Samhain13's Hunting Grounds Videos

Started by Samhain13, Oct 08, 2020, 12:31:01 PM

Samhain13's Hunting Grounds Videos (Read 26,613 times)

Voodoo Magic

Cool! Will check these out later this afternoon!



Thanks man.  :)

Voodoo Magic

Nice vids Samhain! You were unrelenting with that bow in the first video. And I love that Samurai customization you did! 👏



Thanks, I appreciate it. The bow is already my favorite main weapon to use, its great. I based my Samurai on the Ancient Predator from AVP2 Primal Hunt, I loved that Predator.

Voodoo Magic

Ah, I love me some Smart Disc videos! Thanks for sharing these Samhain! 👍 That's some bold throwing trying to weave through those backwater huts!

Hmm. I know headshots do more damage. I wonder if smart discing the legs do less. Will have to test that out...

Oh, if your disc is getting stuck in the ground a lot, try practicing leveling out its trajectory more at ground level when you're going for those meaty fireteams. Just a small bit of advice you didn't ask for!  ;D



Ah I appreciate it. Thanks.

I think for a while to me the best approach is going to be to be to get one down with something else then practice the disk on the ones that fall for the bait.

Gr33n M4n

I subscribed to your channel.


Thanks buddy.  :)


Voodoo Magic

Love your customizations Samhain. 👍


Thanks, I already used so many variations by now that I need some new stuff to customize, hoping for many more Predator classes next year.

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