I think they're showing us too much to tell you all the truth. I mean, the book didn't have that many fight scenes and by what I've seen, the clips that they have shown us are EXACTLY as in the novelization........so what does that tell you? Hope the movie is not like the book because if it is, then we pretty much seem a good deal, although short clips of the good shit. At the same time though, I have a feeling that there are a couple of surprises in store for us. The queen, there's not much action with her besides he chasing the people in the book, so hopefully they (FOX or whoever) didn't write the novelization exactly as the movie is going to be...........that would suck because for those that have it, we know everything now. In an interview, somone said that ".....there are at least 7-8 minute fights in the movie." Now, I took that as: there are 7-8 fights that are 1 minute long??? or there are fights (qty?) that are 7-8 minutes long! Anyone have anything to add to this??