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Films/TV => Alien Films => Topic started by: gameoverman on Dec 31, 2008, 12:21:49 PM

Title: Kane facehugger attack
Post by: gameoverman on Dec 31, 2008, 12:21:49 PM
I had some screencaps taken awhile back but I can't find them.  Anyway, you see the facehugger attacking Kane with three tubes from inside the helmet.

The attack is shown in such a way as to make it very quick, almost subliminal the way the images were edited.
Title: Re: Kane facehugger attack
Post by: Darwinsgirl on Dec 31, 2008, 04:08:54 PM

On Alien Quadriology it may have what your looking for on the second disc of Alien.

I remember them showing John Hurt practicing looking in the egg & falling back. And I believe there is a slow motion shot of the face hugger attacking. But its been awhile since I've watched the 2nd disc.

Title: Re: Kane facehugger attack
Post by: Xhan on Dec 31, 2008, 04:13:18 PM

There's four still shots on the Quad.
Title: Re: Kane facehugger attack
Post by: bobcunk on Jan 01, 2009, 12:28:28 AM
yes it had tree tubes.
Title: Re: Kane facehugger attack
Post by: gameoverman on Jan 01, 2009, 04:54:15 AM
The way the sequence goes, from memory:

1.   The camera goes up looking down into the egg after it opens.
2.  You see Kane going closer to get a better look inside.
3.  You see a bunch of tubes moving around, then the facehugger attaches itself to the helmet, makes a hole in the glass and forces through 3 tubes that you see coming out straight towards the camera (as if you were experiencing it first-hand).  This all happens in a split second.
4.  Shot of Kane falling over with the facehugger clinging to the front of his helmet.

I assume that immediately after that, it kind of raised it's legs up in a creepy fashion like a dead spider does to squeeze them through the hole in his helmet to wrap them around his face.  By that stage he would have already have been unconscious because of the tubes.
Title: Re: Kane facehugger attack
Post by: Darwinsgirl on Jan 01, 2009, 08:49:51 AM

I don't think I've ever seen these pics. 

This is a bit off topic...but related to the helmet. 

Someone on here...or maybe it was in the trivia section on the movie?

Mentioned an error...That Kane was wearing a cap under his helmet.(reminded me of the cap's construction workers wear under their hard hats in cold weather)

And when the helmet was removed in the hospital scene. No cap. In all the years I've been watching the movie...I never noticed that. :-\

Title: Re: Kane facehugger attack
Post by: gameoverman on Jan 02, 2009, 03:38:11 PM
^So the facehugger could have made it fall off.  :P

This is the sequence of the facehugger attack:

Title: Re: Kane facehugger attack
Post by: Griffith on May 28, 2010, 04:42:06 PM
I was going to start a thread about the facehugger attack on Kane, can someone explain how the hell did the facehugger melt the helmet and then get inside and attach to kane's face?, I'm very interested into know that, What's the biological behaviour of a facehugger when a host is close enough but there's an obstruction (like a helmet) in this case, Did the facehugger secrete acid to remove obstacles?

In Alien 3 you can see that the facehugger forced the cryotube to get inside Ripley's pod however how did the facehugger get injured, is the blood expeled on porpouse? if so that could explain how it get inside kane's helmet. and even if that's the reason, shouldn't kane's face/neck shows some acid burns?. Just some personal thoughts.
Title: Re: Kane facehugger attack
Post by: StrangeShape on May 28, 2010, 09:07:21 PM
Quote from: Griffith on May 28, 2010, 04:42:06 PM
I was going to start a thread about the facehugger attack on Kane, can someone explain how the hell did the facehugger melt the helmet and then get inside and attach to kane's face?, I'm very interested into know that, What's the biological behaviour of a facehugger when a host is close enough but there's an obstruction (like a helmet) in this case, Did the facehugger secrete acid to remove obstacles?

In Alien 3 you can see that the facehugger forced the cryotube to get inside Ripley's pod however how did the facehugger get injured, is the blood expeled on porpouse? if so that could explain how it get inside kane's helmet. and even if that's the reason, shouldn't kane's face/neck shows some acid burns?. Just some personal thoughts.

As much as I adore Alien 3 it contradicts plenty of things said and shown in the first movie. This is one of those inconsistencies
Title: Re: Kane facehugger attack
Post by: SM on May 31, 2010, 12:34:01 AM
Why use acid if it can try an easier way in?

Turned out it wasn't easier.
Title: Re: Kane facehugger attack
Post by: predxeno on Jun 01, 2010, 05:42:52 PM
According to the novelization, the facehugger tried to open the cryotube, but something went wrong.  As it was lifting the lid up, the lower edge of the transparent dome snapped and the sharp, metallic glass pierced the facehugger.  It also stated that this incident mortally wounded the facehugger, clearly it wasn't enough to stop it from impregnating both Ripley and, according to the novelization, an ox.
Title: Re: Kane facehugger attack
Post by: SM on Jun 02, 2010, 12:08:53 AM
QuoteAccording to the novelization, the facehugger tried to open the cryotube, but something went wrong.  As it was lifting the lid up, the lower edge of the transparent dome snapped and the sharp ,metallic glass pierced the facehugger.

