'Alien Ring'

Started by draken161, Jan 15, 2012, 03:03:24 AM

'Alien Ring' (Read 26,034 times)



Quote from: Sgt. Apone on Mar 21, 2012, 12:56:43 AM
How? Two different planets, two different ships. Not to mention that in Alien, Ash said that the sun would be rising soon, and although we see the sun rise, it is still pitch black, completely different from what we see in the Prometheus trailers. Not to mention that Ridley Scott said that it is not directly linked to Alien. So it doesn't screw around with canon because it's not the same planet. Plain and simple.
The crew couldn't see anything because there was a storm, with very heavy thick smog and clouds covering everything. You can see the sun in the background in some shots piercing through the atmospheric murk.

The two different planets/two different ships thing will be kind of stupid. Two crashed Derelicts on planetoids that orbit a ringed gas giant? What are the chances of that? :P



Quote from: Cvalda on Mar 21, 2012, 12:59:47 AM
The two different planets/two different ships thing will be kind of stupid. Two crashed Derelicts on planetoids that orbit a ringed gas giant? What are the chances of that? :P

I gotta keep repeating it because I feel it's an important detail to keep in mind here. We have never known for certain that the derelict in Alien was a crashed ship. So it's not two ships that have crashed, necessarily.  :)



Quote from: Sgt. Apone on Mar 21, 2012, 12:28:34 AM
Also the fact that in Alien, the derelict had no cryotubes, while the one in Prometheus has three around the jockey chair. Unless they somehow vanished, that's more proof that these two ships aren't the same.

if the ship is indeed ~alive it could be plausible that it grew all these extra ribs and whatnot over these cryotubes over time. it's a stretch tho



Quote from: OpenMaw on Mar 21, 2012, 01:07:14 AM
I gotta keep repeating it because I feel it's an important detail to keep in mind here. We have never known for certain that the derelict in Alien was a crashed ship.
:-\ So what was it then?



Quote from: Cvalda on Mar 21, 2012, 01:14:10 AM
:-\ So what was it then?

A crash implies that it hurtled into the planet uncontrollably. More likely it sat down on the planet and then dealt with the alien.  :)



Quote from: OpenMaw on Mar 21, 2012, 01:21:30 AM
A crash implies that it hurtled into the planet uncontrollably. More likely it sat down on the planet and then dealt with the alien.  :)
The two different planets/two different ships thing will be kind of stupid. Two "landed" Derelicts on planetoids that both orbit a ringed gas giant? What are the chances of that?



Quote from: Cvalda on Mar 21, 2012, 01:27:55 AM
Quote from: OpenMaw on Mar 21, 2012, 01:21:30 AM
A crash implies that it hurtled into the planet uncontrollably. More likely it sat down on the planet and then dealt with the alien.  :)
The two different planets/two different ships thing will be kind of stupid. Two "landed" Derelicts on planetoids that both orbit a ringed gas giant? What are the chances of that?

I'm just saying that the scenarios for both ships being where they are does not need to be identical. One crashing because its rammed by Prometheus right out of the sky, and the other falling ill-fated to an Alien egg in it's cargo hold/in some kind of complex below it where it had made a pit stop are two different scenarios:)

Maybe there's some kind of an explanation for Jockey's liking worlds with rings, maybe it provides some kind of protection from being detected or something. (I admit, i'm pulling that out of my backside and hoping someone with superior scientific  knowledge could theorize.)



Four charted gas giants and four with rings.



Quote from: SM on Mar 21, 2012, 02:02:45 AM
Four charted gas giants and four with rings.
I suppose they all come with be-Derelict-ed moons. They're the ultimate in planetary accessories! :P

Some Mothers Do Have Em!

Some Mothers Do Have Em!

What if it's the derelict that is trying to stop the prometheus getting away and not the other way around? Anyone thought of that?
Perhaps some of the crew of the Prometheus are trying to get back to Earth but there is already a mutation on board. The only way to bring it down is for someone left on the planet, to don the jockey suit, and fly the derelict into the Prometheus to stop it from getting away.
I know it's out there and what we have seen in the trailer goes against that...but you never know :D



Quote from: SM on Mar 21, 2012, 02:02:45 AM
Four charted gas giants and four with rings.

JUST what I was about to say...



Quotein aliens the derelict also took damage on it's "hammer", since the leaving of the nostromo crew.
maybe caused by a wind blow/tornado or earthquake, we don't know.

I read recently in an 80s interview with James Cameron that the damage to the derelict that enabled Newt's parents to get inside was due to volcanic activity on the planet.



Quote from: Henry Ellis on Mar 26, 2012, 07:18:51 PM
Quotein aliens the derelict also took damage on it's "hammer", since the leaving of the nostromo crew.
maybe caused by a wind blow/tornado or earthquake, we don't know.

I read recently in an 80s interview with James Cameron that the damage to the derelict that enabled Newt's parents to get inside was due to volcanic activity on the planet.

well jc never wrote alien so how the f**k would he know?????? oh yeah i guess because he wrote the sequel it gives him the right to say whatever the f**k he likes lolz??:)



Quote from: Eagle-Fire on Mar 26, 2012, 07:25:41 PM
Quote from: Henry Ellis on Mar 26, 2012, 07:18:51 PM
Quotein aliens the derelict also took damage on it's "hammer", since the leaving of the nostromo crew.
maybe caused by a wind blow/tornado or earthquake, we don't know.

I read recently in an 80s interview with James Cameron that the damage to the derelict that enabled Newt's parents to get inside was due to volcanic activity on the planet.

well jc never wrote alien so how the f**k would he know?????? oh yeah i guess because he wrote the sequel it gives him the right to say whatever the f**k he likes lolz??:)

Previous quote was referencing "Aliens"



so your point being........??

im sorry i was not aware that the ship in aliens is a different one to the featured craft in alien...........?????

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