
Started by War Wager, Feb 06, 2008, 11:05:14 PM

Homages (Read 7,575 times)

War Wager

War Wager

List any homages that you've found in the game here.

So far I've got:

- 'Space Monster' poster in cinema is layed out exactly like Alien

- If you look at the direction boards in the last level, you'll see one 'Hudson Ward'. It's suitably filled with the most Aliens you'll see in the level (couldn't help but smile at that  :))

- Wolf's mask diliberately changes to the original in a sewer level cutscene (thought it was a mistake but it's probably a wink at Predator)

- Dog in farm is lying dead and splayed out in the same position as Spike in Alien3



Quote from: War Wager on Feb 06, 2008, 11:05:14 PM
List any homages that you've found in the game here.

So far I've got:

- 'Space Monster' poster in cinema is layed out exactly like Alien

- If you look at the direction boards in the last level, you'll see one 'Hudson Ward'. It's suitably filled with the most Aliens you'll see in the level (couldn't help but smile at that  :))

- Wolf's mask diliberately changes to the original in a sewer level cutscene (thought it was a mistake but it's probably a wink at Predator)

- Dog in farm is lying dead and splayed out in the same position as Spike in Alien3

Thats awesome and retarded at the same time,I remember playing the game and seeing dead cow and dog corpses with their chests burst open and thinking  :o but there isn't even a dog alien or any hybrid,so what was the point of it?



I noticed that but never really cared to point it out.

Private Hudson

Private Hudson

I've noticed these now that you mention them.



Why does his mask change?

Private Hudson

Private Hudson

No idea, but it is kinda stupid when it does, its like is that me? Or some other Noobish Pred?



It's some other noobish pred. aka Scar.

Private Hudson

Private Hudson

Anyone notice Scars body is in it when you have to blow up the pred ship, but no Predalien?

War Wager

War Wager

This ain't a homage, but when you enter the sewer system (in route 2 'Forest') to the left right there is a bum shelter in nearly the exact way it is in the movie. Complete with a couch. I take Rebellion were told about this little scene before hand. :-\

The Necronoir

The Necronoir

Probably more likely they had access to the set, or at least the set designs. From memory, the sewer system was one of the few environments created entirely in a studio, so the bum shelter would have been there in the design specs.

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