Interview With Predator Actor

Started by Darkness, May 02, 2004, 08:12:53 PM

Interview With Predator Actor (Read 4,956 times)



There was an interview posted on the Forums yesterday in which someone “interviewed” Ian Whyte – the actor who played the Predator in the Alien vs Predator movie. Anyway, I didn’t think this was a credible source so I did a bit of digging and found a similar interview with the former basketball player at IC which was published at the beginning of April. Here’s a paragraph:

“I’ve played some key roles on the basketball court over the years but nothing came close to playing the Predator. It was the most exhausting and exhilarating period of my life.”

There’s no new information in the interview but it’s an interesting read.

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AWESOME!!    ;D      ;D      ;D    btw, this is the first time I got the first post W00T    8)    But yeah, this interview is AWWWEEESSOMMMEE!!!



Its realy good to know that paul anderson is only looking for the best to play the best, I really am lloking foreward to this movie, it is great that the aliens and predators are being taken so seriously.



Wow finally I get to know who is playing the Predator. I was wondering who was playing the leading role as the coolest hunter in the universe.    ;D  



It doesn't fit into this section, but now that I'm here :). I don't know if this is obvious and everyone know already, but the so called "new" Predator mask isn'T new at all. I watched Predator2 again and one of the Preds in the ending (the spaceship scene) is wearing that mask. You only see him 1 or 2 seconds, so maybe most of you didn'



True, the mask is based on the one in predator 2 however there are significant diffrences, the AVP mask is more skull like.



i dont think the skull pred is the main pred i think the one holding the chestbuster is the main pred. i wonder if Kevin Peter Hall will play the Elder Pred bc he was the 2 original preds for the the pred movies



Sorry Spazman, but Kevin Peter Hall died from aids (i think) awhile back.



are you serious  damn that sucks he was like one of the greatest actors of all time and u never even saw his actual face. Man that sucks.  Heres to you Kevin Peter Hall



Just for one second think about this just imagine a chestbuster poping out of a pred. seeing that green blood all over the place.



To Spazman if you have the movie Predator 1 at the end of the movie with the helicpoter scene the man flying it is Kevin Peter Hall himself.  I guess they wanted to use him a little scene in the movie so they know its him. Yeah Kevin Peter Hall was the best of the best and if he was still alive I'll bet any money he would play the Predator again.



To all Predator fans out there: Predator and Predator 2 was all about Kevin Peter Hall. I don`t give a tiny rats ass about Arnie...(okay, he is kind of great I guess) but in the Predator films Kevin rules. Take a moment and study all the scenes Kevin are in and look at the way he moves. The way he moves his hands when he use the device on his wrist. The way he turns around before the final fight with Arnie. He WAS the Predator. To those who don`t know: He died of AIDS related illness after a bad bloodtransfusion at a hospital. And...He was the one who was the bigfoot in "Harry and the Hendersons", both the movie and in the TV series. It was during the TV serie he got ill and sadly died. And if he was alive...oh yes... he would be in this one too.

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