aug 18, 2007, 08:11:17 PM
That is a great story War Wager! Can't wait for part 2!
Title: Re: Aliens vs Predator: Into The Demons Lair
Post by: Alien Freak on Aug 19, 2007, 02:41:58 PM
The second part is even better than the first! Keep up the good work!
Title: Re: Alien vs Predator: Into The Demons Lair/Escape From The Demons Lair
Post by: War Wager on Aug 20, 2007, 06:59:47 PM

Temperature: 23'C
Current Status: Unknown
Current Location: Unknown

Many hours had past when Stone awoke. He was against the Hive wall, covered in the disgusting slime. Slowly looking at the ground, he notices a dead Facehugger. Stones worst fears had come to life. Inside him right now was a baby Alien, slowly growing in the warmth of his chest cavity. At any moment it could burst forth, spraying Stones inners everywhere and unleashing a new menace into the world. Stone scanned the Hive. Most of the Hive lay dead on the ground. The Queen lay against the cave wall panting heavily. The Warriors too lay injured across the chamber. The King is nowhere to be seen. If there was one chance for Stone to escape, this was it...

Title: Re: Aliens vs Predator: Into The Demons Lair/Escape From The Demons Lair
Post by: Aeus on Aug 21, 2007, 02:14:56 AM
Enjoyed that. Nice work.  ;D

Oh, and is Stone Heart from Predator: Concrete Jungle?
Title: Re: Aliens vs Predator: Into The Demons Lair/Escape From The Demons Lair
Post by: War Wager on Aug 21, 2007, 07:36:04 AM
He is. Or would have been if he hadn't been experimented on and killed...  ;)
Title: Re: Aliens vs Predator: Into The Demons Lair/Escape From The Demons Lair
Post by: Aeus on Aug 22, 2007, 12:48:52 AM
Quote from: War Wager on Aug 21, 2007, 07:36:04 AM
He is. Or would have been if he hadn't been experimented on and killed...  ;)

I remember him now.  ;D

Title: Re: Aliens vs Predator: Into The Demons Lair/Escape From The Demons Lair
Post by: War Wager on Aug 23, 2007, 07:39:09 PM
Well the story is finished. What do you think?  :-\
Title: Re: Aliens vs Predator: Into The Demons Lair/Escape From The Demons Lair
Post by: Gates on Aug 24, 2007, 08:13:11 AM

Well the idea is good...but you lack detail...and it's flow was way too quick...I think if you sat down and lingered on some detail it would be much better...who cares if its longer...put in some detailed descriptions and pace it a little slower and you'll see how good it could really be...

On a side note...I'm not trying to abuse your story in anyway...I'm just trying to help out...
Title: Re: Aliens vs Predator: Into The Demons Lair/Escape From The Demons Lair
Post by: War Wager on Aug 24, 2007, 08:23:39 AM
You're right about the detailing, but I wanted the reader to picture what they thought was happening and what things looked like. I wanted the pace to be quite fast too.  :-\
Title: Re: Aliens vs Predator: Into The Demons Lair/Escape From The Demons Lair
Post by: ShadowXeno on Sep 08, 2007, 02:30:47 AM
Neat story. It could've been better but still. I just want to know what was the creature that swallowed the King?
Title: Re: Aliens vs Predator: Into The Demons Lair/Escape From The Demons Lair
Post by: War Wager on Sep 08, 2007, 11:51:29 AM
You know the crocodile-like dinosaur Kronosaurus? Something like that.  ;)
Title: Re: Aliens vs Predator: Into The Demons Lair/Escape From The Demons Lair
Post by: Alien Freak on Sep 08, 2007, 07:23:03 PM
Ya I was kinda wondering what attacked the King too. Anyway, the story is great, you should write more stories like it!
Title: Re: Aliens vs Predator: Into The Demons Lair/Escape From The Demons Lair
Post by: Private Hudson on Sep 11, 2007, 01:42:43 AM
Excelent story!! LOVED IT!!!!!!!!  ;D
Title: Re: Aliens vs Predator: Into The Demons Lair/Escape From The Demons Lair
Post by: Dane on Sep 17, 2007, 11:26:22 PM
It was a great story from the Predators point of view :D
Title: Re: Aliens vs Predator: Into The Demons Lair/Escape From The Demons Lair
Post by: War Wager on Sep 20, 2007, 02:43:33 PM
Some drawings from the story: 