That much is evident in the film.
Title: Re: Kane facehugger attack
Post by: predxeno on Jun 02, 2010, 12:28:49 AM
In the film, the facehugger smashed the top of Ripley's cryotube.  In the film, the facehugger tried to pry open the lid of Newt's tube.
Title: Re: Kane facehugger attack
Post by: SM on Jun 02, 2010, 12:34:16 AM
How exactly did it smash Ripley's tube?
Title: Re: Kane facehugger attack
Post by: predxeno on Jun 02, 2010, 12:36:58 AM
I don't know, it was strong?  Look at the film.  Right before the EEV gets sent out, you see Ripley turning her head and moaning, I think, in her cryotube.  If you pay close enough attention, you'll see that the cryotube area near her face is broken and there is a gaping, jagged hole.
Title: Re: Kane facehugger attack
Post by: StrangeShape on Jun 02, 2010, 12:39:58 AM
Im behind SM's explanation that its the explosion that damaged the cryotube. After all, the facehugger didnt get to Ripley untill after the crash so why would it break her tube? The embryo bailed from Newt once she started to drown and slipped into Ripley.

Title: Re: Kane facehugger attack
Post by: predxeno on Jun 02, 2010, 12:41:45 AM
There's a computer screen on the Sulaco that shows the facehugger on Ripley's face so that takes place before the EEV crash.  The idea of the embryo coming out of Newt's mouth and into Ripley's is completely hypothetical.  There's no proof supporting that theory yet.
Title: Re: Kane facehugger attack
Post by: StrangeShape on Jun 02, 2010, 12:43:05 AM
Quote from: predxeno on Jun 02, 2010, 12:41:45 AM
There's a computer screen on the Sulaco that shows the facehugger on Ripley's face so that takes place before the EEV crash.  The idea of the embryo coming out of Newt's mouth and into Ripley's is completely hypothetical.  There's no proof supporting that theory yet.

We dont know who's face is on the monitor
Title: Re: Kane facehugger attack
Post by: SM on Jun 02, 2010, 12:43:21 AM
QuoteIf you pay close enough attention

Please do.

The broken glass is as obvious as a big pair of hairy dogs balls.  However at no point in the credit sequence does Ripley have a hugger attached to her.  Someone obviously does, but we see both Ripley and Newt being loaded into the EEV and neither have a hugger.  So taken on face value - Hicks was hugged and Hicks was bleeding.  From the fire starting to the EEV launch approximately 20 seconds elapses (which matches the voice over form the ships computer).

QuoteThere's a computer screen on the Sulaco that shows the facehugger on Ripley's face so that takes place before the EEV crash.


The host is never identified.
Title: Re: Kane facehugger attack
Post by: StrangeShape on Jun 02, 2010, 12:45:34 AM
Of course there are some other problems that surface. For instance, Newt's tube is intact after the crash. She drowned but there are no holes or opening, so it seems like the hugger could never get to her. Then theres the issue with Hicks. If the hugger would get to Hicks, it wouldve been smashed along with his upper body
Title: Re: Kane facehugger attack
Post by: predxeno on Jun 02, 2010, 12:47:20 AM
Weyland-Yutani knew that Ripley had a queen inside of her.  If the computer showed Newt, then they would want Newt's body.  I checked the opening sequence.  There's an actual scene showing Ripley's cryotube being cracked open.  This takes place before the explosion, therefore logic would dictate that it was cracked open by the facehugger.
Title: Re: Kane facehugger attack
Post by: StrangeShape on Jun 02, 2010, 12:54:06 AM
Quote from: predxeno on Jun 02, 2010, 12:47:20 AM
Weyland-Yutani knew that Ripley had a queen inside of her.  If the computer showed Newt, then they would want Newt's body. .

Youre forgetting one thing. The company found out about Ripley being impregnated from the EEV scan that she did with 85. Remember the message? Paraphrasing: "EEV scan received. Ripley should be priority and contained until our arrival etc"
Title: Re: Kane facehugger attack
Post by: SM on Jun 02, 2010, 12:56:13 AM
QuoteOf course there are some other problems that surface.

Nothing but in the start of that film.

QuoteFor instance, Newt's tube is intact after the crash. She drowned but there are no holes or opening, so it seems like the hugger could never get to her.

On face value (which I have to keep stressing), the hugger never got Newt.  I don't recall if the crack is visible after the crash.  However if it's cracked, it's going to let water in slowly and out slowly.  So if the EEV is breaked long enough and underwater she's going to drown.

QuoteThen theres the issue with Hicks. If the hugger would get to Hicks, it wouldve been smashed along with his upper body

My theory on that is the hugger got him, but due to his injuries, which were exascerbated by the fire (hence the bleeding), the hugger abandoned him and got Ripley after the EEV launch.

QuoteThere's an actual scene showing Ripley's cryotube being cracked open.


