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Archive => Archive => Predators Speculation => Topic started by: Garo Predator on May 26, 2009, 06:54:23 PM

Question: What would you like to see in predator 3?
Option 1: Reboot of first movie.
Option 2: Predators Hunting in Space.
Option 3: Predators hunting pirates.
Option 4: Bad Blood vs Hunter Brawl.
Option 5: Predator tries to get its tech back gets captured and a rescue predator team has to get him back and blow up the facility holding the pred tech.
Title: Predator 3
Post by: Garo Predator on May 26, 2009, 06:54:23 PM
  Well I thought of it and predator 3 would be nice if they would come up with a totally new story line so I made this poll to see what you guys would like to see the most. And this maybe will not even include the things you want to see. If not post them and tell why. And say what you voted for and why you would like to see it.
Title: Re: Predator 3
Post by: Deathbearer on May 26, 2009, 07:02:25 PM
Bad Blood vs Hunter sounds good. However the whole "Predator Rescue Team" Idea sounds like a complete pile of shit..no offense :P
Title: Re: Predator 3
Post by: Garo Predator on May 26, 2009, 07:05:12 PM
Quote from: Deathbearer on May 26, 2009, 07:02:25 PM
Bad Blood vs Hunter sounds good. However the whole "Predator Rescue Team" Idea sounds like a complete pile of shit..no offense :P

lol none taken just a fun little idea I thought up.
Title: Re: Predator 3
Post by: XenoVC on May 26, 2009, 10:22:58 PM
"Dudes with guns and a Predator"-Aeus
Title: Re: Predator 3
Post by: Aeus on May 27, 2009, 01:49:59 AM
Ideally this film should follow what the first film did. With slight changes to allow for differences in audience taste.

In terms of plot, not much change is needed. Something slightly different in terms of why the commandos are in the Predators hunting ground, but more or less the same after that. Commandos sent in, find some corpses, kill some bad guys, walk around, Predator slaughters them, last guy channels primal instincts and shows the bastard who's boss.

This isn't the Alien series. It shouldn't have corporates or whatever trying to bag the creature behind the scenes. The Predator should basically be the only bad guy in the film (with the exception of some faceless fodder for the commandos to kill earlier). What the movie makers should concentrate on is having the main character channel his inner primal animal to cleverly turn the Predator into his prey. If they do this right, it'll make for a great showdown.

Oh, and it needs one of these moments: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XCG_ETMZvyg&feature=related (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XCG_ETMZvyg&feature=related) If it has one of those, I'll shit a rainbow of joy.

Also...The first film came out in the 80s where testosterone movies were common place, and Predator was pretty much the big daddy of these films. Nowadays however, you don't really have many of these films. The action we have these days is much more realistic. Predator 3 could benefit from this. Having big guys who look like they fought a bear to land to role is a must, but the action can't really afford to be guys strolling round a camp firing from the hip spouting one liners. Audiences would want something more real, and I think the horror aspect of the Predator itself would be amplified if it's prey seemed somewhat less godly. Don't get me wrong, I love the fights in Predator, and in most testosterone films, but I don't think it's as suited for todays audience as it was back then.

Finally, less of that CGI shoulder cannon. It looks like ass. Bring back the blow dryer flare gun please. Seriously.
Title: Re: Predator 3
Post by: SM on May 27, 2009, 01:55:54 AM
QuoteThis isn't the Alien series. It shouldn't have corporates or whatever trying to bag the creature behind the scenes. The Predator should basically be the only bad guy in the film

My memories hazy, but wasn't Dillon a "behind the scenes" kind of dude?
Title: Re: Predator 3
Post by: Johnny Handsome on May 27, 2009, 02:09:52 AM
Quote from: SM on May 27, 2009, 01:55:54 AM
QuoteThis isn't the Alien series. It shouldn't have corporates or whatever trying to bag the creature behind the scenes. The Predator should basically be the only bad guy in the film

My memories hazy, but wasn't Dillon a "behind the scenes" kind of dude?
But not for the creature itself, he wasn't interested in it, neither did he know anything about it until he actually saw it.

He was a "behind the scenes" dude for the actual mission itself, namely saving the hostages.

Title: Re: Predator 3
Post by: SM on May 27, 2009, 02:10:30 AM
Oh, right.
Title: Re: Predator 3
Post by: predator55 on May 27, 2009, 06:31:15 AM
Im all for anything really for the new predator 3, a reboot of predator 1, or even better going to there planet to see there civilisation, i would love to see that!
Title: Re: Predator 3
Post by: TJ Doc on May 30, 2009, 02:12:40 PM
"Argh! Predators off the starboard bough! ARGH MATEY!"

