Started by Darkness, Jul 26, 2004, 04:32:17 PM
CelticPredator has recorded a 30-second video clip of a PG13 TV Spot that was shown across American television a day or so ago. No new footage was revealed apart from a shot of Adele Rousseau being facehugged.
Download: PG13 TV Spot – Courtesy of FilePlanet (2.9MB)
This is also the first time I’ve benefited from having access to FilePlanet so you’ll need a Gamespy ID in order to download. The voiceover person leads the TV Spot off with: AVP, Alien vs Predator, Rated PG13, August 13th. Thanks to CelticPredator for video-taping and sending me this clip.
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QuoteCOOKIE WROTE:Still not the same. I wanna see the pred rip the spines out of the humans