AvPGalaxy Forums

Films/TV => Alien vs Predator Films => Topic started by: dDave on Dec 29, 2007, 05:39:45 PM

Question: In your opinion, should there be a third movie???
Option 1: Yes, absolutely
Option 2: Yeah, could be cool
Option 3: I dont know
Option 4: No, maybe no good idea
Option 5: Absolutely NO
Title: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: dDave on Dec 29, 2007, 05:39:45 PM
Because their are thousands of different opinions about the second, but also discussions about a possible third one... heres a simple but also maybe difficult qusestion for you  ;)

In your opinion, should there be a third movie???

Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: darcevil on Dec 29, 2007, 05:59:26 PM
I haven't seen avpr yet, but judging from the reactions and spoilers...I don't think it's gunna happen.

Maybe the series is dried up, maybe people are tired of hearing it, maybe all the opinions I'm hearing are only from the biased fan boys/girls.

Should there be?Yes. Will there be? I doubt it.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: Spidey3121 on Dec 29, 2007, 08:03:45 PM
They would need to treat the 3rd film more like an Alien film. I didn't mind AvP-R but it was nothing like the Alien films what-so-ever. The 3rd film needs to take the series to the desolate reaches of space + really set up a good Sci-Fi atmosphere.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: ShadowPred on Dec 29, 2007, 08:04:25 PM
Yes, it should happen I want Space Marines vs Aliens vs Predator DONE RIGHT!!
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: Sheriff Eddie Morales on Dec 29, 2007, 08:06:16 PM
Quote from: darcevil on Dec 29, 2007, 05:59:26 PM
I haven't seen avpr yet, but judging from the reactions and spoilers...I don't think it's gunna happen.

Maybe the series is dried up, maybe people are tired of hearing it, maybe all the opinions I'm hearing are only from the biased fan boys/girls.

Should there be?Yes. Will there be? I doubt it.

The series ISN'T DRIED UP,and i am most of sure that the people are not tired of hearing it at all,and about that biased fan boys/girls....screw them...yestarday i saw AvP R in the cinema and after i watched it,i didn't think it was so good like Predator or Predator 2,but today,one day after the cinema i think that AvP R was the best one from the series.
I am litte concerned that there will be AvP 3,but i say YES,there should be AvP 3 !
And i say the fight continues on Earth,not in space.And i don't even care what everyone else thinks.AvP 3 will be ! And it will be maked soon...more soon than you think ;)
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: PHANTOM on Dec 29, 2007, 08:07:20 PM
Space Marines is a must!
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: BUGZ on Dec 29, 2007, 08:07:25 PM
I voted NO!!! Make seperate movies!! These avp films are just not good enough! Its a joke!!
The comics are far better than both movies put together! Leave them as comics!

Bri >:(
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: megachu17 on Dec 29, 2007, 08:08:02 PM
haha, they should mak alien5 and pred3 and release them at the same time and hav the box office compition be "avp3"(then mak avp3 later)
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: nukem11 on Dec 29, 2007, 08:12:01 PM
I dont see why James Cameron wouldnt write a script for a film out in space he doesnt have to direct it but atleast we would be getting a decent story and he could help out finding a good director.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: Ok7 on Dec 29, 2007, 08:39:20 PM
Yes, absolutely!!!
AvPR better, than AvP.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: Eidotemit on Dec 29, 2007, 08:41:11 PM
Yes it should. This time off of Earth though, and not present day.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: S4MSUNG on Dec 29, 2007, 08:42:00 PM
No. :)
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: CanadianHero67 on Dec 29, 2007, 08:42:28 PM
Yes, absolutely!
I love Aliens and Predators! ;D
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: SuicideDoors on Dec 29, 2007, 08:53:45 PM
God no.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: Darkness on Dec 29, 2007, 08:54:21 PM
I voted No too.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: Major Alan Schaefer on Dec 29, 2007, 08:55:17 PM
Depends on what it has to offer
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: MudButt on Dec 29, 2007, 09:02:16 PM
I voted yes, but I don't want it on Earth or in Present Day. I'd rather have it on another Planet.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: Commander Aun on Dec 29, 2007, 09:06:15 PM
I voted not sure, as I havent seen AVPR yet. Ill make my desicion when I have actually seen it.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: nukem11 on Dec 29, 2007, 09:08:10 PM
Actors like this should be in AVP 3 as marines hes a good actor as well. They need to bring back those kick ass heroes again.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: Pvt. Hicks on Dec 29, 2007, 09:09:54 PM
Random lol...

Well that'll never happen. Apparently anyone directing an Alien or Predator film 1997-and above, is immune to making it really good.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: nukem11 on Dec 29, 2007, 09:11:36 PM
Yeah I know I should have made a trhead but actors are just as important as the story and I think he would fit in quite well.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: Plokoon111 on Dec 29, 2007, 09:14:52 PM
Wasn't that guy Jango Fett?
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: nukem11 on Dec 29, 2007, 09:16:22 PM
Indeed he was hes been in loads of films.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: Commander Aun on Dec 29, 2007, 09:19:04 PM
Quote from: nukem11 on Dec 29, 2007, 09:16:22 PM
Indeed he was hes been in loads of films.

Hes....TEMUERA MORRISON! Hes been in once were warriors, star wars, and various other films. Once, I thought he could be in a Starship Troopers (based on the book, mind you, not the film).
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: JA Boomer on Dec 31, 2007, 08:42:36 AM
My thoughts:

I don't want to see another AVP movie just so there can be another AVP movie. Fox seemingly makes these films now to make a little bit of money. I can only imagine how atrocious Requiem would have been without the Brothers Strause. They may have actually saved the franchises by not making Requiem as bad as it sounds Fox could have made it.

If anyone comes up with something new, original, and good for a Predator, Aliens, or AVP movie I would love to see it made. However, it must be made well...Fox is simply just going to have to open up the wallet on this one. No more crappy scripts and actors. Hire some decent talent, produce a decent movie, and make some decent money. I wouldn't mind if the brothers come back to direct another movie in either series. I think Requiem could have been so much better, but I still enjoyed it, and I think the control and ideas Fox seemed to have forced on the Brothers and the fact that it was their feature film directorial debut made it what it was. Anything down the road I think will be much better.

I personally would like to see an AVP3 movie based on the 1999 PC video game. If I am not mistaken (it's been awhile since I've played it) the company had built a research/military installation to study the aliens, complete with an alien nest/hive. The story begins when a predator arrives and complicates things.

I think it would be neat if the company had built such an installation around the derelict ship on LV-426. That is assuming it was not destroyed during the explosion of the processing plant during 'Aliens'. That might be possible considering the distance from the plant and the unknown alien ship technology. So after the company finds out that Burke and the Marines failed to complete there mission, and that Ripley destroyed herself on Fiorina 161, they build this research installation to study the aliens. Set possibly 10 years after 'Aliens'? How far in the future did Alien 3 take place after Aliens? Anyways...a predator or two shows up, busts loose the aliens. So we have the aliens spreading out and trying to wipe everything out, the predator on a hunt, and the humans trying to survive somehow. USCM Marines would of course be involved, as well as company staff. Heck, you could even have a predalien show up. The movie would end with the destruction of the facility and the derelict...with everything destroyed it would then make sense that the United Systems Military decides to try and clone Ripley in AR, maintaining continuity.

That's what I am hoping for. I realize this would be expensive, but a quality movie could attract the crowds seen for the Alien, Aliens, and Predator movies. I like long movies too, and would hope for a longer epic type film.

Two other things, I wonder if a comic book style / special effect heavy filming style such as used for '300' would make the movie better? You have to admit, it would be cool given the roots of the AVP series. Also, I feel that these movies have lost the scary aspects of them. Alien, Aliens, and even Predator were all scary movies, at least when I first watched them. When I saw AVP-R the other day, I was just not scared, maybe it is just that I am too familiar with the movies, but I didn't get the sense that anyone else in the theater was scared either. It really shouldn't be too hard, I saw 'I Am Legend' last week, and I have to admit, I was scared at points in the movie. Bringing back this 'feel' to the franchise is a must if another movie is to be made. Aliens coming out of nowhere, fast shocking scenes...I dunno, I don't feel it is really that hard to do.

Anyways, thought I would share my $0.02. Share you thoughts on the subject, or just let me keep blindly awaiting my ideas to come true haha.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: Private Hudson on Dec 31, 2007, 08:50:29 AM
I only want an AVP 3 if it is the following: In space, in the Aliens-Alien 3 timeline, the aliens look and move exactly like they did in Aliens, Colonial marines is a must (Have to get the Pulse Rifle and Smartgun sounds right), no Ripley or Ripley wanabes, and on a drifting ship the marines go to rescue or something like that, not aliens taking over a marine base.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: RidgeTop on Dec 31, 2007, 09:02:03 AM
As long as they do it right, in the future, bigger budget, better advertising/merchandising.  and ONLY stick with the Queen for reproduction.  I'd love another AVP film.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: Xenomorphine on Dec 31, 2007, 09:06:44 AM
'Alien Resurrection' precludes that story from taking place, as you have described it.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: JA Boomer on Dec 31, 2007, 09:07:28 AM
Quote from: Xenomorphine on Dec 31, 2007, 09:06:44 AM
'Alien Resurrection' precludes that story from taking place, as you have described it.

Can you tell me why?
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: Dusk on Dec 31, 2007, 09:10:24 AM
An AvP3 should only happen if whoever at Fox fixated on an earth setting and has the idiotic idea of an Predalien being able to use Pred technology, gets fired. That and free creative control for the director.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: Craig on Dec 31, 2007, 09:13:28 AM
I don't know... depends who works on it, writes it etc
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: RidgeTop on Dec 31, 2007, 09:23:13 AM
Quote from: Dusk on Dec 31, 2007, 09:10:24 AM
An AvP3 should only happen if whoever at Fox fixated on an earth setting and has the idiotic idea of an Predalien being able to use Pred technology, gets fired. That and free creative control for the director.

That would be Tom Rothman and John Davis. 
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: Fury_616 on Dec 31, 2007, 01:10:18 PM
Should AVP3 happen?  HELL YES!  I finally saw AVP2 yesterday and I thought it was great in spite of taking place in Hickville USA.

AVP3 should take place in space, between Alien 3 and Alien Resurrection, and it should involve the downfall of Weyland-Yutani that was hinted at in Resurrection.  Since the first two AVP films had the formation of Weyland-Yutani as a sub-plot, showing Weyland-Yutani getting what's coming to it by the Predators in AVP3 would be a great way to cap off the series and make it more complementary to the Alien series.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: gases on Dec 31, 2007, 01:15:20 PM
damn you are so right it burns

AVP3 but not too soon. Big budget only.. only. No short changing.

I just thought about this. They may have to choose the bro's again if they don't make enough from this. They would have a low budget similar to this or maybe a little bit more and not many directors would sign on with such a low budget to make these creatures look good. I don't know. I just hope it's given a reasonable budget instead of under 40 mil... zz..
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: chubbs3 on Jan 07, 2008, 10:43:41 PM
The comics sucked! The movies are way better. >:(
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: severen76 on Jan 07, 2008, 10:45:31 PM
Quote from: chubbs3 on Jan 07, 2008, 10:43:41 PM
The comics sucked! The movies are way better. >:(

LOL good one
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: Sgt.Torque Reikan on Jan 07, 2008, 11:53:16 PM
no more shane! no more shane! PLEASE NO MORE SHANE!
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: The Chibi Kiriyama on Jan 07, 2008, 11:58:56 PM
Quote from: chubbs3 on Jan 07, 2008, 10:43:41 PM
The comics sucked! The movies are way better. >:(

Alright, then. Give me some reasons why.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: Its Game Time on Jan 08, 2008, 12:09:37 AM
Quote from: SuicideDoors on Dec 29, 2007, 08:53:45 PM
God no.

I understand that you guys say no. For some reason they cant seem to get it right. But if we knew for sure that they were going to get it right then heck, i say absolutely. I would like one more chance at seeing these guys on the big screen. But if they screw it up, then from then on, my vote would be no.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: Pred-Xeno on Jan 08, 2008, 12:10:29 AM
No, not a good idea I could be wrong but for now no. They screwed up twice, don't burn my heart even more.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: Horhey on Jan 08, 2008, 12:17:50 AM
I'd rather have nothing than another shit film. Get it right or dont touch it again. They know what they have to do to get it right. 
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: Ccoletta86 on Jan 08, 2008, 12:19:32 AM

The comics sucked! The movies are way better. >:(

no, the comics were good, the AVP movies suck
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: Xenomorphine on Jan 08, 2008, 12:20:53 AM
Many of the comics were of low quality. It was mainly the earliest, original ones, which could have been adapted.

Quote from: bloodjigsaw on Jan 07, 2008, 11:53:16 PM
no more shane! no more shane! PLEASE NO MORE SHANE!

Just so long as the replacement is not even more inept. You know it could happen.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: Commander Aun on Jan 08, 2008, 12:21:45 AM
Quote from: Fury_616 on Dec 31, 2007, 01:10:18 PM
Should AVP3 happen?  HELL YES!  I finally saw AVP2 yesterday and I thought it was great in spite of taking place in Hickville USA.

AVP3 should take place in space, between Alien 3 and Alien Resurrection, and it should involve the downfall of Weyland-Yutani that was hinted at in Resurrection.  Since the first two AVP films had the formation of Weyland-Yutani as a sub-plot, showing Weyland-Yutani getting what's coming to it by the Predators in AVP3 would be a great way to cap off the series and make it more complementary to the Alien series.

