Gameplay Video

Started by That Yellow Alien, Nov 16, 2007, 05:48:50 AM

Gameplay Video (Read 8,921 times)

Private Hudson

Private Hudson

Might only look bad because of the guy playing it wasn't very good. At all.

Deadly Lotus

Deadly Lotus

i wanted to be alien *cries*

big dissappointment for Alien fans, but i'm still going to get the game...

if you can't be Alien does that mean you can be humans or predator?

War Wager

War Wager



Deadly Lotus

Deadly Lotus

i was a little confused lol...

i was waiting to find that out when i get the game to find out this, but i guess i got a little always... :D

but Predator is still

Private Hudson

Private Hudson

Quote from: Predator_fan on Nov 17, 2007, 12:15:36 AM
if you can't be Alien does that mean you can be humans or predator?

Did that Predator look human in the Demo?
( If your a Pred Fan, why the wanting aliens to kill Preds all the time thing with you?)

Deadly Lotus

Deadly Lotus

i don't know... :-\

but atleast as Predator you get to kick everyting elses butt ;D

and no that Predator didn't look human...

i just cant wait til; the release day of the game... how come people in America are lucky to get the game earlier?

i apologise for my stupidity :-X

The Chibi Kiriyama

The Chibi Kiriyama

A user on YouTube called pspgadgetz is putting out a few level-by-level vids. I have to say...I might get this, but as a novelty item for mindless fun. It's not as if the amazing plot is drawing me in. I mean, dissolving chestburster skin and planting mines on Pred tech? Really, that isn't my definition of a great game or a good idea. What confuses me is the Aliens- they seem to be fairly easy to kill (so why upgrade...?), their blood seems to have no additional splatter damage, and they magically disappear after a bit without a single drop of the alien liquid needed (wouldn't the giant acid melt be considered "evidence" if they didn't just disappear?). And why do they have vision modes if you only need to play with the normal "human" vision mode?

On a side note, I do like a non-movie addition this game seems to have- the dual wrist blades. They're a better idea than Anderson's extended wristblades.

Fiorina 161

Fiorina 161

Not too confident about the guy's video comments...

QuoteOne of the worst PSP games ever


The Chibi Kiriyama

The Chibi Kiriyama

I saw that, but then I saw the rest of his gameplay vids. I think half of the frustration comes from his lack of gaming skill, though this game looks pretty bad as it currently stands.

The Shuriken

The Shuriken

Doesn't really look like the wrist blades retract.

Looks kinda weird having them out all the time.

That Yellow Alien

That Yellow Alien

Nice find, Chibi.



Those are some good videos by pspgadgetz. Much better then the first one I saw, where the guy had no skills playing.



Quote from: PSP Junky on Nov 16, 2007, 03:03:32 PM
Quote from: Stalker on Nov 16, 2007, 02:35:17 PM
You don't get to play as an alien in the game, so there are no "alien videos".

Personally, it looks horribly generic to me, like an extremely shoddy PS2 game...even the animation is PS1-worthy.

Run around some bland looking environments, kill a human, kill an alien...yawn. It could have been so much more.

You don't have to be so negitive about it >:(, You get to kill people in the city and fight predalien. :o

You don't fight the predalien, it's not in the game at all.

This game looks horrible.
The only good thing is the heatvision, which looks pretty nice.



At least they didn't make it for the DS!

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