Dragon Ball Budokai Tenkachi 4

Started by DarthJoker45, Mar 06, 2023, 12:02:00 AM

Dragon Ball Budokai Tenkachi 4 (Read 4,257 times)



Quote from: The Shuriken on Sep 22, 2024, 12:25:42 AMAs much as I do like Moro, I enjoyed that arc despite not really being a fan of anything Dragon Ball since BOG, except for the Broly movie. I think I would rather have Hatchiyak, with his giant, and power up forms. Hatchiyak is f**king badass.

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I would love to see him and Baby have a what if story where they fuse together like DB Heroes. The only problem is that a character majorly influenced by him in design and general characterization is already in the game. This guy...

The Shuriken

I honestly don't see any of Hatchiyak in Aniraza. I doubt that would be a reason to keep him out.



Quote from: The Shuriken on Sep 22, 2024, 02:59:03 AMI honestly don't see any of Hatchiyak in Aniraza. I doubt that would be a reason to keep him out.

Yeah, that is a good point. If anything, most of the things in Aniraza's character and abilities are nods more than anything else. Like I said, the potential that you can utilize with just him and Baby would be awesome. Heck, imagine if they did a story where he somehow met Aniraza.

They actually put a DB Evolution quote in the game.  :laugh:

What makes it funny is that James Marsters is the English voice of Zamasu, and he played Kng Piccolo in that film abomination.



Quote from: DarthJoker45 on Sep 19, 2024, 09:16:39 PMI can't wait to play as this guy, Tapion, Aniliza, and Orange Piccolo.


Let me add Toppo in there as well.


These story what-ifs are going to be so lit!



This retrospective for all of the PS2 DBZ games is a great way to refresh people before the release of this new game. Thanks to Geekdom101 for his contributions in online research to the DB community.


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