AvP Interviews / Previews Roundup

Started by Darkness, Jan 28, 2010, 09:32:23 PM

AvP Interviews / Previews Roundup (Read 8,562 times)



Awesome!! I remember playing AVP multiplayer on a friends computer years ago...but as I've been a console owner since around 1990 [had a few Atari's before then...] that's it. Was gutted when AVP 2, then Colonial Marines were canned on ps2. AvP is still one of only 3 games, that's genuinally scared me...the others being Res Evil 1 [though a multi-room sound system,] and Alien Res...which I HATED, and got rid of...as the fear it induced was cheap, and unfair...only being able to hobble along, and crap graphics meaning you could never see more than around 50m. This and Colonial marines'll keep me VERY happy;0)
P.s; can't wait for destructable corridors; so you can crawl into a tight, dark space through the acid-eaten floors, then give it to your sister to play....haha.   ::)    Awesome!! I remember playing AVP multiplayer on a friends computer years ago...but as I've been a console owner since around 1990 [had a few Atari's before then...] that's it. Was gutted when AVP 2, then Colonial Marines were canned on ps2. AvP is still one of only 3 games, that's genuinally scared me...the others being Res Evil 1 [though a multi-room sound system,] and Alien Res...which I HATED, and got rid of...as the fear it induced was cheap, and unfair...only being able to hobble along, and crap graphics meaning you could never see more than around 50m. This and Colonial marines'll keep me VERY happy;0)
P.s; can't wait for destructable corridors; so you can crawl into a tight, dark space through the acid-eaten floors, then give it to your sister to play....haha.






I just hope people won't constantly overuse the Smartgun and Sniper rifle like in AVP2. Anyway, the Smartgun looks sick! Rebellion really should change the sound for when the Smartgun fires, it's not supposed to sound like that.


Well.  I hope its good.  All these MTV, short attention span, previews have gotten ridiculous.

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