............... It could happen. *dodges thrown Alien Quadrilogy boxset*
Title: Re: Predator 3
Post by: Dusk on May 30, 2009, 02:53:18 PM
I think I would like so see something like two Predators being on the hunt, but most of the Movie you think the kills have been executed by one. Then you find out that they've got some kind of competition running, who manages to get the better prey.
Title: Re: Predator 3
Post by: megachu17 on May 31, 2009, 09:30:51 PM
My preference would be a Bad Blood vs Hunter. Storyline would be something like: Predator criminal is on a transport vessel to a planet filled with hostile creatures(an Alien infested planet perhaps) to be executed(dropped on the planet and left to die). Instead, the Bad Blood steals a scout ship, and escapes, eventually landing on Earth. A specialized Hunter is sent to Earth(from the mothership presumably, not necessarily from the Pred Homeworld) to hunt him down and kill him. Chaos ensues.
Title: Re: Predator 3
Post by: Spidey3121 on May 31, 2009, 09:41:32 PM
I don't want anything such as 'Bad Bloods' or other social designations from the Predator comics working their way into this film. Leave them as hunters... yeah - i speculate they have a society but i don't need to know it's inner workings.
Title: Re: Predator 3
Post by: megachu17 on May 31, 2009, 09:46:09 PM
I don't feel the concept of criminals in an advanced society is that much of a shocking reveal. And it dosn't have to refer to him as a criminal or anything anyway(Preds don't talk of course, so it won't really be explained), you'll just realize that theirs some Predator whos going to bed killed, he escapes, hes hunted and killed(or is he).
Title: Re: Predator 3
Post by: XenoHunter5669 on Jun 12, 2009, 07:31:58 PM
Make it a "Concrete Jungle" theme, but locate it in a remote area, secret facility, jungle area, desert area. Keep it remote to add to the horror and let the surrounding atmosphere be conducive to the Predators camo.
Title: Re: Predator 3
Post by: AcidGlow on Jun 20, 2009, 02:12:59 AM
predators hunting dinosaurs
Title: Re: Predator 3
Post by: XenoVC on Jun 20, 2009, 03:49:46 AM
Quote from: AcidGlow on Jun 20, 2009, 02:12:59 AM
predators hunting dinosaurs

Title: Re: Predator 3
Post by: Ratchetcomand on Jun 20, 2009, 05:05:24 AM
Preds hutings dinos should be in the comics or a small flash back scene. A whole movie about it would be rather silly. Bad Blood vs Hunter Brawl or Predators hunting Humans as a game on another Planet are my mains choices for the movie.
Title: Re: Predator 3
Post by: XenoHunter5669 on Jun 22, 2009, 12:01:29 AM
Quote from: AcidGlow on Jun 20, 2009, 02:12:59 AM
predators hunting dinosaurs

Are you serious, or are you just that lame?
Title: Re: Predator 3
Post by: PHANTOM on Jun 22, 2009, 04:16:24 AM
Quote from: AcidGlow on Jun 20, 2009, 02:12:59 AM
predators hunting dinosaurs

I knew that was you Colin Strause!
Title: Re: Predator 3
Post by: Kyuubi no Kaiju on Jun 22, 2009, 01:31:45 PM
Now the whole disscusion is about insulting the guy who suggested dinosaurs... way off topic.
But yeah. Stupid idea for a movie.
I can see Preds in space or Bad Blood vs. Hunters Brawl.
Title: Re: Predator 3
Post by: Lt. Mike Harrigan on Jun 22, 2009, 02:39:18 PM
- SAS patrol team Bravo One Niner is asked to infiltrate hostile territory.

- They're mission, to find and destroy a set of Scud missile launchers monitoring a main supply route.

- They stumble upon a Shepperd whose flock has been mauled (Predator).

- The Sheppard, thinking it was them, alerts Iraqi forces.

- A fire fight ensues.

- The Iraqi forces are killed by an unknown force (Predator) allowing our team to escape.

- They complete their mission and make their way back to the drop zone.

- Arriving at the drop zone, they find the Chinook has been taken down and the pilots skinned alive.

- (Something could happen in between here, where they are picked off one by one)

- Turns out the Predator is Bad Blood who is out of control and won't leave Earth.

- So a group of Predators come to stop him.

- Our hero, who is the only survivor of the team, loses in a fist fight with the Bad Blood.

- He is about to be skewered, when the Predators arrive.

- The Bad Blood refuses to leave and a battle ensues.

- The Bad Blood defeats some of the Predators, but is taken down by an Elder.

- The Elder and surviving Predators leave on the ship.

It's not great, it's just a rough outline, but i think this is the direction they should go in. Low key, gritty and realistic. The intense heat could even come into play, as the soldiers see "apparitions", which of course we know is the cloaked Bad Blood stalking them.