20th Century Fox Teases Alien: Covenant Patch!

Started by Corporal Hicks, Apr 27, 2016, 12:04:15 AM

20th Century Fox Teases Alien: Covenant Patch! (Read 33,232 times)

Corporal Hicks

20th Century Fox teases Alien: Covenant patch! Rounding out the Alien Day celebrations, 20th Century Fox has teased fans with a small look at Alien: Covenant. Via their various social media outlets, 20th Century Fox are showing off the ship patch of the Covenant!

20th Century Fox teases Alien: Covenant Patch

20th Century Fox teases Alien: Covenant Patch

The patch shows some very obvious connections to James Cameron’s Aliens, utilizing the sequel’s catchline “Building Better Worlds” and the spelling Weyland-Yutani, indicating that the company merger has occurred by the time Alien: Covenant takes place. It also shows off some Alien design influence with the wings, a motif that was present in Sir Ridley Scott’s Alien as the original Weylan-Yutani logo included Egyptian styled wings.

Michael Fassbender was pictured earlier this month sporting a Covenant cap, also featuring stylized wings. Though whether that is a prop from the film or just a cast and crew hat is not yet known.


Thanks to FiorinaFury161 and MattFiler for the news.

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Hmm remittance from the symbols evoked in Alien/Aliens and Prometheus


I really am hoping for some corporate intrigue regarding the merger of Weyland and Yutani.  There is a tacit implication here that it may not be forthcoming, but I hope I am reading too much into it.

Corporal Hicks

Where are you getting that impression?


I like it, although I was hoping fox would release a piece of concept art.


Quote from: Corporal Hicks on Apr 27, 2016, 12:37:50 AM
Where are you getting that impression?

Well, as you say, it is just an impression, but if we find ourselves in the film arriving at the planet as the main action and the characters are already part of Weyland-Yutani, there is a good chance that the merger will be only a thing of the past.  It may be mentioned that it happened, sort of like when W-Y was bought out by Wal-Mart in Alien: Resurrection.  All pure speculation, but it certainly doesn't look like we'll see two forces like Weyland and Yutani coming on separate ships to the planet in order to fight and then subsequently merge.  The Covenant is a W-Y ship that arrives there a la the patch, and its possible that the whole Yutani merger angle will be insignificant.  I hope I'm wrong.


Yea there is a story there, that at least 10 minutes should be dedicated too. A quick explanation the merger.



Oh...  that's REALLY interesting.  We know that Scott loves his mythological and literary references.  This is obviously symbolic in a Biblical sense. 

That patch design is straight off the Ark of the Covenant.  No coincidence there.

I guess Scott feels that the merger between the 2 organisations is petty compared to what this implies in terms of the story he wants to tell.



Quote from: windebieste on Apr 27, 2016, 05:55:27 AM
Oh...  that's REALLY interesting.  We know that Scott loves his mythological and literary references.  This is obviously symbolic in a Biblical sense. 


That patch design is straight off the Ark of the Covenant.  No coincidence there.

I guess Scott feels that the merger between the 2 organisations is petty compared to what this implies in terms of the story he wants to tell.

Nice catch! Here's hoping they dont introduce the ten commandments to the story.


Quote from: windebieste on Apr 27, 2016, 05:55:27 AM
Oh...  that's REALLY interesting.  We know that Scott loves his mythological and literary references.  This is obviously symbolic in a Biblical sense. 


That patch design is straight off the Ark of the Covenant.  No coincidence there.

I guess Scott feels that the merger between the 2 organisations is petty compared to what this implies in terms of the story he wants to tell.


Oh wow!  Nice find Windebieste!

There is also the big possibility that the other prequels planned are not going to go in natural sequence, but will in fact deal with matters in between Prometheus and Covenant.  We may see the other prequels dealing with the deacon, or perhaps with Weyland's resurrection, or even with Vickers' resurrection, or perhaps the merger.  I just hope the merger isn't handled non-chalantly.  The Weyland mythos have been explored extensively now, but we have no idea who Yutani is.  That lady at the end of AVP:R may not count.

Corporal Hicks

Quote from: windebieste on Apr 27, 2016, 05:55:27 AM

That patch design is straight off the Ark of the Covenant.  No coincidence there.

Very nice catch and very overt when you know about it. I wonder what that could imply for the story. I'll have to read up on that a little more later.


If it's now Weyland-Yutani, I wonder if we'll get any deets on the merger in the film.


I like the Egyptian theme calling back to Alien.

Corporal Hicks

I imagine it'd be an off-handed remark if anything. I'm not sure there's really story to be had in it - unless it involved Yutani having some prior knowledge or involvement of the Engineers or Aliens and that might come off as contrived.


It'd be fun if the merger was recent or still going through and Riddles threw in a scene related to that, to follow up on Weyland Corp.'s fate post-Prometheus. Set at the offices while stuff's still going through or something.

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