Three New AvP Clips

Started by Darkness, Aug 11, 2004, 08:37:25 PM

Three New AvP Clips (Read 23,402 times)



Yeah!, sexualpredator, that clip, "Face Off" was nothing but AWESOME. MAn, that cloaking of the predator is sweeeeeeet!



damn straight...........



yeah, the cloak is perfect!



paul saved some cash by doin more practical things rather than cgi, i bet that bastard had been so busy with all that he forgot all about cgi so hes pushin it the last couple weeks to get it done! but ah well, its lookin pretty damn good from what ive seen. these clips follow the novel exactly, has anyone heard anything about the whole movie doing the same thing?



hope we're not all ruining it for ourselves. hope theres still plenty of surprises in store to awe us. i'll be completely content if the preds just get enough screen time!



I think they're showing us too much to tell you all the truth. I mean, the book didn't have that many fight scenes and by what I've seen, the clips that they have shown us are EXACTLY as in the what does that tell you? Hope the movie is not like the book because if it is, then we pretty much seem a good deal, although short clips of the good shit. At the same time though, I have a feeling that there are a couple of surprises in store for us. The queen, there's not much action with her besides he chasing the people in the book, so hopefully they (FOX or whoever) didn't write the novelization exactly as the movie is going to be...........that would suck because for those that have it, we know everything now. In an interview, somone said that ".....there are at least 7-8 minute fights in the movie."  Now, I took that as: there are 7-8 fights that are 1 minute long??? or there are fights (qty?) that are 7-8 minutes long! Anyone have anything to add to this??



hey, maybe there will be 7 8-minute fights

Pvt Hudson

Pvt Hudson

he said 7 or 8 fights and in the new HBO special he (Paul) said they range from 5-8 minutes in length!



well, that will definitely satisfy me

hey, i havent seen a very good pic of the weapons the security team uses. anyone kno what kinda guns they have?



You are right Dogman. Its alright for all you folk who are about to see it soon but for the rest of us its a different matter. After the films finished am worried that SO many of the fans are going to say alot about the movie, letting out KEY information. NOW DON'T GET ME WRONG, I want to hear from the rest to know how it pans out, its probably more the video clips here and there that are becoming abit to much.   I'm just anxious to see it thats all, the waiting part is so hard ...    ... so   blasted hard.

Pvt Hudson

Pvt Hudson

i think hecklers or something of the sort! you get a really good one of max stafford (colin salmon) holding one in some behind the scenes footage during the hbo special!



C'mon G-dog, surely u kno what kinda rifles they use

El Demonio Cazador

El Demonio Cazador

Does anybody agree that hte line "You ugly son of a bitch" doesn't sound as lame in the clip as it does in the trailer? I think part of the proble is that it's oout of context and edited so it looks like he is thinking what to say  but in the clip looks more natural....  Just a thought



Also I can really accept him saying Ugly SOB because he's saying it to an Alien while Ugly mother f**ker is a trade mark line to a Predator, which he is not facing.



haha! It's time for impregnation Adele! Go Hugger! Implant that embryo!

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