The opening goes like this:
-   Titles
-   Slow zoom on sleeping Ripley and Newt in darkened hypersleep chamber.
-   Title
-   Exterior shot of Sulaco tracking right to left.
-   Title
-   Interior shot somewhere on Sulaco (according to a name plate) panning left to reveal an Alien egg attached to some sort of support strut.  The egg is upside down and open.
-   Title
-   Four facehugger digitals unfolding into the bottom of frame.
-   Title
-   Facehugger climbing the side of Newt's cryotube.
-   Title
-   The glass on Newt's cryotube cracks.
-   Titles
-   Alien acid starts eating into floor.  Sparks from sub-flooring.
-   Title
-   Wisps of smoke drift towards some sort of sensor (smoke detector?).
-   Titles
-   Screen with an ECG wave.  Top right it says 'NP-02311'. Bottom left is 'BK-977076'.  'Stasis interrupted' flashes on the screen bottom right accompanied by an automated voice saying "Stasis interrupted. Fire in cryogenic compartment."  Following the first screen is a red flashing emergency light and a neuroscan of someone with the facehugger on them.
-   Title
-   The voice continues "Repeat. Fire in cryogenic compartment. All personnel report to emergency escape vehicle." We see a closer neuroscan of the hugger on someone's face, which turns to it's left then back again.
-   Title
-   Blood spreading across a white piece of material, accompanied by a screeching noise and the voice saying "Launch of deep space lifeboat will commence in t-minus 20 seconds."
-   Titles
-   Red flashing light; some sort of cylinders with fluid; red flashing light again; Ripley eyes closed head having a spasm; computer screen with graphic profile of someone's head and brain flashing; accompanied by a warning klaxon.
-   Title
-   Some hexagonal piece of equipment of the walls explodes, followed by Ripley stirring in hypersleep – her crytotube now broken.  Mixed with the explosion is the sound of breaking glass.
-   Title
-   A large plume of fire explodes across the roof.  No explosion sound, but sound of fire.
-   Titles
-   Ripley's cryotube drops out of frame, cryotube slides down another tube.
-   Title
-   Tube slides into another darkened chamber; Newt's tube drops into frame, door slides closed behind it.
-   Titles
-   A large cog on the wall turns, as smoke drifts past.
-   Titles
-   Ripley stirring in hypersleep crossfades into EEV dropping out of the Sulaco, to right of frame then pan right to reveal Fiorina and EEV tumbling towards it.  Superimposed title says: "Fiorina "Fury" 161, Outer-Veil Mineral Ore Refinery, Double Y Chromosome – Work Correctional Facility" followed by "Maximum security"
Title: Re: Kane facehugger attack
Post by: StrangeShape on Jun 02, 2010, 01:02:09 AM
Quote from: SM on Jun 02, 2010, 12:56:13 AM

QuoteFor instance, Newt's tube is intact after the crash. She drowned but there are no holes or opening, so it seems like the hugger could never get to her.

On face value (which I have to keep stressing), the hugger never got Newt.  I don't recall if the crack is visible after the crash.  However if it's cracked, it's going to let water in slowly and out slowly.  So if the EEV is breaked long enough and underwater she's going to drown.

Well but I take the comic adaptation scene as canon so my post was written with the assumption that New got hugged first. Like I said, it doesnt fit with the theatrical continuity because we see dead Newt in her last move trying to get out. If the hugger got to her, then there would be a hole in the tube. On the other hand, in AC the glass from her tube is completely gone so that version fits

I guess its a plausible explanation with Hicks tho. The guy was drugged, weak and seriously hurt.
Title: Re: Kane facehugger attack
Post by: predxeno on Jun 02, 2010, 01:08:05 AM
Quote from: StrangeShape on Jun 02, 2010, 12:54:06 AM
Quote from: predxeno on Jun 02, 2010, 12:47:20 AM
Weyland-Yutani knew that Ripley had a queen inside of her.  If the computer showed Newt, then they would want Newt's body. .

Youre forgetting one thing. The company found out about Ripley being impregnated from the EEV scan that she did with 85. Remember the message? Paraphrasing: "EEV scan received. Ripley should be priority and contained until our arrival etc"

Very well.

SM, look closer.  The scene with the facehugger breaking Newt's tube is actually Ripley's tube.
Title: Re: Kane facehugger attack
Post by: SM on Jun 02, 2010, 01:13:35 AM

So the face under the cracking glass is Sigourney Weaver and not Danielle Edmond?
Title: Re: Kane facehugger attack
Post by: predxeno on Jun 02, 2010, 01:17:22 AM
Did they use a different actress for Newt?  I'll recheck it.
Title: Re: Kane facehugger attack
Post by: StrangeShape on Jun 02, 2010, 01:19:13 AM
Quote from: predxeno on Jun 02, 2010, 01:17:22 AM
Did they use a different actress for Newt?  I'll recheck it.

They did. After all, Carrie was 5 years older at that point
Title: Re: Kane facehugger attack
Post by: SM on Jun 02, 2010, 01:19:42 AM
I've studied and written about this title sequence exhaustively - or so I'd thought - but I really don't know what you're getting at.
Title: Re: Kane facehugger attack
Post by: predxeno on Jun 02, 2010, 01:25:52 AM
You win, SM.  The person has blonde hair.  I thought she was Ripley because her face seemed more mature than Carrie Henn's last time I saw her in Aliens.  What I'm trying to get at?  Wow, I just looked at previous posts and it's really complicated.  At first I was trying to explain that the spilling of acid blood was accidental.  Then I was under the mistaken idea that it tried to break open Ripley's tube instead of Newt's.  I tried to "correct" you before you pointed out my mistake.  But still, we can't be completely sure that the explosion opened the cryotube.  The facehugger made a good attempt on Newt's tube so it could probably do it again on Ripley's.
Title: Re: Kane facehugger attack
Post by: SM on Jun 02, 2010, 01:42:45 AM
But it didn't need to.

