Silent Hill

Started by Mystic Lemons, Dec 10, 2006, 02:28:04 PM

Silent Hill (Read 93,221 times)



They clearly want to, and it may benefit the most, but marketing may not let them right away.



Well, we know from leakers that there's another Silent Hill game in the works that hasn't been announced yet (so not 'Silent Hill f' or Silent Hill: Townfall').

If I were a betting man, it's either going to be 'Silent Hill remake' (as they'd have to do that before a remake of 3, but if so it won't be Bloober sadly) OR (and it kind of hope this is the case)a Silent Hill classic collection similar to what Konami did with Metal Gear Solid; I think they've learned their lesson from the terrible HD remasters; I'd love a 'Vol 1' that features the original 4 Team Silent games in their PS1/PS2 format to play on modern consoles.

As for Bloober, whilst I'd love to see them do them all, I'm sure they made a comment that they chose Silent Hill 2 as it aligns more with their style and that they didn't care for the 'cult' aspect (so they may not be keen to do Silent Hill 1 and 3 themselves) - but I think Silent Hill 4 would be more "them". :-)

Also, Bloobers new game was just announced for next year (new ip) with a cinematic trailer and snipped of gameplay; 'Cronos: The New Dawn' is a third person survival horror with a cassette futurism style set between a post apocalyptic Eastern European future, whilst travelling back to 1980s Poland to try prevent the calamity; if 'The Medium' was their audition for Silent Hill, then this kind of looks like an audition for Dead Space (but I can see the silent hill influence with the future being the sort of brutal 'otherworld' carnage, and the past being more relaxed) it'll be a day one purchase from me, I love their games :-)



I wouldn't be against a remake of 1 and 3 but I am absolutely ready for a SH4 remake. Love that game- it's very underrated within the fandom but I also can't deny that the gameplay and story would benefit with the Bloober touch.



Quote from: PredBabe on Oct 18, 2024, 04:58:30 PMI wouldn't be against a remake of 1 and 3 but I am absolutely ready for a SH4 remake. Love that game- it's very underrated within the fandom but I also can't deny that the gameplay and story would benefit with the Bloober touch.

Oh definitely! Silent Hill 4 is my second fave after SH2! I think the first person sequences in the apartment would really benefit from Unreal 5 engine (lean into the P.T. style from Kojima's cancelled 'Silent Hills' demo) whilst the rest of the game given a new lick of paint as per the SH2 remake. Loved the soundtrack on that one too (used to be my background music on my MySpace profile back in the day haha 🤣)



I want them to do SH3, aside from that I do not really care.



I'm convinced they would have to remake one before remaking three, just for the connective tissue.



Yeah, I'd imagine they would remake the first game before SH3. Kind of a bummer- obviously the first game is good but the sequels were even better- IMO.

I replayed SH3 earlier this year and it was such an fun experience to revisit that game. The last time I think I played it, I was probably just beginning high school. The graphics really did hold up well after all this time. Heather is still my favorite character from the series. I'll forever have a soft spot for SH3 and 4  as they were the first two games I played in the series.

Oasis Nadrama

Oasis Nadrama

I'd like them to get audacious with new Silent Hill games. Make stories where the Otherworld looks like a jungle, a beehive, an Apple Store, make things different please.



Quote from: Oasis Nadrama on Nov 16, 2024, 03:27:49 PMI'd like them to get audacious with new Silent Hill games. Make stories where the Otherworld looks like a jungle, a beehive, an Apple Store, make things different please.

There's evidence we may be getting this with 'Silent Hill f' - whereas most other games in the series feature monsters born from the protagonists psyche but have that same, rusted metal hell; the trailer for Silent Hill f looks like the otherworld will be a sort of engulfed in red weed playing into the flowers theme :-)



I finally completed my first play-through of the Silent Hill 2 remake the other night and OMG. I fuggin love this game and enjoyed it more than the original.

The tension I felt while playing this game was non-stop from the hospital area on through to the end. I ended up with the "good" ending which I'm glad because I really didn't look into any requirements for the endings. I'll eventually play through it again for the other endings but, for now, I need to calm my nerves.

Bloober really did an incredible job with this one and deserve all the praise they receive.     



I don't think it's as artistically interesting as the original, nor do I like most of the actors as much, but otherwise I largely agree and Luke Roberts absolutely blew me away.



Yeah, Luke Roberts did a phenomenal job as James. He did his research and delivered where the original game couldn't for its time.

The performances in this game really sold the story for me though and I loved the added details presented in the remake. They included things that offered more insight but still left you with just as much to ponder. It was everything the remake needed to be.

I also really loved Angela in this game and the way they constructed the Abstract Daddy boss fight. Absolutely unsettling and tragic. It's probably one of the best boss fights I've personally played.

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