HAHAHA! Hey those are my photo shots! I posted it up at spawn.com. It's funny how things spread like wild fire on the internet. Yeah, the pictures can be found in fangoria, the latest issue. the article is basically what we've read already. Things about the movie like, characters, plot, and sfx. Sorry about the bad quality.
Oh and a couple things: 1. The pred in the 3rd pic, is the ELDER PRED! You can barely make it out in the pics, but the cape is draped over his shoulder pad. 2. ON the 2nd pic, Weyland is on the floor, and Seabass is being choked by the pred, the guy in the net is Max. 3. An interesting I read in the aritcle, was this is a separate new franchise, if it is a hit the girl who plays Lex will do a sequel, as her contract states. Anderson says, it will not interfere with Alien 5 or Pred 3, if any movies are ever made.