There was a hole in her tube, so it got in after the EEV launch.  And the hole has no signs of acid damage consistent with a hugger breaking in.
Title: Re: Kane facehugger attack
Post by: predxeno on Jun 02, 2010, 01:45:17 AM
The facehugger appeared to have cracked open Newt's tube, without using acid.  What does the comic depict?
Title: Re: Kane facehugger attack
Post by: SM on Jun 02, 2010, 01:53:41 AM
Don't know and I don't care.

With Newt's tube, it tried to force the lid, which cracked the glass - not smashing it like Ripley's.

If logic can be applied, the explosion caused the tube damage.
Title: Re: Kane facehugger attack
Post by: predxeno on Jun 02, 2010, 01:56:46 AM
Very well, I'll take your standing until I get further evidence.  I haven't read the comic yet, but I plan to.  I just want to say that there's still a possibility that the facehugger smashed Ripley's tube; a small possibility, but a possibility nonetheless.
Title: Re: Kane facehugger attack
Post by: SM on Jun 02, 2010, 01:59:16 AM
And even smaller considering that for all the huggers supposed efforts to crack the tube open, we never see it attached to her face.  If it somehow managed to break her tube open the first thing it's going to do is jump on her face.
Title: Re: Kane facehugger attack
Post by: predxeno on Jun 02, 2010, 02:01:53 AM
Whose face are we referring to?  If we're referring to Ripley's, it could have left the tube by the time we see her again after the scene with the computer screens showing the facehugger on someone's face.
Title: Re: Kane facehugger attack
Post by: SM on Jun 02, 2010, 02:03:17 AM
As per earlier post - from the start of the fire to EEV launch 20 seconds elapses.
Title: Re: Kane facehugger attack
Post by: predxeno on Jun 02, 2010, 02:08:34 AM
Alien 3 isn't 24 tv series.  The events may not have been shown in real time.
Title: Re: Kane facehugger attack
Post by: SM on Jun 02, 2010, 02:14:23 AM
QuoteAs per earlier post - from the start of the fire to EEV launch 20 seconds elapses.
Title: Re: Kane facehugger attack
Post by: predxeno on Jun 02, 2010, 02:18:17 AM
Yeah, and as per earlier post - Alien 3 isn't 24 tv series.  The events may not have been shown in real time.  Do you honestly believe that all the events in Alien 3 took place in what 2 hours?
Title: Re: Kane facehugger attack
Post by: SiL on Jun 02, 2010, 02:21:27 AM
Most buildings try to evacuate within twenty seconds of a fire breaking out.

Ships aren't much different. It'd be more of a stretch to think it took longer.
Title: Re: Kane facehugger attack
Post by: predxeno on Jun 02, 2010, 02:23:27 AM
Still, we don't know that the whole incident occurred in real time or if the queen facehugger took a shorter amount of time to impregnate a host.  Let's keep in mind that she had two embryos, an unusual biological occurence.
Title: Re: Kane facehugger attack
Post by: SM on Jun 02, 2010, 02:25:57 AM
T'would be better if you were sure of yourself and actually read others posts prior to arguing.

As per my earlier post, the Sulaco's computer says the EEV will launch in 20 seconds.  This is about the same amount of screen time as depicted in the film
Title: Re: Kane facehugger attack
Post by: predxeno on Jun 02, 2010, 02:28:04 AM
Ok, didn't realize that point.  But we still don't know if the queen facehugger takes shorter time to impregnate than for other normal facehuggers.
Title: Re: Kane facehugger attack
Post by: SM on Jun 02, 2010, 02:29:33 AM
And we don't know if they can recite the entire back catalogue of Lady Gaga as beat poetry.

Deal with the things that are known.

There's nothing to suggest a shoter impregnation is required.  If anything the opposite is true due to the Queen's longer gestation.
Title: Re: Kane facehugger attack
Post by: predxeno on Jun 02, 2010, 02:32:29 AM
Ok, let's assume the facehugger did its impregnation thing after the crash.  Why, then, did the Sulaco have a picture of a facehugger on someone before the ejection of the EEV?
Title: Re: Kane facehugger attack
Post by: SM on Jun 02, 2010, 02:35:08 AM
Why after the crash?  Why not after the EEV launch and before it washed up on the beach.
Title: Re: Kane facehugger attack
Post by: StrangeShape on Jun 02, 2010, 02:39:15 AM
Quote from: SM on Jun 02, 2010, 02:35:08 AM
Why after the crash?  Why not after the EEV launch and before it washed up on the beach.

Right. There was plenty of time. They had to gather, organize and pull the EEV out of the water, and also who knows how long it was there before they found it
Title: Re: Kane facehugger attack
Post by: predxeno on Jun 02, 2010, 03:02:57 AM
Yeah, I meant after the launch, whatever.  But the question still remains: Why did the Sulacco have an image of a facehugger on a human in the first place?
Title: Re: Kane facehugger attack
Post by: SM on Jun 02, 2010, 03:04:28 AM
It's things like that, that can lead one to believe the titles aren't literal.
Title: Re: Kane facehugger attack
Post by: predxeno on Jun 02, 2010, 03:42:27 AM
Huh? ???
Title: Re: Kane facehugger attack
Post by: SM on Jun 02, 2010, 03:45:52 AM
The credit sequence is rather confused and disjointed, and since the protagonist is asleep, it maybe Ripley's subconcious trying to make sense of it.  And only being partially successful.
Title: Re: Kane facehugger attack
Post by: predxeno on Jun 02, 2010, 03:49:33 AM
Quote from: SM on Jun 02, 2010, 03:04:28 AM
It's things like that, that can lead one to believe the titles aren't literal.

