Three Different Paths?

Started by War Wager, Nov 08, 2007, 05:23:12 PM

Three Different Paths? (Read 7,953 times)

War Wager

War Wager

What do you think this whole "different paths" thing is? I'm guessing it must mean physically different paths through a level (sewers, rooftops, mall etc) though I could be wrong.

Corporal Hicks

Corporal Hicks

I'm hoping it means three different stories.



Its obviously not the three species, which is a bit of a letdown for Alien fans. (or human fans...) It could be like one storyline is to eradicate all the aliens, and another one to defend an area, or I dunno, just hunt for fun?

War Wager

War Wager

Well you don't have long to find out, you lucky Americans!  >:(

Colton White

Colton White

I know what the "paths" are. One is honour, the other is dishonour.If you kill unarmed humans guess what path your taking?Not sure about the other. Maybe"Badblood"
I just hope for some levels you can play as a predalien.Like manhunt 2

Sgt.Torque Reikan

Sgt.Torque Reikan

Quote from: Corporal Hicks on Nov 08, 2007, 05:25:07 PM
I'm hoping it means three different stories.

same here



I'm okay with playing just as the Predator, but why does it have to be third-person? I hope there's a setting in the game where you can switch to first-person.

War Wager

War Wager

If only the three paths were Wolf, Warrior and Chet. That would be awesome...



good point that would be awsome



 Three paths maybe mean three different play styles. Shoulder cannon, melee, or stealthy kills... i don't know, it's an idea.



i hope its like the shadow the hedgehog game. killing good guys (unarmed people) sets you on the path of evil, while killing bad guys (aliens, robbots, eg) sets you on the hero path. maybe there will be resue missions to save preds and so forth. maybe depending on the path you take, you get differant wepons



I think it means you can play predator,alien,or human.



Sorry dude, but wolf is the only available option.



actually, it means the way u progress through the levels. Like the game Shadow the hedgehog, you have a choice where you can kill only honorable kills(blooded), kill most dishonorable kills(unblooded, or just kill, (normal). Or maybe there are three storyline arcs where you can choose what to do. I got the game today, wolf is the main character nad at the end levels, you can fight the predalien

Deadly Lotus

Deadly Lotus

i wonder if i can choose Predalien or my usual choice(Xenomorph)?

i'm so darn confused, what do you mean about bad blood?

someone explain Dishonerable kill and honerable kill?

i'm a new fan to Alien and Predator...

does dishonerable/honerable kill count for Alien and Predator?

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