Yeah, that was cool about the films, with the subplot and all.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: predalien213 on Jan 08, 2008, 12:44:40 AM
Yes but they should put a lot of effort in it. I would want it in an alien enviroment with marines and predators(more than 1).
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: Spectre on Jan 08, 2008, 01:36:51 AM
I really just dont want my two favorite creatures to end in a low budgeted 90 min movie... I feel they need to be done justice before they are forever retired... hopefully threes the charm... ;D
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: Space Disc Jockey on Jan 09, 2008, 12:32:53 AM
yes...only if they have a good script/story and memorable characters. It is possible to create a good AVP film.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: Danger Close on Jan 09, 2008, 12:39:53 AM
I voted yes before I really thought about it. Yes I want a great film... but no I don't want an average film. My hope is that a great concept is not overlooked because of small box office returns or poor ratings with the critic's. A great AVP film is out there, we just need,
A) A studio with the balls to finance it.
B) A writer that is, um able to write a tight, complex story.
C) Ah hell, bring back the Strause's, they do have the passion required.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: xenomorph36 on Jan 09, 2008, 02:13:19 AM
i voted no but, i'm leaning more towards yes now because i want more merchandise  ;D
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: gases on Jan 09, 2008, 04:28:11 AM
Quote from: xenomorph36 on Jan 09, 2008, 02:13:19 AM
i voted no but, i'm leaning more towards yes now because i want more merchandise  ;D

i want one done right. How could you say no to something like aliens with predators in there
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: Hudson on Jan 09, 2008, 06:40:11 AM
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: BlkSoul on Jan 09, 2008, 08:15:57 AM
Quote from: Hudson on Jan 09, 2008, 06:40:11 AM
A small no means u wouldn't mind another AVP Film
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: phucku1991 on Feb 23, 2008, 03:34:00 PM
yes they should... they should relate 3 to avp1 as the queen alien didnt die and they can make up some crap like some fishing company founded them and yeah... i dont know lol and then they make a 4 taking place in friggin space!! but i think they should make pre 3 alien 5 and avp 3..or just keeping on making new sequeals and yeah.. idk but that my opinion
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: chopperbuilder on Feb 23, 2008, 07:45:32 PM
Yes i damn hope so!!!!
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: Ccoletta86 on Feb 23, 2008, 08:55:07 PM
i think it would be best to do a remake or  a complete reboot, so instead of the sequel being AVP 3 it would just be called Aliens Vs.Predator, that way they could start with a somewhat clean slate and bring on fresh ideas that would be put to good use ultilizing the AVP in space concept
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: D88M on Feb 23, 2008, 09:30:38 PM
Hell no. With AVP and AVP-R Fox has show that they can´t do it right. Let the franchises rest in peace.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: RoaryUK on Feb 29, 2008, 01:43:14 PM
Hell YES there should be an AvP 3 for sure.  I didnt bother reviewing AVP Requiem since most people said what I though about that anyway, though I do admit it wasnt half as bad as I expected.  Well, having already written my own verion of Alien 5, got half way through Predator 3 and a bit lost in the process (sorry guys, Im not really a huge predator fan), I decided to set about tackling the next (and final) AvP installmeant. 

Without giving too much away as this is far from finished, heres a rough idea of what I have in mind:

"In the distant future man was destined to colonise among the stars, but we had to begin somewhere.....and there's no doubt we needed all the help we could get.

The how's or why's must never be known.  Only a select few must ever discover the darkest secret of our new home, until the time is right for us to move on.  Now, the government has finally swept away the events to that fateful night in Gunnerson Colorado, when a local powerstation went into nuclear meltdown leaving no survivors.  But we learned much about them, why they came to Earth in the first place....and why they must be stopped!" 

Corey Blaize, one of many promising young government scientists, was part of a well respected exploration team working under the trustful eyes of the new Weyland/Yutani Corparation.  Until she inadvertantly uncovers a sinsister plot by her employers to seemingly "wipe out" an unknown civilization from a distant planet.  A probe sent by NASA 10 years before, reveals conclusive evidence of life on another world, a life that has suddenly become a threat to national security, and the race is on to stop the terror that will ultimately unfold if the Company finishes what it started.   

This story is loosely based on another AvP story I never finished that was set after A:R. called AvP Insurrection.  It has a whole bunch of new characters, but also features the return of Alexa Woods (Sanaa Lathan) in a kind of cameo role, as well as dealing with something that was never really explained in the original movie...something to do with the Alien Queen.  The story (NOT in script format) is set largely on Earth, 16 years after AvP-R, but begins and ends in the distant future, several years before ALIEN, featuring an early version of the Colonial Marines who I feel must have been around even at that time.  How the 2 stories come together is told by someone who holds the key for the future of both humans and predators, as the spread of the Alien stands in their way. 

                                           ALIEN vs PREDATOR:  HOMELAND

...coming soon
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: jimmylace on Feb 29, 2008, 03:57:27 PM
No. The studio clearly doesn't give a damn...so why should I? I think it's time to accept that this whole AvP business should be forgotten. They've had 2 chances already- that's more than enough.

Let's get back the class. If no-one is able to write a decent continuation from Alien:Resurrection, let's just have a new Alien movie sans Ripley and with a decent director and writer.

AvP3? Only, and only if Sony or another decent studio were doing it.

Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: Gazz on Feb 29, 2008, 04:12:12 PM
Is it wrong that I just don't care anymore?
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: UltimateHunter on Feb 29, 2008, 08:58:36 PM
i think it should . they just left it hanging in avpr .. they should definatly make a third one.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: The Chibi Kiriyama on Mar 01, 2008, 12:51:04 AM
They didn't leave anything hanging in AVP:R. At all. They dropped a bomb to undo everything in the film and then made a bad attempt to bridge this with a much greater film. There's not a single thing we were left hanging on. At least with AVP you could argue that we didn't know what would happen to the Predalien.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: RoaryUK on Mar 01, 2008, 01:13:22 AM
Quote from: The Chibi Kiriyama on Mar 01, 2008, 12:51:04 AM
They didn't leave anything hanging in AVP:R. At all. They dropped a bomb to undo everything in the film and then made a bad attempt to bridge this with a much greater film. There's not a single thing we were left hanging on. At least with AVP you could argue that we didn't know what would happen to the Predalien.

I think what Ultimate Hunter is referring to is the Predator Weapon which you could argue is "left hanging".  I mean what does Miss Yutani intend to do with it and why even speculate the world is "not ready" for this technology yet obviously take such an interest?  Also, though Im not certain about this, I counted 6 Face-Huggers on the Predator Ship that were in stasis yet only 5 were accounted for doing their stuff. I could be wrong but Ive seen this film a few times now (no prizes for guessing how lol),  but unless there is a continuity error there may be something in that too?
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: The Chibi Kiriyama on Mar 01, 2008, 03:17:49 AM
That whole bit is full of corny dialogue and a logic-defying plothole, but the intent is clear: we're to believe they reverse-engineered Pred tech and started the era of space exploration that we see in Alien. That's the beginning and end of that story.

Any continuity hole is exactly that, and seeing as how a nuke annihilated everything a wandering facehugger would be a moot point for a sequel.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: Richman678 on Mar 01, 2008, 09:03:20 AM
My answer is No, because they went from crap to pure crap. I dont like the way they are going, and if you look at the history of films....The 3rd film has never been better than the first 2!

especially when the first 2 were crap to begin with. Fox knows these movies suck, and will not spend the money it deserves to make it good...well not anymore.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: Private Hudson on Mar 01, 2008, 09:43:03 AM
Yes, there should be a Third movie, why? Because I want to see an AVP in space, and I want to see marines, but if these things are not going to be in it, then no.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: dimelives on Mar 01, 2008, 09:48:35 AM
One reason I want to see a third movie happen is just to see another swipe taken at making an AVP film that the majority of the fanbase actually digs (incidentally, I did enjoy AVP-R for what it is, despite the eye-rollable acting and the horrendous dialogue). Plus, I think we're all about ready to see how it would actually pan out set in space/future/whatever with "colonial marines" (even though I still stand by my claim that space marines do NOT necessarily equal a good movie, as there has only been ONE serious movie with space marines that is good, 'Aliens'). I wouldn't mind it taking an interesting turn and actually being a movie without humans altogether, and therefore no dialogue at all (especially is Salerno is still the writer). Done right, it could be very cool and just what we're looking for. However, it could just as easily bomb bigtime without the human element. I'm just nervous about the addition of colonial marines of today's cinema potentially turning it into 'DOOM' :-\
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: Richman678 on Mar 01, 2008, 05:52:35 PM
You guys need to look at this from a studio's point of view.

They know the franchise is a laughing stock!(im sorry but it is)

So they wont increase the budget...in fact its only gonna get lower. Then you will see a real big piece of dung movie.

probably direct to DVD, and yeah they will use a much lower tier of staff.

think starship troopers 2!

You will get something like that. Yes the movies have made a profit, but not a huge profit. And lets say for a second that the studio is basing this off profit. Then the next good business move would be to lower the profit anyways, because the demographic suggests that people will pay to see this movie regardless or stars and talent and special effects.

So either way the budget will be lowered along with the standard.

A third AVP film will be even more diastrous than the first 2!
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: Ratchetcomand on Mar 01, 2008, 06:18:51 PM
I would love to see a 3rd AVP movie but i don't see it happening. The second movie didn't made that many money and people hated it more then the first one.

I think we will be seeing a remake of Alien produce by Michael Bay in 2012, sad but it will most likey happen if the series keeps on going on this rate  :'(
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: The Chibi Kiriyama on Mar 01, 2008, 07:43:56 PM
Oh, we'll see an AVP3 in the near future. The international take of AVP:R made sure that they can safely make yet another $35 million film with Hydraulx and ADI coming back. They don't need to make it direct-to-DVD, either; this film also proved that the fans will continue turning out for these films regardless of quality.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: Ratchetcomand on Mar 01, 2008, 07:59:22 PM
If they do make a AVP3, it may do less at the box office because a lot of people didn't like the other two movies.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: UltimateHunter on Mar 03, 2008, 08:55:34 PM
but alot of them did . i actually think avp3 will happen , i honestly think we have a better chance of avp3 than alien 5 or predator 3
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: Pvt. Hicks on Mar 04, 2008, 02:54:43 AM
No. It should not.

Wait until I get into Hollywood and make Alien 5.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: UltimateHunter on Mar 04, 2008, 08:53:51 PM
that'll be the day. but good luck to you.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: wmmvrrvrrmm on Mar 04, 2008, 09:26:29 PM
Quote from: UltimateHunter on Mar 03, 2008, 08:55:34 PM
but alot of them did . i actually think avp3 will happen , i honestly think we have a better chance of avp3 than alien 5 or predator 3

The Alien and Predator franchises have both been cross contaminated enough so maybe I agree
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: Master on Mar 05, 2008, 01:11:07 PM
Quote from: The Chibi Kiriyama on Mar 01, 2008, 12:51:04 AM
They didn't leave anything hanging in AVP:R. At all. They dropped a bomb to undo everything in the film and then made a bad attempt to bridge this with a much greater film. There's not a single thing we were left hanging on. At least with AVP you could argue that we didn't know what would happen to the Predalien.
Yes they left anything hanging in AvP-R but there is still Queen from AvP "hanging" ;D This is just a thought but AvP-R is just few hours after AvP then maybe few years after (2010?) predators will dig out Queen and we will have next AvP film......... on earth :-X
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: UltimateHunter on Mar 05, 2008, 09:07:58 PM
thats an awsome way to look at it .  that would prbly make it . but then .. would you want another predalien in there?
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: Weasel on Mar 05, 2008, 11:24:09 PM
OMG people, the queen from AVP1 is dead as shit.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: UltimateHunter on Mar 06, 2008, 09:04:19 PM
shes just frozen .. just like in the beginning of the movie so all they have to do  is put those electrical thingys in her again and boom! another movie!
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: killzonewith bladesandteet on Mar 06, 2008, 11:53:02 PM
Quote from: UltimateHunter on Mar 06, 2008, 09:04:19 PM
shes just frozen .. just like in the beginning of the movie so all they have to do  is put those electrical thingys in her again and boom! another movie!

y'wot???? ???
That Queen DROWNED.

Yes, they should make AvP3 it makes commercial sense. It completes the series as trilogy which gives Fox even more marketability for DVD's.

Although AvP:R hasn't made as much money at the BO as AvP the studio is not stupid, and will factor in budgets marketing or otherwise plus also the rating the movie got has got to play a part in those figures. Especially when you consider AvP:R was shown in some 780 plus fewer screens in the US and internationally it has done well.
Out of the 27 billion dollars accumulated worldwide for all films produced out of Hollywood only 9 billion comes from the US and the fact that in some markets its has done just as well as the first and in some cases better.

I'm hoping that  the DVD sales while won't reach the same as AvP it should sell very well maybe 3-4millions in the US.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: SM on Mar 06, 2008, 11:56:19 PM
QuoteThat Queen DROWNED.

She sunk in less than 100m of water.

You must have a low opinion of Aliens if you think a bit of cold water is going to kill her.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: killzonewith bladesandteet on Mar 07, 2008, 01:04:45 AM
Quote from: SM on Mar 06, 2008, 11:56:19 PM
QuoteThat Queen DROWNED.

She sunk in less than 100m of water.

You must have a low opinion of Aliens if you think a bit of cold water is going to kill her.

