Alien Encounters: Superior Fan Power Since 1979

Started by Corporal Hicks, Jun 21, 2011, 05:28:30 PM

Alien Encounters: Superior Fan Power Since 1979 (Read 14,595 times)

Corporal Hicks

If you don’t already know about this upcoming documentary, you need to read the following:

“With ‘Prometheus’, the Ridley Scott directed prequel film to ‘Alien’ set for release in June 2012, this entirely new Aliens documentary is a tribute to the cast and crews of the Alien series by the audience themselves – the fans. Featuring cast and crew members from the Alien franchise including Lance Henriksen, Veronica Cartwright, Michael Biehn and Brad Dourif among others and the only coverage of the outstanding live action event ‘The Alien Encounter’ plus the worlds biggest costuming parade featuring over 60 Colonial Marines and Aliens staged in Atlanta, USA.”

Alien Encounters is due for release late 2011 or early 2012 with a screening at Leicester Square or London Piccadilly. We’ll continue to cover the documentary over the coming months. If you don’t already, head over to Facebook and “like” the Alien Encounters page.

They will be releasing various bits of content over the coming months. Also keep an eye out for the full announcement of an Aliens convention being organized by Andrew David Clark, the director/writer of Encounters.

Update: I’ve embedded a short clip from the documentary kindly provided to us as an AvPGalaxy exclusive. The clip is regarding fanfilms and includes Darren Kemp who we recently spoke to.

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Can't wait to hear about the convention.


Im guessing this will be alot like 'Trekkies',  a documentary about Star Trek, interviewing the fans and some of the cast...

Sounds cool.


Very excited to hear about a possible convention, perhaps there will be one in the UK as well as US? I work very near Leicester Square so I will definitely see if I can make the screening.


I actually saw a screening of this at a sci-fi festival in London last year, Trevor Steedman rocked up for the screening and it was all very lovely. It's actually a very sweet and affectionate film, and does Aliens fans proud, (The alien could maybe grab a few less boobs, though).

But yeah, I can recommend it. It's well worth a watch.


I take it this is the documentary that was originally intended for inclusion on the Alien Blu ray box set release this year ?

The one where my brother features a few times including as an Alien and the "making of a mini gun" scene ?

Corporal Hicks

I think so. IIRC Richard Daborn said he'd done artwork for a documentary (this one) and I'm sure he said it'd be in the Blu-ray but I maybe making it up.

I'm hoping the actors comment on the fandom and conventions. I'd love to hear their thoughts.

And keep liking their Facebook page, guys. It's gone up nearly a hundred since we posted this.



Hey everyone!

@ DragonBossk: The 25th Anniversary Aliens Convention is in the UK (Leicester).
Hope you can make it! Just to point out, I am not the convention organiser but I am one of the people involved.

For US folk there is also a US event coming up on July 16
"ALIENS 25th anniversary screening with cast members and producer in person"

Schedules permitting, actors Michael Biehn, Lance Henriksen, Jenette Goldstein, Mark Rolston and producer Gale Anne Hurd will appear at the Saturday screening.

You also get to see The Terminator before hand with your ticket, as New Bev is a double feature theatre. A great deal at just $7.

New Beverly Cinema
7165 W. Beverly Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90036

Tickets are on sale online:
Remember: you want the Saturday screening.

@robbritton: Thanks for the kind words and I'm glad you enjoyed the film. If you make it to Leicester it would be great to meet up, and that goes for everybody. Cool website, by the way.

@varkanoid: Yes, it was originally to appear on the Anthology BD. In the end it was simply a question of disc space, and obviously it was not a high priority compared to the existing docs from the Quadrilogy. But because of that it's become more Prometheus centric which I'm quite happy about because it gives it more current relevance.
Is your brother the great Simon Smith?

Richard Daborn produced some great concept art for one section of the film as Cpl Hicks pointed out. There are also a few artitsts who contributed including some amazing renderings by Locusta.

@Space_Dementia: It is similar to Trekkies due to the nature of fans being fans and while I like the first Trekkies I put a lot of care in to not sending people up. I went out of my way to make fans look cool. Everybody has something interesting to say...

The hits on the Facebook site have gone up as Aaron said, many thanks to all!

I'm going to dig out a clip for you guys (I'll message you the link, Aaron and you can post it/embed it where you like). I won't put it on the Facebook page for a while so it's exclusive just for AVPG.

I have a brief section about fan films, one of which is Aliens Epilogue that Darren kemp has been talking to you about. I interviewed Darren and Co about that so you might find it interesting. It is an unmastered clip (a different version made the cut) so the sound and audio quality are not perfect but it's fine for a 'deleted' scene. 

Darren is aiming to have Aliens Epilogue finished in time for a screening at the convention and I shall be showing Alien Encounters there, too.

All the best,

Corporal Hicks

Corporal Hicks

The clip is now on the initial post. Check it out guys.

Quote from: ADC on Jun 22, 2011, 09:42:02 PM
@ DragonBossk: The 25th Anniversary Aliens Convention is in the UK (Leicester).
Hope you can make it! Just to point out, I am not the convention organiser but I am one of the people involved.

Is there an existing company handling it then?



The convention will be taking place at the National Space Centre in Leicester. Guests are being confirmed at the moment so hopefully there will be announcements soon on that front.  The Space Centre is a charity organisation and it's great that they are able to host this as no one else was really doing anything for the 25th Anniversary.
The event itself will be a joint effort between the Space Centre, the UKCM and the UK Garrison, all participating to help organise and run the show for the weekend. It should be a great one.




I hate to admit it, especially being a Londoner myself, but those British accents made me cringe a little. I guess it just feels out of place with the American marines we are used to.

Corporal Hicks

These are the United Kingdom marines. Wouldn't be the same without authentic accents.


Trust me, fake American accents would have been far worse ;) but like Cpl Hicks points out, the Marines in the film are UK marines so British accents all the way :)




This looks cool. As an Alien fan in a small town I don't really get to see other fans (aside from this forum), so I am really looking forward to this documentary/fan film.

Corporal Hicks

QuoteMeet the Colonial Marines! An older version of the scene taken from the first rough cut of the documentary, where we meet these fans before their epic march in Atlanta.

The final scene runs at less than a minute in the final cut (it's over 6mins long here), which illustrates how brutal the editing process can be. The march itself is the cream and for that you'll have to watch the finished film!

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