Predator: Hunting Grounds Trial Weekend Starts March 27

Started by molasar, Feb 26, 2020, 03:03:46 PM

Predator: Hunting Grounds Trial Weekend Starts March 27 (Read 33,415 times)



Ok, so they have other opponents in the game. How hard would it have been to add a 90 hour campaign?  How hard?


You know I keep hearing about this mythos lore about the jungle being the hottest it has ever been in decades or something....yet I see no shimmer effect. We have shimmer in other games like RDR2..... just sayin I was kind of expecting shimmer.

Voodoo Magic


Nice! Good to have an idea of how much stuff we'll have access to in the trial.

It actually looks like there'll be a lot more content than I figured. Three of the four fire team classes with unlockables and more Predator weapons than I was expecting, too. Gonna be fun getting to grips with both the smart disc and combistick. I wasn't sure whether either of those would be included, so that's pretty great.

I like that each fire team class has different passive abilities, that really makes them feel like actual classes rather than just different skins with different weapons. Was it the recon class that we read a while ago would be able to "tag" the Predator so that everyone could see him? Either way I guess we'll have to wait for the full game to give that one a go.

Cool to get confirmation that the missions are chosen randomly each time you play rather than being map-specific, too. If they were always the same for every map it wouldn't take too long for things to get samey and predictable for the Predator, so this is definitely the better approach to take.

Nice to see the "mudding up" has an actual animation to it, too! These videos have definitely rekindled some of the hype that's been dampened thanks to everything else that's been going on in the world right now.


Quote from: HumanPredator on Mar 24, 2020, 05:28:20 PM
Ok, so they have other opponents in the game. How hard would it have been to add a 90 hour campaign?  How hard?

The answer to your question is: very hard.

And yes, they have other opponents i.e. enemy faction to both player sides but their AI is not very sophisticated. And to make one resembling a human player as intended is not easy.


Quote from: HumanPredator on Mar 24, 2020, 05:28:20 PM
Ok, so they have other opponents in the game. How hard would it have been to add a 90 hour campaign?  How hard?

Even with my basic knowledge of game-development, it is very difficult. Creating a videogame is a difficult process and especially so when you have I.P holders who have to approve of what you're doing. 90 hours I believe is referring to a game on par with RDR2 and that's just not happening here and never was. Games like that also require a Hell of a lot of work and are extremely expensive to make. I highly recommend trying out Cry-engine or any other openly available software to develop off of because you find out real quick that game-development is a hard job.
Ilfonic is also a much smaller team that despite the backing from Sony just doesn't have the resources to do it. Ilfonic had attained the rights to do it and developed it during the transition from Fox to Disney which makes approvals even harder to get done as attention is focused elsewhere. Be thankful it even came out unlike Alien which couldn't catch a break. 90 hours is also extremely excessive for a Predator title and in-general.

After launch I'd expect something like a challenge mode being single-player but the main event is hunting other people and they've been more than open about this. Support the game to get it in the future because if not nobody's going to get single-player as despite recent references only one other developer (and rumored as far as I can tell) was interested in the I.P. Support what you have and could get, not a pipe-dream that was never going to happen a month before launch.


One thing I hope they don't do (just a thing that crossed my mind) is add silly attire for the soldiers like they did in Division 2


Keeping it real and keeping it serious i think brings alot to the atmosphere. So long as customization isn't cheap like Injustice 2 where you just swap one pallette for something else --at least the one half of  costume customization was like that  for that game.


Hawkins' original red beret as an unlockable cosmetic would be a nice nod.

Oh yeah I forgot to mention; stealth kills! Yuss!!

Chances are they'll only really be practical on the AI enemies rather than the humans, but either way that's another really cool feature that I'm glad is in there. I really liked the stealth kills and executions in AVP2010, so it's great to see something akin to those will be in this too.

Hopefully you can have customised kills for those like with Jason in Friday the 13th, since it still seems unclear whether or not you'll be able to do those sort of kills on human players.

Sexual tyrannasuarus

Sexual tyrannasuarus

Is there a release time for the demo?



Arkham Asylum was made with 20 developers with the backing of WB.


Quote from: HumanPredator on Mar 26, 2020, 12:16:09 PM
Arkham Asylum was made with 20 developers with the backing of WB.

Arkham Asylum has in excess of 300+ developer credits with 40-60 of which are Rocksteady employees over 2 years and then some.



Quote from: Sexual tyrannasuarus on Mar 26, 2020, 11:10:47 AM
Is there a release time for the demo?

Yes, there is. Check it at the end of the last two trailers.

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