More AvP News For The UK

Started by Darkness, Jul 13, 2004, 05:17:53 PM

More AvP News For The UK (Read 14,587 times)

Pvt Hudson

Pvt Hudson

cue jason sound effect "ch ch ch ha ha ha"



I'm glad they got rid of the big AVP logo and went for the normal 'alien vs. predator' one instead. It looks super.



I remember that fox released the Day After Tomorrow on May 28th WORLDWIDE. Can't they do the same for AVP?



I have to wait till the F***King 29th of S***ing October!!!!!   >:D     >:D     >:D     >:D     >:D     >:D     >:D     >:D     >:D     >:D     >:D     >:D     >:D     >:D     >:D     >:D     >:D     >:D  



its all about what film is out when so they dont have compitition if you look at whats out in auguse in america on yahoo ull see there is nothing really good out so they do it the same all over the world.. its all avbout money



So its been years, centuries even, since a human has been in this pyramid, and now when  its re-discovered and humans are sent to explore, Predators just happen to arrive at the same time? That sounds like an impossible coincidence to believe. Maybe there's a reason the Preds know humans are there? And how could Alien eggs survive that long? Guess Ill have to wait to see. But there better be a reasonable explanation for that or the movie's gonna seem pretty dumb.



Well Jonesy i can answer that,                       no its not a coincidence,       SPOILERS   Well to answer, in the book sebastian comes to the conclusion that these heat waves that are picked up by weyland's satellites, and humans investigate  dont worry sebastian will tell you in the movie  also the queen is hooked up to an ancient biomechanical stasis machine so that once the pyramid is online that there are machines plugged into the queens reproductive system and make new eggs that are put in the sacrificial chamber



The preds turn the furnace within the pyramid on via remote control while otw to earth, fancy way to heat the place up so to speak. Not to mention it would get the attention of rubber necks via satelite to which would also provide insta hosts    ;D  



Thanks for the explanation guys. I guess the turning on the pyramid from space seems reasonable, but it looks to be way deep down in the ice, how could you be sure humans would even get there? Keeping an Queen alive tho with some kind of machine for, what, centuries? ...just doesnt sound very believable. And it sort of makes Aliens seem like they can be too easily controlled, like theyre sort of toys. I dunno, Ill wait to see, but the plot seems kinda fake - like its just an excuse to get all three species together at the same time.



i wouldnt be surprised if it becomes the greatest movie hit in august or summer, but i would be surprised if didnt. ans i thought we had the vote before?



thats pretty frekin cool Bringer.



USA RULES BEOTCH! Teenage Predators? Whats up with that?



The preds turn the furnace within the pyramid on via remote control while otw to earth, fancy way to heat the place up so to speak. Not to mention it would get the attention of rubber necks via satelite to which would also provide insta hosts    ;D  



its too painful waiting for this movie!



I have to wait till Nov. the F**KING 4th!!!!!!!!!!!(Germany) How mean is that?!!!!!!

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