Rodriguez Confirms Predators Sequel

Started by Darkness, Jul 23, 2010, 02:59:21 PM

Rodriguez Confirms Predators Sequel (Read 40,724 times)


p.s crashsucks, i agree, avatar sucked DICK!

Predator:Bounty Hunter

Predator:Bounty Hunter

I want to wait to prequal Pre4dators...
Because they two survivor royce and isabella want to
find space ship and the new survive,the story is reborn....





they already did that with the sequel comic, wasnt very good, ended almost the exact same as the movie and i wasnt too impressed with the predator they where fighting..


When and if they do a sequel I hope they divulge more into the clan wars, and not from the Humans, I want to see Preds interacting between each other and actually talking.

And how about some "Enemy Mine" action, too?  There was a hint of it with Brody and Classic towards the end of the movie.



I just hope he picks a better director! And I would rather not see Predator versus Predator action. It didn't work well on Predators! Reminded me of that Power rangers! Alot of wobbly rubber flying all over the place! MEH!!!  >:(


I think any Predator sequel that comes out now will get butchered by fans...period. Predators was a great Predator movie.  Best movie ever? Of course not. Better than the original? Nope. Competent sequel? Definitely.  Should they make more? f**k YES!!!


frankaster - wat the f**king f**k, if they make a sequel as bland and retarded as that, i'll f**king kill myself.. hundreds of predators in a civil war, killing one another, with marines(from the alien franchise) on another planet? theres like 10 reasons why that wud be a piss pile of shit, number 1 being that predators work in small doses, thats why theyr scary, having a shit tonne wud completely ruin the f**king thing that makes them a good franchise monster. if your one of the people that keeps asking for an AVP in space and talked shit about predators so help me f**king god...



This is good news. Predators was good. Ide still would like to see a "good" avp. So much potential there that their not using


I can't f***ing believe I have to wait until 19th of August. Envies for you guys.
Hungary sucks!!!
By the time it gets into cinemas here with f***ing synchrone ruining the atmospere, you will have it on Blue-ray.  >:(



Well as I agree with deGRESSOR that Pred 1 and 2 are the only Predator movies that I like... I don't hate or dislike the new Predators movie I loved it and It's great to have that movie show better respect to the Franchise than the stupid AVP and AVPR films. But i don't think they need to push for more or you will just drain the life from it.



I want to see Grey Back the Elder PREDATOR clan chief from PREDATOR2 one-on-one duel with the BLACK BAD BLOOD PREDATOR elder clan chief or the big SUPER MAN Elde from shitty AVP clan ,with his cool short sword in this one.



If they do I hope they use the surviving characters now that they've put in the ground work - that and bring back Hanzo, his death wasn't explicit!



i thaut the movie was awsum, the only thing i would change would be the original predator to have the classic roar again, and the sound effects from the predator vision. im well up for a sequel, wonder if theyl continue with these characters or go in a diffrent direction, jus hope rodriguez doesnt go down his usual 'rediculous' paths.


BRING ON THE SEQUEL, I LOVED IT!!  I would love to see more of these bad bloods fighting the originals in the next one.  that would be freaking amazing!!  oh, unit-731, i have to agree with your comparison of AVP to St. Anger.  terrible, but i still liked it.  what can i say, i am a fanatic

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