Im not quite understanding why Ridley decided to add a more religious influence to the universe
I mean, At what point was it being shoved in our faces in the original films prior to Prometheus? I mean, the idea of Jesus being an engineer is a little far-fetched, but I understand he wants to tell an origin story and fulfill everyone's burning desires. I personally don't see it working as well as he hopes.
We wanted an alien origin story and how the engineers crashed on LV-426, NOT a dragged out evolution-based hype train and a planet designated 223, HALF the numbers of 426 (Uhoh! bible reference!) and "nods" to his work back in '79 as an excuse to flesh out a mishandled design (Engineer chair had RIBS! a natural fossilized HUGE corpse in the chair!) and make it out as something entirely different.
I guess I'm still seething over the fact that he MADE Alien 5 get put on hold, but had prometheus been a little less forceful on the religious aspect and pointless execution of storyline, I might of enjoyed it. I'll give Covenant a watch when it comes out, but in reality im expecting another pointless, dragged out notion of unanswered questions that we'll partly get the answer to 5 sequels down the line.