Ridley Scott implies "Hard R" intention

Started by Keyes, Jan 14, 2016, 07:46:58 PM

Ridley Scott implies "Hard R" intention (Read 65,484 times)


Not true.  Look at the original Alien Trailer in '79.  That Trailer alone was freaky.  People knew FULL WELL that this movie was NOTHING like Star Wars.  They were expecting a Murder in Space Thriller.  But you are correct, that they still were NOT expecting anything like what they got.  The Face Hugger and Chest Burster are what made that movie.  More-so than all the full grown alien scenes afterwards.  There's something creepy that disturbs us when you are talking about animals violating a persons digestive system.  It's just flat out creepy...To but it bluntly,  Mother Nature in Space saying..HERE!...EAT THIS !!!!!!!


The problem here is that you can easily TRY to top that, but it doesn't mean you will.  What made Alien so freaky was that it was the first time that happened.  That was why it was shocking.  We're all desensitized to the chestburster now.  We now have a "children's book" about that entire Alien reproductive process.  Are yo kidding me?

AVP:R proved that taking things to the next level does not necessarily give the desired result.  Prometheus did the same thing.  The whole idea of something growing inside of Shaw and then later the Engineer, fell rather flat.  That wasn't the best part of that film.  If Ridley is trying to one up the chestburster scene, then I'm not sure he understands his own creation.


I do think the medpod scene was probably the best of prometheus but it lacked any real terror, atleast for me.


The medpod scene was just gross as opposed to horrifying.


That's exactly it.  The medpod scene was gross.  Superbly so.  But it was neither scary nor horrifying.


Now the trailer for Prometheus was terrifying, I wish we had gotten that movie instead. I can still watch that trailer and get excited lol


Quote from: Astronoë on Jan 14, 2016, 09:53:43 PM
Well...he said before Prometheus came out "I'm going to scare the shit out of you!" and failed pretty much on that...
...the med pod scene started good, then became meh once saw generic squid..
...Fifield was a radioactive mutant-zombie...felt so out of place...the snakes, didn't care much for them...
..the unknown was scary though, the living Engineer what he might do, react, say...the last part was cut out, so bad decision...

That's my sentiment, too. He made no attempt to hide that 'Prometheus' was going to be his one, true attempt to better the fear factor of 'Alien' and failed. He wasn't even just referencing that there would supposedly be a scene which would be more nightmarish than the chestburster eruption, but Lambert's disturbing death scene, too.

Fifield's death? Ehhh... Lambert's was far more unsettling and we still don't know what happened. Embryonic extraction? Not exactly revolutionary (and, rightly, came across as a little stupid to people who have any kind of actual medical knowledge).

So, no, I'm not convinced. He said he'd "scare the shit" out of us and didn't even get close to that. It'll probably just be on the same level if he thought that stuff was terrifying.

Quote from: 420Buddy on Jan 15, 2016, 04:04:39 PM
Now the trailer for Prometheus was terrifying, I wish we had gotten that movie instead. I can still watch that trailer and get excited lol

I wonder who was responsible for editing that together.


Here's the thing.  The whole idea of "ALIEN" is the fear of the unknown.  Walking into the derelict for the first time was scary, because that was Alien, and unknowable.  Everything else that happened in the film fell into that category.

But in Prometheus, it was knowable and hence not scary.  And it won't be scary in Alien Covenant either if Ridley is going for the same thing again.

I'm trying to think back, and I think the only scary thing in Prometheus was that moment when Fifield and the other dude were hanging out in the pyramid and there was the ping.  The knowledge that there was something alive in there with them, and knowing that it was most likely NOT the same old Alien made it frightening.

Only if Ridley makes the new thing unknowable, and truly Alien he may succeed, but even if it is amazingly well done and gross, that will not accomplish anything if it is a repeat of past horrors.


Quote from: Perfect-Organism on Jan 15, 2016, 03:52:29 PM
That's exactly it.  The medpod scene was gross.  Superbly so.  But it was neither scary nor horrifying.

Yes exactly. Not at all scary, but really intense and beautifully executed. Prometheus is not a horror film, definitely sci-fi/adventure.
One of the best times of the movie with the opening, the storm, the visit of the pyramid, and the whole sequence of the juggernaut.

