I definately think there's great oppertunity to tell a unique story, IF the writers can get it right. I dunno about the AvP thing, I think FOX really screwed that up by allowing it to be set present day, so for me that's all part of another universe that can, and probably will, go on forever. As for the Alien Prequal, yeah I'm all for it. I'm not so hot on finding out more about the creature, but we pretty much always assumed Weyland/Yutani must have known more than they let on about the Alien before the Nostromo incident on LV-426. A good storyline for me would be if it was set maybe a few years before, with some deep space explorers or something, who had nothing to do with the Company, crashland on the planet, The whole thing happens again but it's their distress signal that alerts Weyland/Yutani. I guess it could even work out that the Alien ship never transmitted at all, they just made it up to get the Nostromo crew their, a long shot I know, but it would tie in nicely... just a thought anyways