wait wha???

Started by Exiled, Nov 16, 2007, 01:18:19 AM

wait wha??? (Read 5,367 times)



ok if the game is being released into store and all of that jazz why is it that we have 0 VIDEOS and the one we DID have was deleted and was only 40 seconds long mikey I know you work at best buy care to give us the inside scoop?

Private Hudson

Private Hudson

Because PSP games don't get much hype.

PSP Junky

PSP Junky

I don't care if it dosn't get much hype I want to see a vid also



i work at Circuit City and we still haven't gotten the game in yet. thats why i went to gamestop on the 15th and picked up my copy there....



I was surprised at the release date. The guy at GameStop told me that they were getting it on the 14th, I waited all day until they unpackaged it.

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