The Martian & Blade Runner 2 Before Prometheus 2?

Started by Corporal Hicks, Aug 26, 2014, 10:39:59 AM

The Martian & Blade Runner 2 Before Prometheus 2? (Read 29,763 times)

Corporal Hicks

IGN is reporting that Ridley Scott is considering making the upcoming Blade Runner sequel after his next film, The Martian which puts Prometheus 2 back some years. Nothing in the article is definitive or confirmed, it is just noted that Ridley Scott says he thinks he will film Blade Runner next:

“Scott next shoots The Martian with Matt Damon starring so he thinks he will film Blade Runner 2 after that. So where does that leave Prometheus 2?

"That's the problem," the director told EW. "I've got a lot of ducks in a row. But they're all written."

Thanks to Shevvie for the news.

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𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔈𝔦𝔤𝔥𝔱𝔥 𝔓𝔞𝔰𝔰𝔢𝔫𝔤𝔢𝔯

Quote from: IGNScott praised the draft by Hampton Fancher and Michael Green during a chat with Entertainment Weekly. "It's written and it's damn good," said Scott. "Of course it involves Harrison, who is a survivor after all these years—despite the accident (a joking reference to Ford's Star Wars injury). So yes, that will happen."

So Michael Green is now involved with both Prometheus 2 and Blade Runner 2?

Scott isn't really a sequel kind of guy so wouldn't be surprised if he decides to direct something else after The Martian instead of the Blade Runner and Prometheus sequels.



From the sounds of it this has more to do with Scott's preference to jump straight into production from one film to the next. If a film isn't ready then he'll simply move on to another one on his slate (hence why it's quite a packed slate). He talks about this briefly on the commentary to The Counsellor. Since the script for Blade Runner has been completed for some time, I imagine his previous delays have more to do with Harrison Ford's availability. It's really getting close to a now or never type situation for the Blade Runner sequel, which is why I imagine he's currently lining it up over a Prometheus sequel.

𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔈𝔦𝔤𝔥𝔱𝔥 𝔓𝔞𝔰𝔰𝔢𝔫𝔤𝔢𝔯

Would be rather ironic if Blade Runner 2 gets a 2019 release date.


Harrison will probably have his schedule full with the new Star Wars trilogy to do Blade Runner 2.

Prometheus 2 will follow The Martian. calling it.


Or he could just let someone else direct the movie. He was all for Carl Rinsch directing Prometheus originally.


Yeah I think you are right.. However we don't know how big of a role he will play in Star Wars, for all we know he will be killed off in the first film!


I'd like him back for P2 but if not then he can add it to the other 100 films he produces each year. David Fincher please



I am more excited for Blade Runner 2 than Prome2. If there is a delay, so be it. Also TEP is right, 2019 would be a awesome release date for BR2! :D

Nightmare Asylum

I think I'd rather have a Prometheus sequel than Blade Runner. Prometheus left a lot of its mythology untapped and, while I like it for what it is most of the time, it can can pretty much only go up in terms of quality. Blade Runner, on the other hand, is very much a complete tale and it'd be a shame if they tried to expand on it and not do the original justice.

I'll take Duncan Jones' Blade Runner-inspired Mute over either of 'em, though. I really hope that that project rises from the ashes some day.


Mute would be an awesome flick.


Quote from: Darkness on Aug 26, 2014, 06:45:42 PM
Or he could just let someone else direct the movie. He was all for Carl Rinsch directing Prometheus originally.

Given how terrible 47 Ronin was... no thanks. :P


Giger gone, the dissapointment from Prometheus (Lindelof) i really dont think Ridley will do another try.
He is old, lost his brother, had problems with the studio and the Lidnelof involvement i dont think he wants another set back when and if he did Prometheus and it failed.
He wants to be happy and enjoy life and films.


i think the challenge in making these sequels is how they will give them substance rather than just another quasi-blockbuster with nothing bring home. They either go the Aliens (1986) route and fail or possibly reboot everyone's expectations on what it is they are putting out like how they did with Prometheus. Today we would much more anticipate something out of left field rather than be hyped for yet another Marvel cinematic universe pulp block buster with a franchise like Alien it is EASY to f**k up.


I really liked the original concept of an alien prequel, which Scott stated would be very nasty and 18 rated during an interview. The title Alien : Engineers really grabbed me too from watching the Prometheus blu ray extras.Originally i was very excited for a prequel which explored the space jockey and it's link to the xenomorph, i think one of the most unsettling aspects of Alien, is when the camera pans out and we see the whole space jockey fused to it's cockpit, lifeless followed by a powerful creeping score. It's the ambiguity which evoked so much fear in the viewer. Then as the crew finish examining the fossilised creature, the camera lingers on it's face and we can see it's etched in agony, the whole scene was brilliantly realised. Now as we know the whole concept evolved and changed over time, there were rumours of Scott having a difference of opinion with the studio over the budget and 18 rating target audience.Next we learned the idea had evolved into prometheus, focusing on the space jockey alongside the origins of the human race, it all sounded enticingly interesting, with Scott stating "a keen fan will notice strands of Alien dna" in the film, also stating it's not a direct prequel. What we got was a film that deeply divided opinion, looked beautiful, which many believed  evoked more questions alongside leaving them unanswered. On a personal level i enjoyed the film, but found the pacing issues and editing caused problems. The drop in size for the engineer and seeing what was cut from the final act on the blu ray i felt let it down too, watching it converse with david is fascinating and unsettling. What i love though is when shaw is hiding, the engineer hears david speaking to shaw through her suit and they come face to face, it's disturbing and fascinating. My point is, yes it's not a masterpiece, however it was left wide open at the end, so there is alot to potentially explore. I have a feeling, fox will let another director have a go and i wouldn't be surprised if either Fincher returned or Aronofsky gets a stab it, with Scott being a consultant and producer. What we need is good solid 18/R rated sci fi akin to the first two Alien movies.

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