Maybe the script is disappointing but visually it's genius movie, and is spectacularly out of this world.


Just wanted to clarify my position.  There is nothing wrong with hard-R.  It needs to be hard-R.  I just don't need to see a gratuitous gross-out pretending to be something scary.  It's 2015, and people should know the difference by now between gross and scary.  Between disgusting and horrific.


Quote from: Xenomorphine on Jan 15, 2016, 04:09:12 PM
That's my sentiment, too. He made no attempt to hide that 'Prometheus' was going to be his one, true attempt to better the fear factor of 'Alien' and failed. He wasn't even just referencing that there would supposedly be a scene which would be more nightmarish than the chestburster eruption, but Lambert's disturbing death scene, too.

Fifield's death? Ehhh... Lambert's was far more unsettling and we still don't know what happened. Embryonic extraction? Not exactly revolutionary (and, rightly, came across as a little stupid to people who have any kind of actual medical knowledge).

And the reason Lambert's death is so effective isn't just that we only see before the murder and then a very vague shot of the aftermath... It's because (on the whole, I know some people think she's annoying) we cared about her. She was unsettled from the moment they landed, and it just winds up and get's worse and worse right until it reaches an absolute fever-pitch with her death. That poor woman.

I could give two shits about Fifield. His first scene paints him as a mercenary dick. The next scene we see him in he's getting freaked out over a dead body, then he's the one getting lost even though he's got a freaking map, then he's getting high... I just... Uah-what!?



Quote from: Lando on Jan 15, 2016, 02:45:11 PM
Not true.  Look at the original Alien Trailer in '79.  That Trailer alone was freaky.  People knew FULL WELL that this movie was NOTHING like Star Wars.  They were expecting a Murder in Space Thriller.  But you are correct, that they still were NOT expecting anything like what they got.  The Face Hugger and Chest Burster are what made that movie.  More-so than all the full grown alien scenes afterwards.  There's something creepy that disturbs us when you are talking about animals violating a persons digestive system.  It's just flat out creepy...To but it bluntly,  Mother Nature in Space saying..HERE!...EAT THIS !!!!!!!

Well, irl insects are way way worse than anything the xenomorph does..

...what bothered me about the movie Alien, I can't just forgive is that Ripley finds the Alien, has time to put on space suit n play around with her lap top to blow it out of the ship...it just laid down on its ass until Ripley gave it the boot..wtf is that about?

Quote from: Perfect-Organism on Jan 15, 2016, 04:28:09 PM
Here's the thing.  The whole idea of "ALIEN" is the fear of the unknown.  Walking into the derelict for the first time was scary, because that was Alien, and unknowable.  Everything else that happened in the film fell into that category.

But in Prometheus, it was knowable and hence not scary.

Because Engineers are revealed in the very first scene...so stupid..that's like showing the grown Xenomorph in the first scene of Alien..


Hey everyone. I just uploaded my thoughts regarding this news to my Youtube channel. Check it out!


Quote from: whiterabbit on Jan 14, 2016, 09:23:56 PM
Quote from: Corporal Hicks on Jan 14, 2016, 09:11:22 PM
Quote from: Hellspawn28 on Jan 14, 2016, 08:51:58 PM
Good to hear. Fox wanted Prometheus to be PG-13, but end up being rated R. Had Prometheus got rid of some of the violent scenes then it would been PG-13. I just hope the story is good.

To be fair to Prometheus, that medpod scene is pretty good.
But it wasn't scary for most of us. He should have went with the violent extraction where she practically dies on the table before being saved by the med pod. Then again that might have been taking it too far for today's sensitive audience.

Still I like hearing that A:C will be a hard R movie and that he will try to out do the chestburster scene... dude. :P

I don't think todays audience is more sensitive, Its the opposite. people to day are very desensitised from the internet and games, Things that were considered pornographic or violent 40 years ago is kiddy stuff today, Its only because they want more people to see the movie so lowering the rating makes it more accessible.



i wanted a bit more terror in prometheus but you know? i always get chills when i watch the movie, and nope, the script isnt bad, everytime you watch it you understand new things about the movie and what is happening, though im excited about the sequel from everything that has been revealed

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