That was more than 100 m of water plus the fact the Queen was attached to a very large and heavy object, and no I don't have a low opinion of Aliens.

Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: SM on Mar 07, 2008, 01:10:33 AM
With little else to go on, maps of the Bouvet coastline say, 'no'.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: dimelives on Mar 07, 2008, 01:21:24 AM
You can drown in 3 feet of water (less, even). Having an Alien fetish doesn't make the queen omnipitant and able to grow gills.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: Spectre on Mar 07, 2008, 01:25:17 AM
Quote from: SM on Mar 07, 2008, 01:10:33 AM
With little else to go on, maps of the Bouvet coastline say, 'no'.

The large factor would be how deep the waters were and any proof you can provide would settle this arguement.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: Spectre on Mar 07, 2008, 01:26:32 AM
Quote from: dimelives on Mar 07, 2008, 01:21:24 AM
You can drown in 3 feet of water (less, even). Having an Alien fetish doesn't make the queen omnipitant and able to grow gills.

Yes but when was it proven aliens breath... or dont have gills...
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: SM on Mar 07, 2008, 01:38:25 AM
QuoteThe large factor would be how deep the waters were and any proof you can provide would settle this arguement.

Clickie (http://www.btinternet.com/~sa_sa/bouvetoya/bouvetoya.html)

QuoteYou can drown in 3 feet of water (less, even). Having an Alien fetish doesn't make the queen omnipitant and able to grow gills.

Don't recall anyone saying she was omnipitant.  Or even omnipotent.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: Spectre on Mar 07, 2008, 01:41:52 AM
Quote from: SM on Mar 07, 2008, 01:38:25 AM
QuoteThe large factor would be how deep the waters were and any proof you can provide would settle this arguement.

Clickie (http://www.btinternet.com/~sa_sa/bouvetoya/bouvetoya.html)

QuoteYou can drown in 3 feet of water (less, even). Having an Alien fetish doesn't make the queen omnipitant and able to grow gills.

Don't recall anyone saying she was omnipitant.  Or even omnipotent.

Why would anyone say she was omnipotent... :-\
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: SM on Mar 07, 2008, 01:49:55 AM
No idea.  I certainly don't think she is, but saying 100m (tops) of water is going to kill her does her a disservice.

Some things are much more simple when they're black and white to some people I suppose.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: Weasel on Mar 07, 2008, 01:52:48 AM
She's dead.

Just because we don't know aliens anatomy doesn't mean we can assume that below freezing waters won't kill them. If you throw any type of creature with a exoskeleton structure into freezing water they are going to die. We've seen that they have organs, which we must presume make them function. And according to AVP-R (Which is canon weather you like it or not) they require food intake. So, aside from being frozen to death, she'd also die or starvation. And I can assume that whatever energy intake they require, it doesn't come from laying frozen, dormant, and underwater.

(Also, in A:R we see that they spray nitrogen on the xenomorphs and it seems to work incredibly well)
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: dimelives on Mar 07, 2008, 02:06:05 AM
QuoteYes but when was it proven aliens breath...
I seem to recall a bit of huffin' and puffin' of a certain queen in a little movie called 'Aliens'. You may have seen it.

QuoteDon't recall anyone saying she was omnipitant.
I'm just sick of anyone who favors Aliens acts like it's an utter crime and almost an impossibility whenever an Alien gets attacked and/or dies. "You can't choke an Alien", "Aliens can't drown", "You can't shoot an Alien", "Aliens can survive tethered at the bottom of the sea".
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: Spectre on Mar 07, 2008, 02:13:46 AM
Quote from: dimelives on Mar 07, 2008, 02:06:05 AM
QuoteYes but when was it proven aliens breath...
I seem to recall a bit of huffin' and puffin' of a certain queen in a little movie called 'Aliens'. You may have seen it.

Yes I also recall seeing as Aliens is my favorite movie in the franchises that but I guess you should check the alien board their is a huge arguement about it...and I meant by that, that they don't have lungs (or anything that restricts them from living underwater) at least it hasn't been proven... In order to drawn it needs lungs so they can fill up with water...
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: Alienseseses on Mar 07, 2008, 02:22:05 AM
The whole point of the scene was to show that she died. PWSA wouldn't leave this thing hanging on purpose. There would be a thing after the credits or something cheesy like that.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: dimelives on Mar 07, 2008, 02:24:05 AM
Quotetheir is a huge arguement about it

Honestly?... Really?... That is breathing. There is no argument (no valid one, at least).

I don't understand how this whole "AVP queen still alive" thing is even an argument... I suppose the queen from 'Aliens' as well as the loner from 'Alien' are still alive too, just floating through the vacuum of space waiting to be picked up by some poor fools?... ::)
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: Spectre on Mar 07, 2008, 02:28:36 AM
Quote from: dimelives on Mar 07, 2008, 02:24:05 AM
Quotetheir is a huge arguement about it

Honestly?... Really?... That is breathing. There is no argument (no valid one, at least).

I don't understand how this whole "AVP queen still alive" thing is even an argument... I suppose the queen from 'Aliens' as well as the loner from 'Alien' are still alive too, just floating through the vacuum of space waiting to be picked up by some poor fools?... ::)

Well the Queen did survive a trip from a planet to a spaceship all while hanging on to the outside of a ship... and since their is no denying that clearly aliens don't need air or any form of gas to survive...i.e. AVP Queen could also still be alive... chances are a comet aced the "floaters' or they got caught in the gravitational pull of a planet and burned up.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: Spectre on Mar 07, 2008, 02:32:38 AM
Quote from: Alienseseses on Mar 07, 2008, 02:22:05 AM
The whole point of the scene was to show that she died. PWSA wouldn't leave this thing hanging on purpose. There would be a thing after the credits or something cheesy like that.

Let's not forget Anderson is a moron and messed with alot of canon... he prolly assumed aliens could not breath w/o air... ::) ::)
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: dimelives on Mar 07, 2008, 02:53:30 AM
QuoteWell the Queen did survive a trip from a planet to a spaceship all while hanging on to the outside of a ship...
But ya gotta remember that that was (for the most part) within the atmosphere. It would have been rough getting through the boundary of the atmosphere, and she'd have had to really hang in there for the short amount of time she was attached in plain space, but that just makes her resilient, not invincible.

People can believe what they want, but personally, for me, I consider her breathing to be breathing, and don't believe the queen of AVP would last any bit more than one impressive hold of breath (i.e. not for years, months, weeks, and probably not even days).
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: SM on Mar 07, 2008, 03:24:59 AM
QuoteShe's dead.

Just because we don't know aliens anatomy doesn't mean we can assume that below freezing waters won't kill them.

Quite an impressively quick contradiction there.

QuoteThe whole point of the scene was to show that she died. PWSA wouldn't leave this thing hanging on purpose.

You're joking right?  The purpose was to show her defeated - not dead.  Paulie probably had her lined up for the opening scene of AvP : Annihilation.

QuoteThere is no argument (no valid one, at least).

Shows how much (you think) you know.

QuoteI don't understand how this whole "AVP queen still alive" thing is even an argument... I suppose the queen from 'Aliens' as well as the loner from 'Alien' are still alive too, just floating through the vacuum of space waiting to be picked up by some poor fools?...

More than likely she got sucked into LV-426's gravity and was killed on re-entry.

QuoteBut ya gotta remember that that was (for the most part) within the atmosphere.

Possibly.  LV-426 doesn't have a terribly thick atmosphere, and the flight back in an unpressurised landing gear well could be in the realm of 50 minutes.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: dimelives on Mar 07, 2008, 03:42:27 AM
QuoteShows how much (you think) you know.

Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: SM on Mar 07, 2008, 03:47:16 AM
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: dimelives on Mar 07, 2008, 03:56:37 AM
Until James Cameron flat out says that that is not breathing that the queen is doing (ya know, when she's breathing), then the queen is breathing, and there is no valid argument beyond idiotic fabrication of falsities.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: Xhan on Mar 07, 2008, 03:59:03 AM

Do explain how the queen breathes steam.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: SM on Mar 07, 2008, 04:00:52 AM
Preferably on the appropriate thread.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: dimelives on Mar 07, 2008, 04:01:54 AM

Do explain how the queen breathes steam.

The same way you do, Einstein.

Still lost?

Breath = warmer than the surrounding air.

This was my point exactly; NO valid argument against the fact she's breathing.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: SM on Mar 07, 2008, 04:08:32 AM
What a disappointment.  Oh well.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: Xhan on Mar 07, 2008, 04:19:36 AM
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: dimelives on Mar 07, 2008, 04:21:44 AM
Yes, tragic. ::)
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: Xhan on Mar 07, 2008, 04:23:07 AM

Except no one else is doing the same in the scene except for the AP equipment.

Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: wmmvrrvrrmm on Mar 07, 2008, 04:28:54 AM
I think it should be called AVP3:Mrs & Mrs Yutani Live Next Door
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: Xhan on Mar 07, 2008, 04:32:28 AM
Oh. I'm rather sure some hacks already writing a plot about the Cleaner -CLEANER-Preds who come to get Wolf's stuff and then Aliens stow away on their ship and then LOS ANGELES IS THE FINAL BATTLEGROUND FOR A FINAL BATTLE SO AWESOME YOU'LL PUKE WHOLE LIVE BABIES.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: dimelives on Mar 07, 2008, 04:32:43 AM
QuoteExcept no one else is doing the same in the scene except for the AP equipment.
Ah... so you're assuming the internal body temp., heat of breath, and overall physiological qualities that pertain to this point are virtually identical between humans and xenomorphs, is that it? No animal in nature has cooler or warmer breath than another?... I get it.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: Xhan on Mar 07, 2008, 04:34:34 AM
There are other Aliens in the sequence, no steam. The Queen is ejected out of a depressurized Airlock, no steam.

I think it's clear who's making assumptions.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: dimelives on Mar 07, 2008, 04:43:00 AM
QuoteThere are other Aliens in the sequence, no steam.
You mean the ones in frame for no longer than two seconds? And the simple answer to this whole point is that the crew of the movie gave the queen steam in her breath to make her look more menacing.

QuoteThe Queen is ejected out of a depressurized Airlock, no steam.
No air in space. Need air for steam.

Keep on trying if you want, but I don't care anymore.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: Xhan on Mar 07, 2008, 04:49:02 AM
No it's pretty obvious science > you.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: dimelives on Mar 07, 2008, 04:50:12 AM
Whatever helps you enjoy the movies more, bud. ;)
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: Master on Mar 07, 2008, 05:04:29 PM
Freezing waters? 100 meters under surface? :D Deep under the surface the temperature is on constant level of 4 degrees Celcious. If something could kill queen then it would be the preasure, but in liquid lead a preasure is few thousands time bigger (not mention temperature). Still Aliens are walking bateries ( accid blood and no IR 'glowing' indicates something) they don`t need to eat or breath, so the queen is just in coma just like at the begining of AvP. You can pick here and start to reproduce small xenos.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: Alienseseses on Mar 07, 2008, 05:19:20 PM
I think they can breathe, but they don't need to breathe.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: shakermakerman on Mar 07, 2008, 05:37:01 PM
Quote from: Alienseseses on Mar 07, 2008, 05:19:20 PM
I think they can breathe, but they don't need to breathe.

Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: Alienseseses on Mar 07, 2008, 05:40:55 PM
Quote from: shakermakerman on Mar 07, 2008, 05:37:01 PM
Quote from: Alienseseses on Mar 07, 2008, 05:19:20 PM
I think they can breathe, but they don't need to breathe.

Didn't one of them float in space for a while? And they did swim without breathing.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: Secret Hero on Mar 07, 2008, 05:41:53 PM
AVP3, if that is the last sequel for the AVP franchise, then okay, I'll go for it. Just all of us hope that the story won't take place in EARTH again. How 'bout the planet of the Yautjas, there would the war will begin. :D
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: nchurch81 on Mar 07, 2008, 05:43:11 PM
We need to ask the creators of the films.  They would know.  Or maybe they didn't think about it and that's why we're super confused.  None of the aliens movies have exactly been scientifically accurate.  And I don't think some of this stuff occurred to them.  So that's why we won't always see stuff that we should or we think we should.  I mean we can come up with interesting ideas, but sometimes it's just going to come down to "the director didn't think that hard about it."  And I'm sure different directors had different ideas too. I think that there are big things that can be agreed upon, but there's going to be the little details that may just remain a mystery and it will be whatever you think it is.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: Secret Hero on Mar 07, 2008, 05:55:33 PM
Quote from: nchurch81 on Mar 07, 2008, 05:43:11 PM
We need to ask the creators of the films.  They would know.  Or maybe they didn't think about it and that's why we're super confused.  None of the aliens movies have exactly been scientifically accurate.  And I don't think some of this stuff occurred to them.  So that's why we won't always see stuff that we should or we think we should.  I mean we can come up with interesting ideas, but sometimes it's just going to come down to "the director didn't think that hard about it."  And I'm sure different directors had different ideas too. I think that there are big things that can be agreed upon, but there's going to be the little details that may just remain a mystery and it will be whatever you think it is.
With the bold ones, I totally agree on nchurch81. His totally right, for what I understand in his post, is that the directors should a line the timeline of the franchise, so the story wouldn't be confusing and complicating.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: Master on Mar 07, 2008, 06:01:23 PM
For me AvP3 can be set on earth. The frozen queen take to some super remote base (let`s say under ground) and group of predators that are comeing there for hunt. In this facility there can also be run tests on Wolfs PC. That would liquidate all plot holes that are bound to earth setting of earlier AvP films and would have proper calaustrophobic atmosphere.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: UltimateHunter on Mar 07, 2008, 09:11:12 PM
thats really good . id like to see another one on earth.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: Alienseseses on Mar 07, 2008, 09:25:03 PM
Quote from: UltimateHunter on Mar 07, 2008, 09:11:12 PM
thats really good . id like to see another one on earth.
No! We've been waiting too long! It needs to be in space.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: UltimateHunter on Mar 07, 2008, 09:27:04 PM
space can wait.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: Alienseseses on Mar 07, 2008, 09:28:03 PM
Quote from: UltimateHunter on Mar 07, 2008, 09:27:04 PM
space can wait.
No, it can't.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: nchurch81 on Mar 07, 2008, 10:33:34 PM
UltimateHunter! Stop having an opinion! Gosh darn it, people around don't like that.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: Secret Hero on Mar 07, 2008, 10:55:42 PM
nchurch81 has a point there. Btw, I totally agree with Alienseseses with this one. Too much of the plots are in Earth. Now, it must be in the Galaxy.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: Bishop2 on Mar 07, 2008, 11:08:02 PM
1) So far, this franchise has never repeated directors. If it happens, it needs new directors.