But the titles are literal, and so therefore the Sulacco had to have had an image of the facehugger on a human.  The only reason that's likely is that someone was impregnated before the EEV was ejected.

Quote from: SM on Jun 02, 2010, 03:45:52 AM
The credit sequence is rather confused and disjointed, and since the protagonist is asleep, it maybe Ripley's subconcious trying to make sense of it.  And only being partially successful.

Maybe.  You have said that I relate assumptions too much with facts, but I definitely know that that is an assumption.
Title: Re: Kane facehugger attack
Post by: SM on Jun 02, 2010, 03:53:54 AM
No it's not.  It's a theory based on available data.  The available data has the protagonist being asleep, which may stylistically explain the dreamlike quality of the title sequence.

It's like the later scene when Ripley thinks she sees the Alien and we see it through her eyes - when it was just a pipe that look a bit like an Alien.
Title: Re: Kane facehugger attack
Post by: predxeno on Jun 02, 2010, 12:59:44 PM
How can you claim that that is a theory yet condemn my theories as assumptions.  The availabe data in my arguments suggest that the queen facehugger commenced implantaion before the EEV ejection.  Available data also suggests that the predalien is a junior queen.
Title: Re: Kane facehugger attack
Post by: Mus on Jun 02, 2010, 04:33:54 PM
Available data suggests that the Predalien has nothing to do with the Alien franchise.
Title: Re: Kane facehugger attack
Post by: predxeno on Jun 02, 2010, 04:46:34 PM
Title: Re: Kane facehugger attack
Post by: predxeno on Jun 02, 2010, 07:05:37 PM
Quote from: StrangeShape on Jun 02, 2010, 12:54:06 AM
Quote from: predxeno on Jun 02, 2010, 12:47:20 AM
Weyland-Yutani knew that Ripley had a queen inside of her.  If the computer showed Newt, then they would want Newt's body. .

Youre forgetting one thing. The company found out about Ripley being impregnated from the EEV scan that she did with 85. Remember the message? Paraphrasing: "EEV scan received. Ripley should be priority and contained until our arrival etc"

I've been watching Alien 3, again, and there's a scene with Clemens and Andrews where Andrews tells Clemens that the company considers Ripley to be high priority.  Bishop also said that the company knows everything of what happened aboard the Sulacco.  Since there was an image of someone being facehugged on one of the monitors, the company probably knew that Ripley or someone had been impregnated.
Title: Re: Kane facehugger attack
Post by: Sexy Poot on Jun 02, 2010, 07:56:09 PM
Quote from: Mus on Jun 02, 2010, 04:33:54 PM
Available data suggests that the Predalien has nothing to do with the Alien franchise.

;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Kane facehugger attack
Post by: predxeno on Jun 02, 2010, 08:29:14 PM
Quote from: Sexy Poot on Jun 02, 2010, 07:56:09 PM
Quote from: Mus on Jun 02, 2010, 04:33:54 PM
Available data suggests that the Predalien has nothing to do with the Alien franchise.

;D ;D ;D

You people are in denial.  Snap out of it...Now!!
Title: Re: Kane facehugger attack
Post by: Griffith on Jun 02, 2010, 11:22:19 PM
So.. after all the arguments about who cracked up who's cryoube, available data says that facehuggers don't spit acid since there's no evidence of it and inconsistences in the opening credits wich leads to possible suggestions and scenarios, I guess that it will be a mystery until new info or canon could explain that.My question was about how the f**k did the facehugger get inside Kane's helmet, I read the book years ago and I remember that something more happened when he got fecahugged, but since I lost the book I'm expecting that someone else answer.
Title: Re: Kane facehugger attack
Post by: predxeno on Jun 02, 2010, 11:25:00 PM
The facehugger excreted some sort of acidic substance used to dissolve through Kane's helmet.
Title: Re: Kane facehugger attack
Post by: SM on Jun 02, 2010, 11:27:06 PM
QuoteYou people are in denial.  Snap out of it...Now!!

Not really.  We just don't pluck stuff out of our arses.

QuoteHow can you claim that that is a theory yet condemn my theories as assumptions.  The availabe data in my arguments suggest that the queen facehugger commenced implantaion before the EEV ejection.

Available data tells us someone is hugged.  Available data also tells us this was neither Ripley nor Newt.  Since we see the both of them in the 20 seconds between the fire starting and the EEV launch with no hugger.  Which realistically leaves Hicks.  Any evidence of his supposed implantation is destroyed in the crash.

On the other hand, the titles due to their confused and disjointed nature (this is a movie after all - see point about the 'pipe' Alien) may not be intended to be literal, but more fragments of events filtering into Ripley's subconcious.

It's all theory - but theory based on what we see on screen.

QuoteAvailable data also suggests that the predalien is a junior queen.

Any precedents about Queens are not in any way adhered to in AvP:Poo, and anyway it's not relevant to the current topic.

QuoteSince there was an image of someone being facehugged on one of the monitors, the company probably knew that Ripley or someone had been impregnated.

Yeah, so?  What's your point?

