User Made Multiplayer Gameplay Videos

Started by WeaN, Feb 09, 2013, 08:18:56 AM

User Made Multiplayer Gameplay Videos (Read 39,279 times)


Quote from: Porkus Maximus on Feb 13, 2013, 03:02:14 AM
QuoteJust look at this... Escape on PC.. why anybody would prefer TDM over this is beyond me

Escape suffers from some of the same issues that the first L4D had... the marines can just sprint from objective to objective.  There are a handful of locations where a well co-ordinated team effort can put all the marines down at once but there are too many areas where attacking as an Alien is futile. An important mechanic in l4d is the ability to grab or pounce on a survivor requiring the assistance of a team mate to save them, a well co-ordinated attack can neutralise 3 players simultaneously (all 4 in the 2nd game!).  This kind of thing really can't happen in A:CM unless you all player the lurker and you  need to be in an area that facilitates the pounce mechanic.

At least with left 4 dead there are multiple mechanics in place to slow players down. AI infected/randomly triggered hordes. Randomised car alarms and witches, mini-events that last several minutes. Not to mention the various ways the player controlled infected can influence player movement. In A:CM it's like "RUN A BYPASS ON THIS DOOR AND HOLD THE AREA! > 45 secs later > DOOR IS OPEN, MOVE TO THE NEXT OBJECTIVE.  If the Aliens miss that 45 second window they're screwed and have to wait for the second one.
I am not denying that but still its 10 times better than a mode where you run around like headless chicken shooting everything that moves  ;)

Porkus Maximus

Porkus Maximus

QuoteSomeone started bitching about the one-hit-kills in the PC game I was in.

Funny, because unlike AVP2010 you are NOT invulnerable while doing them and another marine can kill you before you finish.  Also in the time it takes to execute an insta-kill you could have just clawed a marine to death anyway.

QuoteI am not denying that but still its 10 times better than a mode where you run around like headless chicken shooting everything that moves

It's like trying to decide if you'd prefer a kick in the teeth or a kick in the bollocks.  The gameplay in TDM and evac is fundamentally the same, you're still "shoot everything that moves" the only difference is you are moving from A to B instead of just finding 1 place to camp for the match.

The gameplay in evac etc. COULD be good if it received some polish but it's pretty clear to me that wont happen. Gearbox will shit out their DLC packs (probably faster than they anticipated) then the game will be left to rot and multiplayer will go the same way of AVP2010.


Been playing the game all day.. and personally i love it! its not the best game in the world but it definitely isn't the worst, started playing MP and recording it for my channel, stop by and check it out :)


The mp is like nothing I've played. The tracker itself makes it a very immersive, Aliens-like experience, and Survivor mode has a lot of surprises in the levels. You can lock down entire buildings, weld doors, close shutters, etc... and set turrets in certain spots to really barricade yourself. Then you have claymores, proximity mines, motion detectors, and if you run around doing the objectives, you get more points and can end up winning even if the other team "survives" longer. It's not as dynamic as it should be, but it's much closer to giving me that feeling we're all looking for than any Aliens game has come.

Prime, Vakarian, and I had this poor Alien team completely neutered. XD But you can turn around almost any game with good Alien teamwork and coordination. We all proved it on Escape, where I have only seen Alien teams die and die and die. Typical, no teamwork, running right at the player, and little knowledge of how to use the Alien.

This doesn't even cover the many different attacks and abilities you can unlock for each Alien and the strategies/teamwork they create, or the weapons and gadgets you get as a marine. Throw in the customization options for fun and you've got quite an addictive little game. I just put some playing cards and grinning teeth on my helmet. ;)

It definitely needs some balancing, but it's there for me, at least.

Porkus Maximus

QuoteThe mp is like nothing I've played.

Natural Selection or Left 4 Dead would be the biggest inspirations for A:CMs multiplayer. They were released in 2002 and 2008 respectively, unfortunately A:CM gameplay is a step backwards in almost every regard, which is a shame because A:CM with proper l4d mechanics would be amazing.


Quote from: RagingDragon on Feb 14, 2013, 01:29:31 AM
The mp is like nothing I've played. The tracker itself makes it a very immersive, Aliens-like experience, and Survivor mode has a lot of surprises in the levels. You can lock down entire buildings, weld doors, close shutters, etc... and set turrets in certain spots to really barricade yourself. Then you have claymores, proximity mines, motion detectors, and if you run around doing the objectives, you get more points and can end up winning even if the other team "survives" longer. It's not as dynamic as it should be, but it's much closer to giving me that feeling we're all looking for than any Aliens game has come.

