Quote from: Mastes1 on May 01, 2012, 08:41:53 PM
Quote from: Eva on May 01, 2012, 08:28:19 PM
Do people just choose to ignore the tall actors they hired to play the engineer, specifically for making them - you know, tall looking, including one of them tweeting that it was him in the pic of the engineer sitting in the chair?
Come on give it a rest will you, look at the size of the space jockey in ALIEN, the jockey is too small in Prometheus, even 8 foot actors would be too small!.
Also why do all the space jockey sets look so cgi in Prometheus wwhen compared to ALIEN?, i know they did build the sets but they look bad compared to ALIEN.
i completely agree with you here, while i know in the large scope of things it doesnt matter too much as far as how good a film prometheus will be, but it does annoy me that the original impression of the jockey/alien race has been lost. the Jockey's size and appearance was more convincing and left a more alien feel, i think this is the cost of no Giger in some ways.
inventing the 'suit' idea also took away from its mysteriousness and 'alien' feel. i wont speak for others but when i saw the jockey in ALIEN i had the impression it was purely 'creature' rather than something that 'suits up'. it also seemed to give me an impression that its movement wasnt that speedy and wasn't much of a creature of agility (think of a creature like an elephant)
in prometheus, we have a humanoid alien that wears a suit and is more human size. and moves just like a human (as seen by the running jockeys.)
i am not flaming the film, im just rightfully expressing my views on where the film has taken the jockey.
i am very excited for prometheus and i feel im going to like the film quite a lot - independently from the alien franchise. i love the new story in and of itself.
however, attaching it to the alien series, particularly alien, i dont think it helps alien so far, i feel it has taken away from the original.
as for the lighting, i never noticed this difference until you spotted it, well spotted. i agree it looks more cgi, iv been thinking about it for a good few minutes before writing this as to why it looks so different. as you said, the sets are real, one notable difference is the lighting, in ALIEN they used a very bright light to highlight the chair which ended up giving it much deeper shadows with little ot no detail. in prometheus, the lighting is very balance, all shadows contain detail and the image perhaps looks more flat.
im pretty sure i read that Part of the chair was always going to be 'cgi' so perhaps in most chair shots that contain cgi, alot more cgi was done to the image.
also, i can respect trying new things, and the film potentially having a reason or answer for this, but i also think the more 'mechanical' look took away the alien film more. makes everything feel more 'engineered' and 'hand made' or 'built' sigh, somethings about the original ship and jockey in alien were perfect for the purpose.