QuoteMy question was about how the f**k did the facehugger get inside Kane's helmet,

It melted/ corroded it's way through.  Which is evidence by the state of his helmet when they cut it off him.
Title: Re: Kane facehugger attack
Post by: Griffith on Jun 02, 2010, 11:28:02 PM
Quote from: predxeno on Jun 02, 2010, 11:25:00 PM
The facehugger excreted some sort of acidic substance used to dissolve through Kane's helmet.

..and you got that info from.....
Title: Re: Kane facehugger attack
Post by: SM on Jun 02, 2010, 11:28:35 PM
The movie.
Title: Re: Kane facehugger attack
Post by: predxeno on Jun 03, 2010, 02:30:04 AM
And from the novelization.

To SM:
Ok, I guess I can see how it would make sense if Hicks was the one that was impregnated.  I"ll have to look at Alien 3...again.  However, there isn't much evidence of a queen's natural life cycle in any of the movies.  We never see the queen in Aliens grow up and the queen in A:R never had a chance to egg-barf down someone's throat.
Title: Re: Kane facehugger attack
Post by: StrangeShape on Jun 03, 2010, 02:39:14 AM
Quote from: predxeno on Jun 03, 2010, 02:30:04 AM
And from the novelization.

To SM:
Ok, I guess I can see how it would make sense if Hicks was the one that was impregnated.  I"ll have to look at Alien 3...again.  However, there isn't much evidence of a queen's natural life cycle in any of the movies.  We never see the queen in Aliens grow up and the queen in A:R never had a chance to egg-barf down someone's throat.

No but the lifecycel was based on real nature, hence the queen. Cameron explains how the Queen came to be on Acheron

An immature female, one of the first to emerge from hosts, grows to become a new queen, while males become drones or warriors. Subsequent female larvae remain dormant or are killed by males... or biochemically sense that a queen exists and change into males to limit waste. The Queen locates a nesting spot (the warmth of the atmosphere station heat exchanger level being perfect for egg incubation) and becomes sedentary. She is then tended by the males as her abdomen swells into a distended egg sac. The drones and warriors also secrete a resinous building material to line the structure, creating niches in which they may lie dormant when food supplies and/or hosts for further reproduction become depleted (i.e. when all the colonists are used up). They are discovered in this condition by the troopers, but quickly emerge when new hosts present themselves.

Theres no "throat rape" in real nature. Thats just taking the franchise into cliche monster movie territory again. What you just read is based strongly on reality and logic. The queen finds a nesting spot and waits there while the warriors are preparing everything and protecting her. She never moves and lives purely to lay eggs
Title: Re: Kane facehugger attack
Post by: SM on Jun 03, 2010, 02:43:27 AM
QuoteWe never see the queen in Aliens grow up and the queen in A:R never had a chance to egg-barf down someone's throat.

It didn't need to.  It laid eggs like Alien Queens are supposed to do.

And this is still irrelevant.
Title: Re: Kane facehugger attack
Post by: predxeno on Jun 03, 2010, 02:46:13 AM
Where did you get that reference, StrangeShape?  In the literature, Aliens Nightmare Asylum, it's said that the few males that are born kill each other for the right to mate with the queen.  When one male is left standing, he is beaten up by the queen before the semination actually occurs.  The queen kills him after that.  The queen can also reproduce asexually if there are no males around.
Title: Re: Kane facehugger attack
Post by: SM on Jun 03, 2010, 02:50:18 AM
He got it from James Cameron.  Hence the "Cameron explains how the Queen came to be on Acheron".

Can't say it's really be born out in subsequent films, but that was his reasoning at the time.
Title: Re: Kane facehugger attack
Post by: StrangeShape on Jun 03, 2010, 03:02:44 AM
Quote from: predxeno on Jun 03, 2010, 02:46:13 AM
Where did you get that reference, StrangeShape?  In the literature, Aliens Nightmare Asylum, it's said that the few males that are born kill each other for the right to mate with the queen.  When one male is left standing, he is beaten up by the queen before the semination actually occurs.  The queen kills him after that.  The queen can also reproduce asexually if there are no males around.

EU isnt canon. The quote is from Queen's creator Cameron from Starlog Mag '88
Title: Re: Kane facehugger attack
Post by: predxeno on Jun 03, 2010, 03:14:22 AM
What does EU stand for?  I like to think that the literature is canon, it's my personal canon.  All fans in the community have their own personal canon.  This Starlog Magazine, did it just say that it was Cameron's idea for Aliens or did it title it as the official aliens description?
Title: Re: Kane facehugger attack
Post by: SM on Jun 03, 2010, 03:17:41 AM
EU = Expanded Universe.  ie. Comics, video games, novels etc.

The quote is from a letter written by James Cameron to Starlog answering reader's questions about Aliens.
Title: Re: Kane facehugger attack
Post by: StrangeShape on Jun 03, 2010, 03:21:26 AM
Quote from: predxeno on Jun 03, 2010, 03:14:22 AM
What does EU stand for?  I like to think that the literature is canon, it's my personal canon.  All fans in the community have their own personal canon.  This Starlog Magazine, did it just say that it was Cameron's idea for Aliens or did it title it as the official aliens description?