Prime, Vakarian, and I had this poor Alien team completely neutered. XD But you can turn around almost any game with good Alien teamwork and coordination. We all proved it on Escape, where I have only seen Alien teams die and die and die. Typical, no teamwork, running right at the player, and little knowledge of how to use the Alien.

This doesn't even cover the many different attacks and abilities you can unlock for each Alien and the strategies/teamwork they create, or the weapons and gadgets you get as a marine. Throw in the customization options for fun and you've got quite an addictive little game. I just put some playing cards and grinning teeth on my helmet. ;)

It definitely needs some balancing, but it's there for me, at least.

i agree with you 100%. it makes a change from playing COD or battlefield and is just as much if not more fun. id even buy this game solely for the MP and then you have the added bonus of a single player campaign


Quote from: Porkus Maximus on Feb 14, 2013, 03:11:23 AM
QuoteThe mp is like nothing I've played.

Natural Selection or Left 4 Dead would be the biggest inspirations for A:CMs multiplayer. They were released in 2002 and 2008 respectively, unfortunately A:CM gameplay is a step backwards in almost every regard, which is a shame because A:CM with proper l4d mechanics would be amazing.

Natural Selection 2 needs a lot more love.  :'(


Quote from: OpenMaw on Feb 14, 2013, 09:17:55 AM
Quote from: Porkus Maximus on Feb 14, 2013, 03:11:23 AM
QuoteThe mp is like nothing I've played.

Natural Selection or Left 4 Dead would be the biggest inspirations for A:CMs multiplayer. They were released in 2002 and 2008 respectively, unfortunately A:CM gameplay is a step backwards in almost every regard, which is a shame because A:CM with proper l4d mechanics would be amazing.

Natural Selection 2 needs a lot more love.  :'(

S'truth. NS is the Aliens game we should have got, in many respects.


Quote from: OpenMaw on Feb 14, 2013, 09:17:55 AM
Quote from: Porkus Maximus on Feb 14, 2013, 03:11:23 AM
QuoteThe mp is like nothing I've played.

Natural Selection or Left 4 Dead would be the biggest inspirations for A:CMs multiplayer. They were released in 2002 and 2008 respectively, unfortunately A:CM gameplay is a step backwards in almost every regard, which is a shame because A:CM with proper l4d mechanics would be amazing.

Natural Selection 2 needs a lot more love.  :'(
Apparently, from what I've heard while the game is fun it optimized poorly which causes some problems for computers that should be able to handle it.



Quote from: GrimyGhost on Feb 13, 2013, 03:25:36 PM
Been playing the game all day.. and personally i love it! its not the best game in the world but it definitely isn't the worst, started playing MP and recording it for my channel, stop by and check it out :)

psn shakermakeruk    ;)



Quote from: RagingDragon on Feb 14, 2013, 01:29:31 AM
The mp is like nothing I've played. The tracker itself makes it a very immersive, Aliens-like experience, and Survivor mode has a lot of surprises in the levels. You can lock down entire buildings, weld doors, close shutters, etc... and set turrets in certain spots to really barricade yourself. Then you have claymores, proximity mines, motion detectors, and if you run around doing the objectives, you get more points and can end up winning even if the other team "survives" longer. It's not as dynamic as it should be, but it's much closer to giving me that feeling we're all looking for than any Aliens game has come.

Prime, Vakarian, and I had this poor Alien team completely neutered. XD But you can turn around almost any game with good Alien teamwork and coordination. We all proved it on Escape, where I have only seen Alien teams die and die and die. Typical, no teamwork, running right at the player, and little knowledge of how to use the Alien.

This doesn't even cover the many different attacks and abilities you can unlock for each Alien and the strategies/teamwork they create, or the weapons and gadgets you get as a marine. Throw in the customization options for fun and you've got quite an addictive little game. I just put some playing cards and grinning teeth on my helmet. ;)

It definitely needs some balancing, but it's there for me, at least.
I totally agree. Evac and Survivor carry more weight than the entire SP campaign. 

Quote from: RagingDragon on Feb 11, 2013, 07:40:25 PM
Dude, the Alien seriously has a spin-attack? Just watching the Extermination mode video. Spin attack right there. ::)

Spin attack. For Christs sake, how can people be complaining so much and nothing on that? Might be the single most irritating thing I've seen yet.
I don't have a problem with this particular xeno ability, it doesn't look ridiculous when you see it in action imo. Personally the things that bother the most besides the obvious ones like: glitches, no dedicated severs, balance issues; are the Boiler and Crusher. Not to mention those distasteful xeno-head customization options.  :-[ 


When the Alien hits Parker with its tail it could have been a spin attack if that makes you feel any better. :)

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