so what the pred is going to have purple vision now >:(

Started by Exiled, Aug 15, 2007, 02:21:48 PM

so what the pred is going to have purple vision now >:( (Read 7,424 times)


whats up with that for the psp game if its like that in the movie well its gonna suck :'( STICK WITH REGULER BLUE >:(


Well maybe they have other visons we dont know about, maybe night vison?


if they have night vision then I'm gonna say f**k this Marines have night vision not predators


Predators have MANY kinds of vision, as revealed extensively in Predator 2 and seen again in AVP.  Nothing wrong with that.

Corporal Hicks

Could be plenty of reasons. Everyone else is still showing up the right colours.


Thermal functions as night vision. :)


PiMp Purple... i love it LoL  ;D


Blue Purple, whatever it's all the same, and purple actually makes things clear, but i still prefer it to be blue.


Purple looks way cooler and brings out the colors better.

BTW the OP needs to take a 3rd grade grammar class.



it might be that for every planet the preds go to they can upgrade their vision sensors to be intune with the environment. this pred must just be upgraded real well:)



I really really hope its not the marines have stealth tec now lol

Oh well lol

Private Hudson

It's not going to be Purple, in the Trailer it shows the vision being blue, so calm down.


Quote from: Corporal Hicks on Aug 15, 2007, 02:35:55 PM

could be a vision where u can see both aliens and humans where if u got cannon out it locks on 2 them


hopefully,it does work on both humans and aliens. u culd tell it also worx on preds,tho.

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