I'm not actually blaming Lindelof for this, he's quite clearly the money man, thick skinned millionairre fall guy with nothing to lose.
I blame SPAIHTS.
The ancient asstronaut sh1t was clearly the key to all of this mess. I bet thats what caught Ridley's ear at the initial pitch and got him excited, in a big-time psuedo-science way. "eee, 2001 on steroids, f**kin great!"
What I find most insulting is that the story they have Sellotaped/ScotchTaped onto the side of ALIEN is completely devoid of any logic or sense or science. Throws away all the cool Giger stuff that made ALIEN so iconic in the first place, and just has a totally shit story. And shit forgetable monsters.
Still, Spaihts can at least console himself that if his movie career fails he can at least spend the rest if his career photographing his top international bird instead.