First AvP DLC Pack Out Soon

Started by Corporal Hicks, Mar 08, 2010, 06:05:13 PM

First AvP DLC Pack Out Soon (Read 22,867 times)




If you don't like a game you should return it



Im surprised at how many are surprised that DLC is not free.



Don't get it why so many people around here are mad cause they have to pay for DLC? Do you seriously believe that  Rebellion or Sega will release that kind of stuff for free? come on get real. Not a single game developer with some common sense wold do such a thing:P so for the love of god STOP COMPLAINING!



I agree with axlotl !!!



Axlotl that stuff DID came with the game you just bought the wrong edition as everyone else who complains about that:P talk about FAIL



The DLC is pretty good Hunter was a waste of money i preorder mined just for the skins when i got it i found out thye dont sell the skins in Australia and now the maps getting released to the public. Thats a REAL WASTE OF MONEY!!!

N1TR0 81

N1TR0 81

I believe that they should go back to the gameplay type of the original computer games like leveling up unlocks not only skins but stats, weapons, and etc. also that the class system should come back so we don't have like 5 predators all running around with the plasma caster just owning people. any one agree? questions?

what has happened toavp

what has happened toavp

this game is a fail fail fail.IM STILL WAITING FOR THE AVP3 game that delievers.not this sega crap which i have found boring.weapon dont sound right .

AvP3 Rocks

AvP3 Rocks

I don´t understand any of you guys. I can only say good things about AvP. I haven´t experienced any bugs/glitches or anything else bad. The only annoying thing about this game is that I can´t minimize without f**king up my resolution, but thats nothing compared to how GOOD this game is.

If they sold DLC for 50$ or more, I would still buy it.



this game is the cheapest ive seen.weapon suck in this game like the rest of it. dont know how they could sell such crap period.



i wish monolith was still around.rebellion sure failed at this game.

Darklarik (offline)

Darklarik (offline)

So uh, im sitting here in my living room, its finally the 18th, and im looking at the marketplace and guess what: THEIR ARE NO MAPS!!! >:(



Which nice guy would buy this swarm pack at steam store and sell it on ebay? Because we germans can't buy this swarm pack.



I actually think the game is great, but I can see people who aren't good enough to get around the (steep) learning curve getting frustrating and claiming its "broken".  I just think the predator's power weapons are overpowered and require no skill.  However, it's the 18, and no maps on the marketplace.  Very unprofessional.

37 smiles

37 smiles

have to say i agree.even if they rescheduled the release of the maps they should at least tell us why.

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