Spanning The Saga?

Started by Corporal Hicks, Dec 05, 2007, 01:15:54 PM

Spanning The Saga? (Read 6,252 times)

Corporal Hicks

Corporal Hicks

So...according to the new magazine article, the RPG might have a story spanning the length of the entire saga so...that'll be interesting. I wonder how they're gonna pull that off? Your character gets frozen?

The Necronoir

The Necronoir

That would be interesting. Won't that mean that the main character(s) have to get frozen twice? First in the 57 year period between Alien and Aliens, and then in the 200 year period between Alien 3 and Alien Resurrection. Talk about bad luck! Of course do we even know if there are going to be continuing characters? It could all be segregated into separate missions.

Whatever path they go down I hope they don't try to follow the movies too closely. Being on the Nostromo, then Hadley's Hope, Fury 161, and finally the Auriga would be stretching the limits of believability a bit much. Those of you who've played The Lord of the Rings: The Third Age probably know what I'm talking about. As fun as it was to go through the big locations from the books/movies, it ended up just feeling as if you were playing a less distinctive version of the fellowship through fundamentally the same plot.

I want fresh ideas and fresh locations, but using the films as the overriding touchstone in terms of feeling and design.

Colton White

Colton White

how about how the Space Jockeys crashed??

The Necronoir

The Necronoir

Quote from: Colton White on Dec 09, 2007, 03:23:09 AM
how about how the Space Jockeys crashed??
They'd have to go back into prehistoric times in order to explore that. Not likely.

Colton White

Colton White

Quote from: The Necronoir on Dec 09, 2007, 12:18:33 PM
Quote from: Colton White on Dec 09, 2007, 03:23:09 AM
how about how the Space Jockeys crashed??
They'd have to go back into prehistoric times in order to explore that. Not likely.

Maybe about the creation of the xenomorphs.

Private Hudson

Private Hudson

Maybe you were a worker on Gateway, this time zone took place while the crew on the Nostronomo was getting killed, for your training mission. After training level you pilot a ship out of Gateway, about 24 hours later you see the Nostronomo shuttle. Then after going on the shuttle and doing whatever, you go back to you ship and go into Cryo sleep, you happen to crash on LV:426, and a rescue team gets you to Hadleys Hope..57 years after you got into the cryo tube. After you do whatever your doing on Hadles hope (After Aliens attack), you get off the planet, but are blamed for the deaths of all the colonists. You then go to Fury 161 and are one of the prisoners there, you do this and that and help kill the runner, sneak on board the Weyland rescue ship, and snoop around there, then you find an escape pod, and blast yourself away from the ship. Of course, you get into a cryo tube, and 200 years later, the Auriga opicks you up, you survive the ship of aliens, then sneak onboard the Betty, and get to earth. Game over.



/\/\ Just..................Horrible

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