
Started by aceswild, Sep 27, 2007, 09:49:38 PM

multiplayer???.....ideas? (Read 6,161 times)



i hope that theres an extensive multiplayer like conkers with different types of aliens and preds to play as. it would also be nice to have ad-hoc and infrastructure play.



yeh that would be mint but i dont think that they will do it



Isnt this supposed to have SOME sort of Multiplayuer mode for it? I thought I read that.

Lets hope its half as good as AVP for PCs Multi is.



The multiplayer in this game is gonna be you join your friends as Predators while fighting many and lots of Aliens and more I think that's all I know.



Now when you say "friends" does that mean it has to be a kid sittin next to me? Or is it still like Online play, for around the world people to interact?



online probz

Corporal Hicks

Corporal Hicks

Does anyone know how PSP multiplayer actually works? I was under the impression it used wireless routers to get online.

Dark Blade Predator

The multiplayer has two modes on the PSP system, One which allows you to connect to a wireless conection which enables you to update your system, surf the web, or play a game online with people around the world. The other is a connection which detects other nearby PSP's for small matches between your friends.

I also read that the gameplay thus far would be a co-op form which allowed the predators to team up and get the aliens. Hopefully there will be some type of customization so you can make yourself look distinct online, as well as other game modes. Either way I am such a die hard fan I'll purchase and enjoy this game regardless.

Takashi Yamato

Takashi Yamato

Team battles?!



Quote from: Corporal Hicks on Oct 09, 2007, 10:46:34 PM
Does anyone know how PSP multiplayer actually works? I was under the impression it used wireless routers to get online.

if u have wireless then u can connect without being hocked on the computer and then their is a switch by where u put ya memory card in then u switch it on and connect to the internet

Private Hudson

Private Hudson

Quote from: Takashi Yamato on Oct 15, 2007, 01:55:49 AM
Team battles?!

They have to have team battles!! It's not, Predator vs Predator vs. Alien vs. Alien vs. Alien vs. Predator!!!



is their multiplayer?

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