Terrible graphics

Started by genocyber, Oct 21, 2007, 04:44:32 AM

Terrible graphics (Read 9,287 times)



QuoteLaughable seeing how the PSP control nub is a freaking joke.  If you want good gameplay, play a different system.

Like what? The DS?

Ooh yeah, touch screen AvP, tap-tap to shoot, draw a circle to throw the smart disc...

And a freaking joke? Nooo, the nub works well in some games (Portable Ops, MediEvil: Resurrection, Killzone: Liberation, Medal of Honor: Heroes), not so well in others.

As for console versions of this game? It's all about revenue, if this game does well then the developers will most likely ask for permission to do another game, but for the current gen consoles.

I see this game as little more than a testing ground for other games.

The graphics aren't terrible, sure they ain't Killzone 2 standards but what do expect from a handheld system?

I think it's a shame people can't look past graphics when it comes to a new game, I'm more worried about the stale gameplay on offer in this game than the graphics.

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