2) It also needs a new setting.  We CANNOT keep putting this on modern-day Earth.  Go a little into the future... or farther if you really want... or maybe even back farther into the past if you're feeling really dangerous, but I doubt they'd be that bold.

3) Obviously the budget will remain low because of this most recent one's unimpressive take. So set it on a desert planet (easy location to find) or inside a space station (a few simple enclosed sets).

4) Include some humans who are actually trained to fight and show some real skillz, for the love of god.

5) Don't be afraid to play with the idea of the "Predators training by hunting aliens." What other kinds of training grounds did they build on other planets? Surely they're not all the same damn pyramid.  Maybe have someone find something very different that serves the same basic purpose?

6) When all else fails, just f**king make Predator 3.  Seriously guys.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: killzonewith bladesandteet on Mar 07, 2008, 11:12:30 PM
Quote from: SM on Mar 07, 2008, 01:49:55 AM
No idea.  I certainly don't think she is, but saying 100m (tops) of water is going to kill her does her a disservice.

Some things are much more simple when they're black and white to some people I suppose.

ookayy.....right read the posts that followed this, but I wanted to get back to you SM on this and 'chat' just a little more.  The Queen is dead. End of.  Whether she could survive is open to speculation and quite frankly, is an argument of ever decreasing circles, but since you've very thoughtfully provided some information I thought at least you deserved a response. 100m by what you say is about what? 330 feet? I'm guessing so: if I remember my basics correctly 3.3 ft is  1 meter.  330 feet of water is a lot.
How heavy do you think that water tower was? Sans water maybe 300-500 pounds? So with a chain attached to the Queen pulling downwards bearing in mind the tower went into the water first, the displacement times the velocity of descent would have provided too much force for even the Queen to negate so she was dragged down.
How long do you think it took for her to hit bottom maybe 60 seconds? And with the chain attached to her. Assuming enough strength of will to fight against the natural instincts of any organism to succumb to panic,  how long do you think she would have taken to undo that chain from her and get free. Then you have to consider her own weight. How heavy do you think she was? Probably way too heavy to be able to be buoyant enough to float sufficiently enough to swim.
And as other have said I agree the Aliens breath. They may have better lung capacity they may have the ability to hold air in their lungs for up to 30 mins. But that still would not have been enough.
Drowning is such a primordial fear in all creatures not born of the sea or water and can create such primal panic that rational thought becomes forgotten. I seriously doubt that the Alien Queen would while flailing away would have the wherewith all to get herself free otherwise she would have done that long before she descended to the bottom don't you think?
Basically, what Anderson was doing was coming up with a version of what happened to the Alien and Alien Queen in AvP. Which ultimately says that the only way she could have been killed was by the sheer force of nature, which does not do any Alien any disservice.
Remember the Aliens were also very wary of fire (Aliens, Alien 3) so why not other elemental forces? Which does suggest to me that despite all their intelligence they are really still animals.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: killzonewith bladesandteet on Mar 07, 2008, 11:13:47 PM
Quote from: Bishop2 on Mar 07, 2008, 11:08:02 PM
1) So far, this franchise has never repeated directors. If it happens, it needs new directors.

2) It also needs a new setting.  We CANNOT keep putting this on modern-day Earth.  Go a little into the future... or farther if you really want... or maybe even back farther into the past if you're feeling really dangerous, but I doubt they'd be that bold.

3) Obviously the budget will remain low because of this most recent one's unimpressive take. So set it on a desert planet (easy location to find) or inside a space station (a few simple enclosed sets).

4) Include some humans who are actually trained to fight and show some real skillz, for the love of god.

5) Don't be afraid to play with the idea of the "Predators training by hunting aliens." What other kinds of training grounds did they build on other planets? Surely they're not all the same damn pyramid.  Maybe have someone find something very different that serves the same basic purpose?

6) When all else fails, just f**king make Predator 3.  Seriously guys.

Some very good points there.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: Doc Holliday on Mar 08, 2008, 12:05:28 AM
I would like to see AvP 3.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: Xhan on Mar 08, 2008, 12:08:43 AM
Quote from: killzonewith bladesandteet on Mar 07, 2008, 11:12:30 PM
Quote from: SM on Mar 07, 2008, 01:49:55 AM
No idea.  I certainly don't think she is, but saying 100m (tops) of water is going to kill her does her a disservice.

Some things are much more simple when they're black and white to some people I suppose.

ookayy.....right read the posts that followed this, but I wanted to get back to you SM on this and 'chat' just a little more.  The Queen is dead. End of.  Whether she could survive is open to speculation and quite frankly, is an argument of ever decreasing circles, but since you've very thoughtfully provided some information I thought at least you deserved a response. 100m by what you say is about what? 330 feet? I'm guessing so: if I remember my basics correctly 3.3 ft is  1 meter.  330 feet of water is a lot.
How heavy do you think that water tower was? Sans water maybe 300-500 pounds? So with a chain attached to the Queen pulling downwards bearing in mind the tower went into the water first, the displacement times the velocity of descent would have provided too much force for even the Queen to negate so she was dragged down.
How long do you think it took for her to hit bottom maybe 60 seconds? And with the chain attached to her. Assuming enough strength of will to fight against the natural instincts of any organism to succumb to panic,  how long do you think she would have taken to undo that chain from her and get free. Then you have to consider her own weight. How heavy do you think she was? Probably way too heavy to be able to be buoyant enough to float sufficiently enough to swim.
And as other have said I agree the Aliens breath. They may have better lung capacity they may have the ability to hold air in their lungs for up to 30 mins. But that still would not have been enough.
Drowning is such a primordial fear in all creatures not born of the sea or water and can create such primal panic that rational thought becomes forgotten. I seriously doubt that the Alien Queen would while flailing away would have the wherewith all to get herself free otherwise she would have done that long before she descended to the bottom don't you think?
Basically, what Anderson was doing was coming up with a version of what happened to the Alien and Alien Queen in AvP. Which ultimately says that the only way she could have been killed was by the sheer force of nature, which does not do any Alien any disservice.
Remember the Aliens were also very wary of fire (Aliens, Alien 3) so why not other elemental forces? Which does suggest to me that despite all their intelligence they are really still animals.

Except there are scenes in Aliens and Alien3 and A:R that completely obliterate your theory and your tack. The bottom line there is no crush depth in the spot indicated and Anderson fails to show the queen dying.

No Stones, No Crates.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: Huol on Mar 08, 2008, 01:17:34 AM
For the last time the queen died.

Yeah it's never said or shown, but she died.

How do we know for certain that Hudson died? He could have stowed away on the sulaco, nobody said otherwise so the alternative must be true, right?

Or the national guardsmen in avp-R, we didnt see many of their deaths, so they survived.

Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: SM on Mar 08, 2008, 03:32:15 AM
QuoteYeah it's never said or shown, but she died.

Ergo you're stating an unsupported opinion.

You can say 'For the last time the queen died' all you like, but it's not going to make it true.  Sorry.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: DoomRulz on Mar 08, 2008, 03:40:34 AM
I think the chances of the Queen surviving at the bottom of the Arctic Ocean are one in a million. It may be unsupported but at least it's an educated guess.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: wmmvrrvrrmm on Mar 08, 2008, 03:53:16 AM
Quote from: nchurch81 on Mar 07, 2008, 05:43:11 PM
And I'm sure different directors had different ideas too.

this certainly had ruined continuity certainly, first of all, Cameron misunderstood a fair amount of what was going on in Alien, and no one seemed to be that interested to make sure things stuck by ideas that Scott was going along with. But if people want to continue discussing these things, well I suppose it's gets various people using their minds to think about what might be something common between the aliens in the movies

Quote from: DoomRulz on Mar 08, 2008, 03:40:34 AM
I think the chances of the Queen surviving at the bottom of the Arctic Ocean are one in a million. It may be unsupported but at least it's an educated guess.

if a minisub can survive down there, then maybe the queen could, otherwise I can't think about a comparison
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: killzonewith bladesandteet on Mar 08, 2008, 04:19:13 AM
Quote from: SM on Mar 08, 2008, 03:32:15 AM
QuoteYeah it's never said or shown, but she died.

Ergo you're stating an unsupported opinion.

You can say 'For the last time the queen died' all you like, but it's not going to make it true.  Sorry.

and what makes you so sure you're right?  Not sorry. H-ello!! Reality calling! The Bitch is dead
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: DoomRulz on Mar 08, 2008, 04:34:58 AM
Quote from: wmmvrrvrrmm on Mar 08, 2008, 03:53:16 AM
Quote from: DoomRulz on Mar 08, 2008, 03:40:34 AM
I think the chances of the Queen surviving at the bottom of the Arctic Ocean are one in a million. It may be unsupported but at least it's an educated guess.

if a minisub can survive down there, then maybe the queen could, otherwise I can't think about a comparison

The sub is designed to handle extreme pressure and cold. I doubt the Queen is.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: Bishop2 on Mar 08, 2008, 04:37:21 AM
There's really no way to prove the queen lived or died.  It's a mystery, believe what you like.  Depending on how deep that water went, maybe she would be crushed by the pressure - but on the other hand, she wasn't crushed by the pressure of OUTER SPACE, so maybe not. The queen manages to keep screaming and wriggling in outer space - much like the alien in the original film manages to still crawl around outside the Narscissus - which begs questions of whether or not aliens even need to breathe.  Obviously they can (see: queen's steamy breath in Aliens), but is it a necessity?  If not, and we've also seen the queen survive intense pressure AND be frozen solid before, then obviously her survival isn't out of the realm of possibility. But... that's a lot of variables, and it tosses in significant doubt.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: DoomRulz on Mar 08, 2008, 04:43:10 AM
The shot of the Queen and alien in space though were extremely brief. I don't know that we can assume they survived based on those alone.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: killzonewith bladesandteet on Mar 08, 2008, 05:33:31 AM
Quote from: Bishop2 on Mar 08, 2008, 04:37:21 AM
There's really no way to prove the queen lived or died.  It's a mystery, believe what you like.  Depending on how deep that water went, maybe she would be crushed by the pressure - but on the other hand, she wasn't crushed by the pressure of OUTER SPACE, so maybe not. The queen manages to keep screaming and wriggling in outer space - much like the alien in the original film manages to still crawl around outside the Narscissus - which begs questions of whether or not aliens even need to breathe.  Obviously they can (see: queen's steamy breath in Aliens), but is it a necessity?  If not, and we've also seen the queen survive intense pressure AND be frozen solid before, then obviously her survival isn't out of the realm of possibility. But... that's a lot of variables, and it tosses in significant doubt.

There is no pressure in outer space. Space is a vacuum.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: Huol on Mar 08, 2008, 01:18:27 PM

Are you saying Anderson invented a secret plot where the queen survived?


She died. Thats the whole point he wrote the ending. So the queen died. Saying she lived is fan fiction.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: Xhan on Mar 08, 2008, 03:36:31 PM
Nope Huol, that goes right in line with your statement "well everybody calls it blood so Alien acid stuff has to be blood cause everybody calls it blood."


There are two Aliens in spce and an Alien on earth that can be used by future writers to say pow! bam! Instant Alien! Whether or not it's a good idea or not is really irrelevant, as we see from AvP:r, if said writers put them in a movie, there they are. Just like that, cause they weren't shown exploding or otherwise being definitively dead.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: frenchpred on Mar 08, 2008, 05:03:22 PM
I still wonder how people could vote "No" ???

If you don't like the new sequels, ignore em, or get over it. ::)

But avp 3 is just a matter of time now.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: DoomRulz on Mar 08, 2008, 08:12:11 PM
Quote from: frenchpred on Mar 08, 2008, 05:03:22 PM
I still wonder how people could vote "No" ???

If you don't like the new sequels, ignore em, or get over it. ::)

But avp 3 is just a matter of time now.

They're just voicing their opinion. That is allowed you know.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: Master on Mar 08, 2008, 08:47:33 PM
If alien could survive a temperature (+ 327,4°C), density(11,34 g/cm3) and preassure of liquid lead, a temperature and lack of preasure in open space, and alos the temperature of Narcissius engines ignition then why da hell he can`t survive the temperature (+ 4°C) and preasure of arctic ocean?
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: DoomRulz on Mar 08, 2008, 08:55:40 PM
Quote from: Master on Mar 08, 2008, 08:47:33 PM
If alien could survive a temperature (+ 327,4°C), density(11,34 g/cm3) and preassure of liquid lead, a temperature and lack of preasure in open space, and alos the temperature of Narcissius engines ignition then why da hell he can`t survive the temperature (+ 4°C) and preasure of arctic ocean?

