The Alien Minute Podcast - Dissecting Alien One Minute At a Time

Started by Corporal Hicks, Jun 10, 2016, 12:07:25 PM

The Alien Minute Podcast - Dissecting Alien One Minute At a Time (Read 29,833 times)


I finally listened. Wow they really tore into covenant! But they did make some good points! :-)

I'm really looking forward to Aliens minute, which should kick off this Sunday/Monday! Man, I feel like I've been waiting for ages! lol


Finally! It's back! Good first episode too! :-)

Corporal Hicks

I've been looking forward to this! Gotta finish re-listening to River of Pain and then I'll listen.  :)


I still have so much to go but im loving it.

Im on min 53 and have listened to the Covenant episode.


These aliens minute podcast are awesome! They go into great depth about the scenes from the movie. I have seen the movie over a 100 times and they pointed out some things in the film that I never noticed. Very cool check it out guys. ;D


I've missed John & Mitch together on this season's pod but the guests and guest hosts have been fantastic too.


Just saw on the alien minute Facebook page that someone will be doing a predator minute podcast.

Corporal Hicks

Excellent! Doesn't look like there's any link or anything yet, though.


Not yet. Still pretty early I think. Sounds like it'll be hosted by crystal beth.


Anyone listening to the AMP's latest one off podcast dissecting Alien3?

Corporal Hicks


Quote from: Corporal Hicks on Apr 24, 2019, 02:52:32 PM
Have they posted it?

Yep as of Tuesday. Part II just went up yesterday.

Corporal Hicks

Thanks. I've started listening to on the drive today.

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