EU means Expanded Universe. Its everything besides the movie and what the filmmakers say. So video games, toys, Comic books, novels. The quote was in a response to the question about where did the Queen come from, explaining the very real life biological cycle of the Queen. Theres also an Anchorpoint essay about Queens abilities explaining what the extra arms are for and all that. Everything thats on the Queen has a specific purpose for mothers and breeding and nesting.

And again, predalien was not a queen. The queen idea was cited after the movie was released after they received a criticism asking why predalien isnt a regular alien and has special abilities. It was never mentioned during the production or even on the extras on DVDs, like audio commentaries. It was a last minute excuse which digs Strauses into an even deeper hole
Title: Re: Kane facehugger attack
Post by: predxeno on Jun 03, 2010, 03:27:36 AM
When I first saw AVPR in theatres, I was already a big AvP fan.  When I walked in, I expected the Predalien to be a queen, due to the regurgitaiton.  I guess I thought it was obvious since it could egg-barf.  Either that or there was already a lot of speculation of the predalien being a queen by fans because of this even before the movie came out.  The letter that is mentioned earlier, I have two ways to retcon it in.  The first one is that the letter was never made canon, but is an idea of what James Cameron wanted the aliens to be.  The second one is that this is divergent evolution and that the strain of aliens on Acheron and the one that took over Earth are different, in that they evolved in different environments and their biology has become physically unique from each other. 
Title: Re: Kane facehugger attack
Post by: StrangeShape on Jun 03, 2010, 03:35:02 AM
Quote from: predxeno on Jun 03, 2010, 03:27:36 AM
When I first saw AVPR in theatres, I was already a big AvP fan.  When I walked in, I expected the Predalien to be a queen, due to the regurgitaiton.  I guess I thought it was obvious since it could egg-barf.  Either that or there was already a lot of speculation of the predalien being a queen by fans because of this even before the movie came out.  The letter that is mentioned earlier, I have two ways to retcon it in.  The first one is that the letter was never made canon, but is an idea of what James Cameron wanted the aliens to be.  The second one is that this is divergent evolution and that the strain of aliens on Acheron and the one that took over Earth are different, in that they evolved in different environments and their biology has become physically unique from each other.

Its amazing how youre trying to erase the reality and logic from the series to retrofit it into an idea that doesnt work anyway you look at it. Predalien is not a queen. The queen doesnt look like her host, shes twice or 3 times as big and has 4 hands. Predalien looks like predator with alien mouth. two hands, doesnt even behave like a queen (nesting and waiting to breed) and theres a long list of other contradictions which were already mentioned in a different thread.
Title: Re: Kane facehugger attack
Post by: predxeno on Jun 03, 2010, 04:00:36 AM
As I said earlier, it's a junior queen.  It hasn't become an adult queen yet.  As the predalien grows into a queen it'll eventually lose its distinctive predator features, unless it's a divergent strain as explained previously.  The predalien is simply using the egg-barfing method to increase the number of adults it has before continuing to grow and eventually lay eggs.  I've explained this over and over again.  All your objections can be retconned in, I have yet to see a new objection presented to me by you guys.  You may think it's amazing how I'm "trying to erase reality and logic from to series to retrofit it", but from my point of view it's amazing how everyone else is trying to erase the potential logic provided by my statements and even more so by how everyone is trying to pick apart the logic provided to them by the Strause bros, albeit late and presented as a last-minute excuse, and are trying to tear the essence of the predalien apart.  The predalien in AVPR is canon and so are its actions, whether we like it or not.  I, too, disprove of some of the Predalien in the film, specifically how it trophies the chef at the cafe, but it's done.  If we continue to try to make this Predalien into some sort of joke, what will happen?  Are we hoping to kick out AVPR from movie canon?  If we are, we could upset the entire reality of the Alien/Predator series.  If AVPR can't be considered canon, then why can't we just kick Aliens out of canon as well?  Why don't we kick the original Predator movie out and make the Predator in that movie into a shape-shifter like it was originally intended?  Where will this all end?
Title: Re: Kane facehugger attack
Post by: SM on Jun 03, 2010, 04:13:25 AM
Preferably in the relevent thread, which this isn't.
Title: Re: Kane facehugger attack
Post by: StrangeShape on Jun 03, 2010, 04:25:06 AM
EDIT: I replied to those claims in this thread - http://www.avpgalaxy.net/forum/index.php?topic=32155.150 (http://www.avpgalaxy.net/forum/index.php?topic=32155.150)
Title: Re: Kane facehugger attack
Post by: SiL on Jun 03, 2010, 05:35:10 AM
I think what SM has very politely been trying to say the last two pages is


Just sayin'.
Title: Re: Kane facehugger attack
Post by: SM on Jun 03, 2010, 05:36:38 AM
Like here (http://www.avpgalaxy.net/forum/index.php?topic=32155.150).
Title: Re: Kane facehugger attack
Post by: XenoVC on Jun 03, 2010, 10:31:23 PM
Quote from: predxeno on Jun 03, 2010, 04:00:36 AM
If we are, we could upset the entire reality of the Alien/Predator series.  If AVPR can't be considered canon, then why can't we just kick Aliens out of canon as well?  Why don't we kick the original Predator movie out

Go fit the description on the back of a package of Operation:Aliens pencils into canon.