When did an Alien face degrees up to 327.4 centigrade? (Was it Alien 3? I haven't seen that) We don't know that it survived in open space, see my earlier post.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: SM on Mar 08, 2008, 09:57:40 PM
Quoteand what makes you so sure you're right?  Not sorry. H-ello!! Reality calling! The Bitch is dead

*must resist... moronic... lame-arsed... attempts at... sarcasm*

The difference is I only think I'm right.  I can't say definatively.  She might be dead - but based on what we know about Aliens, I don't believe she is.  Once again you've added nothing constructive in the slightest.  Well done.

Let me know when you're ready to take your hands off your ears and stop going "LA! LA! LA! LA!"
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: SiL on Mar 08, 2008, 10:50:59 PM
I know she's dead.

By the fact that she's never ever mentioned again.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: Xenomorphine on Mar 08, 2008, 11:29:36 PM
There was everything to suggest the Queen was merely being consigned to the gloomy depths, rather than being outrightly destroyed.

It doesn't under-value anything. It's actually vaguely representative of the old legends of demons and such, which the film kept on trying to refer to the Aliens as having, at least in part, originated.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: killzonewith bladesandteet on Mar 10, 2008, 02:59:07 AM
Quote from: Master on Mar 08, 2008, 08:47:33 PM
If alien could survive a temperature (+ 327,4°C), density(11,34 g/cm3) and preassure of liquid lead, a temperature and lack of preasure in open space, and alos the temperature of Narcissius engines ignition then why da hell he can`t survive the temperature (+ 4°C) and preasure of arctic ocean?

Because the sea is full of something we scientists call water. You inhale you drown. Its what to me is implied in this sequence.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: SM on Mar 10, 2008, 04:01:21 AM
If you assume needs to breathe the same way terrestrial animals do, then yes - in that narrow view - she drowned.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: killzonewith bladesandteet on Mar 10, 2008, 04:07:43 AM
My assumption actually is based on the fact the Anderson used this as a vehicle for disposing of the Alien Queen in the movie while paying homage to the "spacing" from Alien and Aliens. Effect is pretty much the same.
Either way, as I have said in another post the Alien Queen was defeated by overwhelming forces of nature.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: SM on Mar 10, 2008, 04:52:23 AM
Believe what you like.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: DoomRulz on Mar 10, 2008, 03:46:56 PM
Looks like AvP 3 will happen. Check the homepage.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: UltimateHunter on Mar 10, 2008, 07:44:46 PM
thats kool. ill see it .
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: Master on Mar 10, 2008, 07:57:01 PM
Quote from: DoomRulz on Mar 08, 2008, 08:55:40 PM
Quote from: Master on Mar 08, 2008, 08:47:33 PM
If alien could survive a temperature (+ 327,4°C), density(11,34 g/cm3) and preassure of liquid lead, a temperature and lack of preasure in open space, and alos the temperature of Narcissius engines ignition then why da hell he can`t survive the temperature (+ 4°C) and preasure of arctic ocean?

When did an Alien face degrees up to 327.4 centigrade? (Was it Alien 3? I haven't seen that) We don't know that it survived in open space, see my earlier post.
Maybe when he was lured to the vat and vat was filled with a liquid lead? (Temperature of leads melting is + 327,4* C but this was melted lead already so we can assume it was even more hot).
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: wmmvrrvrrmm on Mar 10, 2008, 08:10:35 PM
well, if they released a decent book on the making of the movie and did some reasonable magazine intervies, I'd say please go ahead someone and make Alien vs Predator 2, but at present, I'm alarmingly indifferent to it because the magazine interviews really had nothing to offer of any interest, nothing worth quoting, and the book on the AVP:R designs didn't even have a good photograph of the Predalien outfit despite what I thought of it.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: UltimateHunter on Mar 10, 2008, 08:19:20 PM
they should keep the orginal predator look tho .. avpr was close .. but avp ruined it .
they should get the orginal look back.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: John Raven on Mar 10, 2008, 08:57:37 PM
Dudes AVP3 sounds awsome. And If they have Colonial Marines in it then It will be really COOL.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: Ratchetcomand on Mar 10, 2008, 09:42:27 PM
A AVP movie based on the colonial Marines with a Story just like Full Metal Jacket would be awesome.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: SiL on Mar 10, 2008, 09:44:57 PM
Some might disagree about no hint of creatures for forty minutes, but screw them! That's a brilliant idea.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: severen76 on Mar 10, 2008, 09:46:56 PM
I'm down with that. the first films didn't really have aliens in them for the first 30 minutes or so.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: SM on Mar 10, 2008, 10:34:58 PM
Those films are over 20 years old.

You think today's ADD audience would buy it?
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: severen76 on Mar 10, 2008, 10:45:02 PM
I'm apart of today's audience and I'd love it, I really would.  :)
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: SM on Mar 10, 2008, 10:59:59 PM
Unfortunately you are but one and they are many.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: Ccoletta86 on Mar 10, 2008, 11:34:01 PM
Quote from: Ratchetcomand on Mar 10, 2008, 09:42:27 PM
A AVP movie based on the colonial Marines with a Story just like Full Metal Jacket would be awesome.

wow man thats a great idea.....not only will we get to see the the USCM up close and personal but if the first half of the movie is marines in basic training, we get shitloads of character developement followed by intense action in the latter half...which would be badass X 1,0000

Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: SM on Mar 10, 2008, 11:36:31 PM
Who gives a shit about basic training?
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: severen76 on Mar 10, 2008, 11:47:34 PM
Quote from: SM on Mar 10, 2008, 11:36:31 PM
Who gives a shit about basic training?

Me, but it's more to do with the character development that would be in the scenes not so much their training regime.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: SM on Mar 11, 2008, 12:00:46 AM
They had no Alien in Alien for the first 40 minutes because they needed to make the environment believable.

In Aliens the hive attack happens around the 60 minute mark - but we've had character development during that time for Ripley, Newt, Burke and Bishop and gotten to know others like Gorman, Apone, Hicks, Hudson, Vasquez and Drake.  Enough to care when they die.  This is done while the story unfolds and we gradually find out what has happened at the colony.

Having 'basic training' (for the sake of argument) means the first half of the story is completely divorced from the second half.

Anderson tried the Aliens model by getting the know the characters while trying to build up tension.  However we really only found out extremely minor snippets about the characters, and the cutaways to the Alien Queen and Predators drained the tension.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: Weasel on Mar 11, 2008, 12:04:12 AM
And the fact that character development was shit because of the 'let's assemble the team' way the got everyone together.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: SM on Mar 11, 2008, 12:10:39 AM
It wasn't that, that was the problem - it's just the characters weren't terribly interesting.  We saw a different side to Weyland just before they go down the tunnel, and see he's not a one dimensional greedy corporate bastard.  But it never goes any further, then he's killed.

And the dynamic between Miller and Verheiden could've been great, but the impetus for Verheiden's dislike of Miller was deleted, so he just comes across as a bullying prick, and the role reversal when the pyramid starts shifting suffers.  And they're both dead (or as good as) minutes later.

All the other characters were either boring (Lex, Sebastian, Stafford) or boring monster fodder (Quinn, Thomas, Rousseau).
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: severen76 on Mar 11, 2008, 12:13:36 AM
SM- I totally see where your coming from it didn't didn't occur to me that the two parts wouldn't gel together well as one film, they would seem some what detached if we saw the basic training, and then all of sudden bang your in an Alien film.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: Ratchetcomand on Mar 11, 2008, 12:17:12 AM
Quote from: SM on Mar 10, 2008, 10:34:58 PM
You think today's ADD audience would buy it?

I see why not, i think it can work.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: SM on Mar 11, 2008, 12:21:32 AM
Of course it can work - in talented hands.

The fact it may work, may still not get modern bums on seats though.

QuoteSM- I totally see where your coming from it didn't didn't occur to me that the two parts wouldn't gel together well as one film, they would seem some what detached if we saw the basic training, and then all of sudden bang your in an Alien film.

Your post put me in mind of Starship Troopers where we do see their basic training - but that's against the backdrop of the growing war with the bugs.  So again there's other things going at the same time.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: SiL on Mar 11, 2008, 01:27:08 AM
I'm figuring that if they actually make an AvP 3 that's a good movie - Not just a good monster flick, but a good movie - nobody would go see it and we wouldn't have any more movies.

Which, when you think about it, isn't too bad an option. Go out with a good but, "unfortunately", underrated film and let that be that.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: Spectre on Mar 11, 2008, 01:29:30 AM
Quote from: SiL on Mar 11, 2008, 01:27:08 AM
I'm figuring that if they actually make an AvP 3 that's a good movie - Not just a good monster flick, but a good movie - nobody would go see it and we wouldn't have any more movies.

Which, when you think about it, isn't too bad an option. Go out with a good but, "unfortunately", underrated film and let that be that.

Rather have that... but don't worry people will still come to see it.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: SM on Mar 11, 2008, 01:36:44 AM
A certain section of people will go and see anything with Alien and/ or Predator in the title and coupled with a small budget, that's how these flicks turn a profit.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: nchurch81 on Mar 11, 2008, 01:54:05 AM
Yup. Like me!
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: DoomRulz on Mar 11, 2008, 02:00:40 AM
Quote from: nchurch81 on Mar 11, 2008, 01:54:05 AM
Yup. Like me!

Me too. I don't pre-judge like some people seem to.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: The Diesel on Mar 11, 2008, 02:40:26 AM
I think SM and Sil should get together and make the story for an Aliens movie with the Colonial Marines.  They are some of the few that consistently 'get' the franchise and know what could work and what wouldn't.  Ah well.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: SiL on Mar 11, 2008, 02:41:06 AM
We'll get on that right after we cure cancer.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: Alienseseses on Mar 11, 2008, 02:43:17 AM
Quote from: SiL on Mar 11, 2008, 02:41:06 AM
We'll get on that right after we cure cancer.
Oh, are you saying writing the next Aliens will be too hard?
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: SM on Mar 11, 2008, 02:55:14 AM
No, it's just the whole cancer thing has been dragging it's feet a bit and we really need to get on with it.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: SiL on Mar 11, 2008, 02:58:00 AM
That, and it's probably more likely that we'll stumble on a cure for cancer sooner than we'll have an Alien 5.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: SM on Mar 11, 2008, 03:00:14 AM
This is true.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: SiL on Mar 11, 2008, 03:01:29 AM
We could always churn out an AvP idea.

I'll get the toilet paper.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: DoomRulz on Mar 11, 2008, 03:02:43 AM
You guys need to think positively.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: SiL on Mar 11, 2008, 03:03:49 AM
I'm positive that our collective poo smeared on some toilet paper would make a better AvP script than what we'd get if the Bros had more creative control.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: DoomRulz on Mar 11, 2008, 03:04:30 AM
Hence my statement.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: nchurch81 on Mar 11, 2008, 03:04:42 AM
Quote from: DoomRulz on Mar 11, 2008, 03:02:43 AM
You guys need to think positively.
Yeah. Cancer shouldn't be THAT hard to cure.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: DoomRulz on Mar 11, 2008, 03:05:17 AM
Quote from: nchurch81 on Mar 11, 2008, 03:04:42 AM
Quote from: DoomRulz on Mar 11, 2008, 03:02:43 AM
You guys need to think positively.
Yeah. Cancer shouldn't be THAT hard to cure.

I think it's easier to write an AvP movie :P
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: SM on Mar 11, 2008, 03:07:41 AM
QuoteI'm positive that our collective poo smeared on some toilet paper would make a better AvP script than what we'd get if the Bros had more creative control.

And I been eating dhal the last couple of days.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: SiL on Mar 11, 2008, 03:12:22 AM
What are we waiting for? This is gold!
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: nchurch81 on Mar 11, 2008, 03:54:27 AM
Honestly, I just hope that have cool advertising like they did for Cloverfield.  Viral ads or whatever it's called. I don't know how they would do it.  But I think it would be fun.  It doesn't even need a good story... you know... like Cloverfield.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: Xhan on Mar 11, 2008, 04:00:37 AM
Quote from: DoomRulz on Mar 11, 2008, 03:02:43 AM
You guys need to think positively.

and what exactly, about the last movie would engender "positive".
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: nchurch81 on Mar 11, 2008, 04:13:03 AM
Oh Xhan... you don't care for most things.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: Xhan on Mar 11, 2008, 04:17:49 AM
I can think of a few movies with Alien and Predator in the title that didn't suck, so it seems to be there's very little valid reasoning for the truckload of ass that's been put out.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: nchurch81 on Mar 11, 2008, 04:20:22 AM
You're so cute when you're catty.  Get it... you have kitties in your signature.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: SM on Mar 11, 2008, 04:31:04 AM
I'm going to have trouble sleeping now I have a mental image of 'a truckload of ass'.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: Xhan on Mar 11, 2008, 04:34:19 AM
Did you say steak?
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: SM on Mar 11, 2008, 04:46:16 AM
You know you can go to hell for lesser offences than quoting Rob Schneider films?
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: Xhan on Mar 11, 2008, 04:49:21 AM
Just think of the awesome image. mmmm steak

*bow chika wow wow*
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: SM on Mar 11, 2008, 04:52:03 AM
Merciful tears are now obscuring my mind's eye.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: nchurch81 on Mar 11, 2008, 05:36:24 AM
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: Xhan on Mar 11, 2008, 05:42:57 AM
Bounce that baby like a whatabayed
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: Doc Holliday on Mar 11, 2008, 08:40:19 AM
Critics have no souls I say make AvP 3.

Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: YutaniDitch on Mar 11, 2008, 12:32:31 PM
A third AVP movie is a mistake, strategically and creatively speaking...

I think it is cheaper for FOX to do an AVP movie than an entry to the original franchises...
It is also less of a gamble: by investing on a separate popcorny, low budgeted, low-rent acting and low-rent VFX, they will make a better return for their buck... at the cost of any future endeavors in the Alien and Predator franchises...

And I think it is too soon to advert an AVP3 since the NET profits for this movie domestically are practically non-existent (35-million budget with 41-million gross return) and internationally, there are too many questions regarding the REAL,TRUE revenue for FOX from IBO...It will all cme to the AVP DVD sales, but if the DVD sales turn out to be weaker than expected (which is quite ppossible, especially with so many versions popping out inexplicably with not much content to be raving about) a slightly bigger budgeted AVP3 is out of the question for obvious reasons... The turnout for AVPR was less than for AVP, and if this recession continues, a bigger budgeted AVP3 with lesser BO than AVPR (let's face it, most fans don't see well a presumably third botched attempt at the AVP concept) will result in a disaster for FOX...and further risking any future attempts at rescuing the creatures' franchises from the ridicule they are steadily being drowned on by each failed installment made to the AVP franchise...

The survival of the AVP franchise and especially the A and P depends not on revenue, but credibility... I don't know how much longer fans will be giving the benefit of the doubt to a botched AVP concept, knowing full well that with eac AVP attempt and miss, the more remote the chance of seeing an Alien movie becomes...   ::) :(

I think they should give up on AVP, since it clearly doesn't work (two directors, two filmmaking styles - more like one, actually, since the BS' filmmaking was like watching the Blair Witch Project filming with movie cameras instead of a Camcorder - two approaches that failed miserably)...

FOX is losing it's reputation and releasing incomplete, poor quality movies is becoming a pattern in FOX, and the blockbusters are not making a profit anymore... Even those that are are so panned critically that it is showing that sooner or later, FOX will have their lazinness bite their rearend...

All things come full circle... be sure of that... ;)
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: DoomRulz on Mar 11, 2008, 03:16:06 PM
Quote from: YutaniDitch on Mar 11, 2008, 12:32:31 PM
A third AVP movie is a mistake, strategically and creatively speaking...

I think it is cheaper for FOX to do an AVP movie than an entry to the original franchises...
It is also less of a gamble: by investing on a separate popcorny, low budgeted, low-rent acting and low-rent VFX, they will make a better return for their buck... at the cost of any future endeavors in the Alien and Predator franchises...

And I think it is too soon to advert an AVP3 since the NET profits for this movie domestically are practically non-existent (35-million budget with 41-million gross return) and internationally, there are too many questions regarding the REAL,TRUE revenue for FOX from IBO...It will all cme to the AVP DVD sales, but if the DVD sales turn out to be weaker than expected (which is quite ppossible, especially with so many versions popping out inexplicably with not much content to be raving about) a slightly bigger budgeted AVP3 is out of the question for obvious reasons... The turnout for AVPR was less than for AVP, and if this recession continues, a bigger budgeted AVP3 with lesser BO than AVPR (let's face it, most fans don't see well a presumably third botched attempt at the AVP concept) will result in a disaster for FOX...and further risking any future attempts at rescuing the creatures' franchises from the ridicule they are steadily being drowned on by each failed installment made to the AVP franchise...

The survival of the AVP franchise and especially the A and P depends not on revenue, but credibility... I don't know how much longer fans will be giving the benefit of the doubt to a botched AVP concept, knowing full well that with eac AVP attempt and miss, the more remote the chance of seeing an Alien movie becomes...   ::) :(

I think they should give up on AVP, since it clearly doesn't work (two directors, two filmmaking styles - more like one, actually, since the BS' filmmaking was like watching the Blair Witch Project filming with movie cameras instead of a Camcorder - two approaches that failed miserably)...

FOX is losing it's reputation and releasing incomplete, poor quality movies is becoming a pattern in FOX, and the blockbusters are not making a profit anymore... Even those that are are so panned critically that it is showing that sooner or later, FOX will have their lazinness bite their rearend...

All things come full circle... be sure of that... ;)

Only problem is, you're assuming everyone hates the AvP concept and the AvP films which is very far from the truth. I will happily go see AvP 3 if it is released, though I do have reservations about who works on it which could affect my decision in the long run.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: YutaniDitch on Mar 11, 2008, 04:07:07 PM
Quote from: DoomRulz on Mar 11, 2008, 03:16:06 PM
Only problem is, you're assuming everyone hates the AvP concept and the AvP films which is very far from the truth. I will happily go see AvP 3 if it is released, though I do have reservations about who works on it which could affect my decision in the long run.

--- WARNING - LONG Post ahead ---

Movies prevail/gain on a MAJORITY rule, meaning, that movies are only successful if, Quality-wise, the MAJORITY of critics like the movie and BO-wise, if MOST fans go see it AND like it...

We know that both fanbases will, as Chibi so correctly put it, see it no matter how bad or good the movies are, and they alone will attain the 100-mill barrier, which enables FOX to have a low-budget movie and STILL manage 100 mill gross revenue...

MOST fans who went to see it are not the majority that post and that majority that DO post here and elsewhere have either panned it or gave it a 5.5 pass... If that's what makes this ia memorable entry on the franchises, then verything can, even a Camcorder version of a rubber Alien and a rubber Predator punching and kicking each other... It has never been this close of happening since AVPR, I can assure you that...:o

In here, only the same ones defend the movie, and clearly outnumbered by those who dispise it, whether on CHUD forums, the same, and so in the IMDb forums and so on and so forth...

The number of people who went to see the movie means not that they liked it at all, and from the SAMPLING here and elsewhere, the numbers show the CREDIBLE positives are not THAT positive about it, always pointing various flaws in it, and the NEGATIVES are WAY too negative to be dismissed, pointing CRITICAL flaws, mistakes, plot holes, enough to render the movie unacceptable by 90's standards, at least... Most studios would not allow a movie to premiere with so many blatant editing, lighting and other technical errors... the theatre lighting, IF it existed, ought to have been adressed properly and expediently by FOX BEFORE the worldwide screenings...

But I am digressing... So, you're right, there are those who will pay to watch a movie featuring Aliens and Predators even if it was shot with a camcorder on Fox's backyard...But there are those who like their movies to endure and stand the test of time, like the originals, and not be discardable waste of film just because we have lowered our standards so much that even incomplete, rushed movies such as these get praise from some undemanding fans...

No wonder an AVP3 will be made...for as long as people remain undemanding in the movies they watch and the movies featuring creatures that were a whole lot more attended to in the originla franchises and of whom they are supposedly fans, FOX will have it's life a whole lot easier from now on...

'Moviegoers keep all always will keep getting the movies they deserve, no more, no less'...

I guess this says it all right here...  ::)

The more people go see braindead movies, the more braindead the sequels will be... I can imagine (not for long, unfortunately) how Transformers 2 will be and how much of a success it will end up being...

Lucky thing Quality and BO almost never go hand in hand (fortunately AND unfortunately), otherwise, there would be no bright future for quality storytelling and quality acting... Two things the two franchises (the Alien one especially) once had...

I only excuse these sorry looking blockbusters of late because, AT LEAST, their earnings would be invested in more quality flicks, even though we already have independent movie branches/brands in all major studios (FOX Searchlight, WBI, Paramount Vantage, etc...) so even that is no longer a plus for cheap-looking, weak story-undriven, action VFX-driven popcorn movies such as these (aka blockbusters)...

The lower our standards become, the crappier the movies will get...even blockbusters, who we know, are fast food material as they always were, only worse now...

Not to mention I can see Independence Day, Deep Impact, TDAT, a whole lot easier than this latest batch of blockbuster nonsense, like Transformers, for instance... All VFX, no story... But they are supposed to be watched by the inner child within... what about the Alien, Predator ones...? Are they the same...? Should they be treated with the same levity, the same inconsiderate way the bigger, louder, dumber ones...?  :o ::) :-\

Even the blockbuster genre, which never was known for quality acting but for quality VFX and action, is even on these fields becoming lackluster and utterly boring and pointless...
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: Doc Holliday on Mar 11, 2008, 06:02:35 PM
I agree that Film hating Critics are in the majority ...on the internet. 

What I love about critics is they seem to actually believe that their opinions are somehow a golden standards by which all films should be judged.

When in Reality Movies are a form of entertainment.

Not everyone likes the same thing.

Not everyone agrees.

Entertainment isn't a science.

The Critics opinion is worth about as much as the 14 year old girls who never saw an Science Fiction Horror movie before AvP R.

If the same movies the critics praise so fervently came out today completely unchanged they would be ridiculed just the same.  The test of time argument is pure excrement when coming from any mainstream film critic.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: The Diesel on Mar 12, 2008, 02:56:18 AM
Quote from: YutaniDitch on Mar 11, 2008, 04:07:07 PM
Quote from: DoomRulz on Mar 11, 2008, 03:16:06 PM
Only problem is, you're assuming everyone hates the AvP concept and the AvP films which is very far from the truth. I will happily go see AvP 3 if it is released, though I do have reservations about who works on it which could affect my decision in the long run.

--- WARNING - LONG Post ahead ---

Movies prevail/gain on a MAJORITY rule, meaning, that movies are only successful if, Quality-wise, the MAJORITY of critics like the movie and BO-wise, if MOST fans go see it AND like it...

We know that both fanbases will, as Chibi so correctly put it, see it no matter how bad or good the movies are, and they alone will attain the 100-mill barrier, which enables FOX to have a low-budget movie and STILL manage 100 mill gross revenue...

MOST fans who went to see it are not the majority that post and that majority that DO post here and elsewhere have either panned it or gave it a 5.5 pass... If that's what makes this ia memorable entry on the franchises, then verything can, even a Camcorder version of a rubber Alien and a rubber Predator punching and kicking each other... It has never been this close of happening since AVPR, I can assure you that...:o

In here, only the same ones defend the movie, and clearly outnumbered by those who dispise it, whether on CHUD forums, the same, and so in the IMDb forums and so on and so forth...

The number of people who went to see the movie means not that they liked it at all, and from the SAMPLING here and elsewhere, the numbers show the CREDIBLE positives are not THAT positive about it, always pointing various flaws in it, and the NEGATIVES are WAY too negative to be dismissed, pointing CRITICAL flaws, mistakes, plot holes, enough to render the movie unacceptable by 90's standards, at least... Most studios would not allow a movie to premiere with so many blatant editing, lighting and other technical errors... the theatre lighting, IF it existed, ought to have been adressed properly and expediently by FOX BEFORE the worldwide screenings...

But I am digressing... So, you're right, there are those who will pay to watch a movie featuring Aliens and Predators even if it was shot with a camcorder on Fox's backyard...But there are those who like their movies to endure and stand the test of time, like the originals, and not be discardable waste of film just because we have lowered our standards so much that even incomplete, rushed movies such as these get praise from some undemanding fans...

No wonder an AVP3 will be made...for as long as people remain undemanding in the movies they watch and the movies featuring creatures that were a whole lot more attended to in the originla franchises and of whom they are supposedly fans, FOX will have it's life a whole lot easier from now on...

'Moviegoers keep all always will keep getting the movies they deserve, no more, no less'...

I guess this says it all right here...  ::)

The more people go see braindead movies, the more braindead the sequels will be... I can imagine (not for long, unfortunately) how Transformers 2 will be and how much of a success it will end up being...

Lucky thing Quality and BO almost never go hand in hand (fortunately AND unfortunately), otherwise, there would be no bright future for quality storytelling and quality acting... Two things the two franchises (the Alien one especially) once had...

I only excuse these sorry looking blockbusters of late because, AT LEAST, their earnings would be invested in more quality flicks, even though we already have independent movie branches/brands in all major studios (FOX Searchlight, WBI, Paramount Vantage, etc...) so even that is no longer a plus for cheap-looking, weak story-undriven, action VFX-driven popcorn movies such as these (aka blockbusters)...

The lower our standards become, the crappier the movies will get...even blockbusters, who we know, are fast food material as they always were, only worse now...

Not to mention I can see Independence Day, Deep Impact, TDAT, a whole lot easier than this latest batch of blockbuster nonsense, like Transformers, for instance... All VFX, no story... But they are supposed to be watched by the inner child within... what about the Alien, Predator ones...? Are they the same...? Should they be treated with the same levity, the same inconsiderate way the bigger, louder, dumber ones...?  :o ::) :-\

Even the blockbuster genre, which never was known for quality acting but for quality VFX and action, is even on these fields becoming lackluster and utterly boring and pointless...

I agree with just about everything except what you said about Transformers.  That movie was AWESOME. 
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: SM on Mar 12, 2008, 03:53:15 AM
Transformers was dopey story wise, but the eye candy made it extremely enjoyable.

QuoteEntertainment isn't a science.

Don't agree.

