Alien Isolation's Al Hope Talks Alien In Commentary Track

Started by Darkness, Jun 21, 2014, 07:22:40 AM

Alien Isolation's Al Hope Talks Alien In Commentary Track (Read 4,216 times)


Al Hope Creative Assembly Alien Isolation's Al Hope Talks Alien In Commentary TrackIf you’ve got a couple of hours to kill, GamesBeat have uploaded a commentary track for the Alien theatrical cut with their editor Dan Hsu and the creative director on Alien Isolation, Al Hope. He talks about Ridley Scott’s iconic movie and how Creative Assembly will be integrating it into the upcoming game. There’s a few new tidbits of information in there but nothing too spoilerific. You can download or listen to it below – I recommend sticking it on your MP3 player if you’ve got some free time.

Download: MP3 (106MB)

Thanks to Mike for the news.

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Can someone listen and I'll copy your homework?

Corporal Hicks

I'm listening to it now. Its nice to hear a commentary with a new voice. Not expecting any Isolation spoilers though.

Makes me fancy cracking out our staff commenary fro  Aliens and seeing how that sounds.


I'd enjoy listening to that


Fun commentary but they talked more about the movie than they did the game.

Corporal Hicks

They wont reveal too much about the game - it's why I didn't really expect any spoilers.


damn i have to watch the movie while listening to this ...again


Was it worth listening to? Not sure if I can cope with Al saying things like "lo-fi sci-fi", "1970s feel", "only things which we they could make on set", "make the game we wanted to play" anymore. But if he's got some interesting things to say then I'm game.

Was it worth listening to? Not sure if I can cope with Al saying things like "lo-fi sci-fi", "1970s feel", "only things which we they could make on set", "make the game we wanted to play" anymore. But if he's got some interesting things to say then I'm game.

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