Terrible graphics

Started by genocyber, Oct 21, 2007, 04:44:32 AM

Terrible graphics (Read 9,282 times)

Private Hudson

Private Hudson

Now that I'm thinking about it, I've always wanted the AVP (PC) games to come to consoles, so I'm starting to dout it now.... :-\



The history of game/movie tie-ins is rather crappy when you look back.  I'd be more worried about the game being fun than how good or bad it looks.  I've seen so many good ideas go bad it makes me want to run outside and set myself on fire. :o



Would star wars battlefront 2 count as a movie tie in game? that one was awesome.

Private Hudson

Private Hudson

^ Amen!!!

Colton White

Colton White

They should release a vote to see who wants a new avp game on the pc THAT DOESN'T SUCK



Quote from: Huol on Oct 24, 2007, 05:19:28 AM
Would star wars battlefront 2 count as a movie tie in game? that one was awesome.

True.  The Battlefront games are some of the few that arent total crap.  Again, most crash and burn.

PSP Junky

PSP Junky

But the psp has to have a game that it can call their own



Quote from: Private Hudson on Oct 21, 2007, 06:33:21 PM
Look beyond the graphics man!!! What a game needs is gameplay, not graphics!!!

Laughable seeing how the PSP control nub is a freaking joke.  If you want good gameplay, play a different system.

Private Hudson

Private Hudson

I don't exactly own a PSP, but I've played my friends and it wasn't that bad....



i think they are ok but most psp games have crap graphics

Flaming Firefox

Flaming Firefox

Quote from: The Lone Drone on Oct 22, 2007, 01:47:53 AM
It's not the graphics. Think about it. The PSP Is a small screen. If you stretxh it, it will look like a very shitty game

I agree, but likely the graphics are quite dumbed down. As long as the gameplay doesn't suffer...



I have a PSP, and the graphics arnt that bad at all. It looks like your playing PS2 games. So Im looking forward to this title.

I am a HUGE fan of the first AVP game for PC, and Im hoping that this is at least half as good as that one.

War Wager

War Wager

This game has above-average graphics for a PSP game. Take a look at the new shots!  :P



Quote from: Private Hudson on Oct 21, 2007, 10:24:23 PM
Yeah, what I like about the Halo games is they always have great Gameplay+Great Graphics.

Yeah, + great music. :)

I will probably get this for the PSP. But I won't pay full price. It just seems to me like a game that will be fun, but short. Kind of like Tomb Raider Legend.

Corporal Hicks

Corporal Hicks

Speaking of which : http://www.halo3ost.com/

Can't wait for this.

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