Fred Dekker On The Predator Fan Reception and The Predator Killer Ending

Started by Corporal Hicks, Jan 05, 2019, 06:37:28 PM

Fred Dekker On The Predator Fan Reception and The Predator Killer Ending (Read 47,099 times)


Quote from: King geedorah on Jan 07, 2019, 02:38:49 AM
"blah blah toxic comments somewhere in the void" so what? no one here is calling to assault him or using nasty words on him.

im firmly in the camp of "the predator was trash from the script to the finished product and should have never been made" am i toxic? :D

Not sure. We'll need to consult the book.

Let's see now,

...teen jokes, tortellini, torture, toxic...ah, see failure. Well, that's odd.

Flip flip

Failure: A lack of success. If failure occurs, see excuse.

flip flip flip

Excuse: An attempt to lessen the blame attaching to (a fault or offense); often by placing it on others. Some generalization may be required.

Well, I don't really see anything about toxicity, per se, but I think Fred might be making excuses.


Quote from: Huggs on Jan 07, 2019, 02:51:39 AM
Quote from: King geedorah on Jan 07, 2019, 02:38:49 AM
"blah blah toxic comments somewhere in the void" so what? no one here is calling to assault him or using nasty words on him.

im firmly in the camp of "the predator was trash from the script to the finished product and should have never been made" am i toxic? :D

Not sure. We'll need to consult the book.

Let's see now,

...teen jokes, tortellini, torture, toxic...ah, see failure. Well, that's odd.

Flip flip

Failure: A lack of success. If failure occurs, see excuse.

flip flip flip

Excuse: An attempt to lessen the blame attaching to (a fault or offense); , often by placing it on others. Some generalization may be required.

Well, I don't really see anything about toxicity, per se, but I think Fred might be making excuses.

So instead of continuing to be offended over Fred's comment, like everyone else, you're now being humorous. Good on ya. (Seriously)  :D


Quote from: King geedorah on Jan 07, 2019, 02:38:49 AM
"blah blah toxic comments somewhere in the void" so what? no one here is calling to assault him or using nasty words on him.

im firmly in the camp of "the predator was trash from the script to the finished product and should have never been made" am i toxic? :D

If you're tweeting that stuff at the guy repeatedly, then yes.


This coming from the guy who co-wrote and directed Robocop 3. You know that great misunderstood Sci-fi masterpiece. I guess the reason that one flopped was Toxic fans as well.


Quote from: SM on Jan 07, 2019, 02:54:36 AM
Quote from: King geedorah on Jan 07, 2019, 02:38:49 AM
"blah blah toxic comments somewhere in the void" so what? no one here is calling to assault him or using nasty words on him.

im firmly in the camp of "the predator was trash from the script to the finished product and should have never been made" am i toxic? :D

If you're tweeting that stuff at the guy repeatedly, then yes.

Harassment definitely counts. But I'd wager that only comprises an infinitesimal portion of the fanbase.


"Oh my god. Why is Fred Dekker mad at me for saying he should go f himself for making a piece of sh*t movie? It's just criticism. I'm the fan, we should always be able to say whatever we want!!!!"

The Old One

The Old One

Quote from: matthewjn on Jan 07, 2019, 02:53:41 AM

So instead of continuing to be offended over Fred's comment, like everyone else, you're now being humorous. Good on ya. (Seriously)  :D

Incorrect assumption.


Quote from: The Old One on Jan 07, 2019, 03:16:12 AM
Quote from: matthewjn on Jan 07, 2019, 02:53:41 AM

So instead of continuing to be offended over Fred's comment, like everyone else, you're now being humorous. Good on ya. (Seriously)  :D

Incorrect assumption.

Incorrect assumption: People thinking Fred was referring to all the fans who criticized the movie and not the TOXIC FANS like he stated.



I wonder what the Toxic Avenger thinks about The Predator?

The Old One

The Old One

 :D :laugh: :D



Quote from: matthewjn on Jan 07, 2019, 02:26:42 AM
Quote from: Highland on Jan 07, 2019, 02:20:22 AM
Quote from: matthewjn on Jan 07, 2019, 02:07:49 AM
Quote from: Highland on Jan 07, 2019, 01:56:33 AM
Quote from: Samhain13 on Jan 07, 2019, 01:46:54 AM
The loud minority.

Like where's that stuff though. More like a bunch of folk said your movie sucks. Which it does.

Is that the new thing to do, pretend to not know where toxic comments are? lol :D

Usually these things are down to like two nut jobs. Then for some reason it's "toxic fandom". Stuffs getting old already, it's ok to get offended. Especially when you're in charge of a multi million dollar project and you screwed it up.

Oh, so two people are responsible for all the toxic comments on various sites? Yeah, no.

You're right, it is getting old. People pretending that there aren't any/many toxic comments, that is.

Ok.. can I see some somewhere?

15 minutes flicking through Twitter, Ive found a bunch of positive comments and one "Fred Dekker you suck".

Assuming then it's you tube or this site?

Edit: So the original comment seems to come from his facebook page which I've just spent another 10 minutes flicking through. As a guess it's 80-90% positive comments from fans of the man, the 10% bad I can't find anything that's worse than "this movie sucked" or maybe at worst a harsher comment like "train wreck". 

So I'm assuming he's deleting these "toxic" comments or he's referring to maybe Youtube comments - which would be quite silly since Youtube is ran by 12 year olds.


No point even trying to define what makes a movie good on a forum like this. It's a trap! As for fans complaining about good movies, it's easier to tear something down afterward than to create in the first place. And movies lend themselves to nitpicking. So, whatevah.  8)


Star Wars is terrible when it comes to toxic fans, I don't really see too many on Predator though, I may dislike a film if not hate it sometimes but I don't think it's a good thing if people threaten the cast and crew or each other for opinions on a film. It's a cruel world though, people get bashed for having different viewpoints all the time these days.

Original Predator

Sorry but a Pred movie without tense moments, even "scary" is tone deaf.  You spend all this time and detail on a CREATURE, yet you use him as an action hero. 

Real fans aren't saying it's NOT hard to make a movie, get it to the screen.  Real fans know it's hard to make a movie and the opportunities don't come around too often and don't want the opportunity wasted as it's been for 4 movies now!!!!

Don't brow beat us by saying "it's hard and there's no respect for the process" when the studio puts out 4 POS's.  At some point your gonna have an issue.  As well at some point your "married to the old formula-so-it-should-be-different" high-horse has to come into question. 

Hicks your whole "elements I liked, elements I didn't like" is part the of the problem.  Like an "element" aka 10 mins of a MOVIE doesn't prove "versatile". 

You want "versatile" "elements" you like, go read a comic or play a video game.  This pompus attitude has ruined the franchise and has kept fans at bay from an overall GOOD MOVIE in it's entirety for 4 films now!

Don't you know how hard it is to get these films made!!!

Oh wait. 

Voodoo Magic

Quote from: Predwars24 on Jan 07, 2019, 03:31:48 PM
Star Wars is terrible when it comes to toxic fans, I don't really see too many on Predator though, I may dislike a film if not hate it sometimes but I don't think it's a good thing if people threaten the cast and crew or each other for opinions on a film. It's a cruel world though, people get bashed for having different viewpoints all the time these days.

So true, unfortunately.

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