New Pictures

Started by FearPeteySodes, Jun 30, 2009, 04:04:58 PM

New Pictures (Read 23,291 times)



The bottom picture reminds a little of the Cloverfield monster.

Corporal Hicks

Corporal Hicks

Am actually glad funding got pulled. Good job AVP and ACM look epic.



The "Rhino Alien" looks so awful. If they were going to have a Rhino Alien make it look like the kenner toy version with a longer tail. Now that would be badass!

Private Hudson

Private Hudson

They actually do remind me somewhat of the old Kenner toys.







I think this game would've brought some interesting things to the franchise.



But the RPG format with Aliens... I can only see it working Fallout 3 style, with the RPG elements being a support for the FPS ones.



Quote from: MadassAlex on Dec 02, 2009, 03:00:39 AM
But the RPG format with Aliens... I can only see it working Fallout 3 style, with the RPG elements being a support for the FPS ones.
It was a Mass effect style game, almost the same.



I was pretty much open to an RPG format, I was kinda getting tired of FPS's. From a RPG standpoint and what I've seen and from the concepts, I just felt whatever we would have gotten could have opened up allot of new lore, more from the perspective of the colonization of planets, WY and the colonial marines.

Something I've always wanted was a novel or comic, or whatever that was solely about the USCM. And what they do besides getting killed by Xenos. Just to expand the universe a bit.



Quote from: Spaghetti on Dec 02, 2009, 02:48:32 AM

I think this game would've brought some interesting things to the franchise.

The only RPG I've played are the KOTOR games, and while I hated the combat style, I agree with you that this could have been an awesome new thing in this franchise. Just to see its reach out and try something new. Not too sure about the Alien designs though.



Other than the Rhino alien, which made sense after viewing the concept art gallery, as I'm fairly sure this is it's host:

I thought it all looked interesting, especially the Stalker Alien.



Quote from: Navaha on Feb 10, 2010, 01:49:59 AM
Other than the Rhino alien, which made sense after viewing the concept art gallery, as I'm fairly sure this is it's host:

I thought it all looked interesting, especially the Stalker Alien.

Looks like a grown up critter

sort of



More concept art here:

It's been there for a long while. In fact some of the pieces have been removed since then (including a piece of a new Derelict Ship which was key in the plot of the game).

I have an article for the game coming up. I wrote it years ago and it includes all that artwork and more from other portfolios as well as new screenshots, renders and gameplay & story details but I haven't got the green light to post it yet. Kotaku noticed Lee's art today so I guess it's fine to share those now. I was personally asked not to back then.

Ash 937

Ash 937

Quote from: FearPeteySodes on Jun 30, 2009, 04:04:58 PM

That first picture is pretty bad IMO.  I find in amusing that Warhammer 40K borrowed heavily from the franchise in creating the Tyranids to now have the franchise borrow from the Tyranids (look up the Carnifex).

Can't say i agree with the author in that i'm glad its canceled even with the sketchy concepts but it makes me think a bit.

This is pretty much what I'd imagine an Alien to look like if the host was the Rancor from Return of the Jedi.

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