I bought it today and finished it today, it was a fun basic game, nothing complex, just strait forward missions, the only things I didn't like about the game was, there was hardly any weapons, after playing concrete jungle I imaged a large selection of weapons like in CJ, but there is only a few, the hand gun thing is fun.
the other thing is, there's no predalien, there is warrior aliens and, basically, praetorian aliens, and at the end you fight an army helicopter, the last cut scene as a queen alien emerge from the ground only to be destroyed by the army, I was really looking forward to seeing the predalien, but it was a let down not seeing it, the game is fun though, I just wished there was a little more to it, like un-lockable features and stuff.
I wont put something out of 5 because my games reviewing lecturer said that you either like the game or you don't so, what are you comparing it to?
So I like the game