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General => Fan Section => Fan Films => Topic started by: Bat Chain Puller on Jan 16, 2012, 07:17:06 PM

Title: The Twilight of Echoes (an unfinished epic fantasy)
Post by: Bat Chain Puller on Jan 16, 2012, 07:17:06 PM
In September of 2001 I began an epic world building, fantasy/action/adventure film that consumed every moment of my spare time until 2003 when I met my wife and my world changed forever. The film remained unfinished, but I had the opportunity to re-visit that world I created and began production again in 2006. Then children began sprouting here and there and (as of now) I haven't had the opportunity to conclude my opus.

I wanted to take the time to share what I have so far with my AVPG friends and colleagues. For I have found many of you appreciate a wider cinematic palette than just space monsters that want to kill us all. 

It's got swords, sorcery, gunslingers, post apocalyptic neo-banditos, mutants, minions, possessed armies, dark necromancers, and an accursed desert of undead zombies. It's an action, adventure, fantasy, romp through the imagination of a 20 something year old wannabe filmmaker who talked everyday people into following him on his damn fool idealistic crusade.

From the makers of "The Basilisk" comes ... The Twilight of Echoes. (Which will likely need a change of title due to a certain tween vampire saga.)


While the earliest humans waged war on each other with rock and stone, there arose a peaceful consciousness in a select few, who banded together and used their minds instead of their brute strength to survive the harsh new world.

Over the course of a thousand years, descendents of their bloodline grew both in their understanding of the natural world, and their abilities to channel its power. They were able to do amazing things that appeared as magic to ordinary men and as a result they were both feared and respected. Praised.  And hunted.
During the age of Legends, there became a division in the heart of this awesome power. Those that remained faithful to the peaceful consciousness of their ancient elders. And those who bent into darker corners of the universe and began experimenting with negative energies for protection against the uncheck ignorance of the violent world.  The followers of Lomm. (The first Syhidra Priest)

These two factions; one of light and one of darkness, integrated into the social structures and remained hidden while struggled for control over the world and its blooming civilizations. Guiding them towards peace and progress, and driving them to war and ruin. 

PROLOGUE: (Currently un-filmed)
Several hundred years after civilization as we know it dissolves into chaos, gangs of bandits and tribal warlords fight over the scraps of everything we once knew. Out of this ruin, arises an order of mystics known as the Order of Twilight. The Twilight's roots run as deep as the time of legends and they exist to preserve balance between the light and the darkness.  They drag humanity back to its feet and there is a second renaissance of harmony.

War clans continue to feud on the borderlands, but the Twilight, operating out of the Capital City of Wrenwood,  toiling night and day, act as ambassadors to negotiate peace region by region.   

But the seeds of Darkness planted in ancient times have taken root and have infiltrated this new order and after a hundred years, the Twilight are over thrown. There is a violent, bloody coup within their highest ranks, and a once beloved member of the senior council declares herself Queen and orders the genocide of the Twilight.

The film picks up after a series of failed uprisings by rebels on the outskirts of Wrenwood. Bounty Hunters continue to scratch a living by hunting remnants of the Twilight and Purlin War Tribes. The world is growing dark again. The Queen's army ever increasing their violent grip on the lands and all that live there.

But a small band of Twilight emerge from hiding. Escorting a young female apprentice of special significance to an ancient prophecy to a secret location to begin taking the first steps towards renewing the balance. But something stirs in the darkness, and now pursues them with evil intent.



Episode #1 (in HD if you're patient enough)
! Private video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s0OBd5XYvZo#)