The Alien Designs

Started by War Wager, Aug 15, 2007, 09:06:51 AM

The Alien Designs (Read 8,283 times)

War Wager

War Wager

Why are they using the Alien designs from AvP? I don't have a problem with it, the AvP designs are one of my favorites, it's just if the movie has Aliens with ridged heads, you'd expect the based on game to use the same designs...  :-\

Corporal Hicks

Corporal Hicks

Just shows how tight Fox have been with the film. I betcha Rebellion haven't seen any of the designs from the movie.

War Wager

War Wager

Looks like they only know the basic story, then they can make up the rest...  :P



the rigid one may be a predalien queen in training sort of thing and the avp aliens are those who had human hosts. and they may just make the gaame slightly differant to the film to make it more chalanging



Quote from: brad873 on Aug 20, 2007, 03:13:40 PM
the rigid one may be a predalien queen in training sort of thing

That has to be the most ridiculous thing I have ever read. Does it look like a Queen to you? Let-alone, a Predalien Queen. It's not even canon.



1. queens dont start of as 4 ft tall egg laying bad asses, there described as being almost normale at there erly stages.
2. im pretty new to all this "in depth" disscution about alien, what does canon mean. just a simple question. no need for an aggresive answer



Quote1. queens dont start of as 4 ft tall egg laying bad asses, there described as being almost normale at there erly stages.

They don't molt into Queens if that's what you're getting at.

Quote2. im pretty new to all this "in depth" disscution about alien, what does canon mean. just a simple question. no need for an aggresive answer

What's right and what's not. Movies are canon. Games, comics, etc are not. Though it comes down to personal preference as well but most people will tell you it's the movies.



thank u. i know they dont molt into queens, but the queen chestbusters would need to molt numerous times to reech full size, and as they develop they look pretty normal at one point. the only thing i dont get from the new avp2 pic is why the alien has one long finger on each hand, so i dont think that is a queen



Well, how a Queen grows is still unknown. We're just basing it on assumptions. But common sense prevails. Fox wouldn't put a Queen in the first production still released. It wouldn't make any sense.

Quotethe only thing i dont get from the new avp2 pic is why the alien has one long finger on each hand, so i dont think that is a queen

That was a bad angle apparently.



yes, but in sure it is just one long syth like finger per hand, maybe there are gonna be a few differant aliens



No.......not rying to be a jackass but no, the alien in that pic is not a different alien.



ok, can someone tell me whats up. i asume there is more than one alien from the title. and i asume from the game pics there is gonnaa be the usuale, smooth head alien. but the one in the new pic is drasticle differant. its hands are differant, its head is set forwart, more like the newborn, which makes me think of a 50/50 dna. its mouth is differant, it goes farther back and i dont think it has the holes at the side as normal. its head is more jaged. grrrrrrrr, why can the relees a pic of the new alien. oh, and who head has the info on the film, because most of u are pretty confident that there will be no "differant aliens" or anything like that, u are already saying things are gonna happen when u dont know yourself



Man, it Colin said that the alien seems to look like it has one finger because of a  bad angle. The head is nearly identical to the one from Aliens, it's just a different design, there is no 50/50 DNA thing going on, there is absolutely no way.

That Yellow Alien

That Yellow Alien

"The game was based on the early concepts for the film. There are many differences as you can see on not only the design level (No Wolf Helmet or Ridged Head Aliens) as well as the plot level (there's no basketball court or mall, etc.) The game designers went there own way with it so don't expect this to be exactly what the film is like or vice versa they are simply both based on the same premise."

That quote is from a plant on IMDB boards. So everything he says about the film is fact. Just thought I'd let everyone know.  Wink



Will we being seeing the super kmart fight?

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