AvP Featurette 4 On Apple.com

Started by Darkness, Jul 17, 2004, 11:38:48 PM

AvP Featurette 4 On Apple.com (Read 11,275 times)



The previous featurette, AvP: A New World Vision, is now available on Apple.com in three sizes and a higher quality version which is worth downloading.


Stream: Small, Medium, Large
Download: Large (19.3MB) (Right click and save target as)

By the way, all AvPGalaxy’s files have been moved over to PlanetAvP yesterday so later this evening, I will put a redirection on this page.

Link To Post



  ;D  Even more, we're getting spoiled here    :)  



That's weird, the download isn't working

Maurice "HopeOfTheFuture" Huijs

Maurice "HopeOfTheFuture" Huijs

LOL, I just putup the direct links in the other comment page, and 2 hours later, an article has been made.  Cool spot!    ;D  



Ah, there we go, now it's working.  That was strange.     8)    Not a whole lot to this featurette though.  They don't really explain anything interesting like they've done in the past featurettes.  They show even less.  I'm hoping for one on the special effects in August, though.     :)  



If i watch anymore of these featurettes or trailers its gonna spoil the whole film for me because of watching them over and over again on this so im just gonna stop with the whole thing.PEACE



  ;D   I'm just loving this pyramid, an entire structure that keeps transforming itself, creating new path ways and suprises for the adventurers, not knowing at all what hidden horrors are lurking the other side.  The Aliens are looking right grimmy, which is good, a sense of grim, ( although like afew of us I would have like to have seen the design of the Aliens manifest even still).   All in all a good teaser ( its good not to show to much, keep everything a surprise!)      8)  



I've been sort of negative about this whole AvP idea, but I have to admit this last featurette made it look like it might be good after all. I like the idea of a sort of funhouse-type pyramid that has trap doors, walls, etc... I still don't like the idea of the Preds not being total bad guys, but...I'll have to see how it works out. This has me back to being sort of positive about this.



You have a point.Preds should be bad guys.   :)  



i agree with MechanizuM Enter Text even though all of these articles and trailers n stuff are giving away heaps i just cant not look! im way too exited! i live in australia and it doesnt come out here till sept 16th     ???   i wanna see it so bad!



dont worry avp fans     i only have to wait 26 more days and ill tell you how it was



After this movie I insist we keep pushing the studio for the next and last Alien film before they get to a point where it is to late ...  ... BRING FOURTH THE TERROR ...  ... BRING BACK THE BITCH ...  ... BRING ON NUMBER 5 ...  ... you know what am talking about peps ...   ... A          L          I          E          N          5     ;D  

Shadow of FUS

Shadow of FUS

QuoteI've been sort of negative about this whole AvP idea, but I have to admit this last featurette made it look like it might be good after all. I like the idea of a sort of funhouse-type pyramid that has trap doors, walls, etc... I still don't like the idea of the Preds not being total bad guys, but...I'll have to see how it works out. This has me back to being sort of positive about this.
Jonesy, how can you call yourself a fan if you think the movie will suck and will bomb after all the featurettes and trailers?! Your no fan.Your a goddamn critict.

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