Elder Stone Heart ready to go hunting


Stone vs Alien King on the ocean floor

Title: Re: Alien vs Predator: Into The Demons Lair/Escape From The Demons Lair
Post by: War Wager on Oct 08, 2007, 07:18:46 PM
The story isn't over. I'm writing another part about an Elite Predator that is sent down to the planet after receiving a distress signal from the scout ship. The basic story is this:

2 hours after Stone Hearts demise, an Elite Predator named White Blade lands on the planet and begins to inverstigate the small ship. Seeing that the Dark Blade Clan are all dead and that the Alien cave is destroyed, he decides to let his fellow hunters rest in peace. As he returns to his ship he is ambushed by a group of humaniods who capture him and trap him in a cage like structure. His captors are Predators, a fabled race that fled to an unknown planet to build an empire of their own. Stripped of his beloved weapons, White Blade is forced to fight wave after wave of vicious creatures. Is he being tested for companionship or are the tribe using him for no more than sick pleasure?
Title: Re: Alien vs Predator: Into The Demons Lair/Escape From The Demons Lair
Post by: Colton White on Oct 08, 2007, 07:40:38 PM
Quote from: War Wager on Oct 08, 2007, 07:18:46 PM
The story isn't over. I'm writing another part about an Elite Predator that is sent down to the planet after receiving a distress signal from the scout ship. The basic story is this:

2 hours after Stone Hearts demise, an Elite Predator named White Blade lands on the planet and begins to inverstigate the small ship. Seeing that the Dark Blade Clan are all dead and that the Alien cave is destroyed, he decides to let his fellow hunters rest in peace. As he returns to his ship he is ambushed by a group of humaniods who capture him and trap him in a cage like structure. His captors are Predators, a fabled race that fled to an unknown planet to build an empire of their own. Stripped of his beloved weapons, White Blade is forced to fight wave after wave of vicious creatures. Is he being tested for companionship or are the tribe using him for no more than sick pleasure?
Title: Re: Alien vs Predator: Into The Demons Lair/Escape From The Demons Lair
Post by: War Wager on Oct 08, 2007, 08:56:56 PM
Lol it should make sense when it's written...
Title: Re: Alien vs Predator: Into The Demons Lair/Escape From The Demons Lair
Post by: Warrior Angel on Oct 10, 2007, 09:31:26 PM
mint story and good so far predators always win!
Title: Re: Alien vs Predator: Into The Demons Lair/Escape From The Demons Lair
Post by: War Wager on Oct 16, 2007, 07:42:41 PM
Not anymore...
Title: Re: Alien vs Predator: Into The Demons Lair/Escape From The Demons Lair
Post by: Reborn on Nov 11, 2007, 03:44:58 AM
you said their were going to be hybrids!!
Title: Re: Alien vs Predator: Into The Demons Lair/Escape From The Demons Lair
Post by: War Wager on Nov 11, 2007, 02:43:30 PM
Quote from: JaredMulero on Nov 11, 2007, 03:44:58 AM
you said their were going to be hybrids!!

No I didn't. Theres hyprids in the team-up story I'm doing though.
Title: Re: Alien vs Predator: Into The Demons Lair/Escape From The Demons Lair
Post by: Reborn on Nov 11, 2007, 04:01:20 PM
actually you did on the  demon lair ideas.
Title: Re: Alien vs Predator: Into The Demons Lair/Escape From The Demons Lair
Post by: War Wager on Nov 11, 2007, 05:59:58 PM
So I did, oh well it doesn't really matter... does it?