Most stuff that works follows a formula.  Occasionally something out of left field will break the mould, but not often.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: SiL on Mar 12, 2008, 03:58:23 AM
Hitchcock had it down to a science.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: DoomRulz on Mar 12, 2008, 03:19:43 PM
Quote from: SM on Mar 12, 2008, 03:53:15 AM
Transformers was dopey story wise, but the eye candy made it extremely enjoyable.

QuoteEntertainment isn't a science.

Don't agree.

Most stuff that works follows a formula.  Occasionally something out of left field will break the mould, but not often.

Formulas make up science. Or at least a part of it.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: nchurch81 on Mar 12, 2008, 05:44:38 PM
I don't know if it's fair to compare writing formulas and science formulas.  Granted the word formula is used in both instances, but I don't think they're necessarily equivalent. 
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: The Diesel on Mar 12, 2008, 06:31:22 PM
I am actually a scientist in real life.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: nchurch81 on Mar 12, 2008, 06:49:46 PM
Would my assumption be wrong, then, in your opinion?
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: Xhan on Mar 12, 2008, 08:34:29 PM
f**king with the formula is EXACTLY why there is the level of bitching we see.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: SM on Mar 12, 2008, 11:32:16 PM
QuoteI don't know if it's fair to compare writing formulas and science formulas.  Granted the word formula is used in both instances, but I don't think they're necessarily equivalent. 

Why not?

Look at the amount of films that use the first act = 30 pages; second act = 60 pages; third act = 30 pages formula.  Or how many films use Campbell's Hero's Journey formula.

Both Cameron and Jackson used the same formula as Zulu for the build up to the climactic actions sequences in Aliens and The Two Towers respectively.  Action sequences that resonate because of the build up and then amp up more and more within themselves to deliver a satisfying pay off.

If Anderson and the BS had really studied Alien and Aliens like they claim they did, they might've used the same formula as those films and consequently had a more postively received film.  And at the same time they might've looked at what didn't work in Alien3 and Resurrection and try to avoid making the same mistakes.

The science involved is how you hang your ideas on existing formulas so the formulas themselves are practicaly invisible - or how you bend within those formulas.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: Alienseseses on Mar 13, 2008, 12:12:11 AM
In story, there is no formula. Only form.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: SM on Mar 13, 2008, 12:27:51 AM
How profound...
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: SiL on Mar 13, 2008, 12:36:04 AM
Zulu is the best paced movie I've ever seen. One hour of build, one hour of increasingly tense action.

Pity Aliens decided to have a twenty minute pitstop halfway through.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: SM on Mar 13, 2008, 12:43:34 AM
Was it really 20 minutes?  It did seem to sag a little after they'd barricaded themselves in and Bishop crawls off, with the exchanges between Hicks and Ripley,and Ripley and Newt.  Didn't seem that long though.  Although there were the sentry guns too I suppose - which the film was fine without.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: SiL on Mar 13, 2008, 12:46:32 AM
Depends on which version you're watching.

Hive battle ends at about seventy minutes into the theatrical cut, last forty minutes (Operations onwards) is all action, movie is ... what, 136 minutes? That's twenty six minutes of increasingly annoying filler crap.

Unless you want to include the face huggers attacking Ripley and Newt. In which case 20 minutes. And it's even longer in the DC.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: The Diesel on Mar 13, 2008, 01:10:37 AM
Quote from: nchurch81 on Mar 12, 2008, 06:49:46 PM
Would my assumption be wrong, then, in your opinion?
I think you are correct to a certain extent.  If you use a mathematical formula and enter a specific set of data you will get the exact same result every time.  Whereas if you use a writing formula you may not get the exact same result each time because there are a lot of variables that are involved in the writing formula that are not exact.  Scientific formulas tend to use exact data which give you specific results each time.  Granted there are certain exceptions to this but for the sake of argument we will assume there aren't.  Many different things go into a writing formula and a lot of these things are not facts and will not have the same results each time.  A lot of the results of a writing formula depend on peoples' opinions.  Opinions aren't facts.  Most all scientific formulas use facts which obtain specific, exact results.  Although you could compare the two as both being 'formulas' because they both use certain patterns to achieve certain results.  Scientific formulas are more exact and are more of what formulas actually are.  A writing formula is not as precise and does not rely on specific facts and data.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: Xhan on Mar 13, 2008, 01:19:02 AM
The best stories are those written with unchanging foundations. Humans are creatures of pattern and hierarchical discrimination and that applies even when dealing with subjective matters.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: DoomRulz on Mar 13, 2008, 04:03:06 AM
Quote from: Xhan on Mar 13, 2008, 01:19:02 AM
The best stories are those written with unchanging foundations. Humans are creatures of pattern and hierarchical discrimination and that applies even when dealing with subjective matters.

But then everything becomes static. If the formula is never modified, things become boring.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: Xhan on Mar 13, 2008, 06:10:54 AM
The history of movies and storytelling says otherwise. Slap a fresh coat of contextual paint over the top of the underlying foundation and voila. "New".
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: Slugworth on Mar 13, 2008, 06:33:33 AM
Quote from: Xhan on Mar 13, 2008, 06:10:54 AM
Slap a fresh coat of contextual paint over the top of the underlying foundation and voila. "New".
... and contrived.

Like SM said, sometimes writers and storytellers go against the grain, and most of the time it doesn't work. In my opinion, even if it didn't work, at least they tried and I can respect that. Too bad Salerno just flat-out sucks.

Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: SM on Mar 13, 2008, 10:05:37 AM
Quote... and contrived.


Predator is a take on The Most Dangerous Game.  It's not a 'new' story.  Xhan's 'coat of paint' makes it an entertaining film.  Alien swiped ideas from all sorts of different places.  Ridley and Siggy talk about Ten Little Indians being one.  Aliens uses Zulu and Starship Troopers.

Star Wars and The Matrix are sourced from Joseph Campbells monomyth/ Hero's Journey - which has been around for millennia is different shapes and forms.

So no, not contrived.  IF you have decent paint.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: DoomRulz on Mar 13, 2008, 06:02:13 PM
Technically you argue that everything came from somewhere else. Realistically, I don't think there's a single Hollywood movie out there that is 100% original.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: UltimateHunter on Mar 13, 2008, 08:02:33 PM
 i think ill agree with that.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: Slugworth on Mar 13, 2008, 09:57:06 PM
Quote from: SM on Mar 13, 2008, 10:05:37 AM
So no, not contrived.  IF you have decent paint.
Hmmm... was I talking about any of those films in particular ?  No, I wasn't... and "contrived" isn't necessarily a BAD thing, as plenty of stories do work using a similar formula. All I'm saying is that I appreciate a writer that will try using his/her own formula and dynamics.

(go ahead, turn this into an argument, SM)

Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: SM on Mar 13, 2008, 11:45:07 PM
Wasn't trying to start one, but looks like I didn't need to.

I will ask though - to satisfy the attention you so desperately crave - what positive spin could you apply to 'contrived' in reference to a film?  'Contrived' is a negative criticism.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: Slugworth on Mar 13, 2008, 11:56:27 PM
Quote from: SM on Mar 13, 2008, 11:45:07 PM
Wasn't trying to start one, but looks like I didn't need to.

I will ask though - to satisfy the attention you so desperately crave - what positive spin could you apply to 'contrived' in reference to a film?  'Contrived' is a negative criticism.

Attention?  :D  Aren't you the one sticking his nose in every single thread??

Anyways... by defintion, "Contrived" means: designed or carried out according to a plan.  It's an easy word to use negatively, but I was using the word literally.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: SM on Mar 14, 2008, 12:00:18 AM
Of course...  That's why you put it in italics...
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: Slugworth on Mar 14, 2008, 12:09:47 AM
Quote from: The Diesel on Mar 11, 2008, 02:40:26 AM
I think SM and Sil should get together and make the story for an Aliens movie with the Colonial Marines.  They are some of the few that consistently 'get' the franchise and know what could work and what wouldn't.  Ah well.
Jesus Christ man, don't encourage them. They're already full of themselves as it is.  :D These are the guys that originally attacked me and others because we enjoyed AvP-R  (regardless of what I thought was wrong with the film... or how much I liked ALIEN). Anyone who jumps down another person's throat over their opinion of a movie is only a comedian in my eyes.  I thought this forum was a place for a shared interest, and yes, to debate a little bit.  Pretty soon AvP "Galaxy" will have to rename itself to AvP "Pissing Contest".

Quote from: SM on Mar 14, 2008, 12:00:18 AM
Of course...  That's why you put it in italics...
Because he put the word New in quotation marks... I'll use quotation marks from now on.
Happy now, buttercup?   ;)
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: SiL on Mar 14, 2008, 12:11:31 AM
Quote from: Slugworth on Mar 14, 2008, 12:09:47 AM
These are the guys that originally attacked me and others because we enjoyed AvP-R
Never attacked anyone for liking it. Except maybe you, but that has nothing to do with your opinion.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: SM on Mar 14, 2008, 12:14:30 AM
QuoteThese are the guys that originally attacked me and others because we enjoyed AvP-R  (regardless of what I thought was wrong with the film... or how much I liked ALIEN).

When did we attack you for liking AvP: Poo?

I don't even have an opinion on the completed film so how could I attack anyone elses?

I can imagine attacking you for the large volumes of bullshit you type - of which this is yet another example.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: The Diesel on Mar 14, 2008, 01:16:14 AM
Quote from: Slugworth on Mar 14, 2008, 12:09:47 AM
Quote from: The Diesel on Mar 11, 2008, 02:40:26 AM
I think SM and Sil should get together and make the story for an Aliens movie with the Colonial Marines.  They are some of the few that consistently 'get' the franchise and know what could work and what wouldn't.  Ah well.
Jesus Christ man, don't encourage them. They're already full of themselves as it is.  :D These are the guys that originally attacked me and others because we enjoyed AvP-R  (regardless of what I thought was wrong with the film... or how much I liked ALIEN). Anyone who jumps down another person's throat over their opinion of a movie is only a comedian in my eyes.  I thought this forum was a place for a shared interest, and yes, to debate a little bit.  Pretty soon AvP "Galaxy" will have to rename itself to AvP "Pissing Contest".
I wouldn't call what they have said 'attacked' per se.  I think the film was so poor and laughable compared to the other movies in the Alien franchise that they treat the discussion on it as a joke.

Go in to the Alien film discussion forum and check out what these guys have to say.  I have been blown away with their knowledge of the Alien franchise.They are both veritable walking Alien Encyclopedias. 

Plus, they are the two people, along with Yellow Alien, that make me laugh my ass off on a regular basis.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: SM on Mar 14, 2008, 01:22:00 AM
You're far too kind.  :)

(Ummm... do I make this out to Diesel or THE Diesel?)
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: happypred on Mar 14, 2008, 02:08:07 AM
Quote from: The Diesel on Mar 14, 2008, 01:16:14 AM
Go in to the Alien film discussion forum and check out what these guys have to say.  I have been blown away with their knowledge of the Alien franchise.They are both veritable walking Alien Encyclopedias. 

This deserves a laugh of its own
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: DoomRulz on Mar 14, 2008, 02:14:09 AM
Quote from: The Diesel on Mar 14, 2008, 01:16:14 AM
Quote from: Slugworth on Mar 14, 2008, 12:09:47 AM
Quote from: The Diesel on Mar 11, 2008, 02:40:26 AM
I think SM and Sil should get together and make the story for an Aliens movie with the Colonial Marines.  They are some of the few that consistently 'get' the franchise and know what could work and what wouldn't.  Ah well.
Jesus Christ man, don't encourage them. They're already full of themselves as it is.  :D These are the guys that originally attacked me and others because we enjoyed AvP-R  (regardless of what I thought was wrong with the film... or how much I liked ALIEN). Anyone who jumps down another person's throat over their opinion of a movie is only a comedian in my eyes.  I thought this forum was a place for a shared interest, and yes, to debate a little bit.  Pretty soon AvP "Galaxy" will have to rename itself to AvP "Pissing Contest".
I wouldn't call what they have said 'attacked' per se.  I think the film was so poor and laughable compared to the other movies in the Alien franchise that they treat the discussion on it as a joke.

Go in to the Alien film discussion forum and check out what these guys have to say.  I have been blown away with their knowledge of the Alien franchise.They are both veritable walking Alien Encyclopedias. 

Plus, they are the two people, along with Yellow Alien, that make me laugh my ass off on a regular basis.

They don't attack anyone. Personally I just think they're a bit strong at times.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: SM on Mar 14, 2008, 02:20:30 AM
*sniff* phew!

Can't argue with that.

Gimme a break - it's pushing 40 C outside!

QuoteThis deserves a laugh of its own

Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: DoomRulz on Mar 14, 2008, 02:28:07 AM
Don't complain! I'm freezing my ass off here in Toronto!
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: SM on Mar 14, 2008, 02:29:40 AM
Can you send a bit of ass-freeze our way?

I'll swap you 10 degrees.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: The Diesel on Mar 14, 2008, 03:09:24 AM
Quote from: SM on Mar 14, 2008, 01:22:00 AM
You're far too kind.  :)

(Ummm... do I make this out to Diesel or THE Diesel?)
Diesel is fine.  I only use The Diesel because Diesel was taken on the first message board I joined.  It's easier to just use the same name everywhere.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: DoomRulz on Mar 14, 2008, 03:18:59 AM
Quote from: SM on Mar 14, 2008, 02:29:40 AM
Can you send a bit of ass-freeze our way?

I'll swap you 10 degrees.

Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: Parler on Jun 26, 2008, 03:51:58 PM
Yeah, it should happen. It should be set in a forest or somewhere that is NOT an urban enviroment. But overall, I would like to see it no matter what. It really can't get any worse than AvP-R.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: Damopredator on Jun 27, 2008, 04:46:41 PM
If a good director pulled his finger out of his ass and put a lot of time into making a 3rd i think they could clean house with a box office smash! Even the 1st 2 could have been massive as much as i really enjoyed these AvP movies i still think there was a lack of elemant to them, For one cut this 1 and a half hour long movie bullshit, these type of epic movies should be a good 3 hours long because any fan of AvP, Aliens, Or predator would more than certainly sit for the 3 hours and watch it. I went to the cinema for both AvP's and was very dissapointed with the length of the movies but hey, was still a very good movie. And for the love of god lets see more fighting between the 2 in daylight instead of watching a fight scene either in darkness or rain or in both, Just looks like a bunch of crap when all u can see is one black blob stuck together rolling around. but yes this should most deffinatley happen would be awsome, And did i read right something about they we're considering "The Rock" to take arnies place as dutch?  :o
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: joey44 on Jun 29, 2008, 08:59:19 PM
no they should leave it as is and do alien 5
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: DoomRulz on Jun 30, 2008, 06:21:50 PM
Quote from: Parler The Spartan on Jun 26, 2008, 03:51:58 PM
Yeah, it should happen. It should be set in a forest or somewhere that is NOT an urban enviroment. But overall, I would like to see it no matter what. It really can't get any worse than AvP-R.

I'm sure people said the same thing after AvP.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: Predator-S on Jul 02, 2008, 11:33:49 AM
There's only about 10% chance of it being good. So probably no.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: Le Celticant on Jul 02, 2008, 02:57:52 PM
Quote from: Predator-S on Jul 02, 2008, 11:33:49 AM
There's only about 10% chance of it being good. So probably no.

Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: xi killa yu on Feb 12, 2009, 09:56:10 PM
yea i think they should because they cant leave the movie hanging like that. what i want is that there would be more preds because i want the aliens kicking their ass and that they take it on space instead of earth.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: Hyperdyne on Feb 12, 2009, 10:51:23 PM
I say ABSOLUTELY no. The more movies, hte more ridiculous the ideas are. EVERYTHING was already done for aliens and predator. We had alines in every flavor in every environment, same with predators. Another movie would be either just a re[peat or would have more outlandish ideas to justify the movie, like emryo planting mutant Predalien
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: Shadow Hunter on Feb 14, 2009, 04:19:51 PM
Hell no!!!! They completely ruined AVPR and AVP wasn't that great either
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: dachande89 on Feb 24, 2009, 04:05:09 AM
It can't end like this. It needs something truly glorious as an end.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: happypred on Feb 24, 2009, 04:48:40 AM
yeah, even though I enjoyed the action in AvP-R it could have been so much more

Will always support another AvP until they get it right, and the I'll prob want another sequel :P
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: Awgustas on Mar 26, 2009, 07:25:53 PM
I kinda like AvP, and a sequel would be kinda cool... If it would come out I'd (of course) watch it... Well, if they make it, I hope it won't be as bull-shitty like AvPR
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: philsaw101134 on Apr 04, 2009, 09:25:56 PM
I always find AVP films entertaining and fun to watch.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: Larry The Cable Predator on Apr 07, 2009, 09:12:23 PM
I'd prefer it didn't.  I've experienced as much AVP as I care too.  Another Predator movie could be good though. Maybe.

Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: avpmad! on Apr 12, 2009, 12:30:40 PM
if they spend loads and loads of money get a good director and boss actors then yes otherwise no
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: walterf on Apr 16, 2009, 04:01:38 AM
I would like anothe AVP because I don't feel like my thirst for the perfect AVP movie is quenched yet. The concept is so cool and there's so much that can be done right with it, but it just hasn't happened yet.

I would love to have a concept with a huuuuge space station with space cammando's and all going to various planets and doing experiments. They can maybe have some dead Aliens and Preds already on the ship. Maybe a Pred can break into the ship and the ship is forced to land on a planet infested with Aliens and that can be the movie. It can be in a dark, half-functioning space ship crashed on a planet similar to the planet from the first Alien movie ... and there will be a Pred on ths hip as well and all hell breaks loose.

What really matters, though, is having good character and actors involved, that's really it. The last two movies were most hurt by horrible horrible actors and corny ass characters. If we get good character and actors, 75% of the battle is won.

EDIT: I was also thinking the other day ... I wouldn't mind a good animated movie. If the animation is REALLY good they could potentially make a pretty cool comic-style film.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: XxSaNdMaNxX on Apr 21, 2009, 05:43:52 PM
hey whats ups guy i know havent been on for months but whatever getting to the topic lol,well like some said i really wouldnt want to see this franchise end this way i mean if they change the Director and a DECENT so to say writer  then they can maybe end it with a nice bang, so inmu opinion YES they should give one last try because lets be honest the last 2 films werent what we were looking for in a movie titled Aliens vs Predator........
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: The PredBen on Apr 28, 2009, 07:53:23 PM
I think it would be fine I am currently writing two scripts for a future AVP movie , the first one is small and is very old the second I am currently working on I can give a summary of either if anyone is curious here.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: DoomRulz on Apr 28, 2009, 08:37:06 PM
Let's hear it!
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: Pvt. Hicks on Apr 28, 2009, 10:29:29 PM
Quote from: The PredBen on Apr 28, 2009, 07:53:23 PM
I think it would be fine I am currently writing two scripts for a future AVP movie , the first one is small and is very old the second I am currently working on I can give a summary of either if anyone is curious here.

Let's hear it...

If I like your idea, I can expand on it for you if you'd like. I'm currently writing an Alien 5 script, and would take reigns over something like that if it deemed worthwhile.

Protip: Research. Research research research. Whenever writing a script, you will need to do lots of research. Not just on Aliens and Predators, but since it's on another planet I'm assuming(or in the future), you will need to have information on planets, gravity, solar system, how things work, etc. Basically whatever you need.

And when completed, put your script away for a week. Come back to it. Make needed changes, repeat this until your script is perfect. That way you can come back to it with a fresh set of eyes and mind.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: Ratchetcomand on Apr 28, 2009, 10:55:08 PM
I doubt we will see another movie anytime soon with Predators coming out.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: Sgt.Torque Reikan on Apr 28, 2009, 11:57:38 PM
They need to let the guns cool and rethink they're approach obviously its not work sure the series has made about 300 million but that doesn't make it quality perfect now does it ;)
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: Ratchetcomand on Apr 29, 2009, 12:21:42 AM
I rather see a OVA of the comics then a 3rd movie.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: JamesCameronOnline on May 07, 2009, 11:30:26 PM
Should it happen? No. the alien and predator series is desacrated enough as it is, just "leave Britney alone!"
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: Scree on May 08, 2009, 12:33:01 AM
If next year Predators is a success I hope they consider to make AVP3.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: dachande89 on May 08, 2009, 01:15:11 AM
It should happen, cause it simply can't end like this.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: JamesCameronOnline on May 08, 2009, 01:19:18 AM
the thing is, it seems like the latter the sequel, the worst it is.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: Xenomorphine on May 08, 2009, 05:36:26 AM
Quote from: JamesCameronOnline on May 07, 2009, 11:30:26 PM
Should it happen? No. the alien and predator series is desacrated enough as it is, just "leave Britney alone!"

Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: DoomRulz on May 08, 2009, 06:55:59 AM
Quote from: Scree on May 08, 2009, 12:33:01 AM
If next year Predators is a success I hope they consider to make AVP3.

To be quite honest, I'd be perfectly happy with where they are right now with the movies because I don't want them to be any worse. Stick with the games, coz AvP 3 looks f**king amazing.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: Scree on May 08, 2009, 11:16:44 AM
Quote from: DoomRulz on May 08, 2009, 06:55:59 AM
To be quite honest, I'd be perfectly happy with where they are right now with the movies because I don't want them to be any worse. Stick with the games, coz AvP 3 looks f**king amazing.
Good for you but I still want movies. I'm pretty sure there are a lot of people like me who don't care about the videogames.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: dachande89 on May 08, 2009, 01:10:35 PM
Quote from: Scree on May 08, 2009, 11:16:44 AM
Good for you but I still want movies. I'm pretty sure there are a lot of people like me who don't care about the videogames.

Well I wouldn't go that far. Yea I still want to see a kick ass AVP3, but I also want a kick ass AVP videogame. Hell the last fun AVP type game I played was Predator Concrete Jungle. Its about time to have a new game (that doesnt suck, Im not counting the AVP psp game).
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: Pvt. Hicks on May 09, 2009, 06:18:13 PM
Quote from: Scree on May 08, 2009, 11:16:44 AM
Good for you but I still want movies. I'm pretty sure there are a lot of people like me who don't care about the videogames.

Not if the movies are going to suck.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: echobbase79 on May 09, 2009, 07:37:08 PM
There will probably never be another AvP movie because of how the first two really dumbed down the material.

They should have treated this as a event movie instead of cheap, video game knockoffs.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: The PredBen on May 09, 2009, 07:40:40 PM
I believe AVP should have another try. The series is good , but the directors ect aren't. I do not know why none of the original directors , form Predator or Alien want to do this. Maybe they can't , anyway with Predators coming out in 2010 , I do not think a new one will happen , maybe... though.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: The PredBen on May 09, 2009, 07:46:23 PM
I meant to say something like " James Cameron " should do an AVP movie but he won't cause he hates AVP. :P
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: PHANTOM on May 11, 2009, 01:17:41 AM
Quote from: The PredBen on May 09, 2009, 07:40:40 PM
I believe AVP should have another try. The series is good

Dude AVP3 is coming, you'll get to be in it and play any character you want. Doesn't that sound better? Thats the way I see it, either we get a good AVP movie or a dam good AVP game.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: DoomRulz on May 11, 2009, 01:58:42 AM
Quote from: The PredBen on May 09, 2009, 07:46:23 PM
I meant to say something like " James Cameron " should do an AVP movie but he won't cause he hates AVP. :P

He liked the AvP movie, believe it or not.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: Johnny Handsome on May 11, 2009, 02:04:39 AM
Quote from: DoomRulz on May 11, 2009, 01:58:42 AM
He liked the AvP movie, believe it or not.
Not only that, but he puts it right behind Aliens as a 3rd place.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: Pvt. Hicks on May 11, 2009, 02:24:05 AM
Quote from: Johnny Handsome on May 11, 2009, 02:04:39 AM
Not only that, but he puts it right behind Aliens as a 3rd place.

Because he has a vendetta against Alien 3 for killing Newt and Hicks, and because he doesn't take it seriously because it's a "video-game movie".

Alien: Resurrection
Alien 3

Not that hard to believe. :-\
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: DoomRulz on May 11, 2009, 02:28:22 AM
It doesn't matter why he places it there. Point is, he liked it.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: Mustafuk on May 11, 2009, 08:50:05 AM
By the time there is a serious director,a  serious alien atmosphere, serious aliens (alien, there,s no other way), colonial marines (or WY mercenaries, so that we don,t turn the movie into an aliens fake), and the predators ON THE BACKGROUND, this will eventually lead us to a true good avp film, an avp film where stupid/gay ideas coming from one being who suffers from inferiority complex with the women, and some other weird (and stupid too, why not to say It) things coming from the brothers in harms (a predalien/praetorian?, for godness sake ;D), have no real place.

Anyway, and this makes me wonder..., is that so difficult to make?, you guys just think on the kind of people at Fox who give the avp projects to beings such as MR Anderson, or the brothers in harms. Isn,t on earth one single director who can think on avp as a serious thing?, why do the avp movies have to suffer from being nothing more than vomitive/non-serious/ movies due to the mentality of their respective directos?

That,s the problem, I can tell It.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: JamesCameronOnline on May 11, 2009, 11:01:36 AM
Quote from: Xenomorphine on May 08, 2009, 05:36:26 AM
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: PHANTOM on May 11, 2009, 09:59:25 PM
Ok ok Sue calm down :D
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: Pred Killer on Aug 16, 2009, 01:19:41 PM
I doubted AvPR, and now I'm doubting this movie...
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: crazygoji on Aug 17, 2009, 04:26:00 AM
Hell no.

AVP is ruining both franchises.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: Le Celticant on Aug 19, 2009, 12:36:21 AM
No, it'll never ruin both franchise by the fact the trademark is called ALIENS VERSUS PREDATOR and not ALIEN or PREDATOR even if they might have used both franchise.
A / P will still be great classical, this will never change.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: Pred Killer on Aug 19, 2009, 01:13:10 AM
Quote from: crazygoji on Aug 17, 2009, 04:26:00 AM
Hell no.

AVP is ruining both franchises.

Three different franchises/storylines/universes.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: DoomRulz on Aug 19, 2009, 01:49:01 AM
It can give the other two a bad image. People will watch the AvP movies, realize how much they suck, and wonder just how good the originals really are.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: SM on Aug 19, 2009, 01:51:58 AM
And be pleasantly surprised.

It's when they watch AvP and don't bother with the originals that it becomes a problem.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: DoomRulz on Aug 19, 2009, 01:53:53 AM
True. It's not always to convince someone to watch the previous films if they couldn't bare the AvP films though.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: SM on Aug 19, 2009, 01:54:38 AM
Their loss.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: Pred Killer on Aug 19, 2009, 01:58:50 AM
The originals will always reign.
Title: Re: - AVP3 - Should it happen ??
Post by: joshallan on Aug 23, 2009, 02:07:00 PM