'bout the thread:


Title: Re: Kane facehugger attack
Post by: Sexy Poot on Jun 04, 2010, 01:09:18 AM
Quote from: XenoVC on Jun 03, 2010, 10:31:23 PM
Quote from: predxeno on Jun 03, 2010, 04:00:36 AM
If we are, we could upset the entire reality of the Alien/Predator series.  If AVPR can't be considered canon, then why can't we just kick Aliens out of canon as well?  Why don't we kick the original Predator movie out

Go fit the description on the back of a package of Operation:Aliens pencils into canon.

'bout the thread:

Ha  :D

Title: Re: Kane facehugger attack
Post by: OmegaZilla on Jun 06, 2010, 03:29:19 PM
Quote from: XenoVC on Jun 03, 2010, 10:31:23 PM
'bout the thread:

Don't see why people find this disturbing.
It wants only a hug! :( ;D
Title: Re: Kane facehugger attack
Post by: SpaceMarines on Jun 06, 2010, 06:13:53 PM
Oh, it want's a bit more than that, I'm afraid.
Title: Re: Kane facehugger attack
Post by: OmegaZilla on Jun 06, 2010, 07:58:19 PM
Quote from: SpaceMarines on Jun 06, 2010, 06:13:53 PM
Oh, it want's a bit more than that, I'm afraid.
Surprise fais secks. :o
Title: Re: Kane facehugger attack
Post by: predxeno on Jun 06, 2010, 09:11:46 PM
I agree, I don't find the image disturbing at all.  I don't know why everybody else does.  But, yes, it does want more than just a hug; it wants to have sex orally and to implant its egg in another organism.
Title: Re: Kane facehugger attack
Post by: SpaceMarines on Jun 06, 2010, 09:15:29 PM
Disturbing's a bit too strong a word. I do find it... unsettling, though.
Title: Re: Kane facehugger attack
Post by: predxeno on Jun 06, 2010, 09:18:13 PM
Why?? ??? ???
Title: Re: Kane facehugger attack
Post by: SpaceMarines on Jun 06, 2010, 09:19:48 PM
He's being raped and impregnated by an alien organism. There's lots of implications to that.
Title: Re: Kane facehugger attack
Post by: predxeno on Jun 06, 2010, 09:50:43 PM
We enslave cattle and force them to breed with each other so we can eat their children when they grow up.  The facehugger is ust doing what it was biologically designed to do.
Title: Re: Kane facehugger attack
Post by: SpaceMarines on Jun 06, 2010, 09:56:33 PM
And what it's biologically designed to do is unsettling. And I don't see how cattle are related to this.
Title: Re: Kane facehugger attack
Post by: predxeno on Jun 06, 2010, 10:00:19 PM
Just showing that humans can do things just as bad if not worse to members outside of their own species when compared to the aliens.
Title: Re: Kane facehugger attack
Post by: SpaceMarines on Jun 06, 2010, 10:04:31 PM
It would be just as bad or worse if we raped the cattle and used them to grow our young.
Title: Re: Kane facehugger attack
Post by: maledoro on Jun 06, 2010, 10:12:20 PM
Quote from: SpaceMarines on Jun 06, 2010, 10:04:31 PM
It would be just as bad or worse if we raped the cattle and used them to grow our young.
You'd be surprised as to how many farmers practice that...
Title: Re: Kane facehugger attack
Post by: SpaceMarines on Jun 06, 2010, 10:16:13 PM
Title: Re: Kane facehugger attack
Post by: maledoro on Jun 06, 2010, 10:20:50 PM
Some farmers go for a different kind of "dairy air"...
Title: Re: Kane facehugger attack
Post by: predxeno on Jun 06, 2010, 10:21:56 PM
Quote from: SpaceMarines on Jun 06, 2010, 10:04:31 PM
It would be just as bad or worse if we raped the cattle and used them to grow our young.

Not necessarily, I would rather be on my own fending off against aliens than be put in a situation like in Terminator Salvation; being brought to a slaughter house and killed off systematically.  There's something more likable in being able to fend off death yourself than not having any ability to defend yourself.
Title: Re: Kane facehugger attack
Post by: SpaceMarines on Jun 06, 2010, 10:24:02 PM
Quote from: maledoro on Jun 06, 2010, 10:20:50 PM
Some farmers go for a different kind of "dairy air"...

Ba-da ch! (http://instantrimshot.com/)

Quote from: predxeno on Jun 06, 2010, 10:21:56 PM
Quote from: SpaceMarines on Jun 06, 2010, 10:04:31 PM
It would be just as bad or worse if we raped the cattle and used them to grow our young.

Not necessarily, I would rather be on my own fending off against aliens than be put in a situation like in Terminator Salvation; being brought to a slaughter house and killed off systematically.  There's something more likable in being able to fend off death yourself than not having any ability to defend yourself.

I'm referring to the impregnation specifically. Given the choice between being systematically killed, or having an alien organism gestate within me before violently being born, I'd choose the former.
Title: Re: Kane facehugger attack
Post by: maledoro on Jun 06, 2010, 10:25:43 PM
True. Trying to fight off a terminator who's trying to impregnate you just sounds too damned kinky.
Title: Re: Kane facehugger attack
Post by: SpaceMarines on Jun 07, 2010, 02:45:26 AM
(https://www.avpgalaxy.net/forum/proxy.php?request=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.godhaven.org.uk%2Fblogimages%2Fpenetrator.jpg&hash=b543e965d3ce25a0fae643d6da117c